[jboss-svn-commits] JBL Code SVN: r12007 - labs/jbossforums/branches/forums26/build.

jboss-svn-commits at lists.jboss.org jboss-svn-commits at lists.jboss.org
Mon May 21 07:36:16 EDT 2007

Author: unibrew
Date: 2007-05-21 07:36:16 -0400 (Mon, 21 May 2007)
New Revision: 12007

[JBFORUMS-241] Conversion of build files to unix compatible format.

Modified: labs/jbossforums/branches/forums26/build/build.sh
--- labs/jbossforums/branches/forums26/build/build.sh	2007-05-21 11:22:15 UTC (rev 12006)
+++ labs/jbossforums/branches/forums26/build/build.sh	2007-05-21 11:36:16 UTC (rev 12007)
@@ -1,49 +1,49 @@
-##  Invokes a script of the same name in the 'tools' module.
-##  The 'tools' module is expected to be a peer directory of the directory
-##  in which this script lives.
-##  @author Jason Dillon <jason at planet57.com>
-# $Id: build.sh,v 2005/01/14 23:01:33 vietj Exp $
-PROGNAME=`basename $0`
-DIRNAME=`dirname $0`
-# Buss it yo
-main() {
-    if [ "x$TOOLS_ROOT" = "x" ]; then
-	TOOLS_ROOT=`cd $DIRNAME/../tools && pwd`
-    fi
-    MODULE_ROOT=`cd $DIRNAME; pwd`
-    # Where is the target script?
-    target="$TOOLS_ROOT/bin/$PROGNAME"
-    if [ ! -f "$target" ]; then
-	echo "${PROGNAME}: *ERROR* The target executable does not exist:"
-        echo "${PROGNAME}:"
-        echo "${PROGNAME}:    $target"
-        echo "${PROGNAME}:"
-	echo "${PROGNAME}: Please make sure you have checked out the 'tools' module"
-	echo "${PROGNAME}: and make sure it is up to date."
-        exit 2
-    fi
-    # Get busy yo!
-    if [ "x$DEBUG" != "x" ]; then
-	echo "${PROGNAME}: Executing: /bin/sh $target $@"
-    fi
-    if [ "x$TRACE" = "x" ]; then
-	exec /bin/sh $target "$@"
-    else
-	exec /bin/sh -x $target "$@"
-    fi
-# Lets get ready to rumble!
-main "$@"
+##  Invokes a script of the same name in the 'tools' module.
+##  The 'tools' module is expected to be a peer directory of the directory
+##  in which this script lives.
+##  @author Jason Dillon <jason at planet57.com>
+# $Id: build.sh,v 2005/01/14 23:01:33 vietj Exp $
+PROGNAME=`basename $0`
+DIRNAME=`dirname $0`
+# Buss it yo
+main() {
+    if [ "x$TOOLS_ROOT" = "x" ]; then
+	TOOLS_ROOT=`cd $DIRNAME/../tools && pwd`
+    fi
+    MODULE_ROOT=`cd $DIRNAME; pwd`
+    # Where is the target script?
+    target="$TOOLS_ROOT/bin/$PROGNAME"
+    if [ ! -f "$target" ]; then
+	echo "${PROGNAME}: *ERROR* The target executable does not exist:"
+        echo "${PROGNAME}:"
+        echo "${PROGNAME}:    $target"
+        echo "${PROGNAME}:"
+	echo "${PROGNAME}: Please make sure you have checked out the 'tools' module"
+	echo "${PROGNAME}: and make sure it is up to date."
+        exit 2
+    fi
+    # Get busy yo!
+    if [ "x$DEBUG" != "x" ]; then
+	echo "${PROGNAME}: Executing: /bin/sh $target $@"
+    fi
+    if [ "x$TRACE" = "x" ]; then
+	exec /bin/sh $target "$@"
+    else
+	exec /bin/sh -x $target "$@"
+    fi
+# Lets get ready to rumble!
