[jboss-as7-dev] Concerns about options for standalone and domain scripts

Rostislav Svoboda rsvoboda at redhat.com
Mon Sep 12 07:14:27 EDT 2011

Hi guys.

I have concerns about options for standalone and domain .sh/.bat scripts.

Current options for standalone.sh are:
10:28:27,893 INFO  [stdout] Usage: ./standalone.sh [args...]
10:28:27,893 INFO  [stdout] 
10:28:27,893 INFO  [stdout] where args include:
10:28:27,894 INFO  [stdout]     -b=<value>                         Set system property jboss.bind.address.public to the given value
10:28:27,894 INFO  [stdout]     -b<interface>=<value>              Set system property jboss.bind.address.<interface> to the given value
10:28:27,894 INFO  [stdout]     -D<name>[=<value>]                 Set a system property
10:28:27,894 INFO  [stdout]     -h                                 Display this message and exit
10:28:27,894 INFO  [stdout]     --help                             Display this message and exit
10:28:27,894 INFO  [stdout]     -P=<url>                           Load system properties from the given url
10:28:27,894 INFO  [stdout]     --properties=<url>                 Load system properties from the given url
10:28:27,895 INFO  [stdout]     --server-config=<config>           Name of the server configuration file to use (default is "standalone.xml")
10:28:27,895 INFO  [stdout]     -V                                 Print version and exit
10:28:27,895 INFO  [stdout] 
10:28:27,895 INFO  [stdout]     --version                          Print version and exit

** Version vs. help options:  (applies to domain script too)
-V or --version   vs.   -h or --help
Shouldn't be '-h' changed to '-H' or '-V' changed to '-v' to stay consistent?

** Empty line before --version option   (applies to domain script too)
Is it intentional?

** Bind address definition -- https://github.com/jbossas/jboss-as/pull/248
Shouldn't be legacy syntax of -b xxx mentioned in help too? I know it's against formats described in 'Other command line parameters' chapter of Admin Guide ... but it would prevent confusion of many end users.

** In help for domain there is nothing about option '-b'
Command 'bin/domain.sh --domain-config=domain-preview.xml -b= -bmanagement=' works as expected and java processes are listening on
Is there reason why '-b' options aren't described in help for domain.sh?

Kind regards.

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