[jboss-svn-commits] JBoss Common SVN: r2682 - in jbossxb/tags: 2.0.0.CR5 and 2 other directories.

jboss-svn-commits at lists.jboss.org jboss-svn-commits at lists.jboss.org
Wed Nov 21 10:29:34 EST 2007

Author: alex.loubyansky at jboss.com
Date: 2007-11-21 10:29:34 -0500 (Wed, 21 Nov 2007)
New Revision: 2682

[maven-scm] copy for tag 2.0.0.CR5

Copied: jbossxb/tags/2.0.0.CR5 (from rev 2674, jbossxb/trunk)

Deleted: jbossxb/tags/2.0.0.CR5/.classpath
--- jbossxb/trunk/.classpath	2007-11-12 16:11:21 UTC (rev 2674)
+++ jbossxb/tags/2.0.0.CR5/.classpath	2007-11-21 15:29:34 UTC (rev 2682)
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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-	<classpathentry kind="src" output="target/test-classes" path="src/test/java"/>
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-	<classpathentry kind="output" path="target/classes"/>

Copied: jbossxb/tags/2.0.0.CR5/.classpath (from rev 2678, jbossxb/trunk/.classpath)
--- jbossxb/tags/2.0.0.CR5/.classpath	                        (rev 0)
+++ jbossxb/tags/2.0.0.CR5/.classpath	2007-11-21 15:29:34 UTC (rev 2682)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+	<classpathentry kind="src" path="src/main/java"/>
+	<classpathentry kind="src" output="target/test-classes" path="src/test/java"/>
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+	<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER"/>
+	<classpathentry kind="var" path="M2_REPO/junit/junit/3.8.1/junit-3.8.1.jar"/>
+	<classpathentry kind="var" path="M2_REPO/javax/activation/activation/1.0.2/activation-1.0.2.jar"/>
+	<classpathentry kind="var" path="M2_REPO/org/jboss/jboss-common-core/2.2.1.GA/jboss-common-core-2.2.1.GA.jar"/>
+	<classpathentry kind="var" path="M2_REPO/apache-xerces/xercesImpl/2.7.1/xercesImpl-2.7.1.jar"/>
+	<classpathentry kind="var" path="M2_REPO/apache-xerces/xml-apis/2.7.1/xml-apis-2.7.1.jar"/>
+	<classpathentry kind="var" path="M2_REPO/apache-log4j/log4j/1.2.8/log4j-1.2.8.jar"/>
+	<classpathentry kind="var" path="M2_REPO/jboss/jboss-logging-log4j/2.0.2.GA/jboss-logging-log4j-2.0.2.GA.jar"/>
+	<classpathentry kind="var" path="M2_REPO/wutka-dtdparser/dtdparser121/1.2.1/dtdparser121-1.2.1.jar"/>
+	<classpathentry kind="var" path="M2_REPO/sun-jaxb/jaxb-api/2.0.5/jaxb-api-2.0.5.jar"/>
+	<classpathentry kind="var" path="M2_REPO/jboss/jboss-logging-spi/2.0.2.GA/jboss-logging-spi-2.0.2.GA.jar"/>
+	<classpathentry kind="var" path="M2_REPO/org/jboss/microcontainer/jboss-container/2.0.0.Beta6/jboss-container-2.0.0.Beta6.jar" sourcepath="/M2_REPO/org/jboss/microcontainer/jboss-container/2.0.0.Beta6/jboss-container-2.0.0.Beta6-sources.jar"/>
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+	<classpathentry kind="output" path="target/classes"/>

Deleted: jbossxb/tags/2.0.0.CR5/pom.xml
--- jbossxb/trunk/pom.xml	2007-11-12 16:11:21 UTC (rev 2674)
+++ jbossxb/tags/2.0.0.CR5/pom.xml	2007-11-21 15:29:34 UTC (rev 2682)
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
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-  <version>2.0.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
-  <name>JBoss XML Binding</name>
-  <url>http://www.jboss.org</url>
-  <description>JBoss XML Binding</description>
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-    <connection>scm:svn:https://svn.jboss.org/repos/common/jbossxb/trunk</connection>
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-  <build>
-    <finalName>jboss-xml-binding</finalName>
-    <plugins>
-      <plugin>
-        <artifactId>maven-release-plugin</artifactId>
-        <configuration>
-          <!-- The tagBase property is needed during the release process so that the maven release plugin
-            will create the release tag in the appropriate location. -->
-          <tagBase>https://svn.jboss.org/repos/common/jbossxb/tags</tagBase>
-        </configuration>
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-        <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId>
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-          <testFailureIgnore>true</testFailureIgnore>
-		      <redirectTestOutputToFile>true</redirectTestOutputToFile>
-          <includes>
-            <include>**/*TestCase.java</include>
-          </includes>
-          <forkMode>pertest</forkMode> <!-- required to correctly run the PojoServer tests -->
-        </configuration>
-      </plugin>    
-    </plugins>
-  </build>  
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-    <repository>
-      <id>repository.jboss.org</id>
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-      <url>http://repository.jboss.org/maven2/</url>
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-        <enabled>true</enabled>
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-      <groupId>jboss</groupId>
-      <artifactId>jboss-common-logging-spi</artifactId>
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-      <scope>compile</scope>
-    </dependency>
-    <dependency>
-      <groupId>jboss</groupId>
-      <artifactId>jboss-common-logging-log4j</artifactId>
-      <version>2.0.4.GA</version>
-      <scope>test</scope>
-    </dependency>
-    <dependency>
-      <groupId>org.jboss</groupId>
-      <artifactId>jboss-common-core</artifactId>
-      <version>2.2.1.GA</version>
-      <scope>compile</scope>
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-      <groupId>org.jboss.microcontainer</groupId>
-      <artifactId>jboss-container</artifactId>
-      <version>2.0.0.Beta4</version>
-      <scope>compile</scope>
-      <!-- FIXME http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4077827#4077827 -->
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-          <groupId>jboss</groupId>
-          <artifactId>jbossxb</artifactId>
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-      <groupId>apache-xerces</groupId>
-      <artifactId>xercesImpl</artifactId>
-      <version>2.7.1</version>
-      <scope>compile</scope>
-    </dependency>     
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-      <groupId>wutka-dtdparser</groupId>
-      <artifactId>dtdparser121</artifactId>
-      <version>1.2.1</version>
-      <scope>compile</scope>
-    </dependency>         
-    <dependency>
-      <groupId>javax.activation</groupId>
-      <artifactId>activation</artifactId>
-      <version>1.0.2</version>
-      <scope>compile</scope>
-    </dependency>
-    <dependency>
-      <groupId>sun-jaxb</groupId>
-      <artifactId>jaxb-api</artifactId>
-      <version>2.0.5</version>
-      <scope>compile</scope>
-    </dependency>
-    <dependency>
-      <groupId>org.jboss</groupId>
-      <artifactId>jboss-test</artifactId>
-      <version>1.0.4.GA</version>
-      <scope>test</scope>
-    </dependency>
-    <dependency>
-      <groupId>junit</groupId>
-      <artifactId>junit</artifactId>
-      <version>3.8.1</version>
-      <scope>test</scope>
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-  </dependencies>
\ No newline at end of file

Copied: jbossxb/tags/2.0.0.CR5/pom.xml (from rev 2681, jbossxb/trunk/pom.xml)
--- jbossxb/tags/2.0.0.CR5/pom.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ jbossxb/tags/2.0.0.CR5/pom.xml	2007-11-21 15:29:34 UTC (rev 2682)
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+    <version>3</version>
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+  <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
+  <artifactId>jbossxb</artifactId>
+  <packaging>jar</packaging>
+  <version>2.0.0.CR5</version>
+  <name>JBoss XML Binding</name>
+  <url>http://www.jboss.org</url>
+  <description>JBoss XML Binding</description>
+  <scm>
+    <connection>scm:svn:https://svn.jboss.org/repos/common/jbossxb/tags/2.0.0.CR5</connection>
+  </scm>
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+    <finalName>jboss-xml-binding</finalName>
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+      <plugin>
+        <artifactId>maven-release-plugin</artifactId>
+        <configuration>
+          <!-- The tagBase property is needed during the release process so that the maven release plugin
+            will create the release tag in the appropriate location. -->
+          <tagBase>https://svn.jboss.org/repos/common/jbossxb/tags</tagBase>
+        </configuration>
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+        <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId>
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+          <redirectTestOutputToFile>true</redirectTestOutputToFile>
+          <includes>
+            <include>**/*TestCase.java</include>
+          </includes>
+          <forkMode>pertest</forkMode> <!-- required to correctly run the PojoServer tests -->
+        </configuration>
+      </plugin>    
+    </plugins>
+  </build>  
+  <repositories>
+    <repository>
+      <id>repository.jboss.org</id>
