[jboss-svn-commits] JBL Code SVN: r6418 - labs/jbossesb/trunk/product/core/listeners/src/org/jboss/soa/esb/listeners

jboss-svn-commits at lists.jboss.org jboss-svn-commits at lists.jboss.org
Mon Sep 25 12:39:39 EDT 2006

Author: estebanschifman
Date: 2006-09-25 12:39:37 -0400 (Mon, 25 Sep 2006)
New Revision: 6418

RemoteDirectoryPoller class from beta 1 maintenance patch

Added: labs/jbossesb/trunk/product/core/listeners/src/org/jboss/soa/esb/listeners/RemoteDirectoryPoller.java
--- labs/jbossesb/trunk/product/core/listeners/src/org/jboss/soa/esb/listeners/RemoteDirectoryPoller.java	2006-09-25 16:36:05 UTC (rev 6417)
+++ labs/jbossesb/trunk/product/core/listeners/src/org/jboss/soa/esb/listeners/RemoteDirectoryPoller.java	2006-09-25 16:39:37 UTC (rev 6418)
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
+* Copyright 2006, JBoss Inc., and individual contributors as indicated
+* by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
+* full listing of individual contributors.
+* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
+* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+* License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
+* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+* 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
+package org.jboss.soa.esb.listeners;
+import java.io.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.*;
+import org.jboss.soa.esb.helpers.*;
+import org.apache.log4j.*;
+public class RemoteDirectoryPoller extends AbstractPoller
+  public static final String FILE_INPUT_DIR 	= "inputDir";
+  public static final String FILE_INPUT_SFX 	= "inputSuffix";
+  public static final String FILE_WORK_SFX 		= "workSuffix";
+  public static final String FILE_ERROR_DIR   	= "errorDir";
+  public static final String FILE_ERROR_SFX   	= "errorSuffix";
+  public static final String FILE_POST_DIR  	= "postDir";
+  public static final String FILE_POST_SFX  	= "postSuffix";
+  public static final String FILE_POST_DEL  	= "postDelete";
+  private DomElement m_oParms;
+  public RemoteDirectoryPoller(GpListener p_oDad, DomElement p_oParms,ActionDefinitionFactory actionDF)
+  	throws Exception
+  {
+	super(p_oDad,p_oParms,actionDF);
+	m_oParms	= p_oParms;
+	checkMyParms();
+  } //__________________________________
+    protected File 			m_oInpDir	,m_oErrorDir	,m_oPostDir;
+    protected String 		m_sInpSfx	,m_sWrkSfx		,m_sErrSfx	,m_sPostSfx;
+    protected boolean		m_bPostDel;
+    /**
+     * 
+     * @param p_o Object - Must be a File representing the file that has to be processed
+     * @return Object - an array of 3 Files containing:
+     * <p/>[0] renamed file (workSuffix appended to input file name)
+     * <p/>[1] target file name in case actionClass is unable to complete successfuly
+     * <p/>[2] target file name in case actionClass finishes successfuly
+     */
+	@Override
+	public Object preProcess(Object p_o) 
+	{
+		if (!(p_o instanceof File))
+			return null;
+		File oF = (File)p_o;
+		WorkingFile oCurr =  new WorkingFile(oF.getParentFile(), oF.getName() + m_sWrkSfx);		
+		oCurr.postDelete	= m_bPostDel;
+		oCurr.inputFile		= oF;
+		oCurr.errorFile		= new File (m_oErrorDir	,oF.getName()+m_sErrSfx);
+		oCurr.outputFile	= new File (m_oPostDir	,oF.getName()+m_sPostSfx);
+		FtpClientUtil oFtp = null;
+		try
+		{
+			oFtp	= new FtpClientUtil(m_oParms,true);
+			oFtp.remoteRename(oF,oCurr);
+		}
+		catch (Exception e)
+		{
+			Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()).error("Can't FTP rename",e);
+			return null;
+		}
+		finally 
+		{
+			if (null!=oFtp)
+				oFtp.quit();
+		}
+		return oCurr;
+	} //________________________________
+	@Override
+	protected List<Object> pollForCandidates()
+	{
+		List<Object> oRet = new ArrayList<Object>();
+		FtpClientUtil oFtp = null;
+		try
+		{	
+			oFtp = new FtpClientUtil(m_oParms,true);
+			oFtp.setRemoteDir(FtpClientUtil.fileToFtpString(m_oInpDir));
+			String[] sa = oFtp.getFileListFromRemoteDir(m_sInpSfx);
+			if (null!=sa)
+				for (String sCurr : sa)
+					oRet.add(new File(m_oInpDir,sCurr));
+		}
+		catch (Exception e)
+		{
+			Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()).error("Problems with FTP",e);
