[jboss-dev] xb in start up time

Alexey Loubyansky alexey.loubyansky at redhat.com
Thu Aug 13 09:50:33 EDT 2009

To get an idea of what's taking time in XB during the AS start-up, I 
added simple time checks for three things:
- creation of unmarshaller instances (parsers)
- schema binding (parsing of JBossXB/JAXB annotations)
- unmarshalling (parsing xml + assembling the Java graph)

I started the default AS configuration 10 times and here are the average 

AS start-up time: 31226 ms
Init unmarshallers (94 instances): 99 ms
Binding (13 schemas): 1194 ms
Unmarshalling (71 files): 1764 ms

Total xb time: 3057 ms
Which is around 10%.

I think first, I'm going to look into serializing/precompiling bindings, 
e.g. metadata projects could already include in the releases serialized 
schema bindings.

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