[infinispan-dev] Design change in Infinispan Query

Mircea Markus mmarkus at redhat.com
Wed Feb 5 11:59:41 EST 2014

On Feb 5, 2014, at 4:30 PM, Emmanuel Bernard <emmanuel at hibernate.org> wrote:

> On Wed 2014-02-05 15:53, Mircea Markus wrote:
>> On Feb 3, 2014, at 9:32 AM, Emmanuel Bernard <emmanuel at hibernate.org> wrote:
>>> Sure searching for any cache is useful. What I was advocating is that if you search for more than one cache transparently, then you probably need to CRUD for more than one cache transparently as well. And this is not being discussed. 
>> Not sure what you mean by CRUD over multiple caches? ATM one can run a TX over multiple caches, but I think there's something else you have in mind :-)
> //some unified query giving me entries pointing by fk copy to bar and
> //buz objects. So I need to manually load these references.
> //happy emmanuel
> Cache unifiedCache = cacheManager.getMotherOfAllCaches();
> Bar bar = unifiedCache.get(foo);
> Buz buz = unifiedCache.get(baz);

Can you please elaborate the advantages the mother of all caches would bring? :-) 
It but feels to me like querying a whole database by a primary key without mentioning the table name :-) Also might get nasty if multiple caches have the same key.

> //not so happy emmanuel
> Cache fooCache = cacheManager.getCache("foo");
> Bar bar = fooCache.get(foo);
> Cache bazCache = cacheManager.getCache("baz");
> Buz buz = bazCache.put(baz);

Mircea Markus
Infinispan lead (www.infinispan.org)

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