[jboss-dev-forums] [IronJacamar Development] - TestSuite - mapping test cases for AS6 and IronJacamar

Stefano Maestri do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Jan 4 09:31:58 EST 2011

Stefano Maestri [http://community.jboss.org/people/maeste] modified the document:

"TestSuite - mapping test cases for AS6 and IronJacamar"

To view the document, visit: http://community.jboss.org/docs/DOC-16266

h1. 1. General Note

1. Every deployment related test should be written with Arquillian
2. Every test that depends on some external deployment into the environment (for example jdbc driver) should be carefully evaluated to consider possible difference in AS7 env

*2. Test List*

|| Stressed condition || AS6 Implementation
package is always 
org.jboss.test.jca.test || IronJacamar Implementation

| verify AdminObject deployment, obj types and properties | AdminObjectUnitTestCase.testAdminObject() | TODO. We only verify atm that annotated AdminObject class is correctly processed from an annotation point of view in org.jboss.jca.deployers.annotations.AnnotationsTestCase.
testProcessAdministeredObject. |
| Test for connection background validation | BackgroundValidationUnitTestCase | To be evaluated: we are testing our Validation mechanism directly, but this test should be ported to stress Validation framework indirectly at deploy time. IOW we can verify with this test if and when validation should stop the deployment. |
| stress various condition on CM (changing config and/or using it to get connection and so on) | BaseConnectionManagerUnitTestCase | TODO |
|  | CachedConnectionErrorUnitTestCase | To be analysed. Maybe it don't make sense as is for ironjacamar |
|  | CachedConnectionSessionUnitTestCase | To be analysed. Maybe it don't make sense as is for ironjacamar |
| verify cf (datasource) correct serialization/deserialization | ConnectionFactorySerializationUnitTestCase | TODO |
| verify dependency define in jboss-ra.xml | DependsRARUnitTestCase | Does not make sense for ironjacamar |
| Check deployment of a -ds | DeploymentUnitTestCase | /ironjacamar-adapters/src/test/java/org/jboss/jca/adapters/jdbc/unit/H2TestCase

NOTE: here we are just testing that deployment is working, while in old test suite also some properties setting are verified |
| Test HA connection both Local and XA | HAConnectionFactoryUnitTestCase | Does not make sense since we are not supporting HA connection right now. |
| test in flow RA using a Message Driven Bean | InflowUnitTestCase | TODO. We need to set up a messaging system in our test suite to do that |
| test correct behavior of ConnectionPool | InternalManagedConnection
PoolStatUnitTestCase | TODO: we have 2 classes that should do that in package org.jboss.jca.core.connectionmanager.unit.pool named PoolingTestCase and PreFillPoolingTestCase but all test methods are empty |
| test that calling .close() 2 times on rs, statement, and connection does not throw Exception | JDBCComplianceUnitTestCase | To be evaluated, it's a jdbc compliance test, not directly related to JCA |
| test that after -ds redeployment connection are obtainable.  | JDBCDriverRedeployUnitTestCase | TODO: extending /ironjacamar-adapters/src/test/java/org/jboss/jca/adapters/jdbc/unit/H2TestCase

Note: the old test suite is redeploying driver too. It have to be evaluated in our new environment if it make sense and if AS7 would permit driver hot redeployment |
|  |  |  |

Comment by going to Community

Create a new document in IronJacamar Development at Community
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