[jboss-cvs] JBossRemoting/docs/guide/en ...

Tom Elrod tom.elrod at jboss.com
Thu Jul 27 15:54:58 EDT 2006

  User: telrod  
  Date: 06/07/27 15:54:58

  Modified:    docs/guide/en  master.xml
  JBREM-507 - changed some config property values to be consistent and added config properties to doc.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.29      +653 -12   JBossRemoting/docs/guide/en/master.xml
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: master.xml
  RCS file: /cvsroot/jboss/JBossRemoting/docs/guide/en/master.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.28
  retrieving revision 1.29
  diff -u -b -r1.28 -r1.29
  --- master.xml	25 Jul 2006 21:57:50 -0000	1.28
  +++ master.xml	27 Jul 2006 19:54:58 -0000	1.29
  @@ -3807,6 +3807,631 @@
         configuration for the server socket factory) and the key store password
         has not been set.</para>
  +    <section>
  +      <title>Configuration by properties</title>
  +      <para>This section covers configuration properties by constant values
  +      and bean properties for individual classes. This will duplicate some of
  +      the configuration properties already covered and is just another view to
  +      some of the same information.</para>
  +      <bridgehead>org.jboss.remoting.InvokerLocator</bridgehead>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">SERVER_BIND_ADDRESS</emphasis> (actual value
  +      is 'jboss.bind.address') - indicates the system property key for bind
  +      address that should be used.</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">BIND_BY_HOST</emphasis> (actual value is
  +      'remoting.bind_by_host') - indicates the system property key for if the
  +      local bind address should be by host name (e.g.
  +      InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName()) or if should be by IP (e.g.
  +      InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress()). The default is 'True',
  +      meaning will will use local host name. This configuration only applies
  +      when the initial bind address is (or InvokerLocator.ANY).</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">DATATYPE</emphasis> (actual value is
  +      'datatype') - indicates the marshalling datatype that should be used for
  +      a particular invoker. Each invoker has its own default marshaller and
  +      unmarshaller based on default datatype. For examle, the socket transport
  +      has a default datatype of 'serializable', which is has a default
  +      registry within the MarshalFactory to use
  +      org.jboss.remoting.marshal.serializable.SerializableMarshaller and
  +      org.jboss.remoting.marshal.serializable.SerializableUnMarshaller. The
  +      marshaller and unmarshaller used by an invoker can be overriden by
  +      setting the 'datatype' parameter within the LocatorInvoker. For example,
  +      could use a locator url of:</para>
  +      <programlisting>socket://myhost:6500/?datatype=test</programlisting>
  +      <para>which would cause the socket invoker to use the marshaller and
  +      unmarshaller registered with the MarshalFactory under the datatype
  +      'test'. Of course, this require that the marshaller and unmarshaller
  +      implementations to be used have already been registered with the
  +      MarshalFactory (otherwise will get an exception).</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">SERIALIZATIONTYPE</emphasis> (actual value
  +      is 'serializationtype') - indicates the serialization implementation to
  +      use. Currently, the only possible values are 'java' and 'jboss'. Java
  +      serialization is the default. Setting to 'jboss' will cause JBoss
  +      Serialization to be used. In implementation, this equates to the
  +      parameter that will be passed to the
  +      SerializationStreamFactory.getManagerInstance() method. This
  +      configuration can be set as an invoker locator url parameter (e.g.
  +      socket://myhost:5400/?serializationtype=jboss) or as an entry to the
  +      configuration Map passed when constructing a remoting client or
  +      server.</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">MARSHALLER</emphasis> (actual value is
  +      'marshaller') - used to indicate which marshaller implementation should
  +      be used by the invoker. This is an override for whatever the invoker's
  +      default implementation is. This can be set as a parameter of the invoker
  +      locator url (e.g.
  +      socket://myhost:6500/?marshaller=org.jboss.test.remoting.marshall.dynamic.remote.http.TestMarshaller).
