[jboss-svn-commits] JBL Code SVN: r8710 - in labs/jbossesb/trunk/product/samples/quickstarts: . transform_XML2XML_date_manipulation

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Fri Jan 5 10:27:37 EST 2007

Author: tfennelly
Date: 2007-01-05 10:27:34 -0500 (Fri, 05 Jan 2007)
New Revision: 8710

Renamed transformation quickstarts

Copied: labs/jbossesb/trunk/product/samples/quickstarts/transform_XML2XML_date_manipulation (from rev 8707, labs/jbossesb/trunk/product/samples/quickstarts/transformation_string_manipulation)

Deleted: labs/jbossesb/trunk/product/samples/quickstarts/transform_XML2XML_date_manipulation/README.txt
--- labs/jbossesb/trunk/product/samples/quickstarts/transformation_string_manipulation/README.txt	2007-01-05 13:13:34 UTC (rev 8707)
+++ labs/jbossesb/trunk/product/samples/quickstarts/transform_XML2XML_date_manipulation/README.txt	2007-01-05 15:27:34 UTC (rev 8710)
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-	This is another simple example of how to manually define and apply a Message Transformation within
-	within JBoss ESB 4.0GA.  
-	This Quickstart is an extension of the "transformation_simple" Quickstart, demonstrating how 
-	JBoss ESB Transformations can simplify your XSLT transformations by combining the
-	power of XSLT with Java.  In this Quickstart, we use Java to perform the ugly string manipulation
-	on the SampleOrder date field (see OrderDate.java) and use XSLT for what it's good at i.e.
-	Templating.  Again, the transformed SampleOrder.xml message is just printed to the Java
-	console (message before and after).
-	This Quickstart does not use the JBoss ESB Administration Console to manage the
-	message Transformation configurations to the ESB.  See the end of this README for details on how
-	to manage this Quickstart's transformations vai the Console.
-Before Running:
-	1.	Update the "jbosshome.dir" property in the quickstarts.properties file in "../".
-	2.	Make sure the jbossesb.sar is deployed on your JBoss Application Server.
-	3.	Make sure the JBoss Application server is running.
-	4.	It would be a great idea to read MessageTransformation.pdf to fully understand this
-		Quickstart.  It is located in the docs/services folder.
-To Run:
-	1.	In a command terminal window in this folder ("Window1"), type "ant run".
-	2.	Open another command terminal window in this folder ("Window2"), type "ant runtest".
-	3.	Switch back to "Window1" to see the message transformation before and after.
-What to look at in this Quickstart:
-	As stated above, a read of MessageTransformation.pdf would be of great benefit in understanding
-	JBoss ESB Transformations.
-	jbossesb.xml:	The ESB configuration file in this Quickstart simply defines a JMS Listener for receiving
-					the contents of the SampleOrder.xml file located in this folder (line 31).  The listener
-					configuration then executes the "SmooksTransformer" action for the Message Exchange between
-					"A" and "B".
-	smooks-cdr.lst:	This file is used by the JBoss ESB Transformation Service to list the Transformation
-					resource configuration URIs.  Out of the box, the smoooks-cdr.lst file in this Quickstart
-					refers to 2 resource URIs, both of which are classpath based.  It also has a commented
-					out listing for accessing Transformation Configurations managed by the JBoss ESB
-					Administration Conosle (see below).
-	smooks-res.xml:	This file defines the Transformations for the Quickstart.  This time, there are a number of
-					transformation configurations, all "targeted" at the same message.
-	OrderDate.java: (In the src tree).  This is just a simple POJO class.  It gets populated by JBoss ESB
-					Transformation (via Smooks) and is used by the XSLT (defined in smooks-res.xml)
-					to generate the new OrderDate element in the output message.  This class uses the standard
-					Java SimpleDateFormat class for decoding the orderDate value and extracting the components of
-					the date from it (day, month, zone etc).  This means you avoid having to do this in your XSLT
-					code, which would be very ugly and difficult to maintain.
-Playing with this Transformation through the Administration Console:
-	To load the Transformation Configurations defined in smooks-res.xml into the Admin Console, and have them
-	managed from the Admin Console, do the following:
-	1.	Deploy the console as outlined in MessageTransformation.pdf.
-	2.	Edit the smooks-cdr.lst file in this folder, commenting out both the classpath based listings and
-		uncommenting out the listing for the console HTTP URI.
-	3.	In the console:
-		a)	Add "Message Exchange Participants" for "A" and "B" through the "Manage Message Exchange Participants" form.
-		b)	Add new "Message Contract" against "A" and "B" for "text/xml:messageAtA" and "text/xml:messageAtB" respectively.
-			Note: "messageAtA" and "messageAtB" are the Message Namespace values and "text/xml" is the Message Mime in
-			both cases.
-		c)	Import "smooks-res.xml" through the "Import Configurations" form.
-	4.	You are now ready to start managing the message transformations through the console.  You can add more
-		transformations and modify the existing transformations.  Be sure to read MessageTransformation.pdf!!!
\ No newline at end of file

Copied: labs/jbossesb/trunk/product/samples/quickstarts/transform_XML2XML_date_manipulation/README.txt (from rev 8708, labs/jbossesb/trunk/product/samples/quickstarts/transformation_string_manipulation/README.txt)

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