[jboss-svn-commits] JBL Code SVN: r13087 - in labs/jbossrules/trunk/documentation/manual/en: Chapter-Install and 1 other directory.

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Wed Jul 4 14:03:06 EDT 2007

Author: fmeyer
Date: 2007-07-04 14:03:06 -0400 (Wed, 04 Jul 2007)
New Revision: 13087

Updated building documments

Modified: labs/jbossrules/trunk/documentation/manual/en/Chapter-Install/Section-Maven_build.xml
--- labs/jbossrules/trunk/documentation/manual/en/Chapter-Install/Section-Maven_build.xml	2007-07-04 17:51:22 UTC (rev 13086)
+++ labs/jbossrules/trunk/documentation/manual/en/Chapter-Install/Section-Maven_build.xml	2007-07-04 18:03:06 UTC (rev 13087)
@@ -6,99 +6,44 @@
     <title>Building the Source</title>
     <para>Now that we have the source the next step is to build and install
-    the source. We do this with <indexterm>
-        <primary>Ant</primary>
-      </indexterm>Ant, which uses maven 2 under the covers to get the needed
-    dependencies (you don't need to have maven 2 installed to build). Note
-    that the plug in is built seperatly, but the build process will update the
-    plug ins dependencies (refer to the section on building the plug in if you
-    need to build a new version of the plug in).</para>
+    the source. We do this with</para>
-    <para>Type <literal>'ant' </literal>to get a listing of what capabilities
-    the build script has (from the root of the project). You should then see a
-    listing which contains further instructions: <programlisting>
-Buildfile: build.xml
+    <para>Since version 3.1 Drools uses <indexterm>
+        <primary>maven2</primary>
+      </indexterm> as default to build the system. There are two profiles
+    available which enable the associated modules "documentation" and
+    "eclipse"; this enables quicker building of the core modules for
+    developers. The eclipse profile will download eclipse into the
+    drools-eclipse folder, which is over 100MB download, however this only
+    needs to be done once; if you wish you can move that eclipse download into
+    another location and specify it with
+    -DlocalEclipseDrop=/folder/jboss-rules/local-eclipse-drop-mirror. The
+    following builds all the jars, the documentation and the eclipse zip with
+    a local folder specified to avoid downloading eclipse:</para>
-     [echo] Drools Build Help
-     [echo] -----------------
-     [echo]
-     [echo] The build process is for the following four modules:
-     [echo] drools-core
-     [echo] drools-compiler
-     [echo] drools-decisiontables
-     [echo] drools-jsr94
-     [echo]
-     [echo] Further to this there are two Eclipse project:
-     [echo] drools-examples - To use open Eclipse and import.
-     [echo]                   Requires the Drools Eclipse plugin.
-     [echo]                   Either build the plugin from drools-ide
-     [echo]                   or install from the Eclipse update site
-     [echo]                   http://anonsvn.labs.jboss.com/labs/jbossrules/updates
-     [echo] drools-ide      - To use open Eclipse and import.
-     [echo]                   Select export and plugin fragements to
-     [echo]                   generate the Drools Eclipse plugin
-     [echo]                   Depends on all the depencies being copied
-     [echo]                   to its lib directory at the end of build-all,
-     [echo]                   which calls copy-deps.
-     [echo]
-     [echo] Targets
-     [echo] -----
-     [echo]
-     [echo] clean-all - cleans all directories
-     [echo]
-     [echo] build-all - builds all modules
-     [echo]
-     [echo] javadocs  - generates the javadoc at target/docs
-     [echo]
-     [echo] manual    - generates the docbook documentation in
-     [echo]             html and single_html format at target/docs
-     [echo]
-     [echo] dist-all  - generates the distribution builds for
-     [echo]             src, bin, bin-withdeps and examples
-     [echo]
-     [echo] Each module can individually be executed with clean, compile,
-     [echo] test and build. To use simply use the following commands,
-     [echo] replace ${module} with one of the module names:
-     [echo] clean-${module}
-     [echo] compile-${module}
-     [echo] test-${module}
-     [echo] build-${module}
-     [echo]
-     [echo] Generates specific distribution builds:
-     [echo] dist-src
-     [echo] dist-bin
-     [echo] dist-bin-withdeps
-     [echo] dist-examples
-     [echo]
-     [echo] You may also pass the following system properties:
-     [echo] -Dtest.skip=true
-     [echo] -Djavadocs.skip=true
-     [echo] -Dmanual.skip=true
-     [echo]
-     [echo] Targets may be combined:
-     [echo] ant -Dtest.skip clean-all build-all
-     [echo]
-     [echo] For more help use the build system to generate the manual
-     [echo] or you can find the manual online at:
-     [echo] http://labs.jboss.com/portal/jbossrules/docs/index.html
+    <para><programlisting>mvn -Declipse=true -Ddocumentation=true clean install -DlocalEclipseDrop=/folder/jboss-rules/local-eclipse-drop-mirror </programlisting></para>
+    <para>You can produce distribution builds, which puts everything into
+    zips, as follows:<programlisting>mvn -Declipse=true -Ddocumentation=true clean install -DlocalEclipseDrop=/folder/jboss-rules/local-eclipse-drop-mirror
+mvn -Ddocumentation -Declipse -Dmaven.test.skip package javadoc:javadoc assembly:assembly -DlocalEclipseDrop=/folder/jboss-rules/local-eclipse-drop-mirror
+    </programlisting></para>
-    <para>The most common pair of tasks to run is 'ant clean-all build-all'
-    which will clear old artifacts, and then test and built the source, and
-    report on any errors.</para>
+    <para>Note that install must be done first as javadoc:javadoc won't work
+    unless the jars are in the local maven repo, but the tests can be skipped
+    on the second run. assembly:assembly fails unless you increase the
+    available memory to Maven, on windows the following command worked well:
+    set MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx512m</para>
+    <para>Type mvn clean to clear old artifacts, and then test and built the
+    source, and report on any errors.</para>
     <para>The resulting jars are put in the /target directory from the top
     level of the project.</para>
-    <para>As Ant builds each module it will install the resulting jars in the
-    local Maven 2 repository automatically. Where it can be easily used from
-    other project <literal>pom.xml</literal> or copied else where.</para>
+    <para>As maven builds each module it will install the resulting jars in
+    the local Maven 2 repository automatically. Where it can be easily used
+    from other project <literal>pom.xml</literal> or copied else where.</para>
       <screeninfo>Installed Drools Jars</screeninfo>