  +      Using this configuration requires that the value be the fully qualified
  +      classname of the marshaller implementation to use (which must be on the
  +      classpath, have a void constructor, and implement the
  +      org.jboss.remoting.marshal.Marshaller interface).</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">UNMARSHALLER</emphasis> (actual value is
  +      'unmarshaller') - used to indicate which unmarshaller implementation
  +      should be used by the invoker. This is an override for whatever the
  +      invoker's default implementation is. This can be set as a parameter of
  +      the invoker locator url (e.g.
  +      socket://myhost:6500/?unmarshaller=org.jboss.test.remoting.marshall.dynamic.remote.http.TestUnMarshaller).
  +      Using this configuration requires that the value be the fully qualified
  +      classname of the unmarshaller implementation to use (which must be on
  +      the classpath, ahve a void constructor, and implement the
  +      org.jboss.remotng.marshal.UnMarshaller interface).</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">LOADER_PORT</emphasis> (actual value is
  +      'loaderport') - indicates the port number where the class loader server
  +      resides. This can be used when is possible that a client may not have
  +      particular classes locally and would want to load them from ther
  +      dynamically. This property can be set as a parameter to the invoker
  +      locator url. A clasic example of when this might be used would be in
  +      conjunction with using custom marshalling. For example, if have
  +      configured a server to use custom marshaller and unmarshaller that the
  +      client will not have access to, could create a invoker locator such
  +      as:</para>
  +      <programlisting>socket://myhost:6500/?datatype=test&amp;loaderport=6501&amp;
  +      <para>When the client invoker begins to make an invocation, will try to
  +      look up marshaller and unmarshaller based on type ('test' in this case)
  +      and when can not find a registry entry for it, will try to load the
  +      TestMarshaller and TestUnMarshaller from the classpath. When the classes
  +      can not be found locally, will make a call to the loader server (on port
  +      6501) to load the classes locally. Once they are retreived from the
  +      server, will be registered locally, so is a one time only event (as next
  +      time will be found in the registry).</para>
  +      <para>This can work for loading any remote server classes, but requires
  +      the loaderport be included in the invoker locator url.</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">BYVALUE</emphasis> (actual value is
  +      'byvalue') - indicates if when making local invocations (meaning client
  +      and server invoker exists within same jvm), the marshalling will be done
  +      by value, instead of the default, by reference. Using this
  +      configuration, the marshalling will actually perform a clone of the
  +      object instance (see
  +      org.jboss.remoting.serialization.SerializationManager.createMarshalledValueForClone()).
  +      Value for this property should be of type String and be either 'true' or
  +      'false'.</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">FORCE_REMOTE</emphasis> (actual value is
  +      'force_remote') - indicates if when making local invocations (meaning
  +      client and server invoker exists within same jvm), the remote invokers
  +      should be used instead of local invoker. Is equivalent to making
  +      invocations as though client and server were in different jvms). Value
  +      for this property should be of type String and be either 'true' or
  +      'false'.</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">CLIENT_LEASE</emphasis> (actual value is
  +      'leasing') - indicates if client should try to automatically establish a
  +      lease with the server. Is false by default. Value for this property
  +      should be of type String and be either 'true' or 'false'.</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">CLIENT_LEASE_PERIOD</emphasis> (actual value
  +      is 'lease_period') - defines what the client lease period should be in
  +      the case that server side leasing is turned on. Value for this parameter
  +      key should be the number of milliseconds to wait before each client
  +      lease renewal and must be greater than zero in order to be recognized.
  +      If this property is not set (and CLIENT_LEASE is), will use the lease
  +      period as specified by the server.</para>
  +      <para></para>
  +      <bridgehead>org.jboss.remoting.Client</bridgehead>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">RAW</emphasis> (actual value is
  +      'rawPayload') - key to use for the metadata Map passed when making a
  +      invoke() call and wish for the invocation payload to be sent as is and
  +      not wrapped within a remoting invocation request object. This should be
  +      used when want to make direct calls on systems outside of remoting (e.g.
