[jboss-cvs] JBossAS SVN: r78863 - in projects/aop/trunk/asintegration-mc/src: main/org/jboss/aop and 1 other directories.

jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org
Thu Sep 25 11:55:08 EDT 2008

Author: kabir.khan at jboss.com
Date: 2008-09-25 11:55:08 -0400 (Thu, 25 Sep 2008)
New Revision: 78863

[JBAOP-652] Remove files not belonging in asintegration-mc

Deleted: projects/aop/trunk/asintegration-mc/src/etc/ReadMe-AS4.txt
--- projects/aop/trunk/asintegration-mc/src/etc/ReadMe-AS4.txt	2008-09-25 15:41:19 UTC (rev 78862)
+++ projects/aop/trunk/asintegration-mc/src/etc/ReadMe-AS4.txt	2008-09-25 15:55:08 UTC (rev 78863)
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-If you want to install JBoss AOP on JBoss 4.2.* or newer, use build.xml
-If you Want to install JBoss AOP on JBoss 4.0.* use build_jboss4.0.xml (ant -f build_jboss4.0.xml)
-- from the 2.0 release of JBoss AOP only JDK1.5 is supported. This means that that both JBoss AS and AOP
-need to be compiled with JDK1.5 before you upgrade JBoss AOP.
-* If installing in a version before JBoss 4.0.4, you should leave javassist.jar in place in this folder.
-*If installing in jboss 4.0.4 or later, the classes contained in javassist.jar will already be available,
-and you should do the following to avoid versioning conflicts:
--move javassist.jar to ../../lib/javassist.jar
-*On JBoss 4.0.4 or later, and if using JDK 1.4, you should upgrade the version of jbossretro-rt.jar by moving it 
-from the jboss-aop-jdk14.deployer to ../../lib/jbossretro-rt.jar
-* Note that this will not replace the jboss-aspect-library(-jdk50).jar, which is tied to application
-server version. If you are upgrading from JBoss AOP 1.5.x, you should remove the following packages and classes
-contained therein from your jboss-aspect-library(-jdk50).jar:
-*Also, in the existing jboss-aspect-library(-jdk50).jar you should delete the classes that exist in 
-* The ant build.xml contained in this folder automates these tasks for you. Set the root of the jboss installation
-and the server configuration you wish to patch in the jboss.properties file.
-* If you are deploying the jdk 1.4 deployer and upgrading from JDK 1.5, we need to modify the interfaces 
-specifying the simulated annotations in jboss-aspect-library.jar. The build.xml file does this 
-as part of the install step.

