[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss Web Services] - Re: wsimport API, SPI, command line tool, and ant task

jason.greene@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Feb 1 21:11:54 EST 2007

"omatzura" wrote : 
  | to make my life easier, integrated tools in soapui are launced by spawning a seperate process and running the command-line versions.. maybe not the best from a resource-perspective, but it keeps the code clean from "linking"/class-loaders/etc.. I'll try to go with this strategy for these 2 as well (unless there is some reason to do otherwise..)

OK, however you like to do it. One thing I was thinking of doing to help integrators concerned with dependencies is to provide a tiny jar (with no dependencies) that contains just the JAX-WS tools API and SPI.  An integrator could then include this tiny jar in their classpath. The code would something like:

  | WebServiceGenerator generator = WebServiceGenerator.newInstance(new URLClassLoader(impljars));
  | generator.setGenerateSource(true);
  | generator.setGenerateWsdl(true);
  | generator.setOutputDirectory(new File("output"));
  | generator.setMessageStream(stream);
  | generator.generate(TestMe.class);

anonymous wrote : 
  | Do I "just" need the latest jbossws 2.0 sources to build/run these?

The least amount of steps would be to checkout and build jbossas/trunk. The wsgen.sh and wsimport.sh scripts are in the bin directory, you can extract the needed jars from those scripte. 

anonymous wrote : 
  | Also, have there been any changes to the wstools command-line options/config since 1.0.3 that I should support in our dialogs? (just point me to the docs and I can look at the details myself..)

Just a small change:


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