[jboss-as7-dev] Add Notification support to the domain management API

Jeff Mesnil jmesnil at redhat.com
Tue Mar 5 12:11:10 EST 2013

I've updated the documentation about adding notification to AS7[1]

I think I've defined the most important parts that clients needs to know to deal with AS7 notifications:

* describe notifications in AS7 resource model
* define global notifications supported by all resources
* AS7 service to register/unregister local listener + emit notifications
  * plain HTTP with polling notifications
  * Web-browser specific to push notifications using Server-sent events
* extra methods to the Java management API to register/unregister listeners in Java clients

Note the doc does not define all the notifications that can be emitted by AS7 resources.
The idea is that the AS7 resource model describes them (like attributes and operations) so that the client can use the description to know which resources emit notifications (and their types).


[1] https://community.jboss.org/wiki/AddNotificationSupportToTheDomainManagementAPI

Jeff Mesnil
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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