[jboss-cvs] JBossAS SVN: r77033 - projects/aop/trunk/build.

jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org
Wed Aug 13 16:03:17 EDT 2008

Author: pgier
Date: 2008-08-13 16:03:16 -0400 (Wed, 13 Aug 2008)
New Revision: 77033

[JBBUILD-476] Change build.xml to download thirdparty deps using maven.  Remove temporary build file.

Deleted: projects/aop/trunk/build/build-maven.xml
--- projects/aop/trunk/build/build-maven.xml	2008-08-13 19:53:51 UTC (rev 77032)
+++ projects/aop/trunk/build/build-maven.xml	2008-08-13 20:03:16 UTC (rev 77033)
@@ -1,437 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE project [
-   <!ENTITY buildmagic SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildmagic/buildmagic.ent">
-<!-- ====================================================================== -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!--  JBoss, the OpenSource J2EE webOS                                      -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!--  Distributable under LGPL license.                                     -->
-<!--  See terms of license at http://www.gnu.org.                           -->
-<!--                                                                        -->
-<!-- ====================================================================== -->
-<!-- $Id$ -->
-<project default="main" name="JBossAOP/Build">
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Setup                                                              -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-     | Include the common Buildmagic elements.
-     |
-     | This defines several different targets, properties and paths.
-     | It also sets up the basic extention tasks amoung other things.
-   -->
-  &buildmagic;
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Initialization                                                     -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-     | Initialize the build system.  Must depend on '_buildmagic:init'.
-     | Other targets should depend on 'init' or things will mysteriously fail.
-   -->
-  <target name="init" unless="init.disable" depends="_buildmagic:init">
-  </target>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Configuration                                                      -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-     | Configure the build system.
-     |
-     | This target is invoked by the Buildmagic initialization logic and
-     | should contain module specific configuration elements.
-   -->
-  <target name="configure" unless="configure.disable">
-    <!-- =================== -->
-    <!-- Basic Configuration -->
-    <!-- =================== -->
-    <!-- Module name(s) & version -->
-    <property name="module.name" value="jboss"/>
-    <property name="module.Name" value="JBoss AOP Build"/>
-    <property name="module.version" value="${version.major}.${version.minor}.${version.revision}${version.tag}"/>
-    <!-- Defines repository.home -->
-    <property file="local.properties"/>
-    <!-- ============== -->
-    <!-- Modules/Groups -->
-    <!-- ============== -->
-    <!-- The group to use by default -->
-    <property name="groups" value="default"/>
-    <!-- Sets up the module configuration. -->
-    <moduleconfig property="modules" selected="${groups}">
-      <!-- Modules -->
-      <module name="aop"/>
-      <module name="asintegration"/>
-      <module name="aspects"/>
-      <!-- Module groups -->
-      <!--this lets you recompile a single module using a command line like
-./build.sh -emacs -Dgroups=single -Dsingle-module=server
-      -->
-      <group name="single">
-        <include modules="${single-module}"/>
-      </group>
-      <group name="core">
-         <include modules="aop"/>
-         <include modules="asintegration"/>
-         <include modules="aspects"/>
-      </group>
-      <group name="default">
-        <include groups="core"/>
-      </group>
-      <group name="most">
-        <include groups="core"/>
-      </group>
-    </moduleconfig>
-    <!-- Show the module configuration -->
-    <echo>groups:  ${groups}</echo>
-    <echo>modules: ${modules}</echo>
-    <!-- The combined dependent module classpath -->
-    <path id="dependentmodule.classpath">
-    </path>
-    <!-- ===== -->
-    <!-- Tasks -->
-    <!-- ===== -->
-    <!-- Skip any missing modules and issue a warning -->
-    <property name="executemodules.skipmissing" value="true"/>
-    <!-- The header and footer displayed during each module execution -->
-    <property name="executemodules.header"><![CDATA[
-    ======================================================================
-    ==  Executing '${target}' in module '${module}'...
-    ==]]></property>
-    <property name="executemodules.footer"><![CDATA[
-    ==
-    ==  Finished with '${target}' in module '${module}'.