Deleted: projects/aop/trunk/asintegration-mc/src/etc/ReadMe-AS5.txt
--- projects/aop/trunk/asintegration-mc/src/etc/ReadMe-AS5.txt	2008-09-25 15:41:19 UTC (rev 78862)
+++ projects/aop/trunk/asintegration-mc/src/etc/ReadMe-AS5.txt	2008-09-25 15:55:08 UTC (rev 78863)
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-To upgrade your jboss instance:
-1) Copy the contents of the lib folder into the JBoss-5.x/lib/ folder
-2) Copy the jboss-aop-jdk50.deployer over the JBoss-5.x/server/xxx/deployers/jboss-aop-jdk50.deployer/ folder
-Note that this will not replace the jboss-aspect-library-jdk50.jar, which is tied to application
-server version
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: projects/aop/trunk/asintegration-mc/src/etc/jboss-40-install-jboss-aop-jdk50-build.xml
--- projects/aop/trunk/asintegration-mc/src/etc/jboss-40-install-jboss-aop-jdk50-build.xml	2008-09-25 15:41:19 UTC (rev 78862)
+++ projects/aop/trunk/asintegration-mc/src/etc/jboss-40-install-jboss-aop-jdk50-build.xml	2008-09-25 15:55:08 UTC (rev 78863)
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<project default="install" name="JBoss/AOP Application Server installation">
-   <target name="init">
-      <!-- ========================================= -->
-      <!-- Set the jboss root and server config here -->
-      <!-- ========================================= -->
-      <property file="jboss.properties"/>
-      <!-- The rest are automatic -->
-      <property name="jboss.config.dir" value="${jboss.home}/server/${jboss.config}"/>
-      <property name="jboss.bin.dir" value="${jboss.home}/bin"/>
-      <available file="${jboss.home}" property="jboss.exists" type="dir"/>
-      <fail unless="jboss.exists" message="${jboss.home} does not exist. Modify 'jboss.home' in build.xml to be a valid root of a jboss installation"/>
-      <available file="${jboss.bin.dir}" property="bin.exists" type="dir"/>
-      <fail unless="bin.exists" message="${jboss.bin.dir} does not exist. Modify 'jboss.home' in build.xml to be a valid root of a jboss installation"/>
-      <available file="${jboss.config.dir}" property="config.exists" type="dir"/>
-      <fail unless="config.exists" message="${jboss.config.dir} does not exist. Modify 'jboss.config' in build.xml to be a valid server configuration"/>
-      <property name="deploy.dir" value="${jboss.config.dir}/deploy"/>
-      <property name="aspect.deployer" value="${deploy.dir}/jboss-aop.deployer"/>
-      <available file="${aspect.deployer}" property="deployer.exists" type="dir"/>
-      <fail unless="deployer.exists" message="${aspect.deployer} does not exist."/>
-      <property name="aspect.library" value="${aspect.deployer}/jboss-aspect-library.jar"/>
-      <available file="${aspect.library}" property="library.exists"/>
-      <fail unless="library.exists" message="${aspect.library} does not exist."/>
-      <property name="old.deployer" value="${jboss.config.dir}/deploy/jboss-aop.deployer.bak"/>
-      <available file="${old.deployer}" property="old.deployer.exists"/>
-      <property name="lib.javassist" value="${jboss.config.dir}/lib/javassist.jar"/>
-      <available file="${lib.javassist}" property="jboss.post.4.0.4"/>
-      <property name="bak.javassist" value="${old.deployer}/javassist.bak"/>
-      <available file="${bak.javassist}" property="javassist.bak.exists"/>
