[infinispan-dev] [OGM] Reasonable file safe storage defaults?

Sanne Grinovero sanne at infinispan.org
Thu Mar 15 16:44:41 EDT 2018

Hi all,

we're updating Hibernate OGM to Infinispan 9.2, using now persisted counters.

To help people getting started, we include a default Infinispan
configuration which is suitable for OGM:
 - clustering enabled
 - transactions enabled
 - counters enabled

Of course being a general purpose default it won't be perfect but I'd
like it to be a fairly safe default to give people confidence.

What would you all think regarding:

            <persistent-location path="${java.io.tmpdir}/counters"/>

# Using /tmp?

We might want to pick an "Infinispan default path, something like
"/var/infinispan" for unix systems?

This might complicate the "easy default" as it would then require user
permissions to write in such a path.

# Is it consistent?

Does it even make sense to store the counters when we have no default
cachestore for the rest of the data?
Should we enable a File CacheStore by default, which path to use?

# Should Infinispan have such defaults?

Rather than coding in OGM an attempt to write to /var/infinispan
followed with user friendly warnings/errors and possibly a fallback,
should Infinispan include such logic?


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