[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of POJO Server] - Re: Deploying Ears and Wars through ProfileService

mark.spritzler do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sat May 24 00:40:32 EDT 2008

So this is different than what you posted a couple posts before? :D

  | // Distribute the content
  |       DeploymentManager mgtView = getDeploymentManager();

So different here in that it is a different Manager rather than in the ManagementView class. 

Is it possible to get the DeploymentManager from the ManagementView class, like mgtView.getDeploymentManager(), instead of a jndi lookup. (I think you mentioned a lookup was required)

  |       DeploymentProgress progress = mgtView.distribute("testMCBeansDeployment.beans", DeploymentPhase.APPLICATION, contentURL);
  |       progress.addProgressListener(this);
  |       progress.run();

So, a listener to get callbacks on the lifecycle of the deploying? What does that interface look like, actually I can just look it up.

But the run() goes how far, in the case of a war file?

  |       DeploymentStatus status = progress.getDeploymentStatus();
  |       assertTrue("DeploymentStatus.isCompleted", status.isCompleted());
  |       // It should not be running yet
  |       assertFalse("DeploymentStatus.isRunning", status.isRunning());
  |       assertFalse("DeploymentStatus.isFailed", status.isFailed());

This confused me just a tad, if only the file has been "copied" but hasn't been fully deployed and started, how is it completed==true. Unless the definition of completed is just that the file has been fully "copied"

  |       // Now start the deployment
  |       progress = mgtView.start("testMCBeansDeployment.beans", DeploymentPhase.APPLICATION);
  |       progress.addProgressListener(this);
  |       progress.run();
  |       status = progress.getDeploymentStatus();
  |       assertTrue("DeploymentStatus.isCompleted", status.isCompleted());
  |       assertTrue("DeploymentStatus.isRunning", status.isRunning());
  |       assertFalse("DeploymentStatus.isFailed", status.isFailed());

OK, so by looking at this code, it just looks like all the steps of "deploying" a war are all covered so that any management console can keep track of the entire process, instead of a "one swooping step to follow" from a management perspective.

Overall, We are pretty flexible in "mapping" the process to fit into the JON plugin notion. So I don't forsee any issue with how you set this up, as usual it is pretty clean and easy to understand.


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