[jboss-as7-dev] cant get rid of jetty maven plugin - so lets mavenize JBoss Modules

Bill Burke bburke at redhat.com
Thu Feb 28 12:34:03 EST 2013

On 2/27/2013 6:10 PM, David M. Lloyd wrote:
> On 02/27/2013 08:45 AM, Bill Burke wrote:
>> On 2/26/2013 4:23 PM, David M. Lloyd wrote:
>>> On 02/26/2013 03:19 PM, Fernando Nasser wrote:
>>>> I probably should mention my motivations...
>>>> The future generation of RPMs will install the JAR files in a maven layout, so we just need to point the modules.xml to that location.
>>>> No more symlinks!
>>> It will be just in time to be obsolete again.  TBH I don't think this is
>>> a smart move at all; Maven isn't the end state for Java build, and it
>>> makes zero sense for Java distribution other than development/test time.
>> Can you please share with us exactly how using a maven repo makes no
>> sense?
> *Having* the ability to load a module from a Maven repo may or may not
> make sense; that's a different branch of the thread.

I'm not proposing loading a 'module' from a maven repo.  Just the Jars. 
  As Stuart hinted at, its much easier dealing with 300k of XML files 
than 170M of XML + JARS.

      <resource-root group="org.jboss.resteasy" 
artifact="resteasy-jaxrs" version="3.0"/>

> Using a Maven repo
> for OS distribution though seems kinda pointless - it's an arbitrary
> layout which I still believe will not survive Java 9 (though of course I
> might be wrong about that; I've been wrong once or twice in the past,
> believe it or not).

Ya, just throwing a bunch of jars in a directory that no build system 
understands or use...A much better idea :)  Java 8 isn't even out yet, 
so you're talking what?  3 years until Java 9? 1 or more additional 
years before Java 9 becomes mainstream?  Not only that, but you'd have 
to completely revamp JBoss Modules anyways... So, we're talking about 
maybe JBoss 9 or 10.

Seems like a really weak argument.  Especially for a suggested change 
that is backward compatible

Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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