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Hi everyone,<BR>
as was discussed on this list, the current testsuite harness had some problems fulfilling even basic requirements for various use cases, including but not limited to:<BR>
* Using from IDE through pure maven<BR>
* -DallTests vs. individial modules vs. distinctive groups vs. even overlaying groups<BR>
* Configuring AS using kind of hierarchical templates<BR>
* Imposing certain test groups order<BR>
* Invoking only some steps of the testsuite<BR>
* Running same tests with different AS configuration<BR>
etc etc.<BR>
I've been working on an updated concept, which is currently at <A HREF="https://github.com/OndraZizka/jboss-as/commits/TS-modules-tmp">https://github.com/OndraZizka/jboss-as/commits/TS-modules-tmp</A> .<BR>
I would like you to review it, run it, and send me some comments.<BR>
cd testsuite/integration<BR>
mvn clean install -f pom2.xml -DallTests -fae<BR>
mvn clean install -f pom2.xml -Dts.iiop<BR>
(There are 2 pom.xml's so I can compare two harnesses easily.)<BR>
The scripts are not updated yet so they do not work.<BR>
CLI and OSGi tests fail. To be sorted out.<BR>
The big news are:<BR>
* Execution split to modules<BR>
* Code and resources remained in the same location<BR>
* Added few system properties which provide paths to important directories - see <A HREF="https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/AS71/AS+7+Testsuite+Test+Developer+Guide">https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/AS71/AS+7+Testsuite+Test+Developer+Guide</A><BR>
* Work directory is now in target/workdir<BR>
These cahnges exposed some issues in test code which need to be fixed - hardcoded relative paths.<BR>
Since there were no system properties to use, there was no other way, but from now on please use those properties, and fix your existing tests.<BR>
(This would happen anyway because some tests clutter workdir (which happens to be module's root dir) with various temp files.)<BR>