[jboss-dev] jboss-aspects

Andrew Lee Rubinger andrew.rubinger at redhat.com
Wed Apr 16 11:57:43 EDT 2008

Anil Saldhana wrote:
> I seriously do not think the so called ejb3 core is not really ejb3 
> core. What is a class like EJBContextImpl doing in ejb3 core? It should 
> be in AS/ejb3. The ejb3 core should be further slimmed down.

We agree; it should be slimmed down.

The current EJB3 Core started as the legacy copy of the "ejb3" module 
from within AS.  Over the past few months we've broken this into 
discrete components unaware of EJB3 internals, and we will continue this 
trend looking forward.

However, TCK is the priority so the spaghetti of Core will remain until 
all the knots are untangled.  As long as we've got green lights, there's 
no sense refactoring those areas.

Regarding EJBContextImpl...that's an implementation specific to the EJB3 
Project with dependencies on the other classes in core; it works very 
differently from the 2.1 stuff in AS.


Andrew Lee Rubinger
Sr. Software Engineer
JBoss EJB3
JBoss, a division of Red Hat, Inc.

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