[16:05] anistor, dberindei ttarrant vblagoje quick meeting today? [16:06] galderz: sure [16:06] where is everyone else galderz? [16:06] fyi: it's bank holiday in the UK [16:06] tomorrow as well: that queen thingy :) [16:06] galderz: holiday also in romania [16:06] vblagoje: sanne and mmarkus are in berlin [16:06] #startmeeting [16:07] #endmeeting [16:07] really quick meeting galderz :) [16:07] #startmeeting [16:07] hrhr [16:07] hahaha [16:08] dberindei, any idea how to get meetbot to join? [16:08] galderz: he's on holiday too :) [16:08] galderz: no idea, sorry [16:08] haha, you guys make laugh early in the morning!!! [16:08] early? [16:09] Kosch: it is, if you're in canada :) [16:09] ok, never mind, let's start [16:09] maybe with /invite [16:09] Kosch, no idea... [16:09] #topic dan [16:10] I'll be short again [16:10] I published the new NBST design document [16:11] there are some points that aren't 100% clear yet [16:11] but I've started writing a bit of code [16:11] * pferraro has quit (Quit: pferraro) [16:11] * pferraro (~paul@108-204-140-222.lightspeed.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net) has joined #infinispan [16:12] dberindei, anything other than NBST last week? [16:12] are things as complex as they were? any simplifications possible dberindei? [16:12] dberindei, this week? [16:12] vblagoje: I don't think so [16:12] galderz: I plan to get your pull request in :) [16:13] dberindei, i need to reply to your comments, prob later today or tomorrow [16:13] dberindei: I still have looking at your NBST doc on my todo list [16:13] nothing else planned [16:13] dberindei, ok [16:13] dberindei, anything else? [16:13] dberindei: I don't fully understand your requirements for a FLUSH-medium yet [16:14] dberindei, bela, maybe you can take that offline? [16:14] sure [16:14] bela: ok, let's discuss that in #jgroups [16:14] #topic vladimir [16:14] vblagoje, off u go [16:15] ok, i wrote a blog entry about distributed executors last week [16:15] hoped to get some feedback but nothing so far, thanks for tweets galderz and ttarrant [16:16] vblagoje, you're welcome [16:16] I'll continue to monitor and work on it bits here and there but my focus has shifted to coding map/reduce enhancements [16:16] vblagoje, ok [16:16] I want to make a git branch public for it as well so people can participate [16:16] better to start earlier than later [16:17] * sunimalr (sunimalr@ has joined #infinispan [16:17] So this week I'll continue on that [16:17] vblagoje, ok - when do you think you'll have a version ready? for an alpha i mean [16:17] and likely mod_cluster discovery as paul becomes more available to help [16:18] galderz, not sure, I would not want to rush, I am hoping at least someone other than you guys will provide some sort of a feedback [16:18] I'll think how to raise a bit more awareness of this [16:18] effort [16:18] vblagoje, maybe you can write another blog with examples of what's changing [16:18] yeah, good idea [16:18] vblagoje, i mean, code examples - people might be more willing to comment then [16:19] yeah yeah I get you. good idea [16:19] vblagoje, both dist exec and map/reduce and coding frameworks, so it's hard to imagine things without seeing some code [16:19] offer different views, or ways to code things [16:19] ...etc [16:19] yeah you got the point galderz [16:19] will do so [16:19] so much from me [16:20] vblagoje, even compare other OSS products if u want, why not [16:20] thx vblagoje [16:20] anistor, next? [16:20] #topic adrian [16:20] last week I fixed ISPN-2077 and ISPN-2078, and also woked on ispn-2058 [16:20] jira [ISPN-2077] Conflicting transactions are not properly aborted on non-transactional caches that use batching (DummyTransaction) [Resolved (Done) Bug, Minor, Adrian Nistor] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-2077 [16:20] jira [ISPN-2078] Method Node.getParent() javadoc is misleading [Resolved (Done) Bug, Minor, Adrian Nistor] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-2078 [16:21] while investigating 2058 I found a possible bug in AtomicMap, not sure yet [16:21] and also found ISPN-2092 [16:21] jira [ISPN-2092] Write skew check not detected in LOCAL mode when doing multiple modifications [Open (Unresolved) Bug, Major, Adrian Nistor] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-2092 [16:22] which is fixed on my local branch, but the fix appears to fail other tests [16:22] for example it fails the tests added for ISPN-2075 [16:22] jira [ISPN-2075] WriteSkewCheck failures when an AtomicMap is removed in the same transaction in which it