[jboss-cvs] JBoss Messaging SVN: r4018 - trunk/src/main/org/jboss/messaging/core/management/impl.

jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org
Tue Apr 8 05:06:17 EDT 2008

Author: ataylor
Date: 2008-04-08 05:06:17 -0400 (Tue, 08 Apr 2008)
New Revision: 4018

removed commented out methods

Modified: trunk/src/main/org/jboss/messaging/core/management/impl/MessagingServerManagementImpl.java
--- trunk/src/main/org/jboss/messaging/core/management/impl/MessagingServerManagementImpl.java	2008-04-07 16:29:12 UTC (rev 4017)
+++ trunk/src/main/org/jboss/messaging/core/management/impl/MessagingServerManagementImpl.java	2008-04-08 09:06:17 UTC (rev 4018)
@@ -419,486 +419,8 @@
       return messagingServer.getPostOffice().listAllDestinations();
-////   public int getDeliveringCountForQueue(String queue) throws Exception
-////   {
-////      return getQueue(queue).getDeliveringCount();
-////   }
-//   public int getScheduledMessageCountForQueue(String queue) throws Exception
-//   {
-//      return getQueue(queue).getScheduledCount();
-//   }
-////   public MessageCounter getMessageCounterForQueue(String queue) throws Exception
-////   {
-////      return getQueue(queue).getMessageCounter();
-////   }
-////   public MessageStatistics getMessageStatisticsForQueue(String queue) throws Exception
-////   {
-////      List counters = new ArrayList();
-////      counters.add(getQueue(queue).getMessageCounter());
-////      List stats = MessageCounter.getStatistics(counters);
-////      return (MessageStatistics)stats.get(0);
-////   }
-////   public List<Message> listAllMessagesForQueue(String queue) throws Exception
-////   {
-////      return getQueue(queue).listAllMessages(null);
-////   }
-//   public List<Message> listAllMessagesForQueue(String queue, String selector) throws Exception
-//   {
-//      return listAllMessages(getQueue(queue), selector);
-//   }
-//   public List<Message> listDurableMessagesForQueue(String queue) throws Exception
-//   {
-//      return listDurableMessages(getQueue(queue), null);
-//   }
-//   public List<Message> listDurableMessagesForQueue(String queue, String selector) throws Exception
-//   {
-//      return listDurableMessages(getQueue(queue), selector);
-//   }
-//   public List<Message> listNonDurableMessagesForQueue(String queue) throws Exception
-//   {
-//      return listNonDurableMessages(getQueue(queue), null);
-//   }
-//   public List<Message> listNonDurableMessagesForQueue(String queue, String selector) throws Exception
-//   {
-//      return listNonDurableMessages(getQueue(queue), selector);
-//   }
-////   public String listMessageCounterAsHTMLForQueue(String queue) throws Exception
-////   {
-////      return listMessageCounterAsHTML(new MessageCounter[] { getMessageCounterForQueue(queue) });
-////   }
-////   public String listMessageCounterHistoryAsHTMLForQueue(String queue) throws Exception
-////   {
-////      return listMessageCounterHistoryAsHTML(new MessageCounter[] {getMessageCounterForQueue(queue)});
-////   }
-//   public int getAllMessageCountForTopic(String topicName) throws Exception
-//   {
-//      return getAllMessageCountForTopic(topicName);
-//   }
-//   public int getDurableMessageCountForTopic(String topicName) throws Exception
-//   {
-//      return getDurableMessageCountForTopic(topicName);
-//   }
-//   public int getNonDurableMessageCountForTopic(String topicName) throws Exception
-//   {
-//      return getNonDurableMessageCountForTopic(topicName);
-//   }
-//   public int getAllSubscriptionsCount(String topicName) throws Exception
-//   {
-//      return getAllSubscriptionsCount(topicName);
-//   }
-//   public int getDurableSubscriptionsCountForTopic(String topicName) throws Exception
-//   {
-//      return getDurableSubscriptionsCountForTopic(topicName);
-//   }
-//   public int getNonDurableSubscriptionsCountForTopic(String topicName) throws Exception
-//   {
-//      return getNonDurableSubscriptionsCountForTopic(topicName);
-//   }
-//   public List<SubscriptionInfo> listDurableSubscriptionsForTopic(String topicName) throws Exception
-//   {
-//      return listDurableSubscriptions(topicName);
-//   }
-//   public List<SubscriptionInfo> listNonDurableSubscriptionsForTopic(String topicName) throws Exception
-//   {
-//      return listNonDurableSubscriptions(topicName);
-//   }
-//   public String listAllSubscriptionsAsHTMLForTopic(String topicName) throws Exception
-//   {
-//      return listAllSubscriptionsAsHTML(topicName);
-//   }
-//   public String listDurableSubscriptionsAsHTMLForTopic(String topicName) throws Exception
-//   {
-//      return listDurableSubscriptionsAsHTML(topicName);
-//   }