-    ======================================================================
-    ]]></property>
-    <property name="executemodules.exportproperties">
-       version.major,
-       version.minor,
-       version.revision,
-       version.tag,
-       version.name,
-       version.cvstag,
-       specification.title,
-       specification.version,
-       specification.vendor,
-       implementation.title,
-       implementation.version,
-       implementation.vendor,
-       implementation.vendor.id,
-       implementation.url
-    </property>
-    <!-- Bits for building source archives -->
-    <patternset id="source.ignore">
-      <exclude name="**/output/**"/>
-      <exclude name="**/CVS/**" />
-    </patternset>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Module Pass-through Targets                                        -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-     | These targets will execute all configured modules with the specified
-     | target.
-   -->
-  <target name="modules-most" depends="_buildmagic:modules:most" />
-  <target name="modules-main" depends="_buildmagic:modules:main"/>
-  <target name="modules-release" depends="_buildmagic:modules:release"/>
-  <target name="modules-tests" depends="_buildmagic:modules:tests"/>
-  <target name="modules-clean" depends="_buildmagic:modules:clean"/>
-  <target name="modules-clobber" depends="_buildmagic:modules:clobber"/>
-  <target name="modules-docs" depends="_buildmagic:modules:docs"/>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Module Pass-through Hooks                                          -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!--
-     | These hooks are executed after the above pass-through targets have
-     | finished with a given module.
-   -->
-   <!-- ======== -->
-   <!-- Test     -->
-   <!-- ======== -->
-   <target name="_module-test-most">
-     <property name="_module.name" value="test" override="true"/>
-     <property name="_module.output" override="true"
-           value="${project.root}/${_module.name}/output"/>
-   </target>
-   <!-- ================================================================== -->
-   <!-- Install & Release                                                  -->
-   <!-- ================================================================== -->
-   <target name="install"
-	  description="Install the structure for a release."
-     depends="init"
-     >
-   </target>
-   <target name="release-output"
-      description="Builds the default release structure."
-      depends="modules-release"
-      >
-      <ant antfile="build-release.xml" target="release-no-reference-docs"/>
-   </target>
-   <target name="release"
-      description="Builds the default release structure."
-      depends="init, clean, modules-release, aop.reference.docs"
-      >
-      <ant antfile="build-release.xml" target="release-no-reference-docs"/>
-      <ant antfile="build-release.xml" target="release-reference-docs"/>
-   	<zip destfile="${project.release}.zip">
-         <fileset dir="${project.output}">
-         	<include name="${aop.version}/**"/>
-   		</fileset>
-      </zip>
-   	<move file="${project.release}.zip" todir="${module.output}/lib"/>
-  </target>
-  <target name="release-dryrun"
-      description="Builds the default release structure assuming that everything already has been built"
-      depends="init">
-    <ant antfile="build-release.xml" target="release-no-reference-docs"/>
-    <ant antfile="build-release.xml" target="release-reference-docs"/>
-  </target>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Source Archives                                                    -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <target name="source-zip"
-	  description="Builds a ZIP source distribution."/>
-  <target name="source-tar"
-	  description="Builds a TAR source distribution."/>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Cleaning                                                           -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Clean up all build output -->
-  <target name="clean" depends="createthirdparty,_buildmagic:clean, modules-clean"
-	  description="Cleans up most generated files.">
-     <delete dir="output"/>
-  </target>
-  <!-- Clean up all generated files -->
-  <target name="clobber" depends="_buildmagic:clobber, clean, modules-clobber"
-	  description="Cleans up all generated files.">
-    <delete file="${module.root}/*_run.log"/>
-  </target>
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Misc.                                                              -->
-  <!-- ================================================================== -->
