[jboss-as7-dev] Attribute meta-data: max-length

Heiko Braun hbraun at redhat.com
Wed Jan 23 07:22:28 EST 2013

The question is: What are "layout" hints? If layout hints are anything UI specific, they don't belong into the core model. The core model should remain client agnostic. It doesn't make sense to add UI specific elements that don't have a meaning in other contexts (i.e. CLI). With regard to this, I would prefer model elements that work across contexts, yet allow us to cover the use cases of most clients that work on the model. ModelType.TEXT and other suggestions (ModelType.DATE) fall into this category.

On Jan 23, 2013, at 1:11 PM, ssilvert at redhat.com wrote:

>> As food for thought, we also discussed the addition of another ModelType.TEXT.
> I kind of like that idea.  If the rule is that a ModelType is all that is provided for layout hints then we should think long and hard about every UI type we will need.  ModelType.DATE comes to mind. 
> Note that I'm not making a slippery-slope argument here.  I think the number of these we really need is finite.  I think we would need to answer two questions:
> 1) What are all the types we need?
> 2) Is just using ModelType enough or would we need a layout hint attribute anyway?

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