[jboss-dev] Branching jbossas/trunk for 6.0.0.CR1 Release

Shelly McGowan smcgowan at redhat.com
Wed Nov 10 11:47:56 EST 2010

As planned, jbossas/trunk will be branched later tonight:


A few outstanding JIRAs expected for the release remain.  Let me know if these
issues are BLOCKERS for the release or will be deferred.

EJB 3 Update:
 -- Async

Integration of jboss-ejb3-bean-instantiator

RESTEasy Upgrade

Once the branch is created, the integrations related to jboss-injection will be begin (tomorrow) in trunk.  This POC has already been
performed in its' own branch but it is possible there will be some initial destabilization of trunk.  

Shelly McGowan
JBoss, by Red Hat

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