[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss Web Services] - Re: The JBossWS build is a joke - the project is unmaintaina

adrian@jboss.org do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Jun 29 10:14:59 EDT 2007

Anyway, back to the reason why I want to modify the jbossws project.

I'm trying to integrate the new deployer updates:

I started to copy the code into varia as a temporary measure so at least
I know what versions I'm compiling over and the integration gets maintained
in step with the JBossAS code, like EJB3.

What do I find, you've reinvented the wheel again (the deployers framework)
with something called DeployerHooks. Why??????

I also started commenting a number of other stupidities like using the 
Thread Context Classloader instead of the DeploymentUnit.getClassLoader()
and the ever handling is the usual mess.
e.g. aop has the same problem:

But more importantly, the DeploymentContext is used everywhere!
Even though this has been deprecated method from the start with a comment on
getDeploymentContext() saying "think about it before using this method".

Not only that it is referenced inside JBossWS itself, so I can't even just rewrite
the deployers inside JBossAS (as a temporary measure) 
because the api is broken in jbossws-spi.jar

I can understand you having your own abstraction for deployment
that is a good thing. But not when you are just munging
somebody else's api and exposing implementation details that should never
have been exposed.

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