[jboss-dev] Testsuite regression caused by JBossXB 2.0.2.BetaX

Alexey Loubyansky alexey.loubyansky at redhat.com
Fri Apr 9 07:21:46 EDT 2010

On 4/9/2010 1:41 AM, David M. Lloyd wrote:
> The relevant questions are:
> 1) Why is this element marked as "skip"?

Skip means don't try to resolve a class and create an instance of it for 
this element (of a complex type). But as the warning promises the 
attributes and characters data of this element will be set on its parent 
(that maybe weird but that was a useful feature at the time)

> 2) Why is this failing only now?

It should be failing since the inclusion of 2.0.2.Beta4 (which was 
released 08.01.2010)

During performance optimizations in 2.0.2.BetaX that promise of setting 
attributes and characters data was lost.
Although there were resources for this use-case in the form of XSD and 
XML, the actual testcase was missing. Probably, somebody forgot to check 
it in.

> 3) Why is this using schema rather than annotations?

Because at the time there was no other choice and now, I guess, nobody 
is actively working on and keeping this up to date.

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