+      <name>JBoss Repository</name>
+      <layout>default</layout>
+      <url>http://repository.jboss.org/maven2/</url>
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+        <enabled>false</enabled>
+      </snapshots>
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+      <name>JBoss Snapshot Repository</name>
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+      <url>http://snapshots.jboss.org/maven2/</url>
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+        <enabled>false</enabled>
+      </releases>
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+        <enabled>true</enabled>
+      </snapshots>
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+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>jboss</groupId>
+      <artifactId>jboss-common-logging-spi</artifactId>
+      <version>2.0.4.GA</version>
+      <scope>compile</scope>
+    </dependency>
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>jboss</groupId>
+      <artifactId>jboss-common-logging-log4j</artifactId>
+      <version>2.0.4.GA</version>
+      <scope>test</scope>
+    </dependency>
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>org.jboss</groupId>
+      <artifactId>jboss-common-core</artifactId>
+      <version>2.2.1.GA</version>
+      <scope>compile</scope>
+    </dependency>
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>org.jboss.microcontainer</groupId>
+      <artifactId>jboss-container</artifactId>
+      <version>2.0.0.Beta6</version>
+      <scope>compile</scope>
+      <!-- FIXME http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4077827#4077827 -->
+      <exclusions>
+        <exclusion>
+          <groupId>jboss</groupId>
+          <artifactId>jbossxb</artifactId>
+        </exclusion>
+      </exclusions>
+    </dependency>
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>apache-xerces</groupId>
+      <artifactId>xercesImpl</artifactId>
+      <version>2.7.1</version>
+      <scope>compile</scope>
+    </dependency>     
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>wutka-dtdparser</groupId>
+      <artifactId>dtdparser121</artifactId>
+      <version>1.2.1</version>
+      <scope>compile</scope>
+    </dependency>         
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>javax.activation</groupId>
+      <artifactId>activation</artifactId>
+      <version>1.0.2</version>
+      <scope>compile</scope>
+    </dependency>
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>sun-jaxb</groupId>
+      <artifactId>jaxb-api</artifactId>
+      <version>2.0.5</version>
+      <scope>compile</scope>
+    </dependency>
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>org.jboss</groupId>
+      <artifactId>jboss-test</artifactId>
+      <version>1.0.4.GA</version>
+      <scope>test</scope>
+    </dependency>
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>junit</groupId>
+      <artifactId>junit</artifactId>
+      <version>3.8.1</version>
+      <scope>test</scope>
+    </dependency>
+  </dependencies>
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: jbossxb/tags/2.0.0.CR5/src/main/java/org/jboss/xb/builder/JBossXBNoSchemaBuilder.java
--- jbossxb/trunk/src/main/java/org/jboss/xb/builder/JBossXBNoSchemaBuilder.java	2007-11-12 16:11:21 UTC (rev 2674)
+++ jbossxb/tags/2.0.0.CR5/src/main/java/org/jboss/xb/builder/JBossXBNoSchemaBuilder.java	2007-11-21 15:29:34 UTC (rev 2682)
@@ -1,2046 +0,0 @@
- * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
- * Copyright 2006, JBoss Inc., and individual contributors as indicated
- * by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
- * full listing of individual contributors.
- *
- * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
- * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
- */
-package org.jboss.xb.builder;
-import java.lang.reflect.Method;
-import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
-import java.lang.reflect.Type;
-import java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import java.util.Stack;
-import javax.xml.XMLConstants;
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessOrder;
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorOrder;
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAnyElement;
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAttribute;
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElementWrapper;
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElements;
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlEnum;
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlNsForm;
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchema;
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlTransient;
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlValue;
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlAdapter;
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter;
-import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
-import org.jboss.beans.info.spi.BeanInfo;
-import org.jboss.beans.info.spi.PropertyInfo;
-import org.jboss.joinpoint.plugins.Config;
-import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
-import org.jboss.reflect.plugins.introspection.ParameterizedClassInfo;
-import org.jboss.reflect.spi.ArrayInfo;
-import org.jboss.reflect.spi.ClassInfo;
-import org.jboss.reflect.spi.EnumInfo;
-import org.jboss.reflect.spi.MethodInfo;
-import org.jboss.reflect.spi.PackageInfo;
-import org.jboss.reflect.spi.TypeInfo;
-import org.jboss.reflect.spi.TypeInfoFactory;
-import org.jboss.xb.annotations.JBossXmlAdaptedType;
-import org.jboss.xb.annotations.JBossXmlAdaptedTypes;
-import org.jboss.xb.annotations.JBossXmlAttribute;
-import org.jboss.xb.annotations.JBossXmlChild;
-import org.jboss.xb.annotations.JBossXmlChildWildcard;
-import org.jboss.xb.annotations.JBossXmlChildren;
-import org.jboss.xb.annotations.JBossXmlCollection;
-import org.jboss.xb.annotations.JBossXmlConstants;
-import org.jboss.xb.annotations.JBossXmlGroup;
-import org.jboss.xb.annotations.JBossXmlGroupText;
-import org.jboss.xb.annotations.JBossXmlGroupWildcard;
-import org.jboss.xb.annotations.JBossXmlModelGroup;
-import org.jboss.xb.annotations.JBossXmlNoElements;
-import org.jboss.xb.annotations.JBossXmlNsPrefix;
-import org.jboss.xb.annotations.JBossXmlSchema;
-import org.jboss.xb.annotations.JBossXmlType;
-import org.jboss.xb.binding.SimpleTypeBindings;
-import org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.AllBinding;
-import org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.AttributeBinding;
-import org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.AttributeHandler;
-import org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.CharactersHandler;
-import org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.ChoiceBinding;
-import org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.DefaultElementHandler;
-import org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.DefaultElementInterceptor;
-import org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.ElementBinding;
-import org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.ModelGroupBinding;
-import org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.ParticleBinding;
-import org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.ParticleHandler;
-import org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.SchemaBinding;
-import org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.SequenceBinding;
-import org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.TypeBinding;
-import org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.ValueAdapter;
-import org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.WildcardBinding;
-import org.jboss.xb.builder.runtime.AbstractPropertyHandler;
-import org.jboss.xb.builder.runtime.ArraySequenceBinding;
-import org.jboss.xb.builder.runtime.BeanHandler;
-import org.jboss.xb.builder.runtime.BuilderParticleHandler;
-import org.jboss.xb.builder.runtime.BuilderSimpleParticleHandler;
-import org.jboss.xb.builder.runtime.ChildCollectionInterceptor;
-import org.jboss.xb.builder.runtime.ChildCollectionWildcardHandler;
-import org.jboss.xb.builder.runtime.ChildWildcardHandler;
-import org.jboss.xb.builder.runtime.CollectionPropertyHandler;
-import org.jboss.xb.builder.runtime.CollectionPropertyWildcardHandler;
-import org.jboss.xb.builder.runtime.DOMHandler;
-import org.jboss.xb.builder.runtime.EnumValueAdapter;
-import org.jboss.xb.builder.runtime.NoopPropertyHandler;
-import org.jboss.xb.builder.runtime.PropertyHandler;
-import org.jboss.xb.builder.runtime.PropertyInterceptor;
-import org.jboss.xb.builder.runtime.PropertyWildcardHandler;
-import org.jboss.xb.builder.runtime.ValueHandler;
-import org.jboss.xb.spi.BeanAdapterBuilder;
-import org.jboss.xb.spi.BeanAdapterFactory;
-import org.jboss.xb.spi.DefaultBeanAdapterBuilder;
-import org.w3c.dom.Element;
- * JBossXBNoSchemaBuilder.
