[jboss-svn-commits] JBL Code SVN: r6457 - labs/jbossesb/trunk/product/core/common/src/org/jboss/soa/esb/util

jboss-svn-commits at lists.jboss.org jboss-svn-commits at lists.jboss.org
Thu Sep 28 07:38:08 EDT 2006

Author: estebanschifman
Date: 2006-09-28 07:38:05 -0400 (Thu, 28 Sep 2006)
New Revision: 6457

Move FtpClientUtil.java from listeners/actions to common/util

Added: labs/jbossesb/trunk/product/core/common/src/org/jboss/soa/esb/util/FtpClientUtil.java
--- labs/jbossesb/trunk/product/core/common/src/org/jboss/soa/esb/util/FtpClientUtil.java	2006-09-28 11:04:46 UTC (rev 6456)
+++ labs/jbossesb/trunk/product/core/common/src/org/jboss/soa/esb/util/FtpClientUtil.java	2006-09-28 11:38:05 UTC (rev 6457)
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
+* Copyright 2006, JBoss Inc., and individual contributors as indicated
+* by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
+* full listing of individual contributors.
+* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
+* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+* License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
+* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+* 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
+package org.jboss.soa.esb.util;
+import com.enterprisedt.net.ftp.*;
+import java.io.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import org.jboss.soa.esb.helpers.*;
+ * Simplified FTP transfers
+ * <p>Description:  Implements a simple set of FTP functionality
+ * Parameters to establish the FTP connection are provided at construction time
+ * and cannot change during the lifetime of the object
+ * <br/>Hides low level details.  Current implementation is based on the
+ * "Entreprise Distributed Technology edtFTPj" library
+ * but this can be changed with no impact to existing code, just by changing
+ * this class without modifying the signature of it's public methods
+ * </p>
+ */
+public class FtpClientUtil
+  public  static final String PARMS_FTP_SERVER = "ftpServer";
+  public  static final String PARMS_USER    = "ftpUser";
+  public  static final String PARMS_PASSWD  = "ftpPassword";
+  public  static final String PARMS_PORT    = "ftpPort";
+  public  static final String PARMS_REMOTE_DIR = "ftpRemoteDir";
+  public  static final String PARMS_LOCAL_DIR  = "ftpLocalDir";
+  public  static final String PARMS_ASCII      = "ftpAscii";
+  public  static final String PARMS_PASSIVE    = "ftpPassive";
+  private static final String TMP_SUFFIX	= ".rosettaPart";
+  public enum XFER_TYPE
+  {ascii
+  ,binary
+  };
+  private DomElement	m_oParms;
+  private String    	m_sFtpServer  ,m_sUser        ,m_sPasswd;
+  private String    	m_sRemoteDir  ,m_sLocalDir;
+  private int			m_iPort;
+  private boolean		m_bPassive;
+  public  String getRemoteDir()  { return m_sRemoteDir; }
+  private FTPClient  	m_oConn = new FTPClient();
+  private FTPTransferType m_oXferType = FTPTransferType.BINARY;
+  /**
+   * Checks validity and completeness of parameters, and keeps the info internally
+   * for subsequent FTP requests
+   * @param p_oP DomElement
+   * @throws Exception : if parameters are invalid or incomplete
+   * <li>Parameters: (XML attributes at the root level) </li>
+   * <li> ftpServer = name or IP of FTP server </li>
+   * <li> ftpUser = login ID for server </li>
+   * <li> ftpPassword </li>
+   * <li> localDirURI = absolute path in the local filesystem </li>
+   * <li> remoteDirURI = remote path is relative to ftp user home in remote
+   * computer </li>
+   */
+  public FtpClientUtil (DomElement p_oP, boolean p_bConnect) throws Exception
+   { m_oParms = p_oP;
+   	 initialize(p_bConnect);
+   } //_________________________________
+  public FtpClientUtil (List<KeyValuePair> attribs, boolean connect) throws Exception
+  {
+	  m_oParms = new DomElement("fromProps");
+	  for (KeyValuePair oCurr : attribs)
+		m_oParms.setAttr(oCurr.getKey(),oCurr.getValue());