-  <target name="main" depends="most"
-	  description="Executes the default target (most)."/>
-  <target name="most" depends="createthirdparty, modules-most, install"
-	  description="Executes all modules and builds most everything."/>
-  <target name="help" depends="_buildmagic:help:build"
-          description="Show this help message."/>
-   <!-- create the thirdparty folder from items in the repository -->
-   <!-- then generate a new libraries.ent file and include it in  -->
-   <!-- the build                                                 -->
-  <macrodef name="maven">
-      <attribute name="goal" />
-      <attribute name="basedir" />
-      <element name="args" implicit="true" optional="true" />
-      <sequential>
-          <echo message="Calling mvn command located in ${maven.dir}"/>
-          <java classname="org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher" fork="true" 
-                dir="@{basedir}" resultproperty="maven.result">
-              <classpath>
-                  <fileset dir="${maven.dir}/boot">
-                      <include name="*.jar" />
-                  </fileset>
-                  <fileset dir="${maven.dir}/lib">
-                      <include name="*.jar" />
-                  </fileset>
-                  <fileset dir="${maven.dir}/bin">
-                      <include name="*.*" />
-                  </fileset>
-              </classpath>
-              <sysproperty key="classworlds.conf" value="${maven.dir}/bin/m2.conf" />
-              <sysproperty key="maven.home" value="${maven.dir}" />
-              <arg line="--batch-mode ${thirdparty.maven.opts} @{goal}" />
-          </java>
-      </sequential>
-  </macrodef> 
-   <target name="createthirdparty" unless="inhibit.downloads"
-      depends="check.inhibit.downloads, set.proxy">
-      <property name="maven.dir" value="${basedir}/../tools/maven"/>
-      <property name="thirdparty.maven.opts" value=""/>
-      <maven basedir="${basedir}/../thirdparty" goal="package"/>
-      <fail message="Unable to build thirdparty directory.  See maven output for details.">
-        <condition>
-          <not>
-            <equals arg1="${maven.result}" arg2="0"/>
-          </not>
-        </condition>
-      </fail>
-   </target>
-   <!-- check if thirdparty libraries are to be downloaded -->
-   <target name="check.inhibit.downloads">
-      <condition property="inhibit.downloads">
-         <or>
-            <uptodate property="dependencies.current"
- 	      srcfile="build-thirdparty.xml"
-               targetfile="../thirdparty/libraries.ent"/>
-            <istrue value="${nodownload}"/>
-         </or>
-      </condition>
-  </target>
-  <!-- check if the the user has specied proxy settings -->
-  <target name="check.proxy">
-    <condition property="hasproxy">
-        <and>
-            <isset property="proxy.host"/>
-            <isset property="proxy.port"/>
-            <not>
-                <equals arg1="" arg2="${proxy.host}" trim="true"/>
-            </not>
-            <not>
-                <equals arg1="" arg2="${proxy.port}" trim="true"/>
-            </not>
-        </and>
-    </condition>
-  </target>
-  <!-- set proxy settings -->
-  <target name="set.proxy" if="hasproxy" depends="check.proxy">
-    <echo>Proxy is set to ${proxy.host}:${proxy.port}</echo>
-    <setproxy proxyhost="${proxy.host}" proxyport="${proxy.port}"/>
-  </target>
-  <target name="aop.reference.docs" depends="init" description="Builds the reference manual for JBoss AOP that should be part of ths distribution">
-     <ant antfile="build.xml" dir="../aop/docs/reference"/>
-  </target>
-   <target name="update-repository"
-      description="Copies the jars to the snapshot in the repository. The version can be overridden with the -Dversion=1.2.3 property">
-      <property file="local.properties"/>
-      <fail unless="repository.home">repository.home must be set in a local.properties file</fail>
-      <condition property="ver" value="snapshot" else="${version}">
-         <not>
-            <isset property="version"/>
-         </not>
-      </condition>
-      <echo>${ver}</echo>
-      <property name="aop15.dir" value="${repository.home}/jboss/aop/${ver}/lib"/>
-      <property name="aop15.resources.dir" value="${repository.home}/jboss/aop/${ver}/resources"/>  
-      <!--
-      <property name="aop14.dir" value="${repository.home}/jboss/aop14/${ver}/lib"/>
-      -->
-      <mkdir dir="${aop15.dir}"/>
-      <mkdir dir="${aop15.resources.dir}"/>
-      <!--
-      <mkdir dir="${aop14.dir}"/>
-      -->
-      <copy todir="${aop15.dir}">
-         <fileset dir="../aop/output/lib">
