[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss ESB] - Re: Http Gateway - requirements please...

tfennelly do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Jul 27 05:46:19 EDT 2009

OK, so I implemented a bit of this so as we can have something concrete to discuss.  It's not in any way complete and there are things in it that I plan on refactoring (e.g. removing the ability to reference a web.xml/jboss-web.xml, as requested), as well as there being bits which are not yet implemented at all.  Also, Kev has an issue with using the mep to decide whether or not a response is sent back from a Http Gateway.  Plan on discussing that separately.

The main thing I wanted to look at was the common codebase for EBWS and the new HttpGateway.  I have implemented the bones of a "WebModel" concept that gets built up at deploy time and is then used to construct a single war file for the .esb deployment.

See SVN: http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/labs/labs/jbossesb/workspace/tfennelly/httpg2/product/rosetta/src/org/jboss/internal/soa/esb/listeners/war

So the basic idea is simple... the Deployer:
1. Creates an instance of WebDeploymentArchive.  (Implemented)
2. Calls EBWS specific code for it to add it's servlets etc to the model.  (Not implemented).
3. Calls HttpGateway specific code for it to add servlets etc to the model.  (Implemented)
4. Creates and deploys the war sub deployment.  (Implemented)

Note that where I say "Implemented"... I'm not saying that part is complete and will not change!!!  Really just saying "there's something there" for that part of the equation ;)

The base context is based .esb name (as requested).

For the Http Gateway, it's currently prefixing the urlPattern with the associated http provider bus name (and not hardcoded "http", as requested).  So for a provider and listener configured as follows:

  | <http-provider name="http">
  |     <http-bus busid="ordermgt" />
  | </http-provider>

  | <http-listener name="oml" busidref="ordermgt" urlPattern="/in/*" />

The following requests will be filtered through to that listener....

  | http://{host:port}/{.esbname}/ordermgt/in/*

This seem OK so far?

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