[jboss-cvs] JBossCache/etc ...

Ben Wang bwang at jboss.com
Wed Sep 20 06:45:43 EDT 2006

  User: bwang   
  Date: 06/09/20 06:45:43

  Modified:    etc      build.xml
  First update to repackage the distro into core, pojo, and all.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.15      +37 -240   JBossCache/etc/build.xml
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: build.xml
  RCS file: /cvsroot/jboss/JBossCache/etc/build.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.14
  retrieving revision 1.15
  diff -u -b -r1.14 -r1.15
  --- build.xml	23 May 2006 14:04:27 -0000	1.14
  +++ build.xml	20 Sep 2006 10:45:43 -0000	1.15
  @@ -17,18 +17,6 @@
  -   <path id="lib.classpath.50">
  -      <fileset dir="${lib}">
  -        <include name="**/*.jar" />
  -         <exclude name="jboss-cache.jar"/>
  -         <exclude name="jboss-aop.jar"/>
  -      </fileset>
  -      <fileset dir="${lib-50}">
  -        <include name="**/*.jar" />
  -      </fileset>
  -   </path>
      <!-- Used for aop classloading and aopc -->
      <path id="aop.classpath">
          <fileset dir="${lib}">
  @@ -46,37 +34,20 @@
  -   <path id="cache.classpath.50">
  -       <fileset dir="${lib-50}">
  -         <include name="**/jboss-cache.jar" />
  -       </fileset>
  -   </path>
      <path id="build.classpath">
          <pathelement path="${build}"/>
  -   <path id="build.classpath.50">
  -      <!-- NOTE that the order of build-50 nd build is IMPORTANT!!!
  -      This is because we have duplicated org.jboss.cache.aop.test (one for 50 and one
  -      for 1.4)
  -      -->
  -      <pathelement path="${build-50}"/>
  -      <pathelement path="${build}"/>
  -   </path>
     <target name="help" description="help page">
         <echo message="build.sh &lt;command&gt; where command is:" />
         <echo message="         compile       -- compile the examples code" />
         <echo message="         clobber       -- clean up the whole directory" />
         <echo message="         run.batch     -- run batch examples" />
         <echo message="         one.test      -- run one single test case. Need -Dtest=org.jboss.cache.??Test" />
  -     <echo message="         one.test.aop  -- run one single aop test case. Need -Dtest=org.jboss.cache.aop.??Test" />
  -     <echo message="         one.test.aop50  -- run one single aop test case using JDK50 annotation. Need -Dtest=org.jboss.cache.aop.??Test" />
  -      <echo message="         run.aop.batch -- run batch aop examples" />
  -      <echo message="         run.aopc.batch -- run batch aop examples with annoc and aopc pre-compiler" />
  +      <echo message="         one.test.pojo  -- run one single aop test case. Need -Dtest=org.jboss.cache.pojo.??Test" />
  +      <echo message="         run.pojocache.batch -- run batch pojocache examples" />
         <echo message="         run.demo      -- run demo gui for plain cache" />
  -      <echo message="         run.aop.demo  -- run demo gui for aop cache" />
  +      <echo message="         run.pojocache.demo  -- run demo gui for pojocache cache" />
     <!-- set up directory -->
  @@ -86,7 +57,6 @@
       <!-- Create the build directory structure used by compile
       and copy the deployment descriptors into it-->
        <mkdir dir="${build}"/>
  -     <mkdir dir="${build-50}"/>
       <mkdir dir="${reports}"/>
  @@ -97,15 +67,13 @@
     <target name="clobber" depends="clean" />
     <!-- compile directory -->
  -   <target name="compile" depends="compile-14, compile-50" description="Compiles all Java files">
  +   <target name="compile" depends="compile-50" description="Compiles all Java files">
  -   <target name="compile-14" depends="init" description="Build unit testing class">
  +   <target name="compile-50" depends="init" description="Build unit testing class for JDK50" if="HAVE_JDK_1.5">
        <javac srcdir="${source}"
  -            target="1.4"
  -            source="1.4"
  @@ -113,28 +81,23 @@
  -      <copy todir="${output}/etc">
  -        <fileset dir="${etc}">
  -           <include name="**/*"/>
  +      <copy todir="output/resources" filtering="no" overwrite="yes">
  +         <fileset dir="resources">
  +            <include name="jboss-aop.xml"/>
  -      <copy todir="${output}/resources">
  -        <fileset dir="${resources}">
  -           <include name="**/*"/>
  +      <copy todir="output/etc" filtering="no" overwrite="yes">
  +         <fileset dir="etc">
  +            <include name="log4j.xml"/>
  -   </target>
  -   <target name="compile-50" depends="init" description="Build unit testing class for JDK50" if="HAVE_JDK_1.5">
  -     <javac srcdir="${source-50}"
  -            destdir="${build-50}"
  -            includes="org/jboss/**"
  -            debug="true"
  -            deprecation="true">
  -       <classpath>
  -         <path refid="lib.classpath.50" />
  -       </classpath>
  -     </javac>
  +      <copy todir="output/etc/META-INF" filtering="no" overwrite="yes">
  +         <fileset dir="etc/META-INF">
  +            <include name="*.xml"/>
  +         </fileset>
  +      </copy>
      <!-- eg. ant run.examples -Dtest=org.jboss.test.cache.test.local.NoTxUnitTestCase -->
  @@ -183,7 +146,7 @@
           <fileset dir="${build}">
             <include name="**/*Test.class"/>
  -          <exclude name="**/aop/**/*Test.class"/>
  +          <exclude name="**/pojo/**/*Test.class"/>
  @@ -276,77 +239,20 @@
       a de-compiler like Cavj to examine the new pojo classes.
