[JBoss-dev] RE: jboss-4.0-testsuite-sun-1.4 Build Failed

Rajesh Rajasekaran rajesh.rajasekaran at jboss.com
Thu Aug 31 08:50:54 EDT 2006

This is the only testsuite running on this box (build02)

But it s able to talk to the other 4.0 and Head testsuite runs on
build01 box.

I m moving this back to build01 until we can isolate the boxes 



From: Dimitris Andreadis 
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2006 3:23 AM
To: qa at jboss.com; jboss-development at lists.jboss.org
Subject: RE: jboss-4.0-testsuite-sun-1.4 Build Failed


This is due to some process already present. What else runs on this
testsuite box?



[server:start] Starting server "cluster-UDP-0" with command: 
[server:start] /opt/j2sdk1.4.2_09/bin/java -cp
org.jboss.Main -c cluster-UDP-0 -b localhost 

uild.xml:792: The following error occurred while executing this line:
uild.xml:1049: The following error occurred while executing this line:
uild.xml:1071: Error starting server "cluster-UDP-1": Found a process
already listening on:http://build01-01.pri:8080 or

Total time: 65 minutes 49 seconds
Found server "cluster-UDP-0" still running; stopping it.
Shutting down server: cluster-UDP-0



	From: qa at jboss.com [mailto:qa at jboss.com] 
	Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2006 9:21 AM
	To: Dimitris Andreadis; jboss-development at lists.jboss.org; QA
	Subject: jboss-4.0-testsuite-sun-1.4 Build Failed
	Importance: High

	View results here ->


Ant Error Message:
/services/cruisecontrol/work/scripts/build-jboss-common.xml:242: The
following error occurred while executing this line:
/services/cruisecontrol/work/scripts/build-jboss-common.xml:156: Exit
code: 1 See tests.log in Build Artifacts for details.

Date of build: 08/31/2006 00:41:15

Time to build: 97 minutes 30 seconds

Last changed: 08/30/2006 12:00:41

Last log entry: First pass of the 4.0.5.CR1 release notes. Need to
update the compatibility and configuration section.




 Unit Tests: (0)  Total Errors and Failures: (0) 













 Modifications since last build:  (first 50 of 1) 



dimitris at jboss.org


First pass of the 4.0.5.CR1 release notes. Need to update the
compatibility and configuration section.





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