-            <include name="jboss-aop-jdk50-client.jar"/>
-            <include name="jboss-aop-jdk50.jar"/>
-            <include name="jboss-aop-src.zip"/>
-            <include name="jrockit-pluggable-instrumentor.jar"/>
-            <include name="pluggable-instrumentor.jar"/>
-            <include name="jboss-aop-src.zip"/>
-         </fileset>
-         <fileset dir="../asintegration/output/lib">
-            <include name="jboss-aop-as4-deployer.jar"/>
-            <include name="jboss-aop-deployer-jdk50.jar"/>
-         	<include name="jboss-aop-jboss4-jdk50.jar"/>
-            <include name="jboss-asintegration-src.zip"/>
-         </fileset>
-         <fileset dir="../aspects/output/lib">
-            <include name="jboss-standalone-aspect-library-jdk50.jar"/>
-            <include name="jboss-standalone-aspects-src.zip"/>
-         </fileset>
-      </copy>
-      <copy todir="${aop15.resources.dir}">
-         <fileset dir="../asintegration/src/resources/META-INF">
-            <include name="aspect-deployer-beans.xml"/>
-            <include name="jboss-aspect-library-beans.xml"/>
-         </fileset>  
-      </copy>  
-      <!--
-      <copy todir="${aop14.dir}">
-         <fileset dir="../aop/output/lib">
-            <include name="jboss-aop.jar"/>
-            <include name="jdk14-pluggable-instrumentor.jar"/>
-            <include name="jrockit-pluggable-instrumentor.jar"/>
-            <include name="jboss-aop-src.zip"/>
-         </fileset>
-         <fileset dir="../asintegration/output/lib">
-            <include name="jboss-aop-as4-deployer-jdk14.jar"/>
-         	<include name="jboss-aop-jboss4-jdk14.jar"/>
-            <include name="jboss-asintegration-src.zip"/>
-         </fileset>
-         <fileset dir="../aspects/output/lib">
-            <include name="jboss-standalone-aspect-library-jdk14.jar"/>
-            <include name="jboss-standalone-aspects-src.zip"/>
-         </fileset>
-      </copy>
-      -->
-   </target>

Modified: projects/aop/trunk/build/build.xml
--- projects/aop/trunk/build/build.xml	2008-08-13 19:53:51 UTC (rev 77032)
+++ projects/aop/trunk/build/build.xml	2008-08-13 20:03:16 UTC (rev 77033)
@@ -277,20 +277,55 @@
    <!-- create the thirdparty folder from items in the repository -->
    <!-- then generate a new libraries.ent file and include it in  -->
    <!-- the build                                                 -->
+  <macrodef name="maven">
+      <attribute name="goal" />
+      <attribute name="basedir" />
+      <element name="args" implicit="true" optional="true" />
+      <sequential>
+          <echo message="Calling mvn command located in ${maven.dir}"/>
+          <java classname="org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher" fork="true" 
+                dir="@{basedir}" resultproperty="maven.result">
+              <classpath>
+                  <fileset dir="${maven.dir}/boot">
+                      <include name="*.jar" />
+                  </fileset>
+                  <fileset dir="${maven.dir}/lib">
+                      <include name="*.jar" />
+                  </fileset>
+                  <fileset dir="${maven.dir}/bin">
+                      <include name="*.*" />
+                  </fileset>
+              </classpath>
+              <sysproperty key="classworlds.conf" value="${maven.dir}/bin/m2.conf" />
+              <sysproperty key="maven.home" value="${maven.dir}" />
+              <arg line="--batch-mode ${thirdparty.maven.opts} @{goal}" />
+          </java>
+      </sequential>
+  </macrodef> 
    <target name="createthirdparty" unless="inhibit.downloads"
       depends="check.inhibit.downloads, set.proxy">
-      <ant antfile="build-thirdparty.xml" target="generate-lib-file"/>
+      <property name="maven.dir" value="${basedir}/../tools/maven"/>
+      <property name="thirdparty.maven.opts" value=""/>
+      <maven basedir="${basedir}/../thirdparty" goal="package"/>
+      <fail message="Unable to build thirdparty directory.  See maven output for details.">
+        <condition>
+          <not>
+            <equals arg1="${maven.result}" arg2="0"/>
+          </not>
+        </condition>
+      </fail>
    <!-- check if thirdparty libraries are to be downloaded -->
    <target name="check.inhibit.downloads">
       <condition property="inhibit.downloads">
-         <or>
-            <uptodate property="dependencies.current"
- 	      srcfile="build-thirdparty.xml"
-               targetfile="../thirdparty/libraries.ent"/>
-            <istrue value="${nodownload}"/>
-         </or>
+        <istrue value="${nodownload}"/>

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