- * 
- * @author <a href="adrian at jboss.com">Adrian Brock</a>
- * @version $Revision: 1.1 $
- */
-public class JBossXBNoSchemaBuilder
-   /** The log */
-   private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(JBossXBBuilder.class);
-   /** Whether trace is enabled */
-   private boolean trace = log.isTraceEnabled();
-   /** The schema binding */
-   private SchemaBinding schemaBinding;
-   /** The root type */
-   private ClassInfo root;
-   /** The namespace */
-   private String defaultNamespace;
-   /** The attribute form */
-   private XmlNsForm attributeForm = XmlNsForm.UNSET;
-   /** The element form */
-   private XmlNsForm elementForm = XmlNsForm.UNSET;
-   /** A cache of types */
-   private Map<TypeInfo, TypeBinding> typeCache = new HashMap<TypeInfo, TypeBinding>();
-   /** A root elements we have processed */
-   private Map<TypeInfo, ElementBinding> rootCache = new HashMap<TypeInfo, ElementBinding>();
-   /** The current location */
-   private Stack<Location> locations = new Stack<Location>();
-   /**
-    * Create a new JBossXBNoSchemaBuilder.
-    * 
-    * @param root the root class info
-    * @throws IllegalArgumentException for a null root class info
-    */
-   public JBossXBNoSchemaBuilder(ClassInfo root)
-   {
-      if (root == null)
-         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null root");
-      this.root = root;
-   }
-   /**
-    * Build the schema
-    * 
-    * @return the schema
-    */
-   public SchemaBinding build()
-   {
-      initSchema();
-      createRootElements();
-      return schemaBinding;
-   }
-   /**
-    * Initialise the schema
-    */
-   protected void initSchema()
-   {
-      // Initialize the schema
-      schemaBinding = new SchemaBinding();
-      JBossXBBuilder.initSchema(schemaBinding, root);
-      if (trace)
-         log.trace("Building schema for " + root.getName() + " schemaBinding=" + schemaBinding);
-      // Remember the default namespace
-      if (defaultNamespace == null)
-      {
-         defaultNamespace = (String) schemaBinding.getNamespaces().iterator().next();
-      }
-      JBossXmlSchema jbossXmlSchema = root.getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlSchema.class);
-      if (jbossXmlSchema != null)
-      {
-         attributeForm = jbossXmlSchema.attributeFormDefault();
-         elementForm = jbossXmlSchema.elementFormDefault();
-      }
-      // Look for an annotation
-      PackageInfo packageInfo = root.getPackage();
-      if (packageInfo != null)
-      {
-         jbossXmlSchema = root.getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlSchema.class);
-         if (jbossXmlSchema != null)
-         {
-            if (attributeForm == XmlNsForm.UNSET)
-               attributeForm = jbossXmlSchema.attributeFormDefault();
-            if (elementForm == XmlNsForm.UNSET)
-               elementForm = jbossXmlSchema.elementFormDefault();
-         }
-         XmlSchema xmlSchema = packageInfo.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlSchema.class);
-         if (xmlSchema != null)
-         {
-            String namespace = xmlSchema.namespace();
-            if (JBossXmlConstants.DEFAULT.equals(xmlSchema) == false && XMLConstants.NULL_NS_URI.equals(defaultNamespace))
-            {
-               defaultNamespace = namespace;
-               addNamespace(defaultNamespace, true);
-            }
-            if (attributeForm == XmlNsForm.UNSET)
-               attributeForm = xmlSchema.attributeFormDefault();
-            if (elementForm == XmlNsForm.UNSET)
-               elementForm = xmlSchema.elementFormDefault();
-         }
-         // Check for adapted types
-         JBossXmlAdaptedTypes adaptedTypes = packageInfo.getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlAdaptedTypes.class);
-         if (adaptedTypes != null)
-         {
-            for (JBossXmlAdaptedType adaptedType : adaptedTypes.value())
-               generateAdaptedType(adaptedType);
-         }
-         JBossXmlAdaptedType adaptedType = packageInfo.getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlAdaptedType.class);
-         if (adaptedType != null)
-            generateAdaptedType(adaptedType);
-      }
-   }
-   /**
-    * Create the root elements
-    */
-   protected void createRootElements()
-   {
-      // Create the root element
-      createRootElementBinding(root);
-   }
-   /**
-    * Create a root element binding
-    * 
-    * @param typeInfo the type info
-    */
-   protected void createRootElementBinding(TypeInfo typeInfo)
-   {
-      // Already done/doing this
-      if (rootCache.containsKey(typeInfo))
-         return;
-      // Put a skeleton marker in the cache so we know not to redo it
-      rootCache.put(typeInfo, null);
-      // We force the element to be a root element
-      push(typeInfo);
-      try
-      {
-         createElementBinding(typeInfo, typeInfo.getSimpleName(), true);
-         pop();
-      }
-      catch (Exception e)
-      {
-         throw rethrowWithLocation(e);
-      }
-   }
-   /**
-    * Create an element binding
-    * 
-    * @param typeInfo the type info
-    * @param name the java element name
-    * @param root pass true to force a root element
-    * @return the element binding
-    */
-   private ElementBinding createElementBinding(TypeInfo typeInfo, String name, boolean root)
-   {
-      // Resolve the type
-      TypeBinding typeBinding = resolveTypeBinding(typeInfo);
-      // Create the element
-      return createElementBinding(typeInfo, typeBinding, name, root);
-   }
-   /**
-    * Create an element binding
-    * 
-    * @param typeInfo the type info
-    * @param typeBinding the type binding
-    * @param name the java element name
-    * @param root pass true to force a root element
-    * @return the element binding
-    */
-   private ElementBinding createElementBinding(TypeInfo typeInfo, TypeBinding typeBinding, String name, boolean root)
-   {
-      // Determine the parameters
-      String overrideNamespace = null;
-      String overrideName = null;
-      if (typeInfo instanceof ClassInfo)
-      {
-         ClassInfo classInfo = (ClassInfo) typeInfo;
-         XmlRootElement xmlRootElement = classInfo.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlRootElement.class);
-         if (xmlRootElement != null)
-         {
-            overrideNamespace = xmlRootElement.namespace();
-            overrideName = xmlRootElement.name();
-         }
-      }
-      // Create the binding
-      XmlNsForm form = elementForm;
-      if (root)
-         form = XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED;
-      QName qName = generateXmlName(name, form, overrideNamespace, overrideName);
-      return createElementBinding(typeInfo, typeBinding, qName, root);
-   }
-   /**
-    * Create an element binding
-    * 
-    * @param typeInfo the type info
-    * @param typeBinding the type binding
-    * @param qName the qualified name
-    * @param root pass true to force a root element
-    * @return the element binding
-    */
-   private ElementBinding createElementBinding(TypeInfo typeInfo, TypeBinding typeBinding, QName qName, boolean root)
-   {
-      if (trace)
-         log.trace("creating element " + qName + " with type " + typeInfo.getName());
-      if (typeInfo instanceof ClassInfo)
-      {
-         ClassInfo classInfo = (ClassInfo) typeInfo;
-         XmlRootElement xmlRootElement = classInfo.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlRootElement.class);
-         if (xmlRootElement != null)
-            root = true;
-      }
-      ElementBinding elementBinding = new ElementBinding(schemaBinding, qName, typeBinding);
-      if (trace)
-         log.trace("created  element " + qName + " element=" + elementBinding + " rootElement=" + root);
-      // If we are a root element bind it
-      if (root)
-      {
-         schemaBinding.addElement(elementBinding);
-         ParticleBinding particleBinding = schemaBinding.getElementParticle(qName);
-         particleBinding.setMinOccurs(1);
-         particleBinding.setMaxOccurs(1);
-         rootCache.put(typeInfo, elementBinding);
-      }
-      return elementBinding;
-   }
-   /**
-    * Process a type
-    * 
-    * @param typeInfo the type info
-    */
-   protected void process(TypeInfo typeInfo)
-   {
-      if (typeInfo.isPrimitive() == false && typeInfo.isEnum() && typeInfo.isAnnotation() && Object.class.getName().equals(typeInfo.getName()) == false)
-      {
-         ClassInfo classInfo = (ClassInfo) typeInfo;
-         // Create the type
-         resolveTypeBinding(typeInfo);
-         // Check wether we need to add it as a root element