-      <condition property="backup.javassist" value="true">
-         <and>
-            <isset property="jboss.post.4.0.4"/>
-            <not>
-               <isset property="javassist.bak.exists"/>
-             </not>
-         </and>
-      </condition>
-   </target>
-   <target name="prepare-aspect-library" depends="init">
-   	<!-- Unjar aspect library into a temp folder -->
-      <delete file="jboss-aspect-library-jdk50.jar"/>
-      <mkdir dir="aspect-library-temp"/>
-      <unjar src="${aspect.library}" dest="aspect-library-temp"/>
-      <!-- Get rid of the files that exist in jboss-aop-as4-deplyer.jar -->
-      <delete dir="aspect-library-temp/org/jboss/aop"/>
-      <!-- Get rid of the files that exist in jboss-standalone-aspect-library-jdk50.jar -->
-      <delete dir="aspect-library-temp/org/jboss/aspects/asynchronous"/>
-      <delete dir="aspect-library-temp/org/jboss/aspects/concurrent"/>
-      <delete dir="aspect-library-temp/org/jboss/aspects/dbc"/>
-      <delete dir="aspect-library-temp/org/jboss/aspects/jmx"/>
-      <delete dir="aspect-library-temp/org/jboss/aspects/logging"/>
-      <delete dir="aspect-library-temp/org/jboss/aspects/patterns"/>
-      <delete file="aspect-library-temp/org/jboss/aspects/*.class"/>
-      <jar destfile="jboss-aspect-library.jar" basedir="aspect-library-temp" manifest="aspect-library-temp/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"/>
-      <delete dir="aspect-library-temp"/>
-   </target>
-   <target name="backup" depends="prepare-aspect-library" unless="old.deployer.exists">
-      <echo>Backing up existing aop deployer to ${old.deployer}</echo>
-      <copy todir="${old.deployer}">
-         <fileset dir="${aspect.deployer}"/>
-      </copy>
-      <delete dir="${aspect.deployer}"/>
-   </target>
-   <target name="install.deployer" depends="backup">
-      <copy todir="${deploy.dir}">
-         <fileset dir="..">
-            <include name="jboss-aop-jdk50.deployer/**"/>
-            <exclude name="jboss-aop-jdk50.deployer/build.xml"/>
-            <exclude name="jboss-aop-jdk50.deployer/jboss.properties"/>
-            <exclude name="jboss-aop-jdk50.deployer/build_jboss4.0.xml"/>
-            <exclude name="jboss-aop-jdk50.deployer/ReadMe-AS4.txt"/>
-         </fileset>
-      </copy>
-      <move file="${deploy.dir}/jboss-aop-jdk50.deployer" tofile="${deploy.dir}/jboss-aop.deployer"/>
-      <copy todir="${deploy.dir}/jboss-aop.deployer" file="${old.deployer}/base-aop.xml"/>
-   </target>
-   <target name="backup.javassist.post.4.0.4" depends="init" if="backup.javassist">
-      <move file="${lib.javassist}" tofile="${bak.javassist}"/>
-   </target>
-   <target name="install.bin" depends="init">
-      <copy todir="${jboss.bin.dir}">
-         <fileset dir="../../lib-50">
-            <include name="pluggable-instrumentor.jar"/>
-            <include name="jrockit-pluggable-instrumentor.jar"/>
-         </fileset>
-      </copy>
-   </target>
-   <target name="install.post.4.0.4" depends="install.deployer, install.bin, backup.javassist.post.4.0.4" if="jboss.post.4.0.4">
-      <delete file="${aspect.deployer}/javassist.jar"/>
-      <copy file="javassist.jar" tofile="${lib.javassist}" overwrite="true"/>
-   </target>
-   <target name="install" depends="install.post.4.0.4"/>

