[Jboss-cvs] cvs.forge.jboss.com Activity

forge-admin at jboss.com forge-admin at jboss.com
Sun Jul 23 01:00:27 EDT 2006

Commit from rsigal (2006-07-22 03:27 EDT)

JBREM-390:  added Thread.sleep(500) before callback tests.

  JBossRemoting  src/tests/org/jboss/test/remoting/transport/config/FactoryConfigTestCaseSSLParent.java  1.5
  JBossRemoting  src/tests/org/jboss/test/remoting/transport/config/FactoryConfigTestCaseParent.java     1.4

Commit from rsigal (2006-07-22 03:30 EDT)

JBREM-534:  Reduced log level to debug when an unknown MultiplexingManager tries to unregister.  This allows a MultiplexingManager to unregister in case of a connection failure and then again at shutdown time.

Also, fixed call managerProcessingMap.remove(manager) in unregisterSocketGroup() - was managerProcessorMap.get(managerr).

  JBossRemoting  src/main/org/jboss/remoting/transport/multiplex/InputMultiplexor.java  1.25

Commit from rsigal (2006-07-22 03:32 EDT)


  JBossRemoting  src/main/org/jboss/remoting/transport/multiplex/Multiplex.java  1.7

Commit from julien (2006-07-22 03:47 EDT)

JBPORTAL-968 : Need to update Eclipse .project and .classpath in modules jems and federation

  jboss-portal  federation/.classpath  1.2
  jboss-portal  federation/.project    1.2
  jboss-portal  jems/.classpath        1.2
  jboss-portal  jems/.project          1.2

Commit from rsigal (2006-07-22 17:56 EDT)

JBREM-534:  Added savedException in accept() so that if the setSoTimeout() in the finally clause throws an exception, the original exception doesn't get lost.

  JBossRemoting  src/main/org/jboss/remoting/transport/multiplex/MasterServerSocket.java  1.10

Commit from rsigal (2006-07-22 18:00 EDT)

JBREM-534:  If createSocket() discovers that the connection to the server has failed, it will try to recreate the priming socket, in case the server has been restarted.  If there is a virtual MultiplexServerInvoker in the same virtual socket group, it will restart its VirtualServerSocket, although it will pick a new anonymous port to bind it too, to avoid getting a bind exception.

  JBossRemoting  src/main/org/jboss/remoting/transport/multiplex/MultiplexClientInvoker.java  1.39

Commit from rsigal (2006-07-22 18:01 EDT)

JBREM-390:  Purely cosmetic - removed a FIXME.

  JBossRemoting  src/main/org/jboss/remoting/transport/multiplex/MultiplexingInputStream.java  1.29

Commit from rsigal (2006-07-22 18:04 EDT)

JBREM-534:  Whenever InputMultiplexor or OutputMultiplexor encounter an unrecoverable errror, they inform MultiplexingManager, which informs all of the registered virtual sockets.  MultiplexingManager will also remove itself from all Maps, effectively hiding its existence so that it will never be reused.

  JBossRemoting  src/main/org/jboss/remoting/transport/multiplex/MultiplexingManager.java  1.50

Commit from rsigal (2006-07-22 18:12 EDT)

JBREM-534:  Added a maxErrors counter.

  JBossRemoting  src/main/org/jboss/remoting/transport/multiplex/OutputMultiplexor.java  1.28

Commit from rsigal (2006-07-22 18:15 EDT)

JBREM-534:  Added two new methods:

1. notifyOfException() allows MultiplexingManager to tell the virtual socket that there has been an unrecoverable error on the tcp connection.

2. isFunctional() returns true if and only if the virtual socket is still functional - i.e., notifyOfException() has not been called.

  JBossRemoting  src/main/org/jboss/remoting/transport/multiplex/VirtualSocket.java  1.49

Commit from rsigal (2006-07-22 23:24 EDT)

JBREM-534:  If createSocket() finds connection broken, if there is a callback server invoker, stop and restart callback server invoker.

  JBossRemoting  src/main/org/jboss/remoting/transport/multiplex/MultiplexClientInvoker.java  1.40

Commit from rsigal (2006-07-22 23:25 EDT)

JBREM-390:  Added MultiplexerManager id to shut down message.

  JBossRemoting  src/main/org/jboss/remoting/transport/multiplex/MultiplexingManager.java  1.51

Commit from rsigal (2006-07-22 23:35 EDT)


1. Made ServerSocketRefresh thread a daemon thread.
2. Catch "Socket is closed" or "Socket closed" SocketExceptions in run() and call stop().
3. Added a toString() method.
4. Added a resetLocator() method to be used by MultiplexClientInvoker.createSocket() when it finds connection is broken and binds virtual socket group to new bind port.
5. Added a refreshServerSocket() method for use by MultiplexClientInvoker.createSocket().

  JBossRemoting  src/main/org/jboss/remoting/transport/multiplex/MultiplexServerInvoker.java  1.53

Commit from rsigal (2006-07-22 23:37 EDT)

JBREM-534:  If unregister() is called by a client that isn't recognized, call outputFlushed() callback method anyway - could be that client (MultiplexingManager) called once before but is this time is shutting down and is waiting for call back.

  JBossRemoting  src/main/org/jboss/remoting/transport/multiplex/OutputMultiplexor.java  1.29

Commit from rsigal (2006-07-22 23:44 EDT)

JBREM-521:  Samples for configuring socket and server socket factories.

+ JBossRemoting  src/main/org/jboss/remoting/samples/config/factories/FactoryConfigSample.java     1.1
+ JBossRemoting  src/main/org/jboss/remoting/samples/config/factories/FactoryConfigSSLSample.java  1.1

Commit from rsigal (2006-07-22 23:45 EDT)

JBREM-521:  keystore and truststrore for socket factory / server socket factory configuration samples.

+ JBossRemoting  src/main/org/jboss/remoting/samples/config/factories/truststore  1.1
+ JBossRemoting  src/main/org/jboss/remoting/samples/config/factories/keystore    1.1

Commit from rsigal (2006-07-22 23:47 EDT)

JBREM-534:  Unit test for MultiplexClientInvoker connecting to new server when connection to old server breaks.

+ JBossRemoting  src/tests/org/jboss/test/remoting/transport/multiplex/RestartServerTestClient.java  1.1
+ JBossRemoting  src/tests/org/jboss/test/remoting/transport/multiplex/RestartServerTestCase.java    1.1
+ JBossRemoting  src/tests/org/jboss/test/remoting/transport/multiplex/RestartServerTestServer.java  1.1

Commit from rsigal (2006-07-22 23:49 EDT)

JBREM-534:  Eliminated bind address / port for client, and removed reference to port 1003.

  JBossRemoting  src/tests/org/jboss/test/remoting/transport/multiplex/ssl/serversocketrefresh/TestClient.java  1.5
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