[jboss-as7-dev] HTTP Upgrade for AS8 Management

Rémy Maucherat rmaucher at redhat.com
Thu Mar 28 10:46:50 EDT 2013

On 03/28/2013 03:32 PM, Jason Greene wrote:
> Hmm not sure I follow. We are talking about the implementation of our ejb client library (or any other existing remoting client). How it communicates to the server (via upgrade, web sockets, socket, etc) is just an implementation detail of the client/server implementation. The user isn't exposed to those APIs to do it.
Yes, I know it is about the remoting component (and it's the same for 
websockets as well - the user uses the websocket JSR, not the API used 
for the implementation). But you can still choose between proprietary or 
Servlet 3.1 for the implementation since they are supposed to be able to 
do the same thing.


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