-         if (rootCache.containsKey(typeInfo) == false)
-         {
-            XmlRootElement xmlRootElement = classInfo.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlRootElement.class);
-            if (xmlRootElement != null)
-               createRootElementBinding(typeInfo);
-         }
-      }
-   }
-   /**
-    * Resolve a type binding
-    *
-    * @param typeInfo the type info
-    * @return the type binding
-    */
-   @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
-   protected TypeBinding resolveTypeBinding(TypeInfo typeInfo)
-   {
-      if (trace)
-         log.trace("resolving type " + typeInfo.getName());
-      // Look for a cached value
-      TypeBinding result = typeCache.get(typeInfo);
-      // No cached value
-      if (result == null)
-      {
-         // Generate it
-         result = generateTypeBinding(typeInfo);
-         // Cache it
-         typeCache.put(typeInfo, result);
-      }
-      if (trace)
-         log.trace("resolved  type " + typeInfo.getName() + " binding=" + result);
-      // Return the result 
-      return result;
-   }
-   /**
-    * Generate a type binding
-    * 
-    * @param typeInfo the type info
-    * @return the type binding
-    */
-   protected TypeBinding generateTypeBinding(TypeInfo typeInfo)
-   {
-      try
-      {
-         if (typeInfo.isEnum())
-            return generateEnum((EnumInfo) typeInfo);
-         if (typeInfo.isAnnotation())
-            return generateAnnotation((ClassInfo) typeInfo);
-         if (typeInfo.isArray())
-            return generateArray((ArrayInfo) typeInfo);
-         if (typeInfo.isCollection())
-            return generateCollection((ClassInfo) typeInfo);
-         if (typeInfo.isMap())
-            return generateMap((ClassInfo) typeInfo);
-         TypeBinding typeBinding = isSimpleType(typeInfo);
-         if (typeBinding != null)
-            return typeBinding;
-         return generateBean((ClassInfo) typeInfo);
-      }
-      finally
-      {
-         // Not a primitive type
-         if (typeInfo.isPrimitive() == false)
-         {
-            ClassInfo classInfo = (ClassInfo) typeInfo;
-            // Process our type args
-            TypeInfo[] typeArgs = classInfo.getActualTypeArguments();
-            if (typeArgs != null)
-            {
-               for (int i = 0; i < typeArgs.length; ++i)
-                  process(typeArgs[i]);
-            }
-            // Process the super class
-            ClassInfo superClass = classInfo.getGenericSuperclass();
-            if (superClass != null)
-               process(superClass);
-         }
-      }
-   }
-   /**
-    * Generate an enum type binding
-    * 
-    * @param typeInfo the type info
-    * @return the type binding
-    */
-   public TypeBinding generateEnum(EnumInfo typeInfo)
-   {
-      // Determine the parameters
-      String overrideNamespace = null;
-      String overrideName = null;
-      boolean root = false;
-      XmlType xmlType = typeInfo.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlType.class);
-      if (xmlType != null)
-      {
-         root = true;
-         overrideNamespace = xmlType.namespace();
-         overrideName = xmlType.name();
-      }
-      // Determine the enum type 
-      Class<?> xmlEnumValue = String.class;
-      XmlEnum xmlEnum = typeInfo.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlEnum.class);
-      if (xmlEnum != null)
-         xmlEnumValue = xmlEnum.value();
-      TypeInfo enumType = typeInfo.getTypeInfoFactory().getTypeInfo(xmlEnumValue);
-      // Resolve the enum type as the parent (must be simple)
-      TypeBinding parent = getSimpleType(enumType);
-      // Create the enum type
-      QName qName = null;
-      TypeBinding typeBinding = null;
-      if (root)
-      {
-         qName = generateXmlName(typeInfo, XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED, overrideNamespace, overrideName);
-         typeBinding = new TypeBinding(qName, parent);
-      }
-      else
-      {
-         typeBinding = new TypeBinding(null, parent);
-      }
-      typeBinding.setValueAdapter(new EnumValueAdapter(qName, typeInfo, enumType));
-      if (trace)
-         log.trace("Created enum=" + typeInfo.getName() + " type=" + typeBinding + " rootType=" + root);
-      // Bind it as a global type
-      if (root)
-         schemaBinding.addType(typeBinding);
-      else
-         typeBinding.setSchemaBinding(schemaBinding);
-      return typeBinding;
-   }
-   /**
-    * Generate an adapted type
-    * 
-    * @param adaptedType the information about the adaption
-    * @return the type binding
-    */
-   public TypeBinding generateAdaptedType(JBossXmlAdaptedType adaptedType)
-   {
-      // Determine the parameters
-      String overrideNamespace = adaptedType.namespace();
-      String overrideName = adaptedType.name();
-      Class<?> type = adaptedType.type();
-      Class<? extends ValueAdapter> adapter = adaptedType.valueAdapter();
-      try
-      {
-         TypeInfo typeInfo = JBossXBBuilder.configuration.getTypeInfo(type);
-         BeanInfo adapterInfo = JBossXBBuilder.configuration.getBeanInfo(adapter);
-         ValueAdapter valueAdapter = (ValueAdapter) adapterInfo.newInstance();
-         QName qName = generateXmlName(typeInfo, XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED, overrideNamespace, overrideName);
-         TypeInfo parentType = typeInfo.getTypeInfoFactory().getTypeInfo(String.class);
-         TypeBinding parent = getSimpleType(parentType);
-         TypeBinding typeBinding = new TypeBinding(qName, parent);
-         typeBinding.setValueAdapter(valueAdapter);
-         if (trace)
-            log.trace("Created adapted type=" + typeInfo.getName() + " typeBinding=" + typeBinding + " adapter=" + adapter.getName());
-         typeCache.put(typeInfo, typeBinding);
-         schemaBinding.addType(typeBinding);
-         return typeBinding;
-      }
-      catch (Throwable t)
-      {
-         throw new RuntimeException("Unable to adapt type " + type.getName() + " with " + adapter.getName(), t);
-      }
-   }
-   /**
-    * Generate an annotation type binding
-    * 
-    * @param typeInfo the type info
-    * @return the type binding
-    */
-   public TypeBinding generateAnnotation(ClassInfo typeInfo)
-   {
-      // TODO generateAnnotation
-      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("generateAnnotation");
-   }
-   /**
-    * Generate an array type binding
-    * 
-    * @param typeInfo the type info
-    * @return the type binding
-    */
-   public TypeBinding generateArray(ArrayInfo typeInfo)
-   {
-      return resolveTypeBinding(typeInfo.getComponentType());
-   }
-   /**
-    * Generate a collection type binding
-    * 
-    * @param typeInfo the type info
-    * @return the type binding
-    */
-   public TypeBinding generateCollection(ClassInfo typeInfo)
-   {
-      if (typeInfo instanceof ParameterizedClassInfo)
-      {
-         ParameterizedClassInfo parameterizedClassInfo = (ParameterizedClassInfo) typeInfo;
-         TypeInfo[] actualTypes = parameterizedClassInfo.getActualTypeArguments();
-         TypeInfo elementType = actualTypes[0];
-         return resolveTypeBinding(elementType);
-      }
-      else
-      {
-         return generateBean(typeInfo);
-      }
-   }
-   /**
-    * Generate a map type binding
-    * 
-    * @param typeInfo the type info
-    * @return the type binding
-    */
-   public TypeBinding generateMap(ClassInfo typeInfo)
-   {
-      // TODO generateMap
-      return generateBean(typeInfo);
-   }
-   /**
-    * Check whether this is a simple type
-    * 
-    * @param typeInfo the type info
-    * @return the type binding if it is simple
-    */
-   public TypeBinding isSimpleType(TypeInfo typeInfo)
-   {
-      QName qName = SimpleTypeBindings.typeQName(typeInfo.getType());
-      if (qName == null)
-         return null;
-      TypeBinding result = schemaBinding.getType(qName);
-      if (result == null)
-         throw new IllegalStateException("SimpleType is not bound in the schema: " + qName + " for " + typeInfo.getName());
-      result.setHandler(BuilderSimpleParticleHandler.SIMPLE_INSTANCE);
-      return result;
-   }
-   /**
-    * Get the simple type
-    * 
-    * @param typeInfo the type info
-    * @return the type binding if it is simple
-    * @throws IllegalStateException if the type is not bound
-    */
-   public TypeBinding getSimpleType(TypeInfo typeInfo)
-   {
-      TypeBinding result = isSimpleType(typeInfo);
-      if (result == null)
-         throw new IllegalStateException(typeInfo.getName() + " does not map to a simple type.");