  +      making a http POST request to a web service).</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">ENABLE_LEASE</emphasis> (actual value is
  +      'enableLease') - key for the configuration map passed to the Client
  +      constructor to indicate that client should make initial request to
  +      establish lease with server. The value for this should be either a
  +      String that java.lang.Boolean can evaluate or a java.lang.Boolean. By
  +      default, leasing is turned off, so this property would be used to turn
  +      on leasing for the client.</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">HANDSHAKE_COMPLETED_LISTENER</emphasis>
  +      (actual value is 'handshakeCompletedListener') - key for the
  +      configuration map passed to the Client constructor providing a ssl
  +      javax.net.ssl.HandshakeCompletedListener implementation, which will be
  +      called on when ssl handshake completed with server.</para>
  +      <para></para>
  +      <para>The following three configuration properties are only useful when
  +      using one of the following Client methods:</para>
  +      <programlisting>public void addListener(InvokerCallbackHandler callbackhandler, Map metadata, Object callbackHandlerObject) throws Throwable
  +public void addListener(InvokerCallbackHandler callbackhandler, Map metadata, Object callbackHandlerObject, boolean serverToClient) throws Throwable</programlisting>
  +      <para> <emphasis role="bold">CALLBACK_SERVER_PROTOCOL</emphasis> (actual
  +      value is 'callbackServerProtocol') - key for the configuration when
  +      adding a callback handler and internal callback server connector is
  +      created. The value should be the transport protocol to be used. By
  +      default will use the same protocol as being used by this client (e.g.
  +      http, socket, rmi, multiplex, etc.).</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">CALLBACK_SERVER_HOST</emphasis> (actual
  +      value is 'callbackServerHost') - key for the configuration when adding a
  +      callback handler and internal callback server connector is created. The
  +      value should be the host name to be used. By default will use the result
  +      of calling InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress().</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">CALLBACK_SERVER_PORT</emphasis> (actual
  +      value is 'callbackServerPort') - key for the configuration when adding a
  +      callback handler and internal callback server connector is created. The
  +      value should be the port to be used. By default will find a random
  +      unused port. </para>
  +      <para></para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">Bean properties (meaning have
  +      getter/setter):</emphasis> <emphasis role="bold">SessionId</emphasis> -
  +      session id used when making invocations on server invokers. There is a
  +      default unique id automatically generated for each Client instance, so
  +      unless you have a good reason to set this, do not set this.</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">Subsystem</emphasis> - the subsystem being
  +      used when routing invocation requests on the server side. Specifing a
  +      subsystem is only needed when server has multiple handlers registered
  +      (which will each have their own associated subsystem). Best if specified
  +      using Client constructor.</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">MaxNumberOfThreads</emphasis> - the maximum
  +      number of threads to use within client pool for one way invocations on
  +      the client side (meaning oneway invocation is handled by thread in this
  +      pool and user's call returns immediately) Default value is
  +      MAX_NUM_ONEWAY_THREADS (whose value is 10).</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">OnewayThreadPool</emphasis> - the thread
  +      pool being used for making one way invocations on the client side. If
  +      one has not be specifically set via configuration or call to set it,
  +      will always return instance of
  +      org.jboss.util.threadpool.BasicThreadPool.</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">SocketFactory</emphasis> - instance of
  +      javax.net.SocketFactory, which can only be set on the Client before the
  +      connect() method has been called. Otherwise, a runtime exception will be
  +      thrown.</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">Marshaller</emphasis> - the marshaller
  +      implementation that should be used by the client invoker (transport).
  +      This overrides the client's default marshaller (or any set within
  +      configuration).</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">UnMarshaller</emphasis> - the unmarshaller
  +      implementation that should be used by the client invoker (transport).
  +      This overrides the client's default unmarshaller (or any set within
  +      configuration). </para>
  +      <para></para>
  +      <bridgehead>org.jboss.remoting.Remoting</bridgehead>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">CUSTOM_SERVER_SOCKET_FACTORY</emphasis>
  +      (actual value is 'customServerSocketFactory') - key for the
  +      configuration map passed to a Connector to indicate the server socket
  +      factory to be used. This will override the creation of any other socket
  +      factory. Value must be an instance of
  +      javax.net.ServerSocketFactory.</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">CUSTOM_SOCKET_FACTORY</emphasis> (actual
  +      value is 'customSocketFactory') - key for the configuration map passed
  +      to a Client to indicate the socket factory to be used. This will
  +      override the creation of any other socket factory. Value must be
  +      instance of javax.net.SocketFactory.</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">SOCKET_FACTORY_NAME</emphasis> (actual value
  +      is 'customSocketFactoryName') - key for the configuration map passed to
  +      a Client to indicate the classname of the socket factory to be used.