       Note that you direcoty name can't contain white spaces!!
  -   <taskdef name="aopc" classname="org.jboss.aop.ant.AopC" classpathref="aop.classpath"/>
  +   <taskdef name="aopc" classname="org.jboss.aop.ant.AopC" classpathref="lib.classpath"/>
      <target name="aopc" depends="compile" description="Precompile aop class">
         <aopc compilerclasspathref="aop.classpath" verbose="true">
            <src path="${build}"/>
            <include name="org/jboss/cache/aop/test/**/*.class"/>
  -         <aoppath path="${output}/etc/jboss-aop.xml"/>
  -         <classpath path="${build}"/>
  -         <classpath refid="lib.classpath"/>
  -      </aopc>
  -   </target>
  -   <target name="aopc50" depends="compile" description="Precompile aop class">
  -      <aopc compilerclasspathref="aop.classpath" verbose="true">
  -         <src path="${build-50}"/>
  -         <include name="org/jboss/cache/aop/test/**/*.class"/>
  -         <aoppath path="${output}/resources/jboss-aop.xml"/>
  -         <classpath path="${build-50}"/>
  -         <classpath refid="lib.classpath.50"/>
  -      </aopc>
  -   </target>
  -   <!-- pre-compile directory with annotationc using jdk1.4 -->
  -   <target name="annoc" depends="compile" description="Annotation precompiler for aop class">
  -      <!-- Define a new ant target. This is the 1.4 annotation pre-compiler. After running this step,
  -           you still need to run the aopc step again, if you are not using system class loader.
  -      -->
  -       <taskdef name="annotationc" classname="org.jboss.aop.ant.AnnotationC" classpathref="aop.classpath"/>
  -       <annotationc compilerclasspathref="aop.classpath" bytecode="true">
  -          <classpath refid="lib.classpath"/>
  -          <classpath path="${build}"/>
  -          <!--System wide jboss-aop.xml is located here. -->
  -          <classpath path="${output.resources.dir}"/>
  -          <src path="${source}"/>
  -          <include name="org/jboss/cache/aop/test/**/*.java"/>
  -       </annotationc>
  -   </target>
  -    <!-- pre-compile directory with aopc -->
  -    <target name="aopcWithAnnoc" depends="annoc" description="Precompile aop test classes after annoc">
  -       <aopc compilerclasspathref="aop.classpath" classpathref="aop.classpath" verbose="true">
  -          <!-- We can also include directly this way as well. -->
  -          <src path="${build}/org/jboss/cache/aop/test"/>
  -          <!--Still need to include system-wide jboss-aop.xml  -->
             <aoppath path="${output}/resources/jboss-aop.xml"/>
             <classpath path="${build}"/>
             <classpath refid="lib.classpath"/>
  -   <!--
  -   This is new target since 1.2.4. Since the old way using SystemClassLoader ie error prone, it has been replcaed in
  -   JBossAop 1.3.1 for the new GeneratedInstrumentedClassLoader. But for this to work, we will need this target
  -   to generate a temporarily ClassLoader under gen-bootclasspath directory
  -   -->
  -   <target name="generateClassLoader" description="Generate a new modified class loader so we can perform load time instrumentation">
  -      <property name="build.bootclasspath" value="${output}/gen-bootclasspath"/>
  -      <java classname="org.jboss.aop.hook.GenerateInstrumentedClassLoader">
  -         <classpath>
  -            <path refid="aop.classpath"/>
  -         </classpath>
  -         <arg value="${build.bootclasspath}"/>
  -      </java>
  -      <path id="bootclasspath">
  -         <pathelement location="${build.bootclasspath}"/>
  -         <path refid="aop.classpath"/>
  -      </path>
  -      <property name="bootclasspath" refid="bootclasspath"/>
  -   </target>
      <!-- eg. ant run.examples -Dtest=org.jboss.test.cache.test.local.NoTxUnitTestCase -->
  -   <target name="one.test.aop" depends="compile, generateClassLoader" description="run one junit test case.">
  +   <target name="one.test.pojo" depends="compile" description="run one junit test case.">
