[jboss-cvs] jboss-seam/examples ...

Peter Muir peter at bleepbleep.org.uk
Wed Jun 27 14:30:33 EDT 2007

  User: pmuir   
  Date: 07/06/27 14:30:33

  Added:       examples  build.xml
  First stab a refactoring build.xml for examples
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1      date: 2007/06/27 18:30:33;  author: pmuir;  state: Exp;jboss-seam/examples/build.xml
  Index: build.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!-- ###################### SEAM EXAMPLES BUILD FILE ###################### -->
    This build file is used for all the Seam examples.  Each example has a 
    build.xml which is used to specify per project settings, and override targets
    and filesets as necessary.
    USING SEAM sections you can see what jars are required (for use on JBoss AS)
    for Seam, and if you want to use the integration with other projects
  <project name="SeamExample" default="deploy" basedir=".">
  	<tstamp />
  	<!-- Location of Seam -->
  	<dirname property="seam.dir" file="${ant.file.SeamExample}/../" />
  	<!-- Import build.properties for Seam -->
  	<property file="${seam.dir}/build.properties" />
  	<!-- ###################### PROPERTY DEFINITIONS ###################### -->
  	<!-- Source directories -->
  	<property name="src.java.dir" value="src" />
  	<property name="src.test.dir" value="src" />
  	<property name="view.dir" value="view" />
  	<property name="resources.dir" value="resources" />
  	<property name="validate.resources.dir" value="${resources.dir}" />
  	<!-- Deployment directories -->
  	<property name="deploy.dir" value="${jboss.home}/server/default/deploy" />
  	<property name="conf.dir" value="${jboss.home}/server/default/conf" />
  	<property name="webroot.dir" value="${deploy.dir}/jbossweb-tomcat55.sar/ROOT.war" />
  	<!-- Library directories -->
  	<property name="lib.dir" value="${seam.dir}/lib" />
  	<property name="drools.lib.dir" value="${seam.dir}/drools/lib" />
  	<property name="mail.dir" value="${seam.dir}/mail" />
  	<property name="meldware.dir" value="${mail.dir}/buni-meldware" />
  	<!-- Target directories -->
  	<property name="dist.dir" value="dist" />
  	<property name="ear.dir" value="exploded-archives/${example.name}.ear" />
  	<property name="jar.dir" value="exploded-archives/${example.name}.jar" />
  	<property name="war.dir" value="exploded-archives/${example.name}.war" />
  	<property name="ear.deploy.dir" value="${deploy.dir}/${example.name}.ear" />
  	<property name="jar.deploy.dir" value="${ear.deploy.dir}/${example.name}.jar" />
  	<property name="war.deploy.dir" value="${ear.deploy.dir}/${example.name}.war" />
  	<!-- Testing -->
  	<property name="test.dir" value="test-build" />
  	<property name="coverage.dir" value="${seam.dir}/build/coverage" />
  	<property name="test-report.dir" value="${seam.dir}/test-report" />
  	<property name="eejb.conf.dir" value="${seam.dir}/bootstrap" />
  	<property name="src.schema.dir" value="${seam.dir}/src/main/org/jboss/seam" />
  	<property name="schema.version" value="${version}" />
  	<property name="testng.jar" value="${seam.dir}/lib/testng-5.6-jdk15.jar" />
  	<!-- Enable validation (only if set true in build.properties) -->
  	<condition property="validate.xml.enabled">
  		<istrue value="${validate.xml}" />
  	<property name="javac.debug" value="true" />
  	<property name="javac.deprecation" value="false" />
  	<!-- ################## PLACEHOLDERS FOR OVERRIDING ################### -->
  	   This allows build files which import this one to easily add extra 
  	   resources to the the build 
  	<!-- Added to the build classpath -->
  	<path id="build.classpath.extras" />
  	<!-- Added to the test classpath -->
  	<path id="test.classpath.extras" />
  	<!-- Added to the ejb root on build-->
  	<fileset id="jar.extras" dir=".">
  		<exclude name="**/*" />
  	<!-- Added to the war root on build -->
  	<fileset id="war.extras" dir=".">
  		<exclude name="**/*" />
  	<!-- Added to the ear root on build -->
  	<fileset id="ear.extras" dir=".">
  		<exclude name="**/*" />
  	<!-- Added to the tomcat war root on build -->
  	<fileset id="tomcat.war.extras" dir=".">
  		<exclude name="**/*" />
  	<!-- Added to the tomcat jar root on build -->
  	<fileset id="tomcat.jar.extras" dir=".">
  		<exclude name="**/*" />
  	<!-- ############## SEAM JARS AND REQUIRED DEPENDENCIES ############### -->
  	  Seam is made up of a number of jars.  They are specified here, with
  	  dependencies for each one
  	<!-- Seam core, with required dependencies -->
  	<fileset id="seam.jar" dir="${seam.dir}">
  		<include name="jboss-seam.jar" />