Deleted: projects/aop/trunk/asintegration-mc/src/etc/jboss-42-install-jboss-aop-jdk50-build.xml
--- projects/aop/trunk/asintegration-mc/src/etc/jboss-42-install-jboss-aop-jdk50-build.xml	2008-09-25 15:41:19 UTC (rev 78862)
+++ projects/aop/trunk/asintegration-mc/src/etc/jboss-42-install-jboss-aop-jdk50-build.xml	2008-09-25 15:55:08 UTC (rev 78863)
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<project default="install" name="JBoss/AOP Application Server installation">
-   <target name="init">
-      <!-- ========================================= -->
-      <!-- Set the jboss root and server config here -->
-      <!-- ========================================= -->
-      <property file="jboss.properties"/>
-      <!-- The rest are automatic -->
-      <property name="jboss.config.dir" value="${jboss.home}/server/${jboss.config}"/>
-      <property name="jboss.bin.dir" value="${jboss.home}/bin"/>
-      <available file="${jboss.home}" property="jboss.exists" type="dir"/>
-      <fail unless="jboss.exists" message="${jboss.home} does not exist. Modify 'jboss.home' in build.xml to be a valid root of a jboss installation"/>
-      <available file="${jboss.bin.dir}" property="bin.exists" type="dir"/>
-      <fail unless="bin.exists" message="${jboss.bin.dir} does not exist. Modify 'jboss.home' in build.xml to be a valid root of a jboss installation"/>
-      <available file="${jboss.config.dir}" property="config.exists" type="dir"/>
-      <fail unless="config.exists" message="${jboss.config.dir} does not exist. Modify 'jboss.config' in build.xml to be a valid server configuration"/>
-      <property name="deploy.dir" value="${jboss.config.dir}/deploy"/>
-      <property name="aspect.deployer" value="${deploy.dir}/jboss-aop-jdk50.deployer"/>
-      <available file="${aspect.deployer}" property="deployer.exists" type="dir"/>
-      <fail unless="deployer.exists" message="${aspect.deployer} does not exist."/>
-      <property name="aspect.library" value="${aspect.deployer}/jboss-aspect-library-jdk50.jar"/>
-      <available file="${aspect.library}" property="library.exists"/>
-      <fail unless="library.exists" message="${aspect.library} does not exist."/>
-      <property name="old.deployer" value="${jboss.config.dir}/deploy/jboss-aop-jdk50.deployer.bak"/>
-      <available file="${old.deployer}" property="old.deployer.exists"/>
-      <property name="lib.javassist" value="${jboss.config.dir}/lib/javassist.jar"/>
-      <available file="${lib.javassist}" property="jboss.post.4.0.4"/>
-      <property name="bak.javassist" value="${old.deployer}/javassist.bak"/>
-      <available file="${bak.javassist}" property="javassist.bak.exists"/>
-      <condition property="backup.javassist" value="true">
-         <and>
-            <isset property="jboss.post.4.0.4"/>
-            <not>
-               <isset property="javassist.bak.exists"/>
-             </not>
-         </and>
-      </condition>
-   </target>
-   <target name="prepare-aspect-library" depends="init">
-   	<!-- Unjar aspect library into a temp folder -->
-      <delete file="jboss-aspect-library-jdk50.jar"/>
-      <mkdir dir="aspect-library-temp"/>
-      <unjar src="${aspect.library}" dest="aspect-library-temp"/>
-      <!-- Get rid of the files that exist in jboss-aop-as4-deplyer.jar -->
-      <delete dir="aspect-library-temp/org/jboss/aop"/>
-      <!-- Get rid of the files that exist in jboss-standalone-aspect-library-jdk50.jar -->
-      <delete dir="aspect-library-temp/org/jboss/aspects/asynchronous"/>
-      <delete dir="aspect-library-temp/org/jboss/aspects/concurrent"/>
-      <delete dir="aspect-library-temp/org/jboss/aspects/dbc"/>
-      <delete dir="aspect-library-temp/org/jboss/aspects/jmx"/>
-      <delete dir="aspect-library-temp/org/jboss/aspects/logging"/>
-      <delete dir="aspect-library-temp/org/jboss/aspects/patterns"/>
-      <delete file="aspect-library-temp/org/jboss/aspects/*.class"/>
-      <jar destfile="jboss-aspect-library-jdk50.jar" basedir="aspect-library-temp" manifest="aspect-library-temp/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"/>
-      <delete dir="aspect-library-temp"/>
-   </target>
-   <target name="backup" depends="prepare-aspect-library" unless="old.deployer.exists">
-      <echo>Backing up existing aop deployer to ${old.deployer}</echo>
-      <copy todir="${old.deployer}">
-         <fileset dir="${aspect.deployer}"/>
-      </copy>
-      <delete dir="${aspect.deployer}"/>
-   </target>
-   <target name="install.deployer" depends="backup">
-      <copy todir="${deploy.dir}">
-         <fileset dir="..">
-            <include name="jboss-aop-jdk50.deployer/**"/>
-            <exclude name="jboss-aop-jdk50.deployer/build.xml"/>
-            <exclude name="jboss-aop-jdk50.deployer/jboss.properties"/>
-            <exclude name="jboss-aop-jdk50.deployer/build_jboss4.0.xml"/>
-            <exclude name="jboss-aop-jdk50.deployer/ReadMe-AS4.txt"/>
-            <exclude name="jboss-aop-jdk50.deployer/jboss-reflect.jar"/>
-         </fileset>
-      </copy>
-      <copy todir="${deploy.dir}/jboss-aop-jdk50.deployer" file="${old.deployer}/base-aop.xml"/>
-   </target>
-   <target name="backup.javassist.post.4.0.4" depends="init" if="backup.javassist">
-      <move file="${lib.javassist}" tofile="${bak.javassist}"/>
-   </target>
-   <target name="install.bin" depends="init">
-      <copy todir="${jboss.bin.dir}">
-         <fileset dir="../../lib-50">
-            <include name="pluggable-instrumentor.jar"/>
-            <include name="jrockit-pluggable-instrumentor.jar"/>
-         </fileset>
-      </copy>
-   </target>
-   <target name="install.post.4.0.4" depends="install.deployer, install.bin, backup.javassist.post.4.0.4" if="jboss.post.4.0.4">
-      <delete file="${aspect.deployer}/javassist.jar"/>
-      <copy file="javassist.jar" tofile="${lib.javassist}" overwrite="true"/>
-   </target>
-   <target name="install" depends="install.post.4.0.4"/>