+		}
+		finally
+		{
+			if (null!=oFtp)
+				oFtp.quit();
+		}
+		return oRet;
+	} //________________________________
+	protected void checkMyParms() throws Exception
+    { 
+	//  INPUT directory and suffix  (used for FileFilter)
+	  String sInpDir = GpListener.obtainAtt(m_oParms,FILE_INPUT_DIR,null);
+      m_oInpDir = new File(sInpDir);
+      m_sInpSfx  = GpListener.obtainAtt(m_oParms,FILE_INPUT_SFX,null);
+      m_sInpSfx  = m_sInpSfx.trim();
+      if (m_sInpSfx.length()<1)
+    	  throw new Exception ("Invalid "+FILE_INPUT_SFX+" attribute");
+	//  WORK suffix (will rename in input directory)
+      m_sWrkSfx	= GpListener.obtainAtt(m_oParms,FILE_WORK_SFX,".esbWork").trim();
+      if (m_sWrkSfx.length()<1)
+    	  throw new Exception ("Invalid "+FILE_WORK_SFX+" attribute");
+      if (m_sInpSfx.equals(m_sWrkSfx))
+    	  throw new Exception("Work suffix must differ from input suffix <"+m_sWrkSfx+">");
+    //    ERROR directory and suffix (defaults to input dir and ".esbError" suffix)
+      String sErrDir = GpListener.obtainAtt(m_oParms,FILE_ERROR_DIR,sInpDir);
+      m_oErrorDir = new File(sErrDir);
+      m_sErrSfx  = GpListener.obtainAtt(m_oParms,FILE_ERROR_SFX,".esbError").trim();
+      if (m_sErrSfx.length()<1)
+    	  throw new Exception ("Invalid "+FILE_ERROR_SFX+" attribute");
+      if (m_oErrorDir.equals(m_oInpDir) && m_sInpSfx.equals(m_sErrSfx))
+    	  throw new Exception("Error suffix must differ from input suffix <"+m_sErrSfx+">");
+   //    Do users wish to delete files that were processed OK ?
+      String sPostDel = GpListener.obtainAtt(m_oParms,FILE_POST_DEL,"false").trim();
+      m_bPostDel = Boolean.parseBoolean(sPostDel);
+      if (m_bPostDel)
+    	  return;
+    //    POST (done) directory and suffix (defaults to input dir and ".esbDone" suffix)
+      String sPostDir = GpListener.obtainAtt(m_oParms,FILE_POST_DIR,sInpDir);
+      m_oPostDir = new File(sPostDir);
+      m_sPostSfx  = GpListener.obtainAtt(m_oParms,FILE_POST_SFX,".esbDone").trim();
+      if (m_oPostDir.equals(m_oInpDir))
+      {	if (m_sPostSfx.length()<1)
+    	  throw new Exception ("Invalid "+FILE_POST_SFX+" attribute");
+      	if (m_sPostSfx.equals(m_sInpSfx))
+    	  throw new Exception("Post process suffix must differ from input suffix <"+m_sPostSfx+">");
+      }
+      FtpClientUtil oFtp = new FtpClientUtil(m_oParms,false);
+      oFtp.quit();
+    } //________________________________
+	@Override
+	protected void processingError(Object initialMessage, ActionProcessor processor, Throwable error) {
+		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
+	}
+	@Override
+	protected void processingComplete(Object initialMessage) {
+		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
+	}
+	@Override
+	protected void close() {
+		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
+	}
+    /**
+     * Working file.
+     * <p/>
+     * Once the directory poller picks up on an input file, it immediately renames it to a working file
+     * in order to avoid a situation where the file gets processed again.
+     * 
+     * @author <a href="mailto:tom.fennelly at jboss.com">tom.fennelly at jboss.com</a>
+     * @since Version 4.0
+     */
+    public static class WorkingFile extends File 
+    {
+        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
+        boolean postDelete;
+        File inputFile, errorFile, outputFile;
+        public WorkingFile(String filename) {
+            super(filename);
+        }
+        public WorkingFile(File parentFile, String filename) {
+            super(parentFile, filename);
+        }
+        public boolean renameToError() {
+            return renameTo(errorFile);
+        }
+        public boolean renameToOutputFile() {
+            return renameTo(outputFile);
+        }
+        /**
+         * Get the File instance representing the original input file.
+         * @return Original input file.
+         */
+        public File getInputFile() {
+            return inputFile;
+        }
+    }
+} //____________________________________________________________________________

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