-//   public String listNonDurableSubscriptionsAsHTMLForTopic(String topicName) throws Exception
-//   {
-//      return listNonDurableSubscriptionsAsHTML(topicName);
-//   }
-////   public List<Message> listAllMessagesForSubscription(String subscriptionId) throws Exception
-////   {
-////      return listAllMessagesForSubscription(subscriptionId, null);
-////   }
-////   public List<Message> listAllMessagesForSubscription(String subscriptionId, String selector) throws Exception
-////   {
-////      return listAllMessages(subscriptionId, selector);
-////   }
-////   public List<Message> listDurableMessagesForSubscription(String subscriptionId) throws Exception
-////   {
-////      return listDurableMessages(subscriptionId, null);
-////   }
-////   public List<Message> listDurableMessagesForTopic(String topicName, String subscriptionId, String selector) throws Exception
-////   {
-////      return listDurableMessages(topicName, subscriptionId, selector);
-////   }
-////   public List<Message> listNonDurableMessagesForTopic(String topicName, String subscriptionId) throws Exception
-////   {
-////      return listNonDurableMessages(subscriptionId, null);
-////   }
-////   public List<Message> listNonDurableMessagesForTopic(String topicName, String subscriptionId, String selector) throws Exception
-////   {
-////      return listNonDurableMessages(subscriptionId, selector);
-////   }
-//   public List<MessageCounter> getMessageCountersForTopic(String topicName) throws Exception
-//   {
-//      return getMessageCounters(topicName);
-//   }
-//   public String showActiveClientsAsHTML() throws Exception
-//   {
-//      CharArrayWriter charArray = new CharArrayWriter();
-//      PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(charArray);
-//      List endpoints = messagingServer.getConnectionManager().getActiveConnections();
-//      out.println("<table><tr><td>ID</td><td>Host</td><td>User</td><td>#Sessions</td></tr>");
-//      for (Iterator iter = endpoints.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
-//      {
-//         ServerConnectionImpl endpoint = (ServerConnectionImpl) iter.next();
-//         out.println("<tr>");
-//         out.println("<td>" + endpoint.toString() + "</td>");
-//         // FIXME display URI of client
-//         out.println("<td>" + endpoint.getUsername() + "</td>");
-//         out.println("<td>" + endpoint.getSessions().size() + "</td>");
-//         out.println("</tr>");
-//      }
-//      out.println("</table>");
-//      return charArray.toString();
-//   }
-////   public String showPreparedTransactionsAsHTML()
-////   {
-////      List txs = messagingServer.getTxRepository().getPreparedTransactions();
-////      JBossStringBuilder buffer = new JBossStringBuilder();
-////      buffer.append("<table width=\"100%\" border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\">");
-////      buffer.append("<tr><th>Xid</th></tr>");
-////      for (Iterator i = txs.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
-////      {
-////         Xid xid = (Xid) i.next();
-////         if (xid != null)
-////         {
-////            buffer.append("<tr><td>");
-////            buffer.append(xid);
-////            buffer.append("</td></tr>");
-////         }
-////      }
-////      buffer.append("</table>");
-////      return buffer.toString();
-////   }
-////   public String listMessageCountersAsHTML() throws Exception
-////   {
-////      List counters = messagingServer.getMessageCounters();
-////      Collections.sort(counters, new Comparator()
-////      {
-////         public int compare(Object o1, Object o2)
-////         {
-////            MessageCounter m1 = (MessageCounter) o1;
-////            MessageCounter m2 = (MessageCounter) o2;
-////            return m1.getDestinationName().compareTo(m2.getDestinationName());
-////         }
-////      });
-////      String ret =
-////              "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\">"
-////                      + "<tr>"
-////                      + "<th>Type</th>"
-////                      + "<th>Name</th>"
-////                      + "<th>Subscription</th>"
-////                      + "<th>Durable</th>"
-////                      + "<th>Count</th>"
-////                      + "<th>CountDelta</th>"
-////                      + "<th>Depth</th>"
-////                      + "<th>DepthDelta</th>"
-////                      + "<th>Last Add</th>"
-////                      + "</tr>";
-////      String strNameLast = null;
-////      String strTypeLast = null;
-////      String strDestLast = null;
-////      String destData = "";
-////      int destCount = 0;
-////      int countTotal = 0;
-////      int countDeltaTotal = 0;
