[jboss-as7-dev] How to prevent the server from adding implicit dependencies

Mylos mylos78 at fmailbox.com
Fri Jul 15 03:27:24 EDT 2011

Hi !
I'd like to port my EAR application which a different version of
Hibernate than JBoss AS 7.
I've added to my WEB-INF/lib my Hibernate libraries, however the
application server chooses to use
its own libraries (under modules) as it finds @PersistenceContext
annotation in the Web application.

Reading up the docs, I've come up to jboss-deployment-structure.xml and

        <module name="org.hibernate" />

However the app server still picks up the Hibernate libs from the
modules. How can I prevent it doing it and use those provided by the
application ?
Thank you very much for your help,

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