[JBoss-dev] RE: jboss-head-testsuite-1.5 Build Failed

Brian Stansberry brian.stansberry at jboss.com
Tue Aug 22 11:03:35 EDT 2006

It looks like the testsuite is failing because the server instance used
by tests-security-manager is not shutting down.  The server used by the
clustering tests then fails to start due to port conflicts. (The
"default" config logs show the securitymgr server still alive 5 mins
after the clustering server tries to start.)
Can someone take a look at why the securitymgr server is not shutting

Brian Stansberry
Lead, AS Clustering
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
Ph: 510-396-3864
skype: bstansberry 



	From: qa at jboss.com [mailto:qa at jboss.com] 
	Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 2:55 AM
	To: Andy Oliver; Adrian Brock; alesj at jboss.com; Anil Saldhana;
Bill Decoste; Bill Burke; Brian Stansberry; chilin at jboss.com; Dimitris
Andreadis; hmesha at jboss.com; jboss-development at lists.jboss.org; Kabir
Khan; peterj at jboss.com; QA; Rali Genova; Remy Maucherat;
root at peso.dmz.atl2.jboss.com; rrajesh at jboss.com; Ruel Loehr; Scott M
Stark; scottmarlownovell at jboss.com; Stan Silvert; Thomas Diesler; Tom
Benninger; Vladimir Blagojevic; Vicky Kak; Weston Price; wolfc at jboss.com
	Subject: jboss-head-testsuite-1.5 Build Failed
	Importance: High
	View results here ->

Ant Error Message:
/services/cruisecontrol/work/scripts/build-jboss-common.xml:242: The
following error occurred while executing this line:
/services/cruisecontrol/work/scripts/build-jboss-common.xml:156: Exit
code: 1 See tests.log in Build Artifacts for details.	
Date of build: 08/22/2006 02:16:47	
Time to build: 96 minutes 12 seconds	
Last changed: 08/21/2006 22:41:37	
Last log entry: Upgrade to JGroups 2.4CR1	


 Unit Tests: (0)  Total Errors and Failures: (0) 	

 Modifications since last build:  (first 50 of 1594) 	
56140	 modified	 bstansberry at jboss.com
//trunk/build/build-thirdparty.xml	 Upgrade to JGroups 2.4CR1	
56139	 modified	 bstansberry at jboss.com
ava	 Use of Marshaller required with JG 2.4.CR1	
56138	 modified	 scott.stark at jboss.org
//trunk/tomcat/.classpath	 Add jboss-serialization.jar to the
build path	
56130	 modified	 anil.saldhana at jboss.com
//trunk/tomcat/src/resources/server.xml	 JBAS-3358:do not remove work
directory for the web app when the context is destroyed	
56130	 modified	 anil.saldhana at jboss.com
//trunk/tomcat/src/resources/webserver-xmbean.xml	 JBAS-3358:do
not remove work directory for the web app when the context is destroyed	
56130	 modified	 anil.saldhana at jboss.com
//trunk/tomcat/src/resources/jboss-service.xml	 JBAS-3358:do not remove
work directory for the web app when the context is destroyed	
56130	 modified	 anil.saldhana at jboss.com
JBAS-3358:do not remove work directory for the web app when the context
is destroyed	
56130	 modified	 anil.saldhana at jboss.com
//trunk/tomcat/src/resources/jboss-service-all.xml	 JBAS-3358:do
not remove work directory for the web app when the context is destroyed	
56129	 modified	 stan.silvert at jboss.com
//trunk/testsuite/src/resources/web/html/jsftest/index.jsp	 Test
updates and changes based on Tomcat fixes in JBAS-3527.	
56129	 added	 stan.silvert at jboss.com
Test updates and changes based on Tomcat fixes in JBAS-3527.	
56129	 modified	 stan.silvert at jboss.com
Test updates and changes based on Tomcat fixes in JBAS-3527.	
56129	 modified	 stan.silvert at jboss.com
tCase.java	 Test updates and changes based on Tomcat fixes in
56129	 modified	 stan.silvert at jboss.com
figureListener.java	 Test updates and changes based on Tomcat fixes
in JBAS-3527.	
56129	 modified	 stan.silvert at jboss.com
Test updates and changes based on Tomcat fixes in JBAS-3527.	
56126	 modified	 hmesha
ield.xml	 JBCLUSTER-125	
56126	 modified	 hmesha
eb.xml	 JBCLUSTER-125	
56126	 modified	 hmesha
java	 JBCLUSTER-125	
56126	 modified	 hmesha
ss-web.xml	 JBCLUSTER-125	
56126	 modified	 hmesha
rigger.xml	 JBCLUSTER-125	
56126	 modified	 hmesha
er.java	 JBCLUSTER-125	
56126	 modified	 hmesha
ield-scoped.xml	 JBCLUSTER-125	
56126	 modified	 hmesha
batch-false.xml	 JBCLUSTER-125	
56126	 modified	 hmesha
56126	 modified	 hmesha
set.xml	 JBCLUSTER-125	
56126	 modified	 hmesha
scoped.xml	 JBCLUSTER-125	
56126	 modified	 hmesha
er.java	 JBCLUSTER-125	
56126	 modified	 hmesha
TestCase.java	 JBCLUSTER-125	
56126	 modified	 hmesha
estCase.java	 JBCLUSTER-125	
56126	 modified	 hmesha
F/jboss-web.xml	 JBCLUSTER-125	
56126	 modified	 hmesha
va	 JBCLUSTER-125	
56126	 modified	 hmesha
Case.java	 JBCLUSTER-125	
56126	 modified	 hmesha
ava	 JBCLUSTER-125	
56126	 modified	 hmesha
//trunk/tomcat/src/resources/tc6-cluster-service.xml	 JBCLUSTER-125	
56126	 modified	 hmesha
ce.java	 JBCLUSTER-125	
56126	 modified	 hmesha
F/jboss-web.xml	 JBCLUSTER-125	
56126	 modified	 hmesha
based.xml	 JBCLUSTER-125	
56126	 modified	 hmesha
xml	 JBCLUSTER-125	
56126	 modified	 hmesha
ield-batch-false.xml	 JBCLUSTER-125	
56126	 modified	 hmesha
b.xml	 JBCLUSTER-125	
56126	 modified	 hmesha
er.java	 JBCLUSTER-125	
56126	 modified	 hmesha
stCase.java	 JBCLUSTER-125	
56126	 modified	 hmesha
va	 JBCLUSTER-125	
56126	 modified	 hmesha
eTestCase.java	 JBCLUSTER-125	
56126	 modified	 hmesha
ava	 JBCLUSTER-125	
56126	 modified	 hmesha
NF/jboss-web.xml	 JBCLUSTER-125	
56126	 modified	 hmesha
estCase.java	 JBCLUSTER-125	
56126	 modified	 hmesha
e.java	 JBCLUSTER-125	
56126	 modified	 hmesha
ml	 JBCLUSTER-125	
56125	 modified	 anil.saldhana at jboss.com
JBAS-3535:AuthorizationManager from JNDI	
56125	 modified	 anil.saldhana at jboss.com
JBAS-3535:AuthorizationManager from JNDI	


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