  +      Value should be fully qualified classname of class that is an instance
  +      of javax.net.SocketFactory and has a void constructor. This property
  +      will not be used if CUSTOM_SOCKET_FACTORY is also set. </para>
  +      <para></para>
  +      <bridgehead>org.jboss.remoting.ServerInvoker</bridgehead>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">MAX_NUM_ONEWAY_THREADS_KEY</emphasis>
  +      (actual value is 'maxNumThreadsOneway') - key for the maximum number of
  +      thread to be used in the thread pool for one way invocations (server
  +      side). This property is only used when the default oneway thread pool is
  +      used.</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">ONEWAY_THREAD_POOL_CLASS_KEY</emphasis>
  +      (actual value is 'onewayThreadPool') - key for setting the setting the
  +      oneway thread pool to use. The value used with this key will first be
  +      checked to see if is a JMX ObjectName and if so, try to look up
  +      associated mbean for the ObjectName given and cast to type
  +      org.jboss.util.threadpool.ThreadPoolMBean (via
  +      MBeanServerInvocationHandler.newProxyInstance()). If the value is not a
  +      JMX ObjectName, will assume is a fully qualified classname and load the
  +      coresponding class and create a new instance of it (which will require
  +      it to have a void constructor). The newly created instance will then be
  +      cast to type of org.jboss.util.threadpool.ThreadPool.</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">SERVER_BIND_ADDRESS_KEY</emphasis> (actual
  +      value is 'serverBindAddress') - key for setting the address the server
  +      invoker should bind to. The value can be either host name or IP.</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">CLIENT_CONNECT_ADDRESS_KEY</emphasis>
  +      (actual value is 'clientConnectAddress') - key for setting the addres
  +      the client invoker should connecto to. This should be used when client
  +      will be connecting to server from outside the server's network and the
  +      external address is different from that of the internal address the
  +      server invoker will bind to (e.g. using NAT to expose different external
  +      address). This will mostly be useful when client uses remoting detection
  +      to discover remoting servers. The value can be either host name or
  +      IP.</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">SERVER_BIND_PORT_KEY</emphasis> (actual
  +      value is 'serverBindPort') - key for setting the port the server invoker
  +      should bind to. If the value supplied is less than or equal to zero, the
  +      server invoker will randomly choose a free port to use.</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">CLIENT_CONNECT_PORT_KEY</emphasis> (actual
  +      value is 'clientConnectPort') - key for setting the port the client
  +      invoker should connect to. This should be used when client will be
  +      connecting to server from outside the server's network and the external
  +      port is different from that of the internal port the server invoker will
  +      bind to (e.g. using NAT to expose different port routing). This will be
  +      mostly useful when client uses remoting detection to discover remoting
  +      servers.</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">CLIENT_LEASE_PERIOD</emphasis> (actual value
  +      is 'clientLeasePeriod') - key used for setting the amount of time (in
  +      milliseconds) that a client should renew its lease. If this value is not
  +      set, the default of five seconds (see DEFAULT_CLIENT_LEASE_PERIOD), will
  +      be used. This value will also be what is given to the client when it
  +      initially querys server for leasing information.</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">TIMEOUT</emphasis> (actual value is
  +      'timeout') - key for setting the timeout value (in milliseconds) for
  +      socket connections.</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">SERVER_SOCKET_FACTORY</emphasis> (actual
  +      value is 'serverSocketFactory') - key for setting the value for the
  +      server socket factory to be used by the server invoker. The value can be
  +      either a JMX Object name, in which case will lookup the mbean and create
  +      a proxy to it with type of
  +      org.jboss.remoting.security.ServerSocketFactoryMBean (via
  +      MBeanServerInvocationHandler.newProxyInstance()). If not a JMX
  +      ObjectName, will assume is the fully qualified classname to the
  +      implementation to be used and will load the class, create a new instance
  +      of it (which requires it to have a void constructor). The instance will
