[jboss-dev] pom.xml cleanup for ejb3

Dimitris Andreadis dandread at redhat.com
Wed May 7 04:52:07 EDT 2008

Starting from ejb3/core and while traversing dependencies I performed some pom.xml cleanup 
for a few projects, so this will show up in their respective next versions:


I've pointed ejb3/build/pom.xml to latest jboss-metadata 1.0.0.Beta11 (from Beta9)

ejb3/transactions/pom.xml - switched the aspects from snapshot to 1.0.0.Beta1

Changed ejb3/core/pom.xml:
- jboss-vfs 2.0.0.Beta8 -> Beta11
- org.jboss.jbossas:main,system,system-jmx,mbeans,j2se to the previous 5.0.0.Beta4
   instead of 5.0.0-SNAPSHOT and created a reminder task:

Other inconsistencies I've found:

1) A tagged release depending on a snapshot(!) - I excluded the snapshot
[INFO] +- org.jboss.jbossas:jboss-as-mbeans:jar:5.0.0.Beta4:compile
[INFO] |  \- org.jboss:jboss-test:jar:1.0.5-SNAPSHOT:compile

2) The deprecated jboss-container module is brought in implicitly:
[INFO] +- org.jboss.aop:jboss-aop:jar:2.0.0.CR7:compile
[INFO] |  +- org.jboss.microcontainer:jboss-container:jar:2.0.0.Beta9:compile (version 
managed from 2.0.0.Beta6)

I've excluded this as it comes through AOP, but it keeps popping up. The jboss-container 
module is legacy and is replaced by jboss-mdr/jboss-reflect so that should be replaced in 
the various projects. I've already done so in jbossxb and jboss-metadata.


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