[jboss-cluster-dev] Target JGroups release for AS 5 GA

Brian Stansberry brian.stansberry at redhat.com
Wed Apr 9 10:22:05 EDT 2008

Wasn't this the first post at all?  Maybe we should give you a prize? 
Perhaps one of Jason's T-shirts? :-)

The plan is to have 2.6.3 in EAP 5. That's a for sure thing.  Probably 
not in community 5.0.0.GA; we'll have to see.  Bela's focused on some 
other stuff right now for a week or two, then he'll get to focusing on 
2.6.3.  When he thinks it's ready to go, we'll see where the AS process 
is; whether we can put it in.

I think 2.6.2 is quite fine; I don't see a need to push Bela to get 
2.6.3 out or to push AS to accept it when it comes out if it's 
disruptive to finishing 5.0.0. The thread naming issue fixed in 2.6.3 is 
more important for EAP.

Galder Zamarreno wrote:
> Hi,
> Here's my first more-serious-post :)
> Do we see JGroups 2.6.3 making it to AS 5 in time for GA?
> Cheers,

Brian Stansberry
Lead, AS Clustering
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
brian.stansberry at redhat.com

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