  +      then be cast to type javax.net.ServerSocketFactory.</para>
  +      <para></para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">Bean properties (meaning have
  +      getter/setter):</emphasis></para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">ServerSocketFactory</emphasis> -
  +      implementation of javax.net.ServerSocketFactory to be used by the server
  +      invoker. This takes precedence over any other configuration for the
  +      server socket factory.</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">Timeout</emphasis> - timeout (in
  +      milliseconds) for socket connection. If set after create() method
  +      called, this value will override value set by TIMEOUT key.</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">LeasePeriod</emphasis> - the amount of time
  +      (in milliseconds) that a client should renew its lease. If this value is
  +      not set, the default of five seconds (see DEFAULT_CLIENT_LEASE_PERIOD),
  +      will be used. This value will also be what is given to the client when
  +      it initially querys server for leasing information. If set after
  +      create() method called, this value will override value set by
  +      CLIENT_LEASE_PERIOD key.</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">MaxNumberOfOnewayThreads</emphasis> - the
  +      maximum number of thread to be used in the thread pool for one way
  +      invocations (server side). This property is only used when the default
  +      oneway thread pool is used. If set after create() method called, this
  +      value will override value set by MAX_NUM_ONEWAY_THREADS_KEY key.</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">OnewayThreadPool</emphasis> - the oneway
  +      thread pool to use.</para>
  +      <para></para>
  +      <bridgehead>org.jboss.remoting.callback.CallbackPoller</bridgehead>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">CALLBACK_POLL_PERIOD</emphasis> (actual
  +      value is 'callbackPollPeriod') - key for setting the frequency (in
  +      milliseconds) in which Client's internal callback poller should poll
  +      server for waiting callbacks. This configuration is only necessary when
  +      using one of the following Client methods:</para>
  +      <programlisting>public void addListener(InvokerCallbackHandler callbackhandler, Map metadata, Object callbackHandlerObject) throws Throwable
  +public void addListener(InvokerCallbackHandler callbackhandler, Map metadata, Object callbackHandlerObject, boolean serverToClient) throws Throwable</programlisting>
  +      <para>and should be one of the entries in the metadata Map passed. This
  +      will also only apply when the underlying transport is uni-directional
  +      (e.g. socket, http, rmi). Bi-directional transports will not need to
  +      poll. If this property is not set, the default (see
  +      CallbackPoller.DEFAULT_POLL_PERIOD) value is five seconds. </para>
  +      <para></para>
  +      <bridgehead>org.jboss.remoting.callback.CallbackStore </bridgehead>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">FILE_PATH_KEY</emphasis> (actual value is
  +      'StoreFilePath') - key for setting which directory to write the callback
  +      objects. The default value is the property value of
  +      'jboss.server.data.dir' and if this is not set, then will be 'data'.
  +      Will then append 'remoting' and the callback client's session id. An
  +      example would be
  +      'data\remoting\5c4o05l-9jijyx-e5b6xyph-1-e5b6xyph-2'.</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">FILE_SUFFIX_KEY</emphasis> (actual value is
  +      'StoreFileSuffix') - key for setting the file suffix to use for the
  +      callback objects written to disk. The default value is ‘ser’. </para>
  +      <para></para>
  +      <bridgehead>org.jboss.remoting.callback.DefaultCallbackErrorHandler
  +      </bridgehead>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">CALLBACK_ERRORS_ALLOWED</emphasis> (actual
  +      value is 'callbackErrorsAllowed') - key for setting the number of
  +      callback exceptions will be allowed when calling on
  +      org.jboss.remoting.callback.InvokerCallbackHandler.handleCallback(Callback
  +      callback) before cleaning up the callback listener. This only applies to
  +      push callback. The default if this property is not set is five. </para>
  +      <para></para>
  +      <bridgehead>org.jboss.remoting.callback.ServerInvokerCallbackHandler</bridgehead>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">CALLBACK_STORE_KEY</emphasis> (actual value
  +      is 'callbackStore') - key for specifing the callback store to be used.
