[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of EJB 3.0] - Re: JBPAPP-864/EJBTHREE-1109 - clustered home proxies

galder.zamarreno@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Jun 10 08:50:55 EDT 2008

"bstansberry at jboss.com" wrote : I'm guessing the reason you use the Dispatcher to find the StatefulClusteredProxyFactory in StatefulContainer.createClusteredProxy(Object id) is you lose the id info if you do it via JNDI?

Indeed. I think it might have been possible to retrieve the proxy factory by looking it up in JNDI and the calling any of the createProxies accordingly. I have the feeling that this solution would have indirectly gone through the Dispatcher as well.

What was clear though is that I needed to go through factory.createProxy() call to generate this so that the partition, family wrapper...etc where initialised correctly (I did test other alternatives and would fail without these being initialised). In the case of SLSBs, this is much simpler cos getting an instance of the SLSB proxy is just a matter of retrieving it from JNDI as proxies are the same. But in the case of SFSB, it's different cos you have to retrieve the proxy for a specific instance.

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