[JBoss-dev] Missing jars (javax.persistence)

Carlo de Wolf carlo.dewolf at jboss.com
Thu Aug 3 06:02:14 EDT 2006

Hi all,

I saw that ejb3.deployer no longer contains a lot of jar files.
But I need these three:
         <fileset dir="${hibernate.entitymanager.lib}">
            <include name="ejb3-persistence.jar"/>
            <include name="hibernate-entitymanager.jar"/>        
         <fileset dir="${hibernate.annotations.lib}">
            <include name="hibernate-annotations.jar"/>

(Basicly the javax.persistence stuff.)
They are not in the <server>/lib directory, but they are in the client

Is another project going to deploy these artifacts or can I add them
back to the build.xml of ejb3.deployer?

IMHO they're part of a separate product (javax.persistence) on which
ejb3 is dependant.


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