  +      The value can be either a JMX ObjectName or a fully qualified class
  +      name, either way, must implement org.jboss.remoting.SerializableStore.
  +      If using class name, the callback store implementation must have a void
  +      constructor. The default is to use the
  +      org.jboss.remoting.callback.NullCallbackStore.</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">CALLBACK_ERROR_HANDLER_KEY</emphasis>
  +      (actual value is 'callbackErrorHandler') - key for specifing the
  +      callback exception handler to be used. The value can be either a JMX
  +      ObjectName or a fully qualified class name, either way, must implement
  +      org.jboss.remoting.callback.CallbackErrorHandler. If using class name,
  +      the callback exception handler implementation must have a void
  +      constructor. The default is to use
  +      org.jboss.remoting.callback.DefaultCallbackErrorHandler.</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">CALLBACK_MEM_CEILING</emphasis> (actual
  +      value is 'callbackMemCeiling') - key for specifing the percentage of
  +      free memory available before callbacks will be persisted. If the memory
  +      heap allocated has reached its maximum value and the percent of free
  +      memory available is less than the callbackMemCeiling, this will trigger
  +      persisting of the callback message. The default value is 20. </para>
  +      <para></para>
  +      <bridgehead>org.jboss.remoting.detection.jndi.JNDIDetector</bridgehead>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">Bean properties (meaning have
  +      getter/setter):</emphasis> <emphasis
  +      role="bold">SubContextName</emphasis> - sub context name under which
  +      detection messages will be bound and looked up. </para>
  +      <para></para>
  +      <bridgehead>org.jboss.remoting.transport.http.HTTPMetadataConstants</bridgehead>
  +      <para>The following are keys to use to get corresponding values from the
  +      Map returned from call to
  +      org.jboss.remoting.InvocationRequest.getRequestPayload() within a
  +      org.jboss.remoting.ServerInvocationHandler implementation. For
  +      example:</para>
  +      <programlisting>   public Object invoke(InvocationRequest invocation) throws Throwable
  +   {
  +      Map headers = invocation.getRequestPayload();
  +      <para>Where variable ‘headers’ will contain entries for the following
  +      keys.</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">METHODTYPE</emphasis> (actual value is
  +      ‘MethodType’) – key for getting the method type used by client in http
  +      request. This will be populated within the Map returned from call to
  +      org.jboss.remoting.InvocationRequest.getRequestPayload() within a
  +      org.jboss.remoting.ServerInvocationHandler implementation. For example:
  +      </para>
  +      <programlisting>   public Object invoke(InvocationRequest invocation) throws Throwable
  +   {
  +      Map headers = invocation.getRequestPayload();
  +      String methodType = (String) headers.get(HTTPMetadataConstants.METHODTYPE);
  +      if(methodType != null)
  +      {
  +         if(methodType.equals("GET"))
  +         …
  +      <para> <emphasis role="bold">PATH</emphasis> (actual value is ‘Path”) –
  +      key for getting the path from the url request from the calling client.
  +      This will be populated within the Map returned from call to
  +      org.jboss.remoting.InvocationRequest.getRequestPayload() within a
  +      org.jboss.remoting.ServerInvocationHandler implementation. For example:
  +      </para>
  +      <programlisting>   public Object invoke(InvocationRequest invocation) throws Throwable
  +   {
  +      Map headers = invocation.getRequestPayload();
  +      String path = (String) headers.get(HTTPMetadataConstants.PATH);
  +      …
  +      <para> <emphasis role="bold">HTTPVERSION</emphasis> (actual value is
  +      ‘HttpVersion’) – key for getting the HTTP version from the calling
  +      client request (e.g. HTTP/1.1). </para>
  +      <para></para>
  +      <para></para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">RESPONSE_CODE</emphasis> (actual value is
  +      ‘ResponseCode’) – key for getting and setting the HTTP response code.