-      return result;
-   }
-   /**
-    * Generate a bean type binding
-    * 
-    * @param typeInfo the type info
-    * @return the type binding
-    */
-   public TypeBinding generateBean(ClassInfo typeInfo)
-   {
-      return generateBean(typeInfo, false);
-   }
-   /**
-    * Generate a bean type binding
-    * 
-    * @param typeInfo the type info
-    * @param root whether to force a root type
-    * @return the type binding
-    */
-   public TypeBinding generateBean(ClassInfo typeInfo, boolean root)
-   {
-      return generateType(typeInfo, root);
-   }
-   /**
-    * Generate a bean type binding
-    * 
-    * @param typeInfo the type info
-    * @param root whether to force a root type
-    * @return the type binding
-    */
-   public TypeBinding generateType(ClassInfo typeInfo, boolean root)
-   {
-      // Determine the paremeters
-      String overrideNamespace = null;
-      String overrideName = null;
-      ClassInfo factoryClassInfo = typeInfo;
-      String factoryMethod = null;
-      String[] propertyOrder = {""};
-      XmlAccessOrder accessOrder = XmlAccessOrder.UNDEFINED;
-      Class<? extends BeanAdapterBuilder> beanAdapterBuilderClass = DefaultBeanAdapterBuilder.class;
-      XmlType xmlType = typeInfo.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlType.class);
-      if (xmlType != null)
-      {
-         root = true;
-         overrideNamespace = xmlType.namespace();
-         overrideName = xmlType.name();
-         if (overrideName.length() == 0)
-            root = false;
-         Class<?> factoryClass = xmlType.factoryClass();
-         if (factoryClass != XmlType.DEFAULT.class)
-            factoryClassInfo = (ClassInfo) typeInfo.getTypeInfoFactory().getTypeInfo(factoryClass);
-         factoryMethod = xmlType.factoryMethod();
-         propertyOrder = xmlType.propOrder();
-      }
-      JBossXmlType jbossXmlType = typeInfo.getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlType.class);
-      if (jbossXmlType != null)
-      {
-         beanAdapterBuilderClass = jbossXmlType.beanAdapterBuilder();
-      }
-      // Determine the property access order
-      XmlAccessorOrder accessorOrder = typeInfo.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlAccessorOrder.class);
-      if (accessorOrder == null)
-      {
-         PackageInfo pkg = typeInfo.getPackage();
-         if (pkg != null)
-            accessorOrder = pkg.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlAccessorOrder.class);
-      }
-      if (accessorOrder != null)
-         accessOrder = accessorOrder.value();
-      // Create the binding
-      TypeBinding typeBinding = null;
-      if (root)
-      {
-         QName qName = generateXmlName(typeInfo, XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED, overrideNamespace, overrideName);
-         typeBinding = new TypeBinding(qName);
-      }
-      else
-      {
-         typeBinding = new TypeBinding();
-      }
-      // Push into the cache early to avoid recursion
-      typeCache.put(typeInfo, typeBinding);
-      // Determine any factory method
-      MethodInfo factory = null;
-      if (factoryMethod != null && factoryMethod.length() > 0)
-         factory = Config.findMethodInfo(factoryClassInfo, factoryMethod, null, true, true);
-      // Create the handler
-      BeanInfo beanInfo = JBossXBBuilder.configuration.getBeanInfo(typeInfo);
-      BeanAdapterFactory beanAdapterFactory = null;
-      try
-      {
-         BeanInfo beanAdapterBuilderInfo = JBossXBBuilder.configuration.getBeanInfo(beanAdapterBuilderClass);
-         BeanAdapterBuilder beanAdapterBuilder = (BeanAdapterBuilder) beanAdapterBuilderInfo.newInstance();
-         beanAdapterFactory = beanAdapterBuilder.newFactory(beanInfo, factory);
-      }
-      catch (Throwable t)
-      {
-         throw new RuntimeException("Error creating BeanAdapterFactory for " + beanAdapterBuilderClass.getName(), t);
-      }
-      BeanHandler handler = new BeanHandler(beanInfo.getName(), beanAdapterFactory);
-      typeBinding.setHandler(handler);
-      if (trace)
-         log.trace("Created BeanHandler for type=" + beanInfo.getName() + " factory=" + factory);
-      // Look through the properties
-      JBossXmlNoElements jbossXmlNoElements = typeInfo.getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlNoElements.class);
-      boolean noElements = jbossXmlNoElements != null;
-      PropertyInfo valueProperty = null;
-      PropertyInfo wildcardProperty = null;
-      boolean allBinding = propertyOrder.length == 0;
-      boolean determinePropertyOrder = allBinding || (propertyOrder.length == 1 && propertyOrder[0].length() == 0);
-      ArrayList<String> propertyNames = new ArrayList<String>();
-      Set<PropertyInfo> properties = beanInfo.getProperties();
-      if (properties != null && properties.isEmpty() == false)
-      {
-         boolean seenXmlAnyElement = false;
-         for (PropertyInfo property : properties)
-         {
-            push(typeInfo, property.getName());
-            if (trace)
-               log.trace("Checking property " + property.getName() + " for " + beanInfo.getName() + " type=" + property.getType().getName());
-            // Is this the value property?
-            XmlValue xmlValue = property.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlValue.class);
-            if (xmlValue != null)
-            {
-               if (trace)
-                  log.trace("Seen @XmlValue for type=" + beanInfo.getName() + " property=" + property.getName());
-               if (valueProperty != null)
-                  throw new RuntimeException("@XmlValue seen on two properties: " + property.getName() + " and " + valueProperty.getName());
-               valueProperty = property;
-            }
-            // Is this the wildcard property?
-            XmlAnyElement xmlAnyElement = property.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlAnyElement.class);
-            if (xmlAnyElement != null)
-            {
-               if (trace)
-                  log.trace("Seen @XmlAnyElement for type=" + beanInfo.getName() + " property=" + property.getName());
-               if (wildcardProperty != null && seenXmlAnyElement)
-                  throw new RuntimeException("@XmlAnyElement seen on two properties: " + property.getName() + " and " + wildcardProperty.getName());
-               wildcardProperty = property;
-               seenXmlAnyElement = true;
-            }
-            else if (!seenXmlAnyElement && wildcardProperty == null && property.getType().getName().equals(org.w3c.dom.Element.class.getName()))
-            {
-               if (trace)
-                  log.trace("Using type=" + beanInfo.getName() + " property=" + property.getName() + " as the base wildcard");
-               if (wildcardProperty != null)
-                  throw new RuntimeException("@XmlAnyElement seen on two properties: " + property.getName() + " and " + wildcardProperty.getName());
-               wildcardProperty = property;
-            }
-            // Is this an attribute
-            XmlAttribute xmlAttribute = property.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlAttribute.class);
-            if (xmlAttribute != null)
-            {
-               JBossXmlAttribute jbossXmlAttribute = property.getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlAttribute.class);
-               // Determine the name
-               QName qName = generateXmlName(property.getName(), attributeForm, xmlAttribute.namespace(), xmlAttribute.name());
-               // Resolve the type
-               TypeInfo attributeTypeInfo = property.getType();
-               if (jbossXmlAttribute != null && jbossXmlAttribute.type() != Object.class)
-                  attributeTypeInfo = attributeTypeInfo.getTypeInfoFactory().getTypeInfo(jbossXmlAttribute.type());
-               TypeBinding attributeType = resolveTypeBinding(attributeTypeInfo);
-               // Create the attribute handler
-               AttributeHandler attributeHandler = new PropertyHandler(property, attributeTypeInfo);
-               // Create the attributre and bind it to the type
-               AttributeBinding attribute = new AttributeBinding(schemaBinding, qName, attributeType, attributeHandler);
-               attribute.setRequired(xmlAttribute.required());
-               typeBinding.addAttribute(attribute);
-               if (trace)
-                  log.trace("Bound attribute " + qName + " type=" + beanInfo.getName() + " property=" + property.getName() + " propertyType=" + attributeTypeInfo);
-            }
-            // Are we determining the property order?
