[jboss-dev] m2eclipse build issues

Scott Stark sstark at redhat.com
Mon Aug 10 15:32:33 EDT 2009

I keep running into compile errors showing up that do not make sense as 
the dependencies for the classes that cannot be found are in the 
MAVEN2_CLASSPATH_CONTAINER dependencies. Currently there are errors 
related to not being able to resolve the 
class, even though the classpath contains the 

I'm also seeing this error for every project it tries to build:
8/10/09 12:04:19 PM PDT: Build errors for testsuite; 
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Invalid or 
missing parameters: [Mojo parameter [name: 'rules'; alias: 'null']] for 
mojo: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-enforcer-plugin:1.0-beta-1:enforce

I have tried throwing the workspace away and reimporting it, but that 
resulted in the same set of errors. Up to this point some combination of 
updating dependencies, rebuilding clean, rebuilding the workspace has 
worked, but now it is not.

Anyone else have eclipse working off of the current trunk?

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