[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss Web Services] - Deploying trunk

thomas.diesler@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue May 29 09:07:41 EDT 2007

  |   The JBossWS project is organised like this
  |                           +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+   +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+                       +~~~~+
  |   Target Container:       |     AS-5.0      |   |     AS-4.2      |                       |    | 
  |                           +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+   +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+                       |    |
  |                           +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+   +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+                       |    |
  |   Container Integration:  | jbossws-jboss50 |   | jbossws-jboss42 |                       |    |
  |                           +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+   +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+                       |    |
  |                           +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ |    |
  |   WS SPI:                 |                         jbossws-spi                         | |    |
  |                           +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ |    |
  |                           +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+   +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+   +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ |    |
  |   WS Stack Integration:   | jbossws-native  |   |  jbossws-sunri  |   |  jbossws-xfire  | |    |
  |                           +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+   +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+   +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ |    |
  |                           +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+   +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+   +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ |    |
  |   WS Stack:               |   jbossws-core  |   |    Sun JAXWS    |   |  Codehaus XFire | |    |
  |                           +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+   +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+   +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ |    |
  |   WS-* Extensions:        +~+ +~+               +~+ +~+               +~+ +~+             |    |
  |                           | | | |               | | | |               | | | |             |    |
  |                           | | | |               | | | |               | | | |             |    |
  |                           | | | |               | | | |               | | | |             |    |
  |                           | | | |               | | | |               | | | |             |    |
  |                           | | | |               | | | |               | | | |             |    |
  |                           +~+ +~+               +~+ +~+               +~+ +~+             +~~~~+
  |                                                                                       JAXWS Testsuite  
  |   Typically you would build, deploy, test one of the WS stacks against one of the supported target containers.
  |   Here we explain first the manual procedure. Further down you find instruction on how to do this using our
  |   automated Hudson QA environment.
  |   Working with the Integration layers
  |   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  |   To run the general JAXWS samples against our native WS stack on JBoss-5.0 you would run the sequence below. 
  |   This is also the required sequence before any SVN commit. If one of the tests fails, please complain loudly.
  |              cd integration/native
  |              ant deploy-jboss50
  |              ant tests-samples
  |   To run the collection of provider sample tests, you would run 
  |              ant -Dtest=jaxws/samples/provider test
  |   To run a single specific test, you would run
  |              ant -Dtest=org.jboss.test.ws.jaxws.samples.provider.ProviderPayloadTestCase one-test
  |   This can be done in debug mode as well
  |              ant -Ddebug=true -Dtest=org.jboss.test.ws.jaxws.samples.provider.ProviderPayloadTestCase one-test
  |   Working with JBossWS Core
  |   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  |   The jbossws-core testssuite is a superset of the general JAXWS testsuite. It tests our native stack, jaxrpc, the tools layer, etc
  |   This shows how to run the full core testsuite against JBoss-5.0
  |              cd jbossws-core
  |              ant deploy-jboss50
  |              ant tests
  |   Working with the Hudson QA environment
  |   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  |   The Hudson QA environment helps you to test any supported stack against any supported target container.
  |   To setup Hudson on your local box, you would run
  |              cd build
  |              ant hudson-setup
  |              ant hudson-start
  |   When you hit http://localhost:8180/hudson you should be able to 
  |              1. login
  |              2. build a target container
  |              3. run a testsuite against the target container
  |   Publicly, Hudson is available at http://jbws.dyndns.org:8180/hudson/
  |   Have fun + good luck
  |   The JBossWS Team

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