  	<!-- Seam ui, with required dependencies -->
  	<fileset id="seam.ui.jar" dir="${seam.dir}">
  		<include name="jboss-seam-ui.jar" if="seam.ui.lib" />
  		<include name="lib/commons-beanutils*.jar" if="seam.ui.lib" />
  	<!-- Seam  pdf, with required dependencies -->
  	<fileset id="seam.pdf.jar" dir="${seam.dir}">
  		<include name="jboss-seam-pdf.jar" if="seam.pdf.lib" />
  		<include name="lib/itext-*.jar" if="seam.pdf.lib" />
  		<include name="lib/jfreechart-*.jar" if="seam.pdf.lib" />
  		<include name="lib/jcommon-*.jar" if="seam.pdf.lib" />
  	<!-- Seam debug, with required dependencies -->
  	<fileset id="seam.debug.jar" dir="${seam.dir}">
  		<include name="jboss-seam-debug.jar" if="seam.debug.lib" />
  	<!-- Seam ioc, with required dependencies -->
  	<fileset id="seam.ioc.jar" dir="${seam.dir}">
  		<include name="jboss-seam-ioc.jar" if="seam.ioc.war.lib" />
  	<!-- Seam mail, with required dependencies -->
  	<fileset id="seam.mail.jar" dir="${seam.dir}">
  		<include name="jboss-seam-mail.jar" if="seam.mail.lib" />
  	<!-- Seam remoting, with required dependencies -->
  	<fileset id="seam.remoting.jar" dir="${seam.dir}">
  		<include name="jboss-seam-remoting.jar" if="seam.remoting.lib" />
  	<!-- jboss-el -->
  	<fileset id="jboss-el.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
  		<include name="jboss-el.jar" />
  	<!-- Dependencies for using Seam with JSF - only needed if the server 
  	     doesn't come with JSF! -->
  	<fileset id="jsf.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
  		<include name="jsf-*.jar" />
  		<include name="jstl-*.jar" />
  	<!-- ############## OPTIONAL DEPENDENCIES FOR USING SEAM ############## -->
  	  Seam provides tight integration with a number of libratries and 
  	  frameworks.  There are examples for these, and the dependencies
  	  for each are specified here 
  	<!-- Dependencies for seam-remoting used with GWT -->
  	<fileset id="gwt.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
  		<include name="gwt-servlet.jar" if="gwt.lib" />
  	<!-- Dependencies for seam used with the Quartz dispatcher -->
  	<fileset id="quartz.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
  		<include name="quartz-1.6.0.jar" if="quartz.lib" />
  	<!-- Dependencies for seam-ioc used with Spring -->
  	<fileset id="spring.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
  		<include name="spring*.jar" if="spring.lib" />
  	<!-- Optional UI jars -->
  	<!-- Dependencies for using Seam with facelets -->
  	<fileset id="facelets.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
  		<include name="jsf-facelets.jar" if="facelets.lib" />
  	<!-- Dependencies for using Seam with Ajax4jsf -->
  	<fileset id="ajax4jsf.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
  		<include name="ajax4jsf*.jar" if="ajax4jsf.lib" />
  		<include name="commons-beanutils*.jar" if="ajax4jsf.lib" />
  		<include name="commons-digester*.jar" if="ajax4jsf.lib" />
  	<!-- Dependencies for using Seam with JBPM -->
  	<fileset id="jbpm.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
  		<include name="jbpm*.jar" if="jbpm.lib" />
  	<!-- Dependencies for using Seam with JBoss Cache (s:cache) -->
  	<fileset id="cache.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
  		<include name="jboss-cache-jdk50.jar" if="cache.lib" />
  		<include name="jboss-aop-jdk50.jar" if="cache.lib" />
  		<include name="jgroups.jar" if="cache.lib" />
  	<!-- Dependencies for using Seam with Hibernate Search -->
  	<fileset id="search.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
  		<include name="lucene*.jar" if="search.lib" />
  		<include name="hibernate-search.jar" if="search.lib" />
  		<include name="hibernate-commons-annotations.jar" if="search.lib" />
  	<!-- Dependencies for using Seam with Drools -->
  	<fileset id="drools.jar" dir="${drools.lib.dir}">
  		<include name="*.jar" if="drools.lib" />
  	<!-- Dependencies for using Seam with JCaptcha -->
  	<fileset id="jcaptcha.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
  		<include name="jcaptcha-all*.jar" if="jcaptcha.lib" />
  	<!-- Dependencies for using Seam with URLRewrite -->
  	<fileset id="urlrewrite.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
  		<include name="urlrewrite*.jar" if="urlrewrite.lib" />
  	<!-- ############################ MELDWARE ############################ -->
  	  Meldware from buni.org provides a java based mail server which Seam uses
  	  to demonstrate it's mail capabilities.  It's unlike other dependencies as
  	  it is deployed as a number of standalone wars, rars and ears.