was created [Resolved (Done) Bug, Major, Manik Surtani] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-2075 [16:23] it turns out there was another bug hidden there :) [16:23] anistor, you need a hand with this stuff, or you have it under control? [16:24] I'm fine with 2092, the only issue is I can't find the other test that is still failing :) [16:24] every time I run all tests on core I get a different number of failed tests:) [16:24] 16 or 17 :) [16:25] anistor, hmmm, that's odd - core's pretty clean for me [16:25] anistor, as said in the dev list, any tests that fail need to get a JIRA to inspect them [16:25] anistor, and if you can get TRACE logs, even better [16:25] dberindei, vblagoje, anistor ttarrant ^^^ - that goes for all! [16:25] do you have 0 failures on your master now? [16:25] anistor, in core/ yes [16:25] that's odd [16:26] anistor, it could be timing, race conditions, but we need to sort them out [16:26] will do it [16:26] anistor, CI shows some random tests failing, so you could be hitting them: [16:26] anistor, https://infinispan.ci.cloudbees.com/ [16:27] anistor, apart from spring ones: https://infinispan.ci.cloudbees.com/job/Infinispan-master-JDK6-tcp/698/#showFailuresLink [16:27] I've seen some failing on my machine in beforeMethod/class [16:27] anistor, https://infinispan.ci.cloudbees.com/job/Infinispan-5.1.x-JDK6-tcp/187/#showFailuresLink [16:27] and these are not CDI tests [16:27] anistor, even if they fail there in beforeMethod/beforeClass, we need to know why, because they can lead to leaks [16:28] anistor, CDI ones I believe dberindei was looking into them [16:28] anistor, what about this week? what are you working on? [16:28] I'll sort it out and push 2092 [16:29] that's it from me today [16:29] sorry, not srue about this week [16:29] -sure- [16:29] need to discuss with dan [16:29] dan? [16:29] * prabhat (~prabhat@user-0ccsr2b.cable.mindspring.com) has left #infinispan [16:29] * prabhat (~prabhat@user-0ccsr2b.cable.mindspring.com) has joined #infinispan [16:30] I'll also create another jira for AtomicMap, so I might have something for tomorrow [16:30] cool anistor [16:31] anistor, ok - make sure you mark 5.1.5.FINAL as affects version [16:31] great work [16:31] galderz: ok [16:31] anistor, indeed, great stuff and thx for helping out with those jiras [16:31] ttarrant, next? [16:31] #topic tristan [16:33] still quite busy with JDG [16:33] after the initial pull req for the CLI, I'm going to integrate galderz's suggestions (thanks galder), plus a bunch of other things I have in the queue [16:34] ttarrant, great stuff on the CLI, nice to see we have some ANTLR knowledge in the team, apart from sanne [16:34] ttarrant, you should get someone else to review too, in case they see other things [16:35] galderz, I think I've gone through them all: yacc, bison, javacc and antlr 2 and 3 [16:35] ttarrant, after integrating stuff, how much longer do you think you need? [16:35] galderz, end of week ? [16:35] ttarrant, we should do an alpha 5.2 release [16:35] also I need to add proper testing to the Hot Rod SSL stuff and verify integration with container-provided certificate storage [16:35] dberindei, btw, how's TOB going? [16:36] anistor, any idea on what's up with TOB? mircea's not around today [16:36] ttarrant, cool, great! [16:37] galderz: no, no clue yet about TOB [16:37] I'm done [16:37] ttarrant, what about this week? [16:37] galderz, JDG CR1 is sucking all my attention :) [16:37] galderz, after that I'll get drunk [16:38] ttarrant, sounds like a plan :) [16:38] ttarrant, well, you're still getting to work on other stuff other than JDG, i.e. SSL hot rod, CLI [16:38] ttarrant, so you're not doing too bad ;) [16:39] i'll go next: [16:39] #topic galder [16:39] last week I released 5.1.5.FINAL [16:40] i also investigated ISPN-1948 and found a solution for it - it's gonna be tested this week [16:40] jira [ISPN-1948] Invalid magic number [Reopened (Unresolved) Bug, Major, Galder ZamarreƱo] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-1948 [16:40] through the forums we also found ISPN-2089 which is pretty critical [16:40] jira [ISPN-2089] Transactional distributed shared cache store not working [Pull Request Sent (Unresolved) Bug, Critical, Galder ZamarreƱo] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-2089 [16:41] apart from that fixed some other smaller stuff for 5.1.5, and started preparing for a JDG presentation I'm giving in Madrid in 2 weeks and the JBoss World presentation on JDG+JON [16:42] that's anout it for me [16:42] thx anistor dberindei ttarrant vblagoje