[jboss-identity-commits] JBoss Identity SVN: r267 - in identity-federation/trunk: doc and 9 other directories.

jboss-identity-commits at lists.jboss.org jboss-identity-commits at lists.jboss.org
Fri Jan 30 16:39:15 EST 2009

Author: anil.saldhana at jboss.com
Date: 2009-01-30 16:39:15 -0500 (Fri, 30 Jan 2009)
New Revision: 267

add the doc stuff

Added: identity-federation/trunk/doc/DeveloperGuide/pom.xml
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+     <subtitle>Developer Guide</subtitle>  
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+  <preface>
+    <title>What this Book Covers</title>
+    <para>This book aims to help you become familiar with JBoss Identity
+    Federation in order that you can use it to develop your own Federated
+    Identity based services or applications.</para>
+    <para>Part I 'Getting Started' introduces the federated identity
+    technologies that are provided in this product.</para>
+    <para>Part II 'Simple Usage' takes a look at the use cases that you can
+    implement that meets majority of requirements.</para>
+    <para>Part III 'Advanced Usage' goes on to look at how you can add
+    advanced features to your use cases such as trust management and XML
+    Digital Signatures.</para>
+  </preface>
+  <part>
+    <title>Getting Started</title>
+    <chapter id="overview">
+      <title>Introduction</title>
+      <para>JBoss Identity Federation allows you to implement SAML v2.0 based
+      services and applications. It also has support for Oasis WS-Trust based
+      applications.</para>
+      <para>With JBoss Identity Federation, you have the following
+      features.</para>
+      <itemizedlist>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>SAML v2 and WS-Trust v1.3 Object Model.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>SAML v2 Identity API.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>SAML v2 HTTP/Redirect Binding Support for JBoss and
+          Tomcat.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>SAML v2 HTTP/Redirect Binding Support for JBoss and Tomcat
+          with XML Signature Support.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>WS-Trust Security Token Service (STS).</para>
+        </listitem>
+      </itemizedlist>
+      <para>The SAML v2 specification provides multiple profiles and bindings.
+      In this version of the product, we provide support for web browser based
+      single sign on (SSO) via HTTP/Redirect Binding. </para>
+      <para>An user/developer is free to implement the other profiles and
+      bindings using the object model provided in this product.</para>
+    </chapter>
+    <chapter>
+      <title>Simple Usage</title>
+      <para>In this chapter, we will look at usage of JBoss Identity
+      Federation to help you obtain a platform to implement federated identity
+      based services (including centralized identity services
+      and Single Sign-On (SSO) for applications).</para>
+      <section>
+        <title>Identity API for SAML v2</title>
+        <note>
+          <para>Use SAML2Request API class for creating SAML request objects.</para>
+          <para>Use SAML2Response API class for creating SAML response objects.</para>
+        </note>
+        <para>The following examples displays usage of the API provided in
+         the Identity Federation product.
+        </para>
+        <para>The SAML2Request API class can be used to create SAML2 requests
+         and convert it into XML and back using the marshall or unmarshall methods.
+        </para>
+        <programlisting>
+          import org.jboss.identity.federation.api.saml.v2.request.SAML2Request;
+          import org.jboss.identity.federation.saml.v2.protocol.LogoutRequestType;
+          SAML2Request saml2Request = new SAML2Request(); 
+          //We will create an AuthnRequest
+          AuthnRequestType authnRequest = request.createAuthnRequestType( 
+            id, "http://sp", "http://idp", "http://sp"); 
+          //Now marshall the request into a byte array based output stream
+          ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+          request.marshall(authnRequest, baos); 
+          request.marshall(authnRequest, System.out); //To Console 
+          //Assume that we have an inputstream where we get the SAML feed
+          InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toCharArray());
+          authnRequest = saml2Request.unmarshall(is);
+          //We will create a log out request 
+          LogoutRequestType lrt = saml2Request.createLogoutRequest("http://idp");
+        </programlisting>
+        <para>SAML2Response API class can be used to create SAML2 response objects
+         as well as marshall and unmarshall to xml and back.