  +      Will be used as key to get the response code from metadata Map passed to
  +      the Client’s invoke() method after the invocation has been made. For
  +      example:</para>
  +      <programlisting>Map metadata = new HashMap();
  +Object response = remotingClient.invoke(myPayloadObject, metadata);
  +Integer responseCode = (Integer) metadata.get(HTTPMetadataConstants.RESPONSE_CODE);
  +      <para>Will be used as key to put the response code in the return payload
  +      map from invocation handler. For example:</para>
  +      <programlisting>   public Object invoke(InvocationRequest invocation) throws Throwable
  +   {
  +      Map responseHeaders = invocation.getReturnPayload();
  +      responseHeaders.put(HTTPMetadataConstants.RESPONSE_CODE,  new Integer(202));
  +      <para> <emphasis role="bold">RESPONSE_CODE_MESSAGE</emphasis> (actual
  +      value is 'ResponseCodeMessage') - key for getting and setting the HTTP
  +      response code message. Will be used as the key to get the response code
  +      message from metadata Map passed to the Client's invoke() method after
  +      the invocation has been made. For example:</para>
  +      <programlisting>Map metadata = new HashMap();
  +Object response = remotingClient.invoke(myPayloadObject, metadata);
  +String responseCodeMessage = (String) metadata.get(HTTPMetadataConstants.RESPONSE_CODE_MESSAGE);
  +      <para>Will be used as key to put the response code message in the return
  +      payload map from invocation handler. For example:</para>
  +      <programlisting>   public Object invoke(InvocationRequest invocation) throws Throwable
  +   {
  +      Map responseHeaders = invocation.getReturnPayload();
  +      responseHeaders.put(HTTPMetadataConstants.RESPONSE_CODE_MESSAGE, "Custom response code and message from remoting server");
  +      <para> <emphasis role="bold">NO_THROW_ON_ERROR</emphasis> (actual value
  +      is 'NoThrowOnError') - key indicating if http client invoker (for
  +      transports http, https, servlet, and sslservlet) should throw an
  +      exception if the server response code is equal to or greater than 400.
  +      Unless set to true, the client invoker will by default throw either the
  +      exception that originated on the server (if using remoting server) or
  +      throw a org.jboss.remoting.transport.http.WebServerError, whose message
  +      will be the error html returned from the web server.</para>
  +      <para></para>
  +      <para>For every http client request made from remoting client, a
  +      remoting version and remoting specific user agent will be set as a
  +      request property. The request property key for the remoting version will
  +      be 'JBoss-Remoting-Version' and the value will be set based on return
  +      from call to Version.getDefaultVersion(). The 'User-Agent' request
  +      property value will be set to the evaluation of '"JBossRemoting - " +
  +      Version.VERSION'.</para>
  +      <para></para>
  +      <bridgehead>org.jboss.remoting.transport.http.ssl.HTTPSClientInvoker</bridgehead>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">IGNORE_HTTPS_HOST</emphasis> (actual value
  +      is 'org.jboss.security.ignoreHttpsHost') - key indicating if the http
  +      client invoker (for transports https and sslservlet) should ignore host
  +      name verification (meaning will not check for URL's hostname and
  +      server's identification hostname mismatch during handshaking). By
  +      default, if this not set to true, standard hostname verification will be
  +      performed.</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">HOSTNAME_VERIFIER</emphasis> (actual value
  +      is 'hostnameVerifier') - key indicating the hostname verifier that
  +      should be used by the http client invoker. The value should be the fully
  +      qualified classname of class that implements
  +      javax.net.ssl.HostnameVerifier and has a void constructor.</para>
  +      <para></para>
  +      <bridgehead>org.jboss.remoting.transport.rmi.RMIServerInvoker</bridgehead>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">REGISTRY_PORT_KEY</emphasis> (actual value
  +      is 'registryPort') - the port on which to create the RMI registry. The
  +      default is 3455. This also needs to have the isParam attribute set to
  +      true. </para>
  +      <para></para>
  +      <bridgehead>org.jboss.remoting.transport.socket.MicroSocketClientInvoker
  +      </bridgehead>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">TCP_NODELAY_FLAG</emphasis> (actual value is
  +      'enableTcpNoDelay') - can be either true or false and will indicate if
  +      client socket should have TCP_NODELAY turned on or off. TCP_NODELAY is
  +      for a specific purpose; to disable the Nagle buffering algorithm. It
  +      should only be set for applications that send frequent small bursts of
  +      information without getting an immediate response; where timely delivery
  +      of data is required (the canonical example is mouse movements). The
  +      default is false.</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">MAX_POOL_SIZE_FLAG</emphasis> (actual value
  +      is 'clientMaxPoolSize') - the client side maximum number of threads. The
  +      default is 50.</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">CLIENT_SOCKET_CLASS_FLAG</emphasis> (actual
  +      value is 'clientSocketClass') - specifies the fully qualified class name
  +      for the custom SocketWrapper implementation to use on the client. Note,
  +      will need to make sure this is marked as a client parameter (using the
  +      'isParam' attribute). Making this change will not affect the
  +      marshaller/unmarshaller that is used, which may also be a requirement.
