[jboss-dev] VFS Temp Reuse (JBAS-6715)

Ales Justin ales.justin at gmail.com
Thu Apr 23 03:05:23 EDT 2009

>> I don't see why a new EAR ZEC is created.
>> If we're not explicitly using VFS::createNewRoot,
>> then .ear's ZEC should always come off cached deploy/ root (its cached 
>> VFSContext).
> The cache on the FileSystemContext(/deploy) is wiped because undeploy 
> calls cleanup on the EAR VF, and that calls removeChild on the 
> DelgateHandler's parent, which is the FSC(/deploy).
> I should be able to do a VFS deployment test that simulates this now. 
> Although I still want to try out the multiple handle change to tempinfo.

Ah, right, good catch.

Thinking about that child remove now, it seems as it's wrong.
The cleanup should take care of reset and wiping the temps,
it should be the job of getChild(ren) to verify if the handler changed
and update it accordingly - and this is what FSC and ZEC already do.

I'll remove that child remove and see how it works.

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