[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of POJO Server] - Re: Exploding jar libraries in deployments

ALRubinger do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Aug 3 16:07:21 EDT 2009

"alesj" wrote : No, the original problem is that Tomcat code even demands such unjaring, which is overhead in the case of VFS.

Well, that gets back to the original, original problem.  But I'm not going to be getting a fix for that in Branch_5_x, nor can I go off in tangents everytime something in AS doesn't quite support running Embedded.  My proposal for a non-recursive explode() is a stopgap in order to get a release out in time for JBW in early September.  I don't believe the feature request is in itself a hack.

"alesj" wrote : But from reading Remy's Servlet3 TODOs, this shouldn't be the case anymore, as the default Context impl will be VFS based.

Yes, this should be the trunk migration path looking forward.

"ALRubinger" wrote : Thinking some more, seems for nested vfsmemory archives: the root should be unpacked/serialized to plain files and the nested ones should be as well...but not nested JARs (which are left intact).
This looks like a hack to handle something that was never expected to work in JBWeb code.
You should fix the real problem and not hack around something that is already a hack to fix a hack. ;-)
e.g. check what it takes to get JBW's VFSContext back

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