+	  initialize(connect);
+  } //__________________________________
+  private void initialize(boolean bConnect) throws Exception
+  {
+	     checkParms();
+	     if (bConnect)
+	     {
+		     m_oConn.setRemoteHost	(m_sFtpServer);
+		     m_oConn.setRemotePort(m_iPort);
+		     m_oConn.connect();
+		     for (int i1=0; i1<10 && ! m_oConn.connected(); i1++)
+		    	 Thread.sleep(200);
+		     if (! m_oConn.connected())
+		    	 throw new Exception("Can't connect to FTP server");
+		     m_oConn.user	      	(m_sUser);
+		     m_oConn.password		(m_sPasswd);
+		     m_oConn.setConnectMode	((m_bPassive) ? FTPConnectMode.PASV : FTPConnectMode.ACTIVE);
+	     }
+  } //__________________________________
+   /**
+    * Terminates ftp session and frees resources
+    * <li>Well behaved programs should make sure to call this method </li>
+    */
+   public void quit ()
+   { if (null != m_oConn)
+      try { m_oConn.quit(); }
+      catch (Exception e) {}
+   } //_________________________________
+   /**
+    * Deletes specified file in remote directory
+    * @param p_sFile String : filename to delete.  Method will attempt to delete
+    * file with rightmost node of argument within remote directory specified in 'remoteDirURI'
+    * @throws Exception : if ftp connection cannot be established, or file
+    * cannot be deleted in remote directory
+    */
+   public void deleteRemoteFile (String p_sFile) throws Exception
+   { m_oConn.delete(getRemoteDir()+"/"+new File(p_sFile).getName());
+   } //_________________________________
+   public void remoteDelete (File p_oFile) throws Exception
+   { m_oConn.delete(fileToFtpString(p_oFile));
+   } //_________________________________
+   /**
+    * Gets the list of files in the remote directory that end with arg0
+    * @param p_sSuffix String : retrieve only files that end with that suffix - all files if null
+    * @throws Exception : if ftp connection cannot be established, or problems encountered
+    */
+   public String[] getFileListFromRemoteDir (String p_sSuffix) throws Exception
+   {
+	   String sSuffix = (null==p_sSuffix)?"*":"*"+p_sSuffix;
+	   return m_oConn.dir(sSuffix);
+   } //_________________________________
+   /**
+    * Change remote directory
+    * @param p_sDir String : directory to set
+    * @throws Exception : if ftp connection cannot be established, or problems encountered
+    */
+   public void setRemoteDir (String p_sDir) throws Exception
+   {
+	   m_oConn.chdir(p_sDir);
+   } //_________________________________
+   /**
+    * Renames specified file in remote directory to specified new name
+    * @param p_sFrom String : filename to rename
+    * @param p_sTo String : new filename
+    * @throws Exception : if ftp connection cannot be established, or file
+    * cannot be renamed to new name in remote directory
+    * <li>Method will attempt to rename file with rightmost node of argument
+    * within remote directory specified in 'remoteDirURI', to new name inside
+    * the SAME remote directory
+    */
+   public void renameInRemoteDir (String p_sFrom, String p_sTo) throws Exception
+   {
+	 String sRmtFrom = new File(p_sFrom).getName();
+     String sRmtTo   = new File(p_sTo).getName();
+     try { m_oConn.rename   (getRemoteDir()+"/"+sRmtFrom,getRemoteDir()+"/"+sRmtTo); }
+     catch (Exception e)
+     {	String sMess = this.getClass().getSimpleName()
+    	 +" can't rename in remote directory <"
+    	 +e.getMessage()+">"
+    	 ;
+    	 throw new Exception(sMess);
+     }
+   } //_________________________________
+   public void remoteRename(File p_oFrom, File p_oTo) throws Exception
+   {
+     try { m_oConn.rename   (fileToFtpString(p_oFrom),fileToFtpString(p_oTo)); }
+     catch (Exception e)
+     {	String sMess = this.getClass().getSimpleName()
+    	 +" can't rename in remote directory <"
+    	 +e.getMessage()+">"
+    	 ;
+    	 throw new Exception(sMess);
+     }
+   } //_________________________________