+        </para>
+        <programlisting>
+          import org.jboss.identity.federation.api.saml.v2.request.SAML2Response;
+          SAML2Response saml2Response = new SAML2Response(); 
+          saml2Response.createTimedConditions(assertion, this.assertionValidity)
+          //IssuerInfoHolder is a class for information on the Issuer of SAML Assertions
+          IssuerInfoHolder issuerHolder = new IssuerInfoHolder("http://idp");
+          issuerHolder.setStatusCode(JBossSAMLURIConstants.STATUS_SUCCESS.get());
+          //IDPInfoHolder is a class for information on the Identity Provider
+          IDPInfoHolder idp = new IDPInfoHolder();
+          idp.setNameIDFormatValue(IDGenerator.create());
+          //SPInfoHolder is a class for information on the Service Provider
+          ResponseType rt = JBossSAMLAuthnResponseFactory.createResponseType(
+               "response111",
+               new SPInfoHolder(), idp, issuerHolder);
+          ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+          saml2Response.marshall(rt, baos);
+        </programlisting>
+      </section>
+      <section> <!-- Section: SAML HTTP/Redirect Binding -->
+        <title>SAML v2 HTTP/Redirect Binding</title>
+        <para>This section will talk about the configuration information to
+          support the HTTP/Redirect binding which will provide centralized
+          identity services as well as web SSO for your applications.
+        </para>
+        <mediaobject>
+          <imageobject>
+            <imagedata fileref="../../../../images/HubNSpokeArchitecture.png" format="PNG"
+            contentwidth="6in" contentdepth="6in"/> 
+          </imageobject>
+          <caption align="right">
+            <para>
+              <emphasis role="bold">Hub and Spoke Architecture for the SAML v2 based Web SSO</emphasis>
+            </para>
+          </caption>
+        </mediaobject>
+        <para>The architecture follows the Hub and Spoke architecture of Identity Management. 
+        An Identity Provider (IDP) acts as the central source (hub) for identity and role 
+        information to all the applications (Service Providers/SP). The spokes are the 
+        Service Providers (SP).
+        </para>
+        <note>
+          <para>The IDP and the SP can be a JBoss Application Server or a Tomcat instance.
+          </para>
+        </note>
+        <section><!-- Section on configuring the Identity Provider -->
+          <title>Configuring the Identity Provider (IDP) </title>
+          <note>
+           <title>Check list for configuring the IDP</title>
+           <orderedlist>
+             <listitem>Configure the IDP as a secure web application.
+             </listitem>
+             <listitem>Configure the web.xml to either allow FORM or BASIC authentication.
+             </listitem>
+             <listitem>Configure the context.xml for IDP valves.
+             </listitem>
+             <listitem>Configure the jboss-idfed.xml for IDP configuration.
+             </listitem>
+           </orderedlist>
+          </note>
+          <para>The IDP can be a JBoss Application Server or a Tomcat instance.
+          </para>
+          <para>
+          You need to configure a web application as the Identity provider.  
+          </para>
+          <section><!-- Section on configuring web app security -->
+           <title>Configure the web application security for the IDP</title>
+           <para>The web application needs to have FORM or BASIC based security enabled in its web.xml.