          <junit printsummary="true" fork="yes" >
  @@ -365,8 +271,8 @@
           <junit printsummary="yes" timeout="${junit.timeout}" fork="yes">
  -           <jvmarg value="-Djboss.aop.path=${output}/etc/jboss-aop.xml"/>
  -           <jvmarg value="-Xbootclasspath/p:${bootclasspath}"/>
  +           <jvmarg value="-Djboss.aop.path=${output}/resources/jboss-aop.xml"/>
  +           <jvmarg value="-javaagent:${lib}/jboss-aop-jdk50.jar"/>
              <!-- jvmarg value="-Dbind.address=${bind.address}"/ -->
              <classpath path="${output}/etc" />
              <sysproperty key="log4j.configuration" value="file:${output}/etc/log4j.xml" />
  @@ -385,18 +291,15 @@
      <!-- eg. ant run.examples -Dtest=org.jboss.test.cache.test.local.NoTxUnitTestCase -->
  -   <target name="one.test.aop50" depends="compile, generateClassLoader" description="run one junit test case.">
  +   <target name="one.test.pojocache" depends="compile" description="run one junit test case.">
        <junit printsummary="yes" timeout="${junit.timeout}" fork="yes">
           <jvmarg value="-Djboss.aop.path=${output}/resources/jboss-aop.xml"/>
  -        <!--
  -        <jvmarg value="-Djava.system.class.loader=org.jboss.aop.standalone.SystemClassLoader"/>
  -        -->
  -        <jvmarg value="-javaagent:${lib-50}/jboss-aop-jdk50.jar"/>
  +        <jvmarg value="-javaagent:${lib}/jboss-aop-jdk50.jar"/>
           <!-- jvmarg value="-Dbind.address=${bind.address}"/ -->
           <classpath path="${output}/etc" />
           <sysproperty key="log4j.configuration" value="file:${output}/etc/log4j.xml" />
  -        <classpath refid="lib.classpath.50"/>
  -        <classpath refid="build.classpath.50"/>
  +        <classpath refid="lib.classpath"/>
  +        <classpath refid="build.classpath"/>
           <formatter type="xml" usefile="true"/>
           <test name="${test}" todir="${reports}"/>
  @@ -409,38 +312,10 @@
  -   <!-- Works only with aop package -->
  -   <!-- This one uses the aopc +annoc option. You can also use aopc in depends as well. -->
  -  <!-- eg. ant run.aopc.examples -Dtest=org.jboss.test.cache.test.local.NoTxUnitTestCase -->
  -  <target name="one.test.aopc" depends="aopcWithAnnoc" description="run junit test cases.">
  +   <target name="one.test.pojocache.aopc" depends="aopc" description="run junit test cases.">
       <junit printsummary="true" fork="yes" >
         <classpath refid="lib.classpath" />
  -      <classpath path="${build}" />
  -      <classpath path="${output}/etc" />
  -      <formatter type="xml" />
  -      <sysproperty key="log4j.configuration" value="file:${output}/etc/log4j.xml"/>
  -      <test name="${test}" todir="${reports}" />
  -      <jvmarg value="-Xmx128M"/>
  -      <jvmarg value="-Xdebug"/>
  -      <jvmarg value="-Xnoagent"/>
  -      <jvmarg value="-Djava.compiler=NONE"/>
  -      <jvmarg value="-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=n,suspend=n,address=localhost:2401"/>
  -    </junit>
  -    <junitreport todir="${reports}">
  -       <fileset dir="${reports}">
  -          <include name="TEST-*.xml" />
  -       </fileset>
  -       <report format="frames" todir="${reports}/html"/>
  -    </junitreport>
  -  </target>
  -   <target name="one.test.aopc50" depends="aopc50" description="run junit test cases.">
  -     <junit printsummary="true" fork="yes" >
  -       <classpath refid="lib.classpath.50" />
  -       <classpath refid="build.classpath.50" />
  +       <classpath refid="build.classpath" />
          <classpath path="${output}/etc" />
          <formatter type="xml" />
          <sysproperty key="log4j.configuration" value="file:${output}/etc/log4j.xml"/>
  @@ -456,88 +331,15 @@
  -   <!-- Works only with aop package -->
  -   <!-- This one uses the system classloader option -->
  -  <target name="run.aop.batch" depends="generateClassLoader, compile" description="run junit test cases.">
  -    <junit printsummary="true"