Deleted: projects/aop/trunk/asintegration-mc/src/etc/jboss.properties
--- projects/aop/trunk/asintegration-mc/src/etc/jboss.properties	2008-09-25 15:41:19 UTC (rev 78862)
+++ projects/aop/trunk/asintegration-mc/src/etc/jboss.properties	2008-09-25 15:55:08 UTC (rev 78863)
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# Properties file for the ant install scripts
-# Set the root of your jboss installation here 
-#Set the server configuration you want to patch here (e.g, all or default)

Deleted: projects/aop/trunk/asintegration-mc/src/main/org/jboss/aop/deployers/AspectManagerJMXRegistrar.java
--- projects/aop/trunk/asintegration-mc/src/main/org/jboss/aop/deployers/AspectManagerJMXRegistrar.java	2008-09-25 15:41:19 UTC (rev 78862)
+++ projects/aop/trunk/asintegration-mc/src/main/org/jboss/aop/deployers/AspectManagerJMXRegistrar.java	2008-09-25 15:55:08 UTC (rev 78863)
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
-* Copyright 2006, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors
-* as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the
-* distribution for a full listing of individual contributors. 
-* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
-* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
-* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-* Lesser General Public License for more details.
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-* License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
-* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-* 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
-package org.jboss.aop.deployers;
-import javax.management.MBeanServer;
-import javax.management.ObjectName;
-import javax.management.StandardMBean;
-import org.jboss.aop.deployment.AbstractAspectManagerService;
-import org.jboss.aop.deployment.AbstractAspectManagerServiceMBean;
-import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
- * 
- * @author <a href="kabir.khan at jboss.com">Kabir Khan</a>
- * @version $Revision: 1.1 $
- */
-public class AspectManagerJMXRegistrar
-   final static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(AspectManagerJMXRegistrar.class.getName());
-   final static String ASPECTMANAGER_OBJECTNAME = "jboss.aop:service=AspectManager";
-   MBeanServer server;
-   AbstractAspectManager aspectManager;
-   public void setMbeanServer(MBeanServer server)
-   {
-      this.server = server;
-   }
-   public void setAspectManager(AbstractAspectManager aspectManager)
-   {
-      this.aspectManager = aspectManager;
-   }
-   public void start() throws Exception
-   {
-      try
-      {
-         log.debug("Registering AspectManagerService in JMX under: " + ASPECTMANAGER_OBJECTNAME);
-         server.registerMBean(new StandardMBean(new AbstractAspectManagerService(aspectManager.getDelegate()), AbstractAspectManagerServiceMBean.class), new ObjectName(ASPECTMANAGER_OBJECTNAME));
-      }
-      catch (Exception e)
-      {
-         // AutoGenerated
-         throw new RuntimeException("Error starting AspectManagerJMXWrapper", e);
-      }
-   }
-   public void stop()
-   {
-      try
-      {
-         log.debug("Unregistering AspectManagerService in JMX under: " + ASPECTMANAGER_OBJECTNAME);
-         server.unregisterMBean(new ObjectName(ASPECTMANAGER_OBJECTNAME));
-      }
-      catch (Exception e)
-      {
-         // AutoGenerated
-         throw new RuntimeException("Error stopping AspectManagerJMXWrapper", e);
-      }
-   }

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