[jboss-osgi-users] JBossOSGi-1.1.0 Released

Thomas Diesler thomas.diesler at jboss.com
Thu Mar 8 06:42:33 EST 2012


I am happy to announce the release of JBossOSGi-1.1.0.

You can download the binary here: jboss-osgi-installer-1.1.0.jar 

This is a OSGi Core 4.2. Framework compliant release with a strong focus 
on AS7 integration.
It also comes with improvements in the following areas

  * Concurrency optimizations throughout the framework
  * Improved access to system and boot delegation packages
  * Direct integration of many Felix, Aries and Ops4J bundles
  * Added support for JSP pages in OSGi Web Applications
  * Initial implementation of an OSGi Repository
  * Capture OSGi frequently asked questions in the wiki
  * Comprehensive coverage of AS7 / OSGi integration in user guide
  * Add support for AS7 as remote testing target
  * Replace the Standalone Runtime with AS7

Here are the change log 

Additional to that we fixed 80+ OSGi related issues in the 
jboss-as-7.1.0 code base. Most notably there are

  * Expose OSGi management through domain API
  * Provide injectable BundleContext in JNDI
  * Transactional integration endpoint (STOMP)
  * Provide Repository API as general MSC service
  * Remove Felix, Aries and Ops4J bundles from the AS7 distro
  * Separate Configuration Admin subsystem

Please also have a look at the latest version of our User Guide 


Thomas Diesler
JBoss OSGi Lead
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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