+           We recommend the use of FORM based web application security as it gives you the ability to
+           customize the login page.</para>
+           <para>The web.xml needs to have a configuration such as the following:
+           </para>
+           <programlisting role="XML">
+           &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?&gt;
+&lt;web-app xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee"
+   xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+   xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_2_5.xsd"
+   version="2.5"&gt;
+  &lt;display-name&gt;IDP&lt;/display-name&gt;
+  &lt;description&gt;IDP&lt;/description&gt;
+  &lt;!-- Define a security constraint that gives unlimited access to images --&gt;
+  &lt;security-constraint&gt;
+    &lt;web-resource-collection&gt;
+      &lt;web-resource-name&gt;Images&lt;/web-resource-name&gt;
+      &lt;url-pattern&gt;/images/*&lt;/url-pattern&gt;
+    &lt;/web-resource-collection&gt;
+  &lt;/security-constraint&gt;
+    &lt;!-- Define a Security Constraint on this Application --&gt;
+  &lt;security-constraint&gt;
+    &lt;web-resource-collection&gt;
+      &lt;web-resource-name&gt;IDP&lt;/web-resource-name&gt;
+      &lt;url-pattern&gt;/*&lt;/url-pattern&gt;
+    &lt;/web-resource-collection&gt;
+    &lt;auth-constraint&gt;
+       &lt;role-name&gt;manager&lt;/role-name&gt;
+    &lt;/auth-constraint&gt;
+  &lt;/security-constraint&gt;
+  &lt;!-- Define the Login Configuration for this Application --&gt;
+  &lt;login-config&gt;
+    &lt;auth-method&gt;FORM&lt;/auth-method&gt;
+    &lt;realm-name&gt;IDP Application&lt;/realm-name&gt;
+    &lt;form-login-config&gt;
+       &lt;form-login-page&gt;/jsp/login.jsp&lt;/form-login-page&gt;
+       &lt;form-error-page&gt;/jsp/loginerror.jsp&lt;/form-error-page&gt;
+    &lt;/form-login-config&gt;
+  &lt;/login-config&gt;
+  &lt;!-- Security roles referenced by this web application --&gt;
+  &lt;security-role&gt;
+    &lt;description&gt;
+      The role that is required to log in to the IDP Application
+    &lt;/description&gt;
+    &lt;role-name&gt;manager&lt;/role-name&gt;
+  &lt;/security-role&gt;
+           </programlisting>
+          <note> 
+            <para> Remember to configure the realm or login modules for your IDP as per the Tomcat or 
+            JBoss AS documentation on "securing your web application".
+            </para>
+            <ulink url="http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/realm-howto.html">Tomcat Realm</ulink>
+            and
+            <ulink url="http://jboss.org/community/docs/DOC-10760">JBoss AS Security</ulink>
+          </note>
+          </section> <!--  Section on configuring web app security - IDP -->
+          <section>  <!-- Configure the IDP Valves -->
+            <title>Configure the IDP Valves</title>
+            <para> Create a <emphasis role="italic">context.xml</emphasis> file for configuring 
+            the valves for the IDP.
+            </para>
+            <para> The context.xml file should look like:
+            </para>
+            <programlisting role="xml">
+            &lt;Context&gt;
+             &lt;Valve 
+                className="org.jboss.identity.federation.bindings.tomcat.idp.IDPRedirectValve" 
+            /&gt;
+            &lt;/Context&gt;
+            </programlisting>
+            <note> 
+             <para>If the IDP is running in Apache Tomcat, then place the context.xml in 
+              <emphasis role="bold">META-INF</emphasis> of your IDP web application.
+             </para>
+            </note>
+            <note>
+             <para> If the IDP is running in JBoss Application Server, then place the context.xml in 
+              <emphasis role="bold">WEB-INF</emphasis> of your IDP web application.
+             </para>
+            </note>
+          </section> <!--  Section: configure IDP valves -->
+          <section> <!--  Section: Configure IDFed Config File - IDP -->
+            <title>Configure the JBoss Identity Federation configuration file (jboss-idfed.xml)</title>
+            <para>Configure <emphasis role="italic">jboss-idfed.xml</emphasis> in WEB-INF of your 
+            IDP web application</para>
+            <programlisting role="xml">
+            &lt;JBossIDP xmlns="urn:jboss:identity-federation:config:1.0" &gt;
+              &lt;IdentityURL&gt;http://localhost:8080/idp&lt;/IdentityURL&gt; 
+            &lt;/JBossIDP&gt;
+            </programlisting>
+            <para>In this configuration file, you are providing the URL of your IDP. 
+            This is the URL that gets added as the issuer in the outgoing SAML2 assertions 
+            to the Service Providers.
+            </para>
+          </section><!--  End Section: Configure IDFed Config File - IDP --> 
+        </section> <!-- End Section on configuring the Identity Provider -->
+        <section> <!-- Section:configure the SP -->
+          <title>Configure the Service Provider (SP)</title>
+          <note>
+            <title>Check List for configuring the Service Provider.
