[jboss-as7-dev] EAP6 Domain HTTPS/SSL - Info on Architectural Decision

Kevin Franklin kfrankli at redhat.com
Tue Apr 23 12:57:59 EDT 2013

The core engineering list suggested I post my question to the jboss as7 dev list.

We would like EAP 6 to support
 - Domain Mode
 - SSL certs unique to each host/server
      - The SSL certs must have unique passwords
      - The unique passwords must be encrypted or vaulted

The only solution that has been thought of would be recursive parsing of property substitution. Currently this is not supported (i.e. I can not input ./domain.sh -Dfull.web.https.password="$VAULT.web.https.password=fdsa8ds7g324qtnk43").

What was the logic behind the decision not to support unique certs and recursive parsing? I need to pass this along to the customer since it will require a major change in architecture.

Thank you for your time and consideration in the matter,

Kevin Franklin
Red Hat Consulting
kevin.j.franklin at redhat.com

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