-            if (determinePropertyOrder)
-            {
-               // Value property
-               if (xmlValue != null)
-               {
-                  if (trace)
-                     log.trace("Ignore not element @XmlValue for type=" + beanInfo.getName() + " property=" + property.getName());
-                  pop();
-                  continue;
-               }
-               // Wildcard property
-               if (xmlAnyElement != null)
-               {
-                  if (trace)
-                     log.trace("Ignore not element @XmlAnyElement for type=" + beanInfo.getName() + " property=" + property.getName());
-                  pop();
-                  continue;
-               }
-               // Ignore xml attribute
-               if (xmlAttribute != null)
-               {
-                  if (trace)
-                     log.trace("Ignore not element @XmlAttribute for type=" + beanInfo.getName() + " property=" + property.getName());
-                  pop();
-                  continue;
-               }
-               // Ignore xml tranient
-               XmlTransient xmlTransient = property.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlTransient.class);
-               if (xmlTransient != null)
-               {
-                  if (trace)
-                     log.trace("Ignore not element @XmlTransient for type=" + beanInfo.getName() + " property=" + property.getName());
-                  pop();
-                  continue;
-               }
-               // Ignore the class property
-               String name = property.getName();
-               if ("class".equals(name))
-               {
-                  pop();
-                  continue;
-               }
-               if (noElements)
-               {
-                  pop();
-                  continue;
-               }
-               if (trace)
-                  log.trace("Element for type=" + beanInfo.getName() + " property=" + property.getName());
-               propertyNames.add(property.getName());
-            }
-            pop();
-         }
-         // Apply any access order
-         if (determinePropertyOrder)
-         {
-            if (accessOrder == XmlAccessOrder.ALPHABETICAL)
-               Collections.sort(propertyNames);
-            propertyOrder = propertyNames.toArray(new String[propertyNames.size()]);
-         }
-      }
-      // No value property, see if we have a default one
-      //if (valueProperty == null)
-      //{
-      //   try
-      //   {
-      //      valueProperty = beanInfo.getProperty("value");
-      //   }
-      //   catch (Exception ignored)
-      //   {
-            // Nope.
-      //   }
-      //}
-      // Bind the value
-      if (valueProperty != null)
-      {
-         CharactersHandler charactersHandler = new ValueHandler(valueProperty);
-         typeBinding.setSimpleType(charactersHandler);
-      }
-      else if (trace)
-         log.trace("No value for type=" + beanInfo.getName());
-      if (trace)
-         log.trace("PropertyOrder " + Arrays.asList(propertyOrder) + " for type=" + beanInfo.getName());
-      // Determine the model
-      // TODO simple types/content when no properties other than @XmlValue and @XmlAttribute
-      typeBinding.setSimple(false);
-      ModelGroupBinding model = null;
-      if (allBinding)
-      {
-         if (trace)
-            log.trace("AllBinding for type=" + beanInfo.getName());
-         model = new AllBinding(schemaBinding);
-      }
-      else
-      {
-         if (trace)
-            log.trace("SequenceBinding for type=" + beanInfo.getName());
-         model = new SequenceBinding(schemaBinding);
-      }
-      model.setHandler(BuilderParticleHandler.INSTANCE);
-      ParticleBinding typeParticle = new ParticleBinding(model);
-      typeParticle.setMinOccurs(1);
-      typeParticle.setMaxOccurs(1);
-      typeBinding.setParticle(typeParticle);
-      if (typeInfo.isCollection())
-      {
-         TypeInfo memberBaseType = findComponentType(typeInfo);
-         JBossXmlModelGroup xmlModelGroup = ((ClassInfo) memberBaseType)
-               .getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlModelGroup.class);
-         if (xmlModelGroup != null && xmlModelGroup.particles().length > 0)
-         {
-            if (trace)
-               log.trace("Item base type for " + typeInfo.getName() + " is " + memberBaseType.getName()
-                     + " and bound to repeatable choice");
-            // it's choice by default based on the idea that the
-            // type parameter is a base class for items
-            ModelGroupBinding choiceGroup = null;
-            QName choiceName = null;
-            if(!JBossXmlConstants.DEFAULT.equals(xmlModelGroup.name()))
-            {
-               choiceName = new QName(defaultNamespace, xmlModelGroup.name());
-               choiceGroup = schemaBinding.getGroup(choiceName);
-            }
-            if(choiceGroup == null)
-            {
-               choiceGroup = new ChoiceBinding(schemaBinding);
-               choiceGroup.setHandler(BuilderParticleHandler.INSTANCE);
-               if (choiceName != null)
-               {
-                  choiceGroup.setQName(choiceName);
-                  schemaBinding.addGroup(choiceGroup.getQName(), choiceGroup);
-               }
-               ParticleBinding choiceParticle = new ParticleBinding(choiceGroup, 0, 1, true);
-               model.addParticle(choiceParticle);
-               for (JBossXmlModelGroup.Particle member : xmlModelGroup.particles())
-               {
-                  XmlElement element = member.element();
-                  QName memberQName = generateXmlName(element.name(), XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED, element.namespace(), null);
-                  TypeInfo memberTypeInfo = typeInfo.getTypeInfoFactory().getTypeInfo(member.type());
-                  boolean isCol = false;
-                  if (memberTypeInfo.isCollection())
-                  {
-                     memberTypeInfo = findComponentType((ClassInfo) memberTypeInfo);
-                     isCol = true;
-                  }
-                  TypeBinding memberTypeBinding = resolveTypeBinding(memberTypeInfo);
-                  ElementBinding memberElement = createElementBinding(memberTypeInfo, memberTypeBinding, memberQName, false);
-                  memberElement.setNillable(true);
-                  ParticleBinding memberParticle = new ParticleBinding(memberElement, 0, 1, isCol);
-                  choiceGroup.addParticle(memberParticle);
-                  typeBinding.pushInterceptor(memberQName, ChildCollectionInterceptor.SINGLETON);
-               }
-            }
-            else
-            {
-               ParticleBinding choiceParticle = new ParticleBinding(choiceGroup, 0, 1, true);
-               model.addParticle(choiceParticle);
-            }
-            if (trace)
-               log.trace("choices for " + typeBinding.getQName() + ": " + choiceGroup.getParticles());
-         }
-      }
-      // Determine the wildcard handler
-      AbstractPropertyHandler wildcardHandler = null;
-      if (wildcardProperty != null)
-      {
-         TypeInfo wildcardType = wildcardProperty.getType();
-         if (wildcardType.isCollection())
-            wildcardHandler = new CollectionPropertyWildcardHandler(wildcardProperty, wildcardType);
-         else
-            wildcardHandler = new PropertyWildcardHandler(wildcardProperty, wildcardType);
-      }
-      // Look through the properties
-      for (String name : propertyOrder)
-      {
-         // Setup the error stack
-         push(typeInfo, name);
-         // Get the property
-         PropertyInfo property = beanInfo.getProperty(name);
-         bindProperty(property, typeBinding, model, beanAdapterFactory, propertyOrder);
-         pop();
-      }
-      // Bind the children
-      JBossXmlChild[] children = null;
-      JBossXmlChildren jbossXmlChildren = typeInfo.getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlChildren.class);
-      if (jbossXmlChildren != null)
-         children = jbossXmlChildren.value();
-      else
-      {
-         JBossXmlChild jbossXmlChild = typeInfo.getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlChild.class);
-         if (jbossXmlChild != null)
-            children = new JBossXmlChild[] { jbossXmlChild };
-      }
-      if (children != null && children.length > 0)
-      {
-         for (JBossXmlChild child : children)
-         {
-            QName qName = generateXmlName(child.name(), elementForm, child.namespace(), child.name());
-            TypeInfo childType = JBossXBBuilder.configuration.getTypeInfo(child.type());
-            TypeBinding elementTypeBinding = resolveTypeBinding(childType);
-            ElementBinding elementBinding = createElementBinding(childType, elementTypeBinding, qName, false);
-            // Bind it to the model
-            ParticleBinding particle = new ParticleBinding(elementBinding, child.minOccurs(), child.maxOccurs(), child.unbounded());
-            model.addParticle(particle);
-            DefaultElementInterceptor interceptor = null;
-            if (typeInfo.isCollection())
-               interceptor = ChildCollectionInterceptor.SINGLETON;
-            else
-            {
-               // Expect a type with a value property to accept the child value
-               PropertyInfo property = beanInfo.getProperty("value");
-               if (property == null)
-                  throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Expected a value property for non-collection type with JBossXmlChildren");
-               TypeInfo propertyType = property.getType();
-               interceptor = new PropertyInterceptor(property, propertyType);
-            }
-            typeBinding.pushInterceptor(qName, interceptor);
-            if (trace)
-               log.trace("Added interceptor " + qName + " for type=" + childType + " interceptor=" + interceptor);
-         }
-      }
-      // Bind the wildcard
-      if (wildcardProperty != null)
-      {
-         if (trace)
-            log.trace("Processing WildcardProperty for type=" + beanInfo.getName() + " property=" + wildcardProperty.getName());
-         ModelGroupBinding localModel = model;
-         TypeInfo wildcardType = wildcardProperty.getType();
-         TypeInfo type = wildcardType;
-         // Setup any new model and determine the wildcard type
-         if (wildcardType.isArray())
-         {
-            localModel = createArray(localModel);
-            type = ((ArrayInfo) wildcardType).getComponentType();
-            if (trace)
-               log.trace("Wildcard " + wildcardProperty.getName() + " is an array of type " + type.getName());
-         }
-         else if (wildcardType.isCollection())
-         {
-            localModel = createCollection(localModel);
-            type = findComponentType(wildcardProperty);
-            if (trace)
-               log.trace("Wildcard " + wildcardProperty.getName() + " is a collection of type " + type.getName());
-         }
-         XmlAnyElement xmlAnyElement = wildcardProperty.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlAnyElement.class);
-         boolean isLax = xmlAnyElement == null ? true : xmlAnyElement.lax();
-         WildcardBinding wildcard = new WildcardBinding(schemaBinding);
-         if (isLax)
-            wildcard.setProcessContents((short) 3); // Lax
-         else
-            wildcard.setProcessContents((short) 1); // Strict
-         // Dom element?