  	<!-- Meldware configuration -->
  	<patternset id="meldware.conf.files">
  		<exclude name="**/*" unless="deploy.meldware" />
  		<include name="meldware.store" if="deploy.meldware" />
  	<!-- Just the mail portion of meldware -->
  	<patternset id="meldware.files">
  		<exclude name="**/*" unless="deploy.meldware.mail" />
  		<include name="_mail.ear" if="deploy.meldware.mail" />
  		<include name="meldwarebase.sar" if="deploy.meldware.mail" />
  	<!-- ############### RESOURCES FOR EXAMPLES (JBOSS AS) ################ -->
  	  A number of configuration files are needed for Seam, and it's 
  	  dependencies.  The examples place all their configuration files in the
  	  resources directory.  They aren't split along packaging lines (as this
  	  varies depending on what platform you deploy to), but rather by location.
  	  Here, therefore, we split them into the ejb, the war and the ear. 
  	  Some resource are also placed in the deploy and conf directory of JBoss
  	<!-- View files -->
  	<fileset id="war.view" dir="${view.dir}">
  		<include name="**/*" />
  	<!-- resources to go in the war -->
  	<fileset id="war.resources" dir="${resources.dir}">
  		<include name="WEB-INF/*.xml" />
  		<include name="WEB-INF/*.sql" />
  	<!-- resources to go in the jar  -->
  	<fileset id="jar.resources" dir="${resources.dir}">
  		<include name="import.sql" />
  		<include name="seam.properties" />
  		<include name="META-INF/persistence.xml" />
  		<include name="META-INF/ejb-jar.xml" />
  		<include name="META-INF/orm.xml" />
  		<include name="META-INF/components.xml" />
  		<include name="META-INF/jboss.xml" />
  		<include name="META-INF/security-config.xml" />
  		<include name="META-INF/security-rules.drl" />
  		<include name="META-INF/standard-jaxws-endpoint-config.xml" />
  	<!-- Resources to go in the ear -->
  	<fileset id="ear.resources" dir="${resources.dir}">
  		<include name="META-INF/application.xml" />
  		<include name="META-INF/jboss-app.xml" />
  		<include name="META-INF/*-service.xml" />
  		<include name="META-INF/*-xmbean.xml" />
  		<include name="treecache.xml" />
  		<include name="*.jpdl.xml" />
  		<exclude name=".gpd.*" />
  		<include name="*.cfg.xml" />
  		<include name="*.xsd" />
  		<include name="*.drl" />
  	<!-- files for Seam Component jars -->
  	<patternset id="components-jar.files">
  		<include name="**/*.class" />
  		<include name="**/*.component.xml" />
  		<include name="**/components.xml" />
  	<!-- Build classpath -->
  	<path id="build.classpath">
  		<fileset dir="${lib.dir}">
  			<include name="*.jar" />
  		<fileset dir="${seam.dir}">
  			<include name="jboss-seam.jar" />
  		<path refid="build.classpath.extras" />
  	<!-- #################### BUILD TARGETS (JBOSS AS) #################### -->
  	  The build targets for the examples.  Both unexploded (deploy, undeploy)
  	  and unexploded (explode, unexplode, restart) deployment is possible.
