[jboss-dev-forums] [JBoss AS 7 Development] - AS7 Management Console 2.0

Heiko Braun do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Nov 22 05:50:45 EST 2012

Heiko Braun [https://community.jboss.org/people/heiko.braun] modified the document:

"AS7 Management Console 2.0"

To view the document, visit: https://community.jboss.org/docs/DOC-47385

h3. Project Information

| - Roadmap (https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AS7/component/12313823)
- Issue Tracking (https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AS7)
- Source Code:
     - Authoritative master: https://github.com/jbossas/console
     - Most recent: https://github.com/jbossas/console/tree/develop
- Hacking the Codebase (https://community.jboss.org/docs/DOC-16607)
- Releases (https://community.jboss.org/docs/DOC-47610)

If you are looking for stable build, then you should consider the jbossas/console repository.
Current development however, takes place on the "develop" branch. Stable milestones will be merged onto "master" with every release. | Jenkins:  https://hudson.jboss.org/hudson/job/AS7ManagementConsole/lastBuild/buildStatus  (https://hudson.jboss.org/hudson/job/AS7ManagementConsole/lastBuild/) |

h2. Extension Mechanism
In relation to  http://hbraun.info/2012/09/web-console-architecture-future-directions/ http://hbraun.info/2012/09/web-console-architecture-future-directions/

* GWT Composition
Build time, lowest common denominator, based on building blocks but manual plumbing
We have an example of this mechanism implemented already:  https://github.com/heiko-braun/composite-ui https://github.com/heiko-braun/composite-ui

* Plugin descriptiors
Abstract model, relies on fixed schema (DMR metadata+UI properties), fixed set of supported traits, can be consumed by many clients

* Runtime extensions
Applicable to both options above. Removes compile time dependecy.

h3. Layered Projects

Some projects already integrate/extend the AS7 console.

|| *Project Name* || *Repository* || *Status* ||
| Switchyard | https://github.com/rcernich/jbossas-console/tree/master-hbraun | Does build on a previous version. Should update to >1.5.0 |
| Teiid | https://github.com/teiid/teiid-web-console | Implements the most current version (1.5.0-SNAPSHOT) |

h2. UI design & Interaction Patterns

General UI design issues and ideas  https://community.jboss.org/docs/DOC-47685 are collected here.

h3. Core UX Elements & Concepts

An overview of the current UX concepts (including widgets) can be found here:

 http://heiko-braun.github.com/pages/as7/docs/ux.html http://heiko-braun.github.com/pages/as7/docs/ux.html

h2. Requirements, Ideas, Nice-to-Have

 || *Desc* ||
| C0100 | The UI must be able to dynamically render model elements based solely upon its predefined description (the description may (and probably often will) include UI-specific elements to give "hints" to the renderer; i.e. 0 lines of XHTML is better than 10) (note that AS8 descriptions are likely to be more robust and easier to produce than AS7) |
| C0200 | The UI must provide (or work with) a mechanism by which multi-step tasks (so-called "wizards") can be defined and subsequently rendered for specific model element types, such that these operations may be automatically associated with their corresponding model elements (even better if the task metadata were reusable by other tools e.g. CLI) |
| C0300 | Using these tools it should be possible to generate UIs on many platforms (GWT, Swing, iOS/Android, maybe JON, maybe third-party mgmt tools, ???) which all look, act, and "feel" as similar as possible |
| C0350 | RHQ/JON upstream. Acts as POC for C0300 |
| C0400 | i18n |
| C0500 | Authorisation & Authentication |
| C0600 | 508 compliance |

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