-         if (Element.class.getName().equals(type.getName()))
-         {
-            wildcard.setUnresolvedElementHandler(DOMHandler.INSTANCE);
-            wildcard.setUnresolvedCharactersHandler(DOMHandler.INSTANCE);
-         }
-         // Bind the particle to the model
-         ParticleBinding particleBinding = new ParticleBinding(wildcard);
-         particleBinding.setMinOccurs(0);
-         particleBinding.setMaxOccurs(1);
-         localModel.addParticle(particleBinding);
-         typeBinding.getWildcard().setWildcardHandler((ParticleHandler) wildcardHandler);
-         beanAdapterFactory.setWildcardHandler(wildcardHandler);
-      }
-      JBossXmlChildWildcard childWildcard = typeInfo.getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlChildWildcard.class);
-      if (childWildcard != null)
-      {
-         if (beanAdapterFactory.getWildcardHandler() != null)
-            throw new RuntimeException("Cannot have both @JBossXmlChildWildcard and @XmlAnyElement");
-         ParticleHandler childWildcardHandler = null;
-         if (typeInfo.isCollection())
-         {
-            if (childWildcard.wrapper() != Object.class)
-            {
-               BeanInfo wrapperInfo = JBossXBBuilder.configuration.getBeanInfo(childWildcard.wrapper());
-               childWildcardHandler = new ChildCollectionWildcardHandler(wrapperInfo, childWildcard.property());
-            }
-            else
-               childWildcardHandler = ChildCollectionWildcardHandler.SINGLETON;
-         }
-         else
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("TODO");
-         WildcardBinding wildcard = new WildcardBinding(schemaBinding);
-         if (childWildcard.lax())
-            wildcard.setProcessContents((short) 3); // Lax
-         else
-            wildcard.setProcessContents((short) 1); // Strict
-         ParticleBinding particleBinding = new ParticleBinding(wildcard);
-         particleBinding.setMinOccurs(0);
-         particleBinding.setMaxOccurs(1);
-         model.addParticle(particleBinding);
-         typeBinding.getWildcard().setWildcardHandler(childWildcardHandler);
-      }
-      if (trace)
-         log.trace("Created type=" + typeInfo.getName() + " typeBinding=" + typeBinding + " rootType=" + root);
-      // Register as root if required
-      if (root)
-         schemaBinding.addType(typeBinding);
-      else
-         typeBinding.setSchemaBinding(schemaBinding);
-      return typeBinding;
-   }
-   private void bindProperty(PropertyInfo property, TypeBinding typeBinding, ModelGroupBinding model,
-         BeanAdapterFactory beanAdapterFactory, String[] propertyOrder)
-   {
-      TypeInfo propertyType = property.getType();
-      if (trace)
-         log.trace("Processing type=" + property.getBeanInfo().getName() + " property=" + property.getName());
-      // This is illegal
-      XmlTransient xmlTransient = property.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlTransient.class);
-      if (xmlTransient != null && propertyOrder != null)
-         throw new RuntimeException("Property " + property.getName() + " in property order "
-               + Arrays.asList(propertyOrder) + " is marked @XmlTransient");
-      // The current model
-      ModelGroupBinding localModel = model;
-      // Setup any new model
-      if (propertyType.isArray())
-      {
-         if (trace)
-            log.trace("Property " + property.getName() + " is an array");
-         localModel = createArray(localModel);
-      }
-      else if (propertyType.isCollection())
-      {
-         if (trace)
-            log.trace("Property " + property.getName() + " is a collection");
-         localModel = createCollection(localModel);
-         JBossXmlCollection xmlCol = property.getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlCollection.class);
-         if (xmlCol != null)
-         {
-            // this is the type that should be analyzed
-            propertyType = propertyType.getTypeInfoFactory().getTypeInfo(xmlCol.type());
-         }
-      }
-      // Is this property bound to a model group
-      else if (!property.getType().isPrimitive())
-      {
-         ClassInfo propClassInfo = (ClassInfo) property.getType();
-         // TODO XmlElement on this property?..
-         XmlElement propXmlElement = property.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlElement.class);
-         if (propXmlElement != null)
-         {
-            propClassInfo = (ClassInfo) propClassInfo.getTypeInfoFactory().getTypeInfo(propXmlElement.type());
-         }
-         JBossXmlModelGroup xmlModelGroup = propClassInfo.getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlModelGroup.class);
-         if (xmlModelGroup != null && xmlModelGroup.particles().length == 0)
-         {
-            if (trace)
-               log.trace("Property " + property.getName() + " is bound to " + xmlModelGroup.kind());
-            ModelGroupBinding propertyGroup = null;
-            QName groupName = null;
-            if (!JBossXmlConstants.DEFAULT.equals(xmlModelGroup.name()))
-               groupName = new QName(xmlModelGroup.name());
-            if (groupName != null)
-               propertyGroup = schemaBinding.getGroup(groupName);
-            if (propertyGroup == null)
-            {
-               if (xmlModelGroup.kind().equals(JBossXmlConstants.MODEL_GROUP_SEQUENCE))
-               {
-                  propertyGroup = new SequenceBinding(schemaBinding);
-               }
-               else if (xmlModelGroup.kind().equals(JBossXmlConstants.MODEL_GROUP_CHOICE))
-               {
-                  propertyGroup = new ChoiceBinding(schemaBinding);
-               }
-               else if (xmlModelGroup.kind().equals(JBossXmlConstants.MODEL_GROUP_ALL))
-               {
-                  propertyGroup = new AllBinding(schemaBinding);
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                  throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected JBossXmlModelGroup.kind=" + xmlModelGroup.kind());
-               }
-               if (groupName != null)
-               {
-                  // TODO what if it doesn't have a name? should an artificial one be created?