-////      int depthTotal = 0;
-////      int depthDeltaTotal = 0;
-////      int i = 0; // define outside of for statement, so variable
-////      // still exists after for loop, because it is
-////      // needed during output of last module data string
-////      Iterator iter = counters.iterator();
-////      while (iter.hasNext())
-////      {
-////         MessageCounter counter = (MessageCounter) iter.next();
-////         // get counter data
-////         StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(counter.getCounterAsString(), ",");
-////         String strType = tokens.nextToken();
-////         String strName = tokens.nextToken();
-////         String strSub = tokens.nextToken();
-////         String strDurable = tokens.nextToken();
-////         String strDest = strType + "-" + strName;
-////         String strCount = tokens.nextToken();
-////         String strCountDelta = tokens.nextToken();
-////         String strDepth = tokens.nextToken();
-////         String strDepthDelta = tokens.nextToken();
-////         String strDate = tokens.nextToken();
-////         // update total count / depth values
-////         countTotal += Integer.parseInt(strCount);
-////         depthTotal += Integer.parseInt(strDepth);
-////         countDeltaTotal += Integer.parseInt(strCountDelta);
-////         depthDeltaTotal += Integer.parseInt(strDepthDelta);
-////         if (strCountDelta.equalsIgnoreCase("0"))
-////            strCountDelta = "-"; // looks better
-////         if (strDepthDelta.equalsIgnoreCase("0"))
-////            strDepthDelta = "-"; // looks better
-////         // output destination counter data as HTML table row
-////         // ( for topics with multiple subscriptions output
-////         //   type + name field as rowspans, looks better )
-////         if (strDestLast != null && strDestLast.equals(strDest))
-////         {
-////            // still same destination -> append destination subscription data
-////            destData += "<tr bgcolor=\"#" + ((i % 2) == 0 ? "FFFFFF" : "F0F0F0") + "\">";
-////            destCount += 1;
-////         }
-////         else
-////         {
-////            // startnew destination data
-////            if (strDestLast != null)
-////            {
-////               // store last destination data string
-////               ret += "<tr bgcolor=\"#"
-////                       + ((i % 2) == 0 ? "FFFFFF" : "F0F0F0")
-////                       + "\"><td rowspan=\""
-////                       + destCount
-////                       + "\">"
-////                       + strTypeLast
-////                       + "</td><td rowspan=\""
-////                       + destCount
-////                       + "\">"
-////                       + strNameLast
-////                       + "</td>"
-////                       + destData;
-////               destData = "";
-////            }
-////            destCount = 1;
-////         }
-////         // counter data row
-////         destData += "<td>"
-////                 + strSub
-////                 + "</td>"
-////                 + "<td>"
-////                 + strDurable
-////                 + "</td>"
-////                 + "<td>"
-////                 + strCount
-////                 + "</td>"
-////                 + "<td>"
-////                 + strCountDelta
-////                 + "</td>"
-////                 + "<td>"
-////                 + strDepth
-////                 + "</td>"
-////                 + "<td>"
-////                 + strDepthDelta
-////                 + "</td>"
-////                 + "<td>"
-////                 + strDate
-////                 + "</td>";
-////         // store current destination data for change detection
-////         strTypeLast = strType;
-////         strNameLast = strName;
-////         strDestLast = strDest;
-////      }
-////      if (strDestLast != null)
-////      {
-////         // store last module data string
-////         ret += "<tr bgcolor=\"#"
-////                 + ((i % 2) == 0 ? "FFFFFF" : "F0F0F0")
-////                 + "\"><td rowspan=\""
-////                 + destCount
-////                 + "\">"
-////                 + strTypeLast
-////                 + "</td><td rowspan=\""
-////                 + destCount
-////                 + "\">"
-////                 + strNameLast
-////                 + "</td>"
-////                 + destData;
-////      }
-////      // append summation info
-////      ret += "<tr>"
-////              + "<td><![CDATA[ ]]></td><td><![CDATA[ ]]></td>"
-////              + "<td><![CDATA[ ]]></td><td><![CDATA[ ]]></td><td>"
-////              + countTotal
-////              + "</td><td>"
