[jboss-as7-dev] Attribute meta-data: max-length

Heiko Braun hbraun at redhat.com
Tue Jan 22 10:56:31 EST 2013

We have the case within the UI that the client needs to distinguish text input types. I most cases a simple text inout is sufficient, but in some cases a text area is more appropriate (i.e. datasource>new connection sql).  I am wondering, if the max-length attribute could be used for it. 
It's currently tight to ModelType.STRING, which is fine. 

In order to show the expected results, we would need to decrease the default value for max-length, to something smaller (245, 1024). This way we could provide text input for for anything below that size and text area for anything else.

Some implications I would like to hear your thoughts about:

a) lowering the default max-length might break your subsystem and/or specific clients
b) keeping the current default and doing it case-by-case will result in text input (opposed to text area) for all String attributes once we switch to a dynamic UI (usability drawback).

Regards, Heiko

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