[jboss-dev] Update to maven-compiler-plugin

Carlo de Wolf cdewolf at redhat.com
Fri May 2 17:49:47 EDT 2008

The only problem I have with exclude files is that the negative scenario 
is never tested. So when the actual fix is made it's up to the developer 
to clean up the excludes.

If he doesn't do that, then regression might set in unnoticed.

Also failure might change in the mean time, so the known issue becomes 

In the past I've been thinking about a change in Junit where a test goes 
yellow instead of green or red. Meaning a known issue has been detected.
That way both QA and Dev can ascertain the status of a run.


Thomas Diesler wrote:
> Folks,
> I updated the maven-compiler-plugin to version 2.0.2.SP1 to support a 
> testExcludeFile
> For details, see http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MCOMPILER-72
> cheers
> -thomas

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