+            </title>
+            <orderedlist>
+              <listitem>Configure the SP as a secure FORM authentication based web application.
+              </listitem>
+              <listitem>Configure the web.xml of the SP web application.
+              </listitem>
+              <listitem>Configure the context.xml for the SP valves.
+              </listitem>
+              <listitem>Configure the jboss-idfed.xml for the SP configuration.
+              </listitem>
+            </orderedlist>
+          </note>
+          <para>The SP can be a JBoss Application Server or a Tomcat instance.
+          </para>
+          <para>
+          You need to configure a web application as the Service Provider(SP).  
+          </para>
+          <section><!-- Section on configuring web app security -->
+           <title>Configure the web application security for the SP</title>
+           <para>The web application needs to have FORM based security enabled in its web.xml.
+           </para>
+           <para>The web.xml needs to have a configuration such as the following:
+           </para>
+           <programlisting role="XML">
+ &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?&gt;
+&lt;web-app xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee"
+   xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+   xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_2_5.xsd"
+   version="2.5"&gt; 
+  &lt;display-name&gt;Test SALES Application&lt;/display-name&gt;
+  &lt;description&gt;
+    Just a Test SP
+  &lt;/description&gt;
+  &lt;!-- Define a Security Constraint on this Application --&gt;
+  &lt;security-constraint&gt;
+    &lt;web-resource-collection&gt;
+      &lt;web-resource-name&gt;SALES Application&lt;/web-resource-name&gt;
+      &lt;url-pattern&gt;/*&lt;/url-pattern&gt;
+    &lt;/web-resource-collection&gt;
+    &lt;auth-constraint&gt;
+       &lt;role-name&gt;manager&lt;/role-name&gt;
+    &lt;/auth-constraint&gt;
+  &lt;/security-constraint&gt;
+  &lt;!-- Define a security constraint that gives unlimted access to freezone --&gt;
+  &lt;security-constraint&gt;
+    &lt;web-resource-collection&gt;
+     &lt;web-resource-name&gt;freezone&lt;/web-resource-name&gt;
+     &lt;url-pattern&gt;/freezone/*&lt;/url-pattern&gt;
+    &lt;/web-resource-collection&gt;
+  &lt;/security-constraint&gt;
+  &lt;!-- Define the Login Configuration for this Application --&gt;
+  &lt;login-config&gt;
+    &lt;auth-method&gt;FORM&lt;/auth-method&gt;
+    &lt;realm-name&gt;Tomcat SALES Application&lt;/realm-name&gt;
+    &lt;form-login-config&gt;
+       &lt;form-login-page&gt;/jsp/login.jsp&lt;/form-login-page&gt;
+       &lt;form-error-page&gt;/jsp/loginerror.jsp&lt;/form-error-page&gt;
+    &lt;/form-login-config&gt;
+  &lt;/login-config&gt;
+  &lt;!-- Security roles referenced by this web application --&gt;
+  &lt;security-role&gt;
+    &lt;description&gt;
+      The role that is required to log in to the SP Application
+    &lt;/description&gt;
+    &lt;role-name&gt;manager&lt;/role-name&gt;
+  &lt;/security-role&gt;
+            </programlisting>
+          <warning>
+            <para>
+              The SP web application should be configured with FORM based authentication. 
+            </para>
+          </warning>
+          </section> <!--  Section on configuring web app security - SP -->
+          <section>  <!-- Configure the SP Valves -->
+            <title>Configure the SP Valves</title>
+            <para> Create a <emphasis role="italic">context.xml</emphasis> file for configuring 
+            the valves for the SP.
+            </para>
+            <para> The context.xml file should look like:
+            </para>
+            <programlisting role="xml">
+            &lt;Context&gt;
+              &lt;Valve
+              className="org.jboss.identity.federation.bindings.tomcat.sp.SPRedirectFormAuthenticator" 
+              /&gt;
+            &lt;/Context&gt;
+            </programlisting>
+            <note> 
+             <para>If the SP is running in Apache Tomcat, then place the context.xml in 
+              <emphasis role="bold">META-INF</emphasis> of your SP web application.