-////              + (countDeltaTotal == 0 ? "-" : Integer.toString(countDeltaTotal))
-////              + "</td><td>"
-////              + depthTotal
-////              + "</td><td>"
-////              + (depthDeltaTotal == 0 ? "-" : Integer.toString(depthDeltaTotal))
-////              + "</td><td>Total</td></tr></table>";
-////      return ret;
-////   }
-//   public List<Message> listAllMessages(Queue queue, String selector) throws Exception
-//   {
-//      return listMessages(queue, ListType.ALL, selector);
-//   }
-//   public List<Message> listDurableMessages(Queue queue, String selector) throws Exception
-//   {
-//      return listMessages(queue, ListType.DURABLE, selector);
-//   }
-//   public List<Message> listNonDurableMessages(Queue queue, String selector) throws Exception
-//   {
-//      return listMessages(queue, ListType.NON_DURABLE, selector);
-//   }
-//   public List<SubscriptionInfo> listDurableSubscriptions(String topicName) throws Exception
-//   {
-//      return listSubscriptions(topicName, ListType.DURABLE);
-//   }
-//   public List<SubscriptionInfo> listNonDurableSubscriptions(String topicName) throws Exception
-//   {
-//      return listSubscriptions(topicName, ListType.NON_DURABLE);
-//   }
-//   public String listAllSubscriptionsAsHTML(String topicName) throws Exception
-//   {
-//      return listSubscriptionsAsHTML(topicName, ListType.ALL);
-//   }
-//   public String listDurableSubscriptionsAsHTML(String topicName) throws Exception
-//   {
-//      return listSubscriptionsAsHTML(topicName, ListType.DURABLE);
-//   }
-//   public String listNonDurableSubscriptionsAsHTML(String topicName) throws Exception
-//   {
-//      return listSubscriptionsAsHTML(topicName, ListType.NON_DURABLE);
-//   }
-//   public List<Message> listDurableMessagesForSubscription(String subId, String selector) throws Exception
-//   {
-//      return listMessagesForSubscription(ListType.DURABLE, subId, selector);
-//   }
-//   public List<Message> listNonDurableMessagesForSubscription(String subId, String selector) throws Exception
-//   {
-//      return listMessagesForSubscription(ListType.NON_DURABLE, subId, selector);
-//   }
-//   public List<MessageCounter> getMessageCounters(String topicName) throws Exception
-//   {
-//      List<MessageCounter> counters = new ArrayList<MessageCounter>();
-//      Condition condition = new ConditionImpl(DestinationType.TOPIC, topicName);
-//      List<Binding> bindings = messagingServer.getPostOffice().getBindingsForCondition(condition);
-//      for (Binding binding: bindings)
-//      {
-//         Queue queue = binding.getQueue();
-//         //TODO - get message counters
-////         String counterName = SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGECOUNTER_PREFIX + queue.getName();
-////         MessageCounter counter = messagingServer.getMessageCounterManager().getMessageCounter(counterName);
-////         if (counter == null)
-////         {
-////            throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find counter with name " + counterName);
-////         }
-////         counters.add(counter);
-//      }
-//      return counters;
-//   }
-////   public void setMessageCounterHistoryDayLimit(String topicName, int limit) throws Exception
-////   {
-////      Condition condition = new ConditionImpl(DestinationType.TOPIC, topicName);
-////      List<Binding> bindings = messagingServer.getPostOffice().getBindingsForCondition(condition);
-////      for (Binding binding: bindings)
-////      {
-////         Queue queue = binding.getQueue();
-////         queue.setMessageCounterHistoryDayLimit(limit);
-////      }
-////   }
-//   // Private ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   // Private ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   //
    private Queue getQueue(String queueName) throws Exception
@@ -910,322 +432,9 @@
       return binding.getQueue();
-//   private List<Message> listMessages(Queue queue, ListType type, String jmsSelector) throws Exception
-//   {                        
-//      if (jmsSelector != null && "".equals(jmsSelector.trim()))
-//      {
-//         jmsSelector = null;
-//      }
-//      Filter filter = null;
-//      if (jmsSelector != null)
-//      {        
-//         filter = new FilterImpl(SelectorTranslator.convertToJBMFilterString(jmsSelector));
-//      }
-//      List<Message> msgs = new ArrayList<Message>();
-//      List<MessageReference> allRefs = queue.list(filter);
-//      for (MessageReference ref: allRefs)
-//      {
-//         Message msg = ref.getMessage();
-//         if (type == ListType.ALL ||
-//            (type == ListType.DURABLE && msg.isDurable()) ||