+main "$@"

Modified: labs/jbossforums/branches/forums26/build/build.xml
--- labs/jbossforums/branches/forums26/build/build.xml	2007-05-21 11:22:15 UTC (rev 12006)
+++ labs/jbossforums/branches/forums26/build/build.xml	2007-05-21 11:36:16 UTC (rev 12007)
@@ -1,220 +1,220 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE project [
-   <!ENTITY buildmagic SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildfragments/buildmagic.ent">
-   <!ENTITY tools      SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildfragments/tools.ent">
-   <!ENTITY libraries  SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildfragments/libraries.ent">
-   <!ENTITY modules    SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildfragments/modules.ent">
-   <!ENTITY defaults   SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildfragments/defaults.ent">
-   <!ENTITY targets    SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildfragments/targets.ent">
-<!-- $Id: build.xml,v 1.21 2005/12/09 17:32:23 sohil Exp $ -->
-<!--| JBoss SSO: The OpenSource SSO Infrastructure                         |-->
-<!--|                                                                      |-->
-<!--| Distributable under LGPL license.                                     |-->
-<!--| See terms of license at http://www.gnu.org.                          |-->
-<!--|                                                                      |-->
-<!--| This file has been designed to work with the 'tools' module and      |-->
-<!--| Buildmagic extentions.                                               |-->
-<project default="main" name="JBoss Portal Forums">
-   <!--+====================================================================+-->
-   <!--| Setup                                                              |-->
-   <!--|                                                                    |-->
-   <!--| Include the common build elements.                                 |-->
-   <!--|                                                                    |-->
-   <!--| This defines several different targets, properties and paths.      |-->
-   <!--| It also sets up the basic extention tasks amoung other things.     |-->
-   <!--+====================================================================+-->
-   &buildmagic;
-   &libraries;
-   &modules;
-   &defaults;
-   &tools;
-   &targets;
-   <!--+====================================================================+-->
-   <!--| Initialization                                                     |-->
-   <!--|                                                                    |-->
-   <!--| Initialize the build system.  Other targets should depend on       |-->
-   <!--| 'init'.                                                            |-->
-   <!--+====================================================================+-->
-   <target name="init" unless="init.disable" depends="_default:init">
-   </target>
-   <!--+====================================================================+-->
-   <!--| Configuration                                                      |-->
-   <!--|                                                                    |-->
-   <!--| This target is invoked by the Buildmagic initialization logic      |-->
-   <!--| and should contain module specific configuration elements.         |-->
-   <!--+====================================================================+-->
-   <target name="configure" unless="configure.disable">
-      <!--+==============================+-->
-      <!--| Project version information. |-->
-      <!--+==============================+-->
-      <property name="version.major" value="0"/>
-      <property name="version.minor" value="1"/>
-      <property name="version.revision" value="0"/>
-      <property name="version.tag" value="alpha"/>
-      <property name="version.name" value="Sweet"/>
-      <!-- This must be set to the CVS tag for any release -->
-      <property name="version.cvstag" value="HEAD"/>
-      <!-- Module name(s) & version -->
-      <property name="module.version"
-         value="${version.major}.${version.minor}.${version.revision}${version.tag}"/>
-      <!-- ========= -->
-      <!-- Libraries -->
-      <!-- ========= -->
-      <!-- The combined library classpath -->
-      <call target="configure-libraries"/>
-      <path id="library.classpath">
-      </path>
-      <!-- Configure modules -->
-      <call target="configure-modules"/>
-      <path id="dependentmodule.classpath">
-         <!-- Add dependent module classpath elements here. -->
-      </path>
-      <!--+=======================================+-->
-      <!--| Override any default properties here. |-->
-      <!--+=======================================+-->
-      <!-- Configure defaults & build tools -->
-      <call target="configure-defaults"/>
-      <call target="configure-tools"/>
-      <!--+=======================================+-->
-      <!--| Define module specific elements here. |-->
-      <!--+=======================================+-->
-      <!--+================================+-->
-      <!--| Define project structure here. |-->
-      <!--+================================+-->
-      <!-- The group to use by default -->
-      <property name="groups" value="default"/>
-      <!-- Sets up the module configuration. -->
-      <moduleconfig property="modules" selected="${groups}">
-         <!-- Modules -->	     
-         <module name="forums"/>
-		 <module name="authz-jaae-plugin"/>
-         <!-- setup the default group -->
-         <group name="default">
-	   		<include modules="forums,authz-jaae-plugin"/>
-         </group>
-      </moduleconfig>
-      <!-- Configure project defaults -->
-      <call target="configure-project"/>
-   </target>
-   <!--+====================================================================+-->
-   <!--| Module Pass-through Hooks                                          |-->
-   <!--|                                                                    |-->
-   <!--| These hooks are executed after the above pass-through targets have |-->
-   <!--| finished with a given module.                                      |-->
-   <!--+====================================================================+-->
-   <!-- Add module pass-through hooks here. -->
-   <!--+====================================================================+-->
-   <!--| Compile                                                            |-->
-   <!--|                                                                    |-->
-   <!--| This target should depend on other compile-* targets for each      |-->
-   <!--| different type of compile that needs to be performed, short of     |-->
-   <!--| documentation compiles.                                            |-->
-   <!--+====================================================================+-->
-   <target name="compile"/>
-   <!--+====================================================================+-->
-   <!--| Generate Output                                                    |-->
-   <!--|                                                                    |-->
-   <!--| Generates the target output for this module. Target output is      |-->
-   <!--| the output which is ment to be released or used by external        |-->
-   <!--| modules.                                                           |-->
-   <!--+====================================================================+-->
-   <target name="output"
-      description="Generate all target output."