+             </para>
+            </note>
+            <note>
+             <para> If the SP is running in JBoss Application Server, then place the context.xml in 
+              <emphasis role="bold">WEB-INF</emphasis> of your SP web application.
+             </para>
+            </note>
+          </section> <!--  Section: configure SP valves -->
+          <section> <!--  Section: Configure IDFed Config File - SP -->
+            <title>Configure the JBoss Identity Federation configuration file (jboss-idfed.xml)</title>
+            <para>Configure <emphasis role="italic">jboss-idfed.xml</emphasis> in WEB-INF of your 
+            SP web application</para>
+            <programlisting role="xml">
+            &lt;JBossSP xmlns="urn:jboss:identity-federation:config:1.0"&gt;
+              &lt;IdentityURL&gt;http://localhost:8080/idp&lt;/IdentityURL&gt;
+              &lt;ServiceURL&gt;http://localhost:8080/sales&lt;/ServiceURL&gt;
+            &lt;/JBossSP&gt;
+            </programlisting>
+            <para>
+              In this configuration file, we define the URLs for the service provider and 
+              the identity provider.
+            </para>
+          </section><!--  End Section: Configure IDFed Config File - SP --> 
+        </section><!-- End Section:configure the SP -->
+      </section><!-- End Section: SAML HTTP/Redirect Binding -->
+    </chapter>
+  </part>

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+    <title>JBoss Identity Federation</title>
+    <subtitle>User Guide</subtitle>  
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+                xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" /> 
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+      1.0.0.alpha1.
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+  <preface>
+    <title>What this Book Covers</title>
+    <para>This book aims to help you become familiar with JBoss Identity
+    Federation in order that you can use it to build your own Federated
+    Identity based services or applications.</para>
+    <para>Part I 'Getting Started' introduces the federated identity
+    technologies that are provided in this product.</para>
+    <para>Part II 'Simple Usage' describes SAML v2 Web Browser based 
+    Single Sign On (SSO).</para>
+    <para>Part III 'Advanced Usage' describes SAML v2 Web Browser based SSO 
+    with advanced features such as Trust Management and XML
+    Digital Signatures.</para>
+  </preface>
+  <part>
+    <title>Getting Started</title>
+    <chapter id="overview">
+      <title>Introduction</title>
+      <para>JBoss Identity Federation allows you to implement SAML v2.0 based
+      services and applications. It also has support for Oasis WS-Trust based
+      applications (which is under development).</para>
+      <para>With JBoss Identity Federation, you have the following
+      features.</para>
+      <itemizedlist>
+        <listitem>  
+          <para>SAML v2 Web Browser SSO (HTTP/Redirect Binding) Support for 
+          JBoss Application Server and Apache Tomcat.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>SAML v2 Web Browser SSO (HTTP/Redirect Binding) Support for 
+          JBoss Application Server and Apache Tomcat
+          with XML Signature Support.</para>
+        </listitem>  
+      </itemizedlist>
+    </chapter>
+    <chapter>
+      <title>Simple Usage</title>
+      <para>In this chapter, we will look at usage of JBoss Identity
+      Federation to help you obtain a platform to implement federated identity
+      based services (including centralized identity services
+      and Single Sign-On (SSO) for applications).</para>
+      <section> <!-- Section: SAML HTTP/Redirect Binding -->
+        <title>SAML v2 based Web SSO</title>
+        <para>This section will talk about the configuration information to
+          support the SAML V2.0 based Web Single Sign On (SSO). The SAML profile
+          that is implemented is the HTTP/Redirect binding with centralized
+          identity services to enable web SSO for your applications.
+        </para>
+        <mediaobject>
+          <imageobject>
+            <imagedata fileref="../../../../images/HubNSpokeArchitecture.png" format="PNG"
+            contentwidth="6in" contentdepth="6in"/> 
+          </imageobject>
+          <caption align="right">
+            <para>
+              <emphasis role="bold">Hub and Spoke Architecture for the SAML v2 based Web SSO</emphasis>
+            </para>
+          </caption>
+        </mediaobject>
+        <para>The architecture follows the Hub and Spoke architecture of Identity Management. 