  	<!-- Initialize the build -->
  	<target name="init">
  		<echo message="Building ${example.name}" />
  		<mkdir dir="${jar.dir}" />
  		<mkdir dir="${ear.dir}" />
  		<mkdir dir="${war.dir}" />
  		<mkdir dir="${dist.dir}" />
  	<target name="select-compiler">
  		<available classname="org.eclipse.jdt.core.JDTCompilerAdapter" property="build.compiler" value="org.eclipse.jdt.core.JDTCompilerAdapter" />
  	<!-- Compile the source code, directly into the jar -->
  	<target name="compile" depends="init, select-compiler" description="Compile the Java source code">
  		<javac classpathref="build.classpath" destdir="${jar.dir}" debug="${javac.debug}" deprecation="${javac.deprecation}" nowarn="on">
  			<src path="${src.java.dir}" />
  	<target name="jar" depends="compile" description="Build the distribution .jar file">
  		<copy todir="${jar.dir}">
  			<fileset refid="jar.resources" />
  			<fileset refid="jar.extras" />
  	<target name="war" depends="compile" description="Build the distribution .war file">
  		<copy todir="${war.dir}">
  			<fileset refid="war.view" />
  			<fileset refid="war.extras" />
  		<copy todir="${war.dir}/WEB-INF/lib">
  			<fileset refid="seam.debug.jar" />
  			<fileset refid="seam.ioc.jar" />
  			<fileset refid="seam.mail.jar" />
  			<fileset refid="seam.pdf.jar" />
  			<fileset refid="seam.remoting.jar" />
  			<fileset refid="seam.ui.jar" />
  			<fileset refid="facelets.jar" />
  			<fileset refid="urlrewrite.jar" />
  			<fileset refid="ajax4jsf.jar" />
  			<mapper type="flatten" />
  		<!-- Copy in resources, with filtering -->
  		<copy todir="${war.dir}">
  			<fileset refid="war.resources" />
  				<filter token="debug" value="${debug}" />
  				<filter token="jndiPattern" value="${example.name}/#{ejbName}/local" />
  				<filter token="embeddedEjb" value="false" />
  		<!-- Put messages into the classpath -->
  		<copy todir="${war.dir}/WEB-INF/classes">
  			<fileset dir="${resources.dir}">
  				<include name="messages*.properties" />
  	<target name="ear" description="Build the distribution .ear">
  		<copy todir="${ear.dir}">
  			<fileset refid="seam.jar" />
  			<fileset refid="ear.extras" />
  			<fileset refid="ear.resources" />
  		<mkdir dir="${ear.dir}/lib" />
  		<copy todir="${ear.dir}/lib">
  			<fileset refid="jboss-el.jar" />
  			<fileset refid="drools.jar" />
  			<fileset refid="jbpm.jar" />
  			<fileset refid="cache.jar" />
  			<fileset refid="search.jar" />
  			<fileset refid="gwt.jar" />
  			<fileset refid="quartz.jar" />
  			<fileset refid="spring.jar" />
  			<mapper type="flatten" />
  	<target name="archive" depends="jar,war,ear" description="Package the archives">
  		<jar jarfile="${dist.dir}/${example.name}.jar" basedir="${jar.dir}" />
  		<jar jarfile="${dist.dir}/${example.name}.war" basedir="${war.dir}" />
  		<jar jarfile="${dist.dir}/${example.name}.ear">
  			<fileset dir="${ear.dir}" />
  			<fileset dir="${dist.dir}">
  				<include name="${example.name}.jar" />
  				<include name="${example.name}.war" />
  	<!-- Deploy the target to JBoss AS -->
  	<target name="deploy" depends="archive, datasource, meldware" description="Deploy the example to JBoss AS">
  		<fail unless="jboss.home">
  			jboss.home not set, update build.properties
  		<copy file="${dist.dir}/${example.name}.ear" todir="${deploy.dir}" />
  	<target name="meldware">
  		<copy todir="${deploy.dir}">
  			<fileset dir="${meldware.dir}">
  				<patternset refid="meldware.files" />
  		<copy todir="${conf.dir}">
  			<fileset dir="${meldware.dir}">
  				<patternset refid="meldware.conf.files" />
  	<target name="undeploy" description="Undeploy the example from JBoss">