-      depends="init">
-      <!-- Add module specific elements here. -->
-   </target>
-   <!--+====================================================================+-->
-   <!--| Documents                                                          |-->
-   <!--|                                                                    |-->
-   <!--| Generate all documentation for this module.                        |-->
-   <!--+====================================================================+-->
-   <target name="docs" depends="_default:docs">
-     <!-- Add module specific elements here. -->
-   </target>
-   <!--+====================================================================+-->
-   <!--| Install & Release                                                  |-->
-   <!--+====================================================================+-->
-   <target name="release"
-      description="Builds the default release structure."
-      depends="modules-most, output"/>
-   <target name="release-full"
-      description="Builds the full release structure."
-      depends="modules-all, release"/>
-   <!--+====================================================================+-->
-   <!--| Misc.                                                              |-->
-   <!--|                                                                    |-->
-   <!--| Standard targets and psuedo-targets.                               |-->
-   <!--+====================================================================+-->
-   <target name="clean" depends="init, modules-clean, _buildmagic:clean"
-           description="Cleans up most generated files.">
-     <!-- Add module specific elements here. -->
-   </target>
-   <target name="clobber" depends="_buildmagic:clobber, clean, modules-clobber"
-           description="Cleans up all generated files.">
-     <!-- Add module specific elements here. -->
-   </target>
-   <target name="main" depends="most"
-           description="Executes the default target (most)."/>
-   <target name="all" depends="modules-all"
-           description="Executes all modules and builds everything."/>
-   <target name="most" depends="modules-most"
-           description="Executes all modules and builds most everything."/>
-   <target name="help" depends="_buildmagic:help:build"
-           description="Show this help message."/>
-   <!--
-	 | Deploy the application
-    -->	
-   <target name="deploy"
-      description="Deploy."
-      depends="main">      
-   </target>		
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE project [
+   <!ENTITY buildmagic SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildfragments/buildmagic.ent">
+   <!ENTITY tools      SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildfragments/tools.ent">
+   <!ENTITY libraries  SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildfragments/libraries.ent">
+   <!ENTITY modules    SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildfragments/modules.ent">
+   <!ENTITY defaults   SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildfragments/defaults.ent">
+   <!ENTITY targets    SYSTEM "../tools/etc/buildfragments/targets.ent">
+<!-- $Id: build.xml,v 1.21 2005/12/09 17:32:23 sohil Exp $ -->
+<!--| JBoss SSO: The OpenSource SSO Infrastructure                         |-->
+<!--|                                                                      |-->
+<!--| Distributable under LGPL license.                                     |-->
+<!--| See terms of license at http://www.gnu.org.                          |-->
+<!--|                                                                      |-->
+<!--| This file has been designed to work with the 'tools' module and      |-->
+<!--| Buildmagic extentions.                                               |-->
+<project default="main" name="JBoss Portal Forums">
+   <!--+====================================================================+-->
+   <!--| Setup                                                              |-->
+   <!--|                                                                    |-->
+   <!--| Include the common build elements.                                 |-->
+   <!--|                                                                    |-->
+   <!--| This defines several different targets, properties and paths.      |-->
+   <!--| It also sets up the basic extention tasks amoung other things.     |-->
+   <!--+====================================================================+-->
+   &buildmagic;
+   &libraries;
+   &modules;
+   &defaults;
+   &tools;
+   &targets;
+   <!--+====================================================================+-->
+   <!--| Initialization                                                     |-->
+   <!--|                                                                    |-->
+   <!--| Initialize the build system.  Other targets should depend on       |-->
+   <!--| 'init'.                                                            |-->
+   <!--+====================================================================+-->
+   <target name="init" unless="init.disable" depends="_default:init">
+   </target>
+   <!--+====================================================================+-->
+   <!--| Configuration                                                      |-->
+   <!--|                                                                    |-->
+   <!--| This target is invoked by the Buildmagic initialization logic      |-->
+   <!--| and should contain module specific configuration elements.         |-->
+   <!--+====================================================================+-->
+   <target name="configure" unless="configure.disable">
+      <!--+==============================+-->
+      <!--| Project version information. |-->
+      <!--+==============================+-->
+      <property name="version.major" value="0"/>
+      <property name="version.minor" value="1"/>
+      <property name="version.revision" value="0"/>
+      <property name="version.tag" value="alpha"/>
+      <property name="version.name" value="Sweet"/>
+      <!-- This must be set to the CVS tag for any release -->