+        An Identity Provider (IDP) acts as the central source (hub) for identity and role 
+        information to all the applications (Service Providers/SP). The spokes are the 
+        Service Providers (SP).
+        </para>
+        <note>
+          <para>The IDP and the SP can be a JBoss Application Server or a Tomcat instance.
+          </para>
+        </note>
+        <section><!-- Section on configuring the Identity Provider -->
+          <title>Configuring the Identity Provider (IDP) </title>
+          <note>
+           <title>Check list for configuring the IDP</title>
+           <orderedlist>
+             <listitem>Configure the IDP as a secure web application.
+             </listitem>
+             <listitem>Configure the web.xml to either allow FORM or BASIC authentication.
+             </listitem>
+             <listitem>Configure the context.xml for IDP valves.
+             </listitem>
+             <listitem>Configure the jboss-idfed.xml for IDP configuration.
+             </listitem>
+           </orderedlist>
+          </note>
+          <para>The IDP can be a JBoss Application Server or a Tomcat instance.
+          </para>
+          <para>
+          You need to configure a web application as the Identity provider.  
+          </para>
+          <section><!-- Section on configuring web app security -->
+           <title>Configure the web application security for the IDP</title>
+           <para>The web application needs to have FORM or BASIC based security enabled in its web.xml.
+           We recommend the use of FORM based web application security as it gives you the ability to
+           customize the login page.</para>
+           <para>The web.xml needs to have a configuration such as the following:
+           </para>
+           <programlisting role="XML">
+           &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?&gt;
+&lt;web-app xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee"
+   xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+   xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_2_5.xsd"
+   version="2.5"&gt;
+  &lt;display-name&gt;IDP&lt;/display-name&gt;
+  &lt;description&gt;IDP&lt;/description&gt;
+  &lt;!-- Define a security constraint that gives unlimited access to images --&gt;
+  &lt;security-constraint&gt;
+    &lt;web-resource-collection&gt;
+      &lt;web-resource-name&gt;Images&lt;/web-resource-name&gt;
+      &lt;url-pattern&gt;/images/*&lt;/url-pattern&gt;
+    &lt;/web-resource-collection&gt;
+  &lt;/security-constraint&gt;
+    &lt;!-- Define a Security Constraint on this Application --&gt;
+  &lt;security-constraint&gt;
+    &lt;web-resource-collection&gt;
+      &lt;web-resource-name&gt;IDP&lt;/web-resource-name&gt;
+      &lt;url-pattern&gt;/*&lt;/url-pattern&gt;
+    &lt;/web-resource-collection&gt;
+    &lt;auth-constraint&gt;
+       &lt;role-name&gt;manager&lt;/role-name&gt;
+    &lt;/auth-constraint&gt;
+  &lt;/security-constraint&gt;
+  &lt;!-- Define the Login Configuration for this Application --&gt;
+  &lt;login-config&gt;
+    &lt;auth-method&gt;FORM&lt;/auth-method&gt;
+    &lt;realm-name&gt;IDP Application&lt;/realm-name&gt;
+    &lt;form-login-config&gt;
+       &lt;form-login-page&gt;/jsp/login.jsp&lt;/form-login-page&gt;
+       &lt;form-error-page&gt;/jsp/loginerror.jsp&lt;/form-error-page&gt;
+    &lt;/form-login-config&gt;
+  &lt;/login-config&gt;
+  &lt;!-- Security roles referenced by this web application --&gt;
+  &lt;security-role&gt;
+    &lt;description&gt;
+      The role that is required to log in to the IDP Application
+    &lt;/description&gt;
+    &lt;role-name&gt;manager&lt;/role-name&gt;
+  &lt;/security-role&gt;
+           </programlisting>
+          <note> 
+            <para> Remember to configure the realm or login modules for your IDP as per the Tomcat or 
+            JBoss AS documentation on "securing your web application".