  +      </para>
  +      <para></para>
  +      <bridgehead>org.jboss.remoting.transport.socket.SocketServerInvoker
  +      </bridgehead>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">CHECK_CONNECTION_KEY</emphasis> (actual
  +      value is 'socket.check_connection') - key for indicating if socket
  +      invoker should continue to keep socket connection between client and
  +      server open after invocations by sending a ping on the connection before
  +      being re-used. The default for this is false.</para>
  +      <para><emphasis role="bold">SERVER_SOCKET_CLASS_FLAG</emphasis> (actual
  +      value is 'serverSocketClass') - specifies the fully qualified class name
  +      for the custom SocketWrapper implementation to use on the server.
  +      </para>
  +    </section>
  @@ -3910,18 +4535,27 @@
  -    <para>JBoss Remoting allows for the plugging in of custom serialization
  -    implementations. This is available via the
  +    <para> Serialization – how it works within remoting In general, remoting
  +    will rely on a factory to provide the serialization implementation, or
  +    <code>org.jboss.remoting.serialization.SerializationManager</code>, to be
  +    used when doing object serialization. This factory is
  -    class, which will provide the implementation as a
  -    <code>org.jboss.remoting.serialization.SerializationManager</code> . The
  -    SerializationManager can then be called on to get implementations for
  -    <code>java.io.ObjectInputStream</code> and
  -    <code>java.io.ObjectOutputStream</code> . This SerializationManager is
  -    used by most of the standard remoting marshallers and unmarshallers. There
  -    are currently two implementations of the SerializationManager; one for the
  -    standard java serialization, which is the default, and one for JBoss
  -    Serialization.</para>
  +    and is a (as defined by its javadoc):</para>
  +    <literallayout>“factory is for defining the Object stream implemenations to be used along with creating those implemenations for use.  
  +The main function will be to return instance of ObjectOutput and ObjectInput.  By default, the implementations will be 
  +java.io.ObjectOutputStream and java.io.ObjectInputStream.”
  +    <para>Currently there are only two different types of serialization
  +    implementations; ‘java’ and ‘jboss’. The ‘java’ type uses
  +    <code>org.jboss.remoting.serialization.impl.java.JavaSerializationManager</code>
  +    as the SerializationManager implementation and is backed by standard Java
  +    serialization provide by the JVM, which is the default. The ‘jboss’ type
  +    uses
  +    <code>org.jboss.remoting.serialization.impl.jboss.JBossSerializationManager</code>
  +    as the SerializationManger implementation and is backed by JBoss
  +    Serialization. </para>
       <para>JBoss Serialization is a new project under development to provide a
       more performant implementation of object serialization. It complies with
  @@ -3933,7 +4567,14 @@
       <para>- different protocol</para>
  -    <para>JBoss Serialization requires JDK 1.5.</para>
  +    <para>JBoss Serialization requires JDK 1.5</para>
  +    <para></para>
  +    <para>It is possible to override the default SerializationManger
  +    implementation to be used by setting the system property ‘SERIALIZATION’
  +    to the fully qualified name of the class to use (which will need to
  +    provide a void contructor). </para>

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