Modified: labs/jbossrules/trunk/documentation/manual/en/Chapter-Install/Section-Setup.xml
--- labs/jbossrules/trunk/documentation/manual/en/Chapter-Install/Section-Setup.xml	2007-07-04 17:51:22 UTC (rev 13086)
+++ labs/jbossrules/trunk/documentation/manual/en/Chapter-Install/Section-Setup.xml	2007-07-04 18:03:06 UTC (rev 13087)
@@ -35,6 +35,15 @@
+          <primary>maven</primary>
+        </indexterm>Maven 2.0.7</para>
+      <para>http://maven.apache.org/</para>
+    </listitem>
+    <listitem>
+      <para><indexterm>
         </indexterm>Ant 1.6</para>
@@ -43,21 +52,22 @@
-  <para>Ensure the executeables for ant and java are in your <indexterm>
+  <para>Ensure the executables for ant, maven and java are in your <indexterm>
     </indexterm>path. The examples given illustrative and are for a win32
-  <literallayout>Path=D:\java\j2sdk1.4.2_10\bin;D:\java\apache-ant-1.6.5\bin;</literallayout>
+  <literallayout>Path=D:\java\j2sdk1.4.2_10\bin;D:\java\apache-ant-1.6.5\bin;D:\java\maven2.0.7\bin</literallayout>
   <para>Following environment variables will also need to be set. The examples
   given illustrative and are for a win32 system::</para>
-		Past releases used to use maven 2 as the build mechanism, but now ant is used as the primary mechanism. Maven is used underneath the covers as the mechanism for managing project dependencies etc. (You can of course still have maven 2 installed and use it if needed - there is a pom.xml structure for each module - this is what is used for dependency management).
+		Past releases used to use ant as the build mechanism, but now maven is used as the primary mechanism. Ant is used for document building proposes
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: labs/jbossrules/trunk/documentation/manual/en/master.xml
--- labs/jbossrules/trunk/documentation/manual/en/master.xml	2007-07-04 17:51:22 UTC (rev 13086)
+++ labs/jbossrules/trunk/documentation/manual/en/master.xml	2007-07-04 18:03:06 UTC (rev 13087)
@@ -7,31 +7,41 @@
-      <firstname>Sam</firstname>      
+      <firstname>Sam</firstname>
       <surname>Griffith Jr.</surname>
-      <firstname>Edson</firstname>      
+      <firstname>Edson</firstname>
+    <author>
+      <firstname>Fernando</firstname>
+      <surname>Meyer</surname>
+    </author>
   <toc />
@@ -129,13 +139,14 @@
       <xi:include href="Chapter-IDE/Section-QuickStart.xml" />
-	<chapter>
-		<title>The BRMS (Business Rule Management System)</title>
-		<xi:include href="Chapter-BRMS/Section-Introduction.xml" />
-		<xi:include href="Chapter-BRMS/Section-AdminGuide.xml" />
-	</chapter>
+    <chapter>
+      <title>The BRMS (Business Rule Management System)</title>
+      <xi:include href="Chapter-BRMS/Section-Introduction.xml" />
+      <xi:include href="Chapter-BRMS/Section-AdminGuide.xml" />
+    </chapter>
       <title>The Java Rule Engine API</title>

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