+            </para>
+            <ulink url="http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/realm-howto.html">Tomcat Realm</ulink>
+            and
+            <ulink url="http://jboss.org/community/docs/DOC-10760">JBoss AS Security</ulink>
+          </note>
+          </section> <!--  Section on configuring web app security - IDP -->
+          <section>  <!-- Configure the IDP Valves -->
+            <title>Configure the IDP Valves</title>
+            <para> Create a <emphasis role="italic">context.xml</emphasis> file for configuring 
+            the valves for the IDP.
+            </para>
+            <para> The context.xml file should look like:
+            </para>
+            <programlisting role="xml">
+            &lt;Context&gt;
+             &lt;Valve 
+                className="org.jboss.identity.federation.bindings.tomcat.idp.IDPRedirectValve" 
+            /&gt;
+            &lt;/Context&gt;
+            </programlisting>
+            <note> 
+             <para>If the IDP is running in Apache Tomcat, then place the context.xml in 
+              <emphasis role="bold">META-INF</emphasis> of your IDP web application.
+             </para>
+            </note>
+            <note>
+             <para> If the IDP is running in JBoss Application Server, then place the context.xml in 
+              <emphasis role="bold">WEB-INF</emphasis> of your IDP web application.
+             </para>
+            </note>
+          </section> <!--  Section: configure IDP valves -->
+          <section> <!--  Section: Configure IDFed Config File - IDP -->
+            <title>Configure the JBoss Identity Federation configuration file (jboss-idfed.xml)</title>
+            <para>Configure <emphasis role="italic">jboss-idfed.xml</emphasis> in WEB-INF of your 
+            IDP web application</para>
+            <programlisting role="xml">
+            &lt;JBossIDP xmlns="urn:jboss:identity-federation:config:1.0" &gt;
+              &lt;IdentityURL&gt;http://localhost:8080/idp&lt;/IdentityURL&gt; 
+            &lt;/JBossIDP&gt;
+            </programlisting>
+            <para>In this configuration file, you are providing the URL of your IDP. 
+            This is the URL that gets added as the issuer in the outgoing SAML2 assertions 
+            to the Service Providers.
+            </para>
+          </section><!--  End Section: Configure IDFed Config File - IDP --> 
+        </section> <!-- End Section on configuring the Identity Provider -->
+        <section> <!-- Section:configure the SP -->
+          <title>Configure the Service Provider (SP)</title>
+          <note>
+            <title>Check List for configuring the Service Provider.
+            </title>
+            <orderedlist>
+              <listitem>Configure the SP as a secure FORM authentication based web application.
+              </listitem>
+              <listitem>Configure the web.xml of the SP web application.
+              </listitem>
+              <listitem>Configure the context.xml for the SP valves.
+              </listitem>
+              <listitem>Configure the jboss-idfed.xml for the SP configuration.
+              </listitem>
+            </orderedlist>
+          </note>
+          <para>The SP can be a JBoss Application Server or a Tomcat instance.
+          </para>
+          <para>
+          You need to configure a web application as the Service Provider(SP).  
+          </para>
+          <section><!-- Section on configuring web app security -->
+           <title>Configure the web application security for the SP</title>
+           <para>The web application needs to have FORM based security enabled in its web.xml.