  -      timeout="${junit.timeout}"
  -      fork="yes" >
  -      <jvmarg value="-Xmx128M"/>
  -      <jvmarg value="-Dbind.address="/>
  -      <classpath refid="lib.classpath" />
  -      <classpath path="${build}" />
  -       <jvmarg value="-Djboss.aop.path=${output}/etc/jboss-aop.xml"/>
  -       <jvmarg value="-Xbootclasspath/p:${bootclasspath}"/>
  -      <classpath path="${output}/etc" />
  -      <sysproperty key="log4j.configuration" value="file:${output}/etc/log4j.xml"/>
  -      <formatter type="xml" />
  -      <batchtest todir="${reports}"
  -                 haltonerror="no"
  -                 haltonfailure="no"
  -                 fork="yes">
  -        <fileset dir="${build}">
  -          <include name="**/aop/**/*Test.class"/>
  -           <exclude name="org.jboss.cache.aop.eviction.AopLRUPolicyUpdateEvictionTest.class"/>
  -        </fileset>
  -      </batchtest>
  -    </junit>
  -    <junitreport todir="${reports}">
  -       <fileset dir="${reports}">
  -          <include name="TEST-*.xml" />
  -       </fileset>
  -       <report format="frames" todir="${reports}/html"/>
  -    </junitreport>
  -  </target>
      <!-- Works only with aop package -->
      <!-- This one uses the aopc+ annoc option -->
  -  <target name="run.aopc.batch" depends="aopcWithAnnoc" description="run junit test cases.">
  +  <target name="run.pojocache.batch" depends="aopc" description="run junit test cases.">
       <junit printsummary="true"
         fork="yes" >
         <jvmarg value="-Xmx128M"/>
         <classpath refid="lib.classpath" />
  -      <classpath path="${build}" />
  -      <classpath path="${output}/etc" />
  -      <sysproperty key="log4j.configuration" value="file:${output}/etc/log4j.xml"/>
  -      <formatter type="xml" />
  -      <batchtest todir="${reports}"
  -                 haltonerror="no"
  -                 haltonfailure="no"
  -                 fork="yes">
  -        <fileset dir="${build}">
  -           <include name="**/aop/**/*Test.class"/>
  -           <exclude name="org.jboss.cache.aop.eviction.AopLRUPolicyUpdateEvictionTest.class"/>
  -        </fileset>
  -      </batchtest>
  -    </junit>
  -    <junitreport todir="${reports}">
  -       <fileset dir="${reports}">
  -          <include name="TEST-*.xml" />
  -       </fileset>
  -       <report format="frames" todir="${reports}/html"/>
  -    </junitreport>
  -  </target>
  -   <!-- Works only with aop package -->
  -   <!-- This one uses the aopc+ annoc option -->
  -  <target name="run.aopc50.batch" depends="aopc50" description="run junit test cases.">
  -    <junit printsummary="true"
  -      timeout="${junit.timeout}"
  -      fork="yes" >
  -      <jvmarg value="-Xmx128M"/>
  -      <classpath refid="lib.classpath.50" />
  -      <classpath refid="build.classpath.50" />
  +      <classpath refid="build.classpath" />
         <classpath path="${output}/etc" />
         <formatter type="xml" />
         <sysproperty key="log4j.configuration" value="file:${output}/etc/log4j.xml"/>
  @@ -547,13 +349,8 @@
  -         <fileset dir="${build-50}">
  -            <include name="**/aop/**/*Test.class"/>
  -            <exclude name="org.jboss.cache.aop.eviction.AopLRUPolicyUpdateEvictionTest.class"/>
  -         </fileset>
            <fileset dir="${build}">
  -            <include name="**/aop/**/*Test.class"/>
  -            <exclude name="org.jboss.cache.aop.eviction.AopLRUPolicyUpdateEvictionTest.class"/>
  +            <include name="**/pojo/**/*Test.class"/>
  @@ -567,7 +364,7 @@
  -  <target name="run.aop.demo" depends="compile" description="run tree cache demo.">
  +  <target name="run.pojocache.demo" depends="compile" description="run tree cache demo.">
       <!--java classname="org.jboss.cache.aop.TreeCacheAopView" fork="yes"-->
         <java classname="org.jboss.cache.TreeCacheView2" fork="yes">
         <jvmarg value="-Xmx128M"/>

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