[jboss-dev] Modularizing JBossAS

David M. Lloyd david.lloyd at redhat.com
Thu Apr 23 14:16:13 EDT 2009

On 04/23/2009 11:57 AM, David M. Lloyd wrote:
> Of the top ten goals listed for AS6 (as listed here: 
> http://www.jboss.org/community/wiki/JBossASTop10 ), at five will be 
> directly served by modularizing the AS.

This should say "at least five".

Also I've added a few more requirements to the list:

5. Deployers which support deployment units that conform to specifications 
such as EJB will have to implicitly include module dependencies for any 
APIs which they support (like javaee for example).
    1. Thus such deployment units will themselves have to be implicitly or 
explicitly modularized, at least to some extent, in order to correctly 
isolate them from each other as well as correctly express dependencies.
6. Since the vast bulk of third-party libraries are not going to modularize 
according to our standard, we need to wrap and redistribute any such 
libraries as modules.
    1. In Maven, we should keep a separate groupId for modules versus raw 
artifacts where we keep the repackaged modules.
    2. This means that there's an extra layer of indirection between 
project releases and AS inclusion, for better or worse, since the AS 
depends on the module, which is built from the project release.  (Note: 
this is not unlike how distros such as Fedora package up third-party 
projects.  Maybe there are lessons to be learned from those folks?)

Please comment.


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