+           </para>
+           <para>The web.xml needs to have a configuration such as the following:
+           </para>
+           <programlisting role="XML">
+ &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?&gt;
+&lt;web-app xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee"
+   xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+   xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_2_5.xsd"
+   version="2.5"&gt; 
+  &lt;display-name&gt;Test SALES Application&lt;/display-name&gt;
+  &lt;description&gt;
+    Just a Test SP
+  &lt;/description&gt;
+  &lt;!-- Define a Security Constraint on this Application --&gt;
+  &lt;security-constraint&gt;
+    &lt;web-resource-collection&gt;
+      &lt;web-resource-name&gt;SALES Application&lt;/web-resource-name&gt;
+      &lt;url-pattern&gt;/*&lt;/url-pattern&gt;
+    &lt;/web-resource-collection&gt;
+    &lt;auth-constraint&gt;
+       &lt;role-name&gt;manager&lt;/role-name&gt;
+    &lt;/auth-constraint&gt;
+  &lt;/security-constraint&gt;
+  &lt;!-- Define a security constraint that gives unlimted access to freezone --&gt;
+  &lt;security-constraint&gt;
+    &lt;web-resource-collection&gt;
+     &lt;web-resource-name&gt;freezone&lt;/web-resource-name&gt;
+     &lt;url-pattern&gt;/freezone/*&lt;/url-pattern&gt;
+    &lt;/web-resource-collection&gt;
+  &lt;/security-constraint&gt;
+  &lt;!-- Define the Login Configuration for this Application --&gt;
+  &lt;login-config&gt;
+    &lt;auth-method&gt;FORM&lt;/auth-method&gt;
+    &lt;realm-name&gt;Tomcat SALES Application&lt;/realm-name&gt;
+    &lt;form-login-config&gt;
+       &lt;form-login-page&gt;/jsp/login.jsp&lt;/form-login-page&gt;
+       &lt;form-error-page&gt;/jsp/loginerror.jsp&lt;/form-error-page&gt;
+    &lt;/form-login-config&gt;
+  &lt;/login-config&gt;
+  &lt;!-- Security roles referenced by this web application --&gt;
+  &lt;security-role&gt;
+    &lt;description&gt;
+      The role that is required to log in to the SP Application
+    &lt;/description&gt;
+    &lt;role-name&gt;manager&lt;/role-name&gt;
+  &lt;/security-role&gt;
+            </programlisting>
+          <warning>
+            <para>
+              The SP web application should be configured with FORM based authentication. 
+            </para>
+          </warning>
+          </section> <!--  Section on configuring web app security - SP -->
+          <section>  <!-- Configure the SP Valves -->
+            <title>Configure the SP Valves</title>
+            <para> Create a <emphasis role="italic">context.xml</emphasis> file for configuring 
+            the valves for the SP.
+            </para>
+            <para> The context.xml file should look like:
+            </para>
+            <programlisting role="xml">
+            &lt;Context&gt;
+              &lt;Valve
+              className="org.jboss.identity.federation.bindings.tomcat.sp.SPRedirectFormAuthenticator" 
+              /&gt;
+            &lt;/Context&gt;
+            </programlisting>
+            <note> 
+             <para>If the SP is running in Apache Tomcat, then place the context.xml in 
+              <emphasis role="bold">META-INF</emphasis> of your SP web application.
+             </para>
+            </note>
+            <note>
+             <para> If the SP is running in JBoss Application Server, then place the context.xml in 
+              <emphasis role="bold">WEB-INF</emphasis> of your SP web application.
+             </para>
+            </note>
+          </section> <!--  Section: configure SP valves -->
+          <section> <!--  Section: Configure IDFed Config File - SP -->
+            <title>Configure the JBoss Identity Federation configuration file (jboss-idfed.xml)</title>
+            <para>Configure <emphasis role="italic">jboss-idfed.xml</emphasis> in WEB-INF of your 
+            SP web application</para>
+            <programlisting role="xml">
+            &lt;JBossSP xmlns="urn:jboss:identity-federation:config:1.0"&gt;
+              &lt;IdentityURL&gt;http://localhost:8080/idp&lt;/IdentityURL&gt;
+              &lt;ServiceURL&gt;http://localhost:8080/sales&lt;/ServiceURL&gt;
+            &lt;/JBossSP&gt;
+            </programlisting>
+            <para>
+              In this configuration file, we define the URLs for the service provider and 
+              the identity provider.
+            </para>
+          </section><!--  End Section: Configure IDFed Config File - SP --> 
+        </section><!-- End Section:configure the SP -->
+      </section><!-- End Section: SAML HTTP/Redirect Binding -->
+    </chapter>
+    </part>

Added: identity-federation/trunk/doc/UserGuide/src/main/docbook/images/HubNSpokeArchitecture.png
(Binary files differ)

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