  		<delete file="${deploy.dir}/${example.name}.ear" />
  		<delete file="${deploy.dir}/${example.ds}" />
  			<fileset dir="${deploy.dir}">
  				<patternset refid="meldware.files" />
  	<target name="datasource">
  		<fail unless="jboss.home">jboss.home not set</fail>
  		<copy todir="${deploy.dir}">
  			<fileset dir="${resources.dir}">
  				<include name="${example.ds}" />
  	<target name="explode" depends="jar,war,ear,datasource" description="Deploy the exploded archive">
  		<fail unless="jboss.home">jboss.home not set</fail>
  		<mkdir dir="${jar.deploy.dir}" />
  		<mkdir dir="${war.deploy.dir}" />
  		<copy todir="${jar.deploy.dir}">
  			<fileset dir="${jar.dir}" />
  		<copy todir="${war.deploy.dir}">
  			<fileset dir="${war.dir}" />
  		<copy todir="${ear.deploy.dir}">
  			<fileset dir="${ear.dir}" />
  	<target name="unexplode" description="Undeploy the exploded archive">
  		<delete failonerror="no">
  			<fileset dir="${ear.deploy.dir}">
  				<exclude name="**/*.jar" />
  		<delete file="${deploy.dir}/${example.name}-ds.xml" failonerror="no" />
  		<delete dir="${ear.deploy.dir}" failonerror="no" />
  	<target name="restart" depends="explode" description="Restart the exploded archive">
  		<touch file="${ear.deploy.dir}/META-INF/application.xml" />
  	<!-- ################# RESOURCES FOR EXAMPLE (TOMCAT) ################# -->
  	<!-- Tomcat war resources -->
  	<!--	<fileset id="tomcat.war.resources" dir="resources">-->
  	<!--		<include name="WEB-INF/**/*.*" />-->
  	<!--	</fileset>-->
  	<!-- #################### BUILD TARGETS (TOMCAT) #################### -->
  	<!--	<target name="tomcat.jar" depends="compile">-->
  	<!--		<jar jarfile="${dist.dir}/${example.name}.jar">-->
  	<!--			<fileset dir="${classes.dir}">-->
  	<!--				<patternset refid="components-jar.files" />-->
  	<!--			</fileset>-->
  	<!--			<fileset refid="ejb3.resources" />-->
  	<!--			<fileset refid="tomcat.jar.extras" />-->
  	<!--		</jar>-->
  	<!--	</target>-->
  	<!--	<target name="tomcat.war" depends="compile, tomcat.jar">-->
  	<!--		<mkdir dir="${build.dir}/resources/WEB-INF/lib" />-->
  	<!--		<copy todir="${build.dir}/resources/WEB-INF/lib">-->
  	<!--			<fileset refid="seam.jar" />-->
  	<!--			<fileset refid="seam.debug.jar" />-->
  	<!--			<fileset refid="seam.ui.jar" />-->
  	<!--			<fileset refid="seam.pdf.jar" />-->
  	<!--			<fileset refid="seam.ioc.jar" />-->
  	<!--			<fileset refid="seam.remoting.jar" />-->
  	<!--			<fileset refid="tomcat.war.extras" />-->
  	<!--			<fileset refid="drools.jar" />-->
  	<!--			<fileset refid="facelets.jar" />-->
  	<!--			<fileset refid="cache.jar" />-->
  	<!--			<fileset refid="jbpm.jar" />-->
  	<!--			<fileset refid="spring.jar" />-->
  	<!--			<fileset refid="gwt.jar" />-->
  	<!--			<fileset refid="ajax4jsf.jar" />-->
  	<!--			<fileset refid="jboss-el.jar" />-->
  	<!--			<fileset refid="jsf.jar" />-->
  	<!--			<fileset dir="${dist.dir}">-->
  	<!--				<include name="${example.name}.jar" />-->
  	<!--			</fileset>-->
  	<!--			<mapper type="flatten" />-->
  	<!--		</copy>-->
  	<!--		<copy todir="${build.dir}/resources">-->
  	<!--			<fileset refid="tomcat.war.resources" />-->
  	<!--			<filterset>-->
  	<!--				<filter token="jndiPattern" value="#{ejbName}/local" />-->
  	<!--			</filterset>-->
  	<!--		</copy>-->
  	<!--		<jar destfile="${dist.dir}/${example.name}.war" duplicate="preserve">-->
  	<!--			<fileset dir="${build.dir}/resources">-->
  	<!--				<include name="WEB-INF/**/*" />-->
  	<!--			</fileset>-->
  	<!--			<fileset refid="war.view" />-->
  	<!--		</jar>-->
  	<!--	</target>-->