-//            (type == ListType.NON_DURABLE && !msg.isDurable()))
-//         {
-//            msgs.add(msg);
-//         }
-//      }
-//      return msgs;
-//   }
-//   private String listMessageCounterAsHTML(MessageCounter[] counters)
-//   {
-//      if (counters == null)
-//         return null;
-//      String ret = "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\">"  +
-//                   "<tr>"                  +
-//                   "<th>Type</th>"         +
-//                   "<th>Name</th>"         +
-//                   "<th>Subscription</th>" +
-//                   "<th>Durable</th>"      +
-//                   "<th>Count</th>"        +
-//                   "<th>CountDelta</th>"   +
-//                   "<th>Depth</th>"        +
-//                   "<th>DepthDelta</th>"   +
-//                   "<th>Last Add</th>"     +
-//                   "</tr>";
-//      for( int i=0; i<counters.length; i++ )
-//      {
-//         String            data = counters[i].getCounterAsString();
-//         StringTokenizer token = new StringTokenizer( data, ",");
-//         String            value;
-//         ret += "<tr bgcolor=\"#" + ( (i%2)==0 ? "FFFFFF" : "F0F0F0") + "\">";
-//         ret += "<td>" + token.nextToken() + "</td>"; // type
-//         ret += "<td>" + token.nextToken() + "</td>"; // name
-//         ret += "<td>" + token.nextToken() + "</td>"; // subscription
-//         ret += "<td>" + token.nextToken() + "</td>"; // durable
-//         ret += "<td>" + token.nextToken() + "</td>"; // count
-//         value = token.nextToken(); // countDelta
-//         if( value.equalsIgnoreCase("0") )
-//             value = "-";
-//         ret += "<td>" + value + "</td>";
-//         ret += "<td>" + token.nextToken() + "</td>"; // depth
-//         value = token.nextToken(); // depthDelta
-//         if( value.equalsIgnoreCase("0") )
-//             value = "-";
-//         ret += "<td>" + value + "</td>";
-//         ret += "<td>" + token.nextToken() + "</td>"; // date last add
-//         ret += "</tr>";
-//      }
-//      ret += "</table>";
-//      return ret;
-//   }
-//   private String listMessageCounterHistoryAsHTML(MessageCounter[] counters)
-//   {
-//      if (counters == null)
-//         return null;
-//      String           ret = "";
-//      for( int i=0; i<counters.length; i++ )
-//      {
-//         // destination name
-//         ret += ( counters[i].getDestinationTopic() ? "Topic '" : "Queue '" );
-//         ret += counters[i].getDestinationName() + "'";
-//         if( counters[i].getDestinationSubscription() != null )
-//            ret += "Subscription '" + counters[i].getDestinationSubscription() + "'";
-//         // table header
-//         ret += "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\">"  +
-//                "<tr>"                  +
-//                "<th>Date</th>";
-//         for( int j = 0; j < 24; j++ )
-//            ret += "<th width=\"4%\">" + j + "</th>";
-//         ret += "<th>Total</th></tr>";
-//         // get history data as CSV string
-//         StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer( counters[i].getHistoryAsString(), ",\n");
-//         // get history day count
-//         int days = Integer.parseInt( tokens.nextToken() );
-//         for( int j=0; j<days; j++ )
-//         {
-//            // next day counter row
-//            ret += "<tr bgcolor=\"#" + ((j%2)==0 ? "FFFFFF" : "F0F0F0") + "\">";
-//            // date
-//            ret += "<td>" + tokens.nextToken() + "</td>";
-//            // 24 hour counters
-//            int total = 0;
-//            for( int k=0; k<24; k++ )
-//            {
-//               int value = Integer.parseInt( tokens.nextToken().trim() );
-//               if( value == -1 )
-//               {
-//                    ret += "<td></td>";
-//               }
-//               else
-//               {
-//                    ret += "<td>" + value + "</td>";
-//                    total += value;
-//               }
-//            }
-//            ret += "<td>" + total + "</td></tr>";
-//         }
-//         ret += "</table><br><br>";
-//      }
-//      return ret;
-//   }
-   //
-//   private List<Message> listMessagesForSubscription(ListType type, String subId, String jmsSelector) throws Exception
-//   { 
-//      List<Message> msgs = new ArrayList<Message>();
-//      if (subId == null || "".equals(subId.trim()))
-//      {
-//         return msgs;
-//      }
-//      List<Binding> bindings = messagingServer.getPostOffice().getBindingsForQueueName(subId);
-//      if (bindings.isEmpty())
-//      {
-//         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find subscription with id " + subId);