+   /**
+    * Uploads specified file from local directory (localDirURI) to remote
+    * directory (remoteDirURI)
+    * @param p_sFile String : filename to upload
+    * @throws Exception : if ftp connection cannot be established, or file
+    * cannot be uploaded
+    * <li> local file will be renamed during transfer ('.xferNotReady' appended
+    * to name)</li>
+    * <li> upon successful completion. the suffix '.xferDone' will be appended
+    * to the original filename </li>
+    */
+   public void uploadFile (File p_oFile, String p_sRemoteName) throws Exception
+   {
+	 String sRemoteOK	= getRemoteDir() + "/" + p_sRemoteName;
+     String sRemoteTmp	= sRemoteOK+TMP_SUFFIX;
+     m_oConn.setType(m_oXferType);
+     m_oConn.put(fileToFtpString(p_oFile),sRemoteTmp);
+     m_oConn.rename(sRemoteTmp,sRemoteOK);
+   } //_________________________________
+   /**
+    * Downloads specified file from remote directory (remoteDirURI) to local
+    * directory (localDirURI)
+    * @param p_sFile String : filename to download
+    * @throws Exception : if ftp connection cannot be established, or file
+    * cannot be downloaded
+    * <li> local file is assigned a temporary name during transfer  </li>
+    * <li> upon successful completion, local temporary file will be renamed to
+    * name specified in argument, and suffix '.xferDone' will be appended
+    * to the original filename in the remote directory </li>
+    */
+   public void downloadFile (String p_sFile, String p_sFinalName)  throws Exception
+   {
+	 File oLocalDir = new File(m_sLocalDir);
+     File oLclFile= File.createTempFile("Rosetta_",TMP_SUFFIX,oLocalDir);
+     try { oLclFile.delete(); }
+     catch (Exception e) {}
+     m_oConn.setType(m_oXferType);
+     m_oConn.get(fileToFtpString(oLclFile),p_sFile);
+     File oNew = new File(oLocalDir,p_sFinalName);
+     if (oNew.exists()) oNew.delete();
+     oLclFile.renameTo(oNew);
+   } //_________________________________
+   // Beware !!!  The logic here seems wrong, but it works
+   //  It appears that there's some kind of bug in the edtftpj.jar library
+   //  The !XFER_TYPE.ascii.equals(p_oMode) should NOT be negated
+   //               But it works when negated (newlines from Unix to DOS)
+   private void setXferType (XFER_TYPE p_oMode)
+   {	m_oXferType = !XFER_TYPE.ascii.equals(p_oMode)
+	   		? FTPTransferType.ASCII : FTPTransferType.BINARY;
+   } //_________________________________
+   private void checkParms() throws Exception
+   {
+     m_sFtpServer  = m_oParms.getAttr(PARMS_FTP_SERVER);
+     if (null==m_sFtpServer) throw new Exception ("No FTP server specified");
+     m_sUser       = m_oParms.getAttr(PARMS_USER);
+     if (null==m_sUser) throw new Exception ("No username specified for FTP");
+     m_sPasswd     = m_oParms.getAttr(PARMS_PASSWD);
+     if (null==m_sPasswd) throw new Exception ("No password specified for FTP");
+     m_sRemoteDir  = m_oParms.getAttr(PARMS_REMOTE_DIR);
+     if (null==m_sRemoteDir)
+    	 m_sRemoteDir = "";
+     m_sLocalDir  = m_oParms.getAttr(PARMS_LOCAL_DIR);
+     if (null==m_sLocalDir)
+    	 m_sLocalDir = ".";
+     String sAux	= m_oParms.getAttr(PARMS_PORT);
+     m_iPort = (null==sAux) ? 21 : Integer.parseInt(sAux);
+     boolean bAscii = false;
+     sAux = m_oParms.getAttr(PARMS_ASCII);
+     if (null!=sAux)
+    	 bAscii = Boolean.parseBoolean(sAux);
+     setXferType((bAscii)?XFER_TYPE.ascii:XFER_TYPE.binary);
+     m_bPassive = false;
+     sAux = m_oParms.getAttr(PARMS_PASSIVE);
+     m_bPassive = (null!=sAux) && Boolean.parseBoolean(sAux);
+     return;
+   } //__________________________________
+   public static String fileToFtpString(File p_oF)
+	{
+		return(null==p_oF) ? null
+			: p_oF.toString().replace("\\","/");
+    } //________________________________
+} //____________________________________________________________________________

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