  	<!--	<target name="tomcat.build" depends="tomcat.war" description="Build the Example for tomcat to the dist dir" />-->
  	<!--	<target name="tomcat.deploy" depends="tomcat.undeploy,tomcat.build" description="Deploy the example to Tomcat">-->
  	<!--		<echo>Don't forget to set the path of tomcat.home to Tomcat root directory !</echo>-->
  	<!--		<copy file="${dist.dir}/${example.name}.war" todir="${tomcat.home}/webapps" />-->
  	<!--		<echo>After you start Tomcat, the example will be available at: http://localhost:8080/${example.name}</echo>-->
  	<!--	</target>-->
  	<!--	<target name="tomcat.undeploy" description="Undeploy the example from Tomcat">-->
  	<!--		<delete file="${tomcat.home}/webapps/${example.name}.war" />-->
  	<!--		<delete dir="${tomcat.home}/webapps/${example.name}" />-->
  	<!--	</target>-->
  	<!-- #################### TEST TARGETS (JBOSS AS) ##################### -->
  	  You can test the example by running the test target.  This will also
  	  validate the configuration files if enabled in the main build.properties.
  	<path id="emma.classpath">
  		<pathelement location="${seam.dir}/extras/emma/emma.jar" />
  		<pathelement location="${seam.dir}/extras/emma/emma_ant.jar" />
  	<target name="validateConfiguration" if="validate.xml.enabled">
  		<ant antfile="${seam.dir}/validate.xml" target="validateConfiguration" />
  	<target name="test.1" depends="validateConfiguration, compile" description="Run the example tests">
  		<taskdef resource="testngtasks" classpath="${testng.jar}" />
  		<copy todir="${build.dir}/test">
  			<fileset dir="${classes.dir}" includes="**/*.*" />
  			<fileset dir="${resources.dir}">
  				<include name="**/*" />
  		<delete dir="test-output" />
  		<testng outputdir="test-output">
  			<classpath path="${coverage.dir}/classes" />
  			<!-- TODO: ugly! -->
  			<classpath path="${build.dir}/test" />
  			<classpath path="${eejb.conf.dir}" />
  			<classpath refid="build.classpath" />
  			<classpath refid="emma.classpath" />
  			<xmlfileset dir="${src.test.dir}" includes="**/*.xml" />
  			<classpath refid="test.classpath.extras" />
  	<target name="compiletest" unless="eclipse.running" description="Compile the Java source code for the tests">
  		<mkdir dir="${test.dir}" />
  		<javac classpathref="build.classpath" destdir="${test.dir}" debug="${javac.debug}" deprecation="${javac.deprecation}" nowarn="on">
  			<src path="${src.java.dir}" />
  			<src path="${src.test.dir}" />
  	<target name="buildtest" depends="compiletest" description="Build the tests">
  		<copy todir="${test.dir}">
  			<fileset dir="${resources.dir}">
  				<exclude name="${example.ds}.xml" />
  		<copy todir="${test.dir}" flatten="true">
  			<fileset dir="${src.test.dir}">
  				<include name="**/*.xml" />
  	<target name="test" depends="buildtest" description="Run the tests">
  		<taskdef resource="testngtasks" classpath="${testng.jar}" />
  		<testng outputdir="${test-report.dir}">
  			<classpath path="${test.dir}" />
  			<classpath path="${eejb.conf.dir}" />
  			<classpath refid="build.classpath" />
  			<xmlfileset dir="${src.test.dir}" includes="**/*.xml" />
  	<!-- #################### CLEAN TARGETS #################### -->
  	<target name="clean" description="Cleans up the build directory">
  		<delete dir="${dist.dir}" />
  		<delete dir="${ear.dir}" />
  		<delete dir="${war.dir}" />
  		<delete dir="${jar.dir}" />
  		<delete dir="${basedir}/test-report" />
  		<delete dir="${basedir}/test-output" />
  		<delete failonerror="no">
  			<fileset dir="${test.dir}">
  				<exclude name="**/*.class" if="eclipse.running" />

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