-//      }
-//      if (jmsSelector != null && "".equals(jmsSelector.trim()))
-//      {
-//         jmsSelector = null;
-//      }
-//      Filter sel = null;
-//      if (jmsSelector != null)
-//      {  
-//         sel = new FilterImpl(SelectorTranslator.convertToJBMFilterString(jmsSelector));
-//      }
-//      Binding binding = bindings.get(0);
-//      List<MessageReference> allRefs = binding.getQueue().list(sel);
-//      for (MessageReference ref: allRefs)
-//      {
-//         Message msg = ref.getMessage();
-//         if (type == ListType.ALL || (type == ListType.DURABLE && msg.isDurable()) || (type == ListType.NON_DURABLE && !msg.isDurable()))
-//         {
-//            msgs.add(msg);
-//         }
-//      }
-//      return msgs;
-//   }
-   //
-//   private int getMessageCount(String topicName, ListType type) throws Exception
-//   {
-//      Condition condition = new ConditionImpl(DestinationType.TOPIC, topicName);
-//      List<Binding> bindings = messagingServer.getPostOffice().getBindingsForCondition(condition);
-//      int count = 0;
-//      for (Binding binding: bindings)
-//      {
-//         Queue queue = binding.getQueue();
-//         if (type == ListType.ALL || (type == ListType.DURABLE && queue.isDurable())
-//             || (type == ListType.NON_DURABLE && !queue.isDurable()))
-//         {            
-//            count += queue.getMessageCount();
-//         }
-//      }
-//      return count;
-//   }  
-//   private int getSubscriptionsCount(String topicName, boolean durable) throws Exception
-//   {
-//      Condition condition = new ConditionImpl(DestinationType.TOPIC, topicName);
-//      List<Binding> bindings = messagingServer.getPostOffice().getBindingsForCondition(condition);
-//      int count = 0;
-//      for (Binding binding: bindings)
-//      {
-//         Queue queue = binding.getQueue();
-//         if ((queue.isDurable() && durable) || (!queue.isDurable() && !durable))
-//         {
-//            count++;
-//         }
-//      }
-//      return count;
-//   }
-//   private String listSubscriptionsAsHTML(String topicName, ListType type) throws Exception
-//   {
-//      Condition condition = new ConditionImpl(DestinationType.TOPIC, topicName);
-//      List<Binding> bindings = messagingServer.getPostOffice().getBindingsForCondition(condition);
-//      StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
-//      sb.append("<table width=\"100%\" border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\">"  +
-//                  "<tr>"                  +
-//                  "<th>Id</th>"         +
-//                  "<th>Durable</th>" +
-//                  "<th>Subscription Name</th>"      +
-//                  "<th>Client ID</th>"        +
-//                  "<th>Selector</th>"   +
-//                  "<th>Message Count</th>"        +
-//                  "<th>Max Size</th>"   +
-//                  "</tr>");
-//      for (Binding binding: bindings)
-//      {
-//         Queue queue = binding.getQueue();
-//         if (type == ListType.ALL || (type == ListType.DURABLE && queue.isDurable())
-//                  || (type == ListType.NON_DURABLE && !queue.isDurable()))
-//         {            
-//            String filterString = queue.getFilter() != null ? queue.getFilter().getFilterString() : null;
-//            String subName = null;
-//            String clientID = null;
-//            if (queue.isDurable())
-//            {
-//               MessageQueueNameHelper helper = MessageQueueNameHelper.createHelper(queue.getName());
-//               subName = helper.getSubName();
-//               clientID = helper.getClientId();
-//            }
-//            sb.append("<tr><td>").append(queue.getName()).append("</td>");
-//            sb.append("<td>").append(queue.isDurable() ? "Durable" : "Non Durable").append("</td>");
-//            sb.append("<td>").append(subName != null ? subName : "").append("</td>");
-//            sb.append("<td>").append(clientID != null ? clientID : "").append("</td>");
-//            sb.append("<td>").append(filterString != null ? filterString : "").append("</td>");
-//            sb.append("<td>").append(queue.getMessageCount()).append("</td>");
-//            sb.append("<td>").append(queue.getMaxSize()).append("</td>");
-//            sb.append("</tr>");
-//         }
-//      }
-//      sb.append("</table>");
-//      return sb.toString();                                
-//   }
    public void start() throws Exception
       scheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(maxMessageCounters);

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