+      <property name="version.cvstag" value="HEAD"/>
+      <!-- Module name(s) & version -->
+      <property name="module.version"
+         value="${version.major}.${version.minor}.${version.revision}${version.tag}"/>
+      <!-- ========= -->
+      <!-- Libraries -->
+      <!-- ========= -->
+      <!-- The combined library classpath -->
+      <call target="configure-libraries"/>
+      <path id="library.classpath">
+      </path>
+      <!-- Configure modules -->
+      <call target="configure-modules"/>
+      <path id="dependentmodule.classpath">
+         <!-- Add dependent module classpath elements here. -->
+      </path>
+      <!--+=======================================+-->
+      <!--| Override any default properties here. |-->
+      <!--+=======================================+-->
+      <!-- Configure defaults & build tools -->
+      <call target="configure-defaults"/>
+      <call target="configure-tools"/>
+      <!--+=======================================+-->
+      <!--| Define module specific elements here. |-->
+      <!--+=======================================+-->
+      <!--+================================+-->
+      <!--| Define project structure here. |-->
+      <!--+================================+-->
+      <!-- The group to use by default -->
+      <property name="groups" value="default"/>
+      <!-- Sets up the module configuration. -->
+      <moduleconfig property="modules" selected="${groups}">
+         <!-- Modules -->	     
+         <module name="forums"/>
+		 <module name="authz-jaae-plugin"/>
+         <!-- setup the default group -->
+         <group name="default">
+	   		<include modules="forums,authz-jaae-plugin"/>
+         </group>
+      </moduleconfig>
+      <!-- Configure project defaults -->
+      <call target="configure-project"/>
+   </target>
+   <!--+====================================================================+-->
+   <!--| Module Pass-through Hooks                                          |-->
+   <!--|                                                                    |-->
+   <!--| These hooks are executed after the above pass-through targets have |-->
+   <!--| finished with a given module.                                      |-->
+   <!--+====================================================================+-->
+   <!-- Add module pass-through hooks here. -->
+   <!--+====================================================================+-->
+   <!--| Compile                                                            |-->
+   <!--|                                                                    |-->
+   <!--| This target should depend on other compile-* targets for each      |-->
+   <!--| different type of compile that needs to be performed, short of     |-->
+   <!--| documentation compiles.                                            |-->
+   <!--+====================================================================+-->
+   <target name="compile"/>
+   <!--+====================================================================+-->
+   <!--| Generate Output                                                    |-->
+   <!--|                                                                    |-->
+   <!--| Generates the target output for this module. Target output is      |-->
+   <!--| the output which is ment to be released or used by external        |-->
+   <!--| modules.                                                           |-->
+   <!--+====================================================================+-->
+   <target name="output"
+      description="Generate all target output."
+      depends="init">
+      <!-- Add module specific elements here. -->
+   </target>
+   <!--+====================================================================+-->
+   <!--| Documents                                                          |-->
+   <!--|                                                                    |-->
+   <!--| Generate all documentation for this module.                        |-->
+   <!--+====================================================================+-->
+   <target name="docs" depends="_default:docs">
+     <!-- Add module specific elements here. -->
+   </target>
+   <!--+====================================================================+-->
+   <!--| Install & Release                                                  |-->
+   <!--+====================================================================+-->
+   <target name="release"
+      description="Builds the default release structure."
+      depends="modules-most, output"/>
+   <target name="release-full"
+      description="Builds the full release structure."
+      depends="modules-all, release"/>
+   <!--+====================================================================+-->
+   <!--| Misc.                                                              |-->
+   <!--|                                                                    |-->
+   <!--| Standard targets and psuedo-targets.                               |-->
+   <!--+====================================================================+-->
+   <target name="clean" depends="init, modules-clean, _buildmagic:clean"
+           description="Cleans up most generated files.">
+     <!-- Add module specific elements here. -->
+   </target>
+   <target name="clobber" depends="_buildmagic:clobber, clean, modules-clobber"
+           description="Cleans up all generated files.">
+     <!-- Add module specific elements here. -->
+   </target>
+   <target name="main" depends="most"
+           description="Executes the default target (most)."/>
+   <target name="all" depends="modules-all"
+           description="Executes all modules and builds everything."/>
+   <target name="most" depends="modules-most"
+           description="Executes all modules and builds most everything."/>
+   <target name="help" depends="_buildmagic:help:build"
+           description="Show this help message."/>
+   <!--
+	 | Deploy the application
+    -->	
+   <target name="deploy"
+      description="Deploy."
+      depends="main">      
+   </target>		
\ No newline at end of file

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