-                  propertyGroup.setQName(groupName);
-                  schemaBinding.addGroup(propertyGroup.getQName(), propertyGroup);
-               }
-               propertyGroup.setSkip(Boolean.FALSE);
-               // handler for the model group members
-               BeanInfo propBeanInfo = JBossXBBuilder.configuration.getBeanInfo(propClassInfo);
-               BeanAdapterFactory propBeanAdapterFactory = null;
-               try
-               {
-                  // TODO this has to use its own adapter class and the factory method
-                  BeanInfo propBeanAdapterBuilderInfo = JBossXBBuilder.configuration
-                        .getBeanInfo(DefaultBeanAdapterBuilder.class);
-                  BeanAdapterBuilder propBeanAdapterBuilder = (BeanAdapterBuilder) propBeanAdapterBuilderInfo
-                        .newInstance();
-                  propBeanAdapterFactory = propBeanAdapterBuilder.newFactory(propBeanInfo, null);
-               }
-               catch (Throwable t)
-               {
-                  throw new RuntimeException("Error creating BeanAdapterFactory for "
-                        + DefaultBeanAdapterBuilder.class.getName(), t);
-               }
-               BeanHandler propHandler = new BeanHandler(propBeanInfo.getName(), propBeanAdapterFactory);
-               propertyGroup.setHandler(propHandler);
-               String[] memberOrder = xmlModelGroup.propOrder();
-               if (memberOrder.length == 0 || memberOrder[0].length() == 0)
-               {
-                  List<String> propNames = new ArrayList<String>();
-                  for (PropertyInfo prop : propBeanInfo.getProperties())
-                  {
-                     propNames.add(prop.getName());
-                  }
-                  memberOrder = propNames.toArray(new String[propNames.size()]);
-               }
-               if (trace)
-                  log.trace("Property order for " + xmlModelGroup.kind() + " property " + property.getName() + ": "
-                        + Arrays.asList(memberOrder));
-               // bind model group members
-               for (String memberPropName : memberOrder)
-               {
-                  if ("class".equals(memberPropName))
-                  {
-                     continue;
-                  }
-                  PropertyInfo memberProp = propBeanInfo.getProperty(memberPropName);
-                  TypeInfo memberTypeInfo = memberProp.getType();
-                  String memberNamespace = null;
-                  JBossXmlNsPrefix nsPrefix = memberProp.getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlNsPrefix.class);
-                  if (nsPrefix != null)
-                  {
-                     memberNamespace = schemaBinding.getNamespace(nsPrefix.prefix());
-                     if (memberNamespace == null && nsPrefix.schemaTargetIfNotMapped())
-                     {
-                        throw new IllegalStateException("Prefix '" + nsPrefix.prefix()
-                              + "' is not mapped to any namespace!");
-                     }
-                  }
-                  String memberName = null;
-                  XmlElement memberXmlElement = memberProp.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlElement.class);
-                  if (memberXmlElement != null)
-                  {
-                     if (!XmlElement.DEFAULT.class.equals(memberXmlElement.type()))
-                     {
-                        memberTypeInfo = memberTypeInfo.getTypeInfoFactory().getTypeInfo(memberXmlElement.type());
-                     }
-                     if (memberNamespace == null)
-                        memberNamespace = memberXmlElement.namespace();
-                     memberName = memberXmlElement.name();
-                  }
-                  if (memberNamespace == null)
-                  {
-                     memberNamespace = defaultNamespace;
-                  }
-                  boolean isCol = false;
-                  AbstractPropertyHandler memberPropertyHandler = null;
-                  if (memberProp.getType().isCollection())
-                  {
-                     memberPropertyHandler = new CollectionPropertyHandler(memberProp, memberProp.getType());
-                     isCol = true;
-                     // if memberXmlElement is present then the collection item type is set explicitly
-                     if (memberXmlElement == null || XmlElement.DEFAULT.class.equals(memberXmlElement.type()))
-                     {
-                        JBossXmlCollection jbossXmlCollection = memberProp
-                              .getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlCollection.class);
-                        if (jbossXmlCollection != null)
-                        {
-                           memberTypeInfo = memberTypeInfo.getTypeInfoFactory().getTypeInfo(jbossXmlCollection.type());
-                        }
-                        memberTypeInfo = findComponentType((ClassInfo) memberTypeInfo);
-                     }
-                  }
-                  // if it is bound with XmlElement.type to a collection
-                  else if (memberTypeInfo.isCollection())
-                  {
-                     memberPropertyHandler = new CollectionPropertyHandler(memberProp, memberTypeInfo);
-                     isCol = true;
-                     memberTypeInfo = findComponentType((ClassInfo) memberTypeInfo);
-                  }
-                  else
-                  {
-                     memberPropertyHandler = new PropertyHandler(memberProp, memberTypeInfo);
-                  }
-                  QName memberQName = generateXmlName(memberProp.getName(), elementForm, memberNamespace, memberName);
-                  propBeanAdapterFactory.addProperty(memberQName, memberPropertyHandler);
-                  XBValueAdapter valueAdapter = null;
-                  XmlJavaTypeAdapter xmlTypeAdapter = memberProp.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlJavaTypeAdapter.class);
-                  if (xmlTypeAdapter != null)
-                  {
-                     valueAdapter = new XBValueAdapter(xmlTypeAdapter.value(), memberTypeInfo.getTypeInfoFactory());
-                     memberTypeInfo = valueAdapter.getAdaptedTypeInfo();
-                  }
-                  TypeBinding memberTypeBinding = resolveTypeBinding(memberTypeInfo);
-                  ElementBinding memberElement = createElementBinding(memberTypeInfo, memberTypeBinding, memberQName,
-                        false);
-                  memberElement.setNillable(true);
-                  memberElement.setValueAdapter(valueAdapter);
-                  ParticleBinding memberParticle = new ParticleBinding(memberElement, 0, 1, isCol);
-                  propertyGroup.addParticle(memberParticle);
-                  if (trace)
-                     log.trace("added " + memberParticle + " to " + xmlModelGroup.kind() + ", property "
-                           + property.getName());
-               }
-            }
-            model.addParticle(new ParticleBinding(propertyGroup));
-            // model group value handler based on the model group name
-            // TODO what if it doesn't have a name?
-            AbstractPropertyHandler propertyHandler = null;
-            if (propertyType.isCollection())
-               propertyHandler = new CollectionPropertyHandler(property, propClassInfo);
-            else
-            {
-               propertyHandler = new PropertyHandler(property, propClassInfo);
-            }
-            beanAdapterFactory.addProperty(propertyGroup.getQName(), propertyHandler);
-            return;
-         }
-      }
-      // So this is element(s)
-      XmlElement[] elements = null;
-      XmlElement xmlElement = property.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlElement.class);
-      if (xmlElement != null)
-      {
-         // A single element annotated
-         elements = new XmlElement[]
-         {xmlElement};
-      }
-      else
-      {
-         // Mutlple elements
-         XmlElements xmlElements = property.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlElements.class);
-         if (xmlElements != null)
-            elements = xmlElements.value();
-      }
-      // A single element not annotated
-      if (elements == null || elements.length == 0)
-         elements = new XmlElement[1];
-      // for now support just one JBossXmlNsPrefix
-      JBossXmlNsPrefix xmlNsPrefix = property.getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlNsPrefix.class);
-      // support for @XmlElementWrapper
-      // the wrapping element is ignored in this case
-      XmlElementWrapper xmlWrapper = property.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlElementWrapper.class);
-      if (xmlWrapper != null)
-      {
-         String wrapperNamespace = xmlWrapper.namespace();
-         String wrapperName = xmlWrapper.name();
-         boolean wrapperNillable = xmlWrapper.nillable();
-         QName wrapperQName = generateXmlName(property.getName(), elementForm, wrapperNamespace, wrapperName);
-         TypeBinding wrapperType = new TypeBinding();
-         SequenceBinding seq = new SequenceBinding(schemaBinding);
-         seq.setHandler(BuilderParticleHandler.INSTANCE);
-         ParticleBinding particle = new ParticleBinding(seq);
-         wrapperType.setParticle(particle);
-         wrapperType.setHandler(new DefaultElementHandler());
-         ElementBinding wrapperElement = createElementBinding(propertyType, wrapperType, wrapperQName, false);
-         wrapperElement.setNillable(wrapperNillable);
-         wrapperElement.setSkip(Boolean.TRUE);
-         particle = new ParticleBinding(wrapperElement, 1, 1, false);
-         localModel.addParticle(particle);
-         localModel = seq;
-         if (trace)
-            log.trace("Added property " + wrapperQName + " for type=" + property.getBeanInfo().getName() + " property="
-                  + property.getName() + " as a wrapper element");
-      }
-      // Setup a choice
-      if (elements.length > 1)
-      {
-         ChoiceBinding choice = new ChoiceBinding(schemaBinding);
-         choice.setHandler(BuilderParticleHandler.INSTANCE);
-         ParticleBinding particleBinding = new ParticleBinding(choice);
-         particleBinding.setMinOccurs(0);
-         particleBinding.setMaxOccurs(1);
-         localModel.addParticle(particleBinding);
-         localModel = choice;
-         if (trace)
-            log.trace("XmlElements seen adding choice for type=" + property.getBeanInfo().getName() + " property="
-                  + property.getName());
-      }
-      for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i)
-      {
-         XmlElement element = elements[i];
-         if (trace)
-            log.trace("Processing " + element + " for type=" + property.getBeanInfo().getName() + " property="
-                  + property.getName());
-         // Determine the parameters
-         String overrideNamespace = null;
-         String overrideName = null;
-         boolean nillable = false;
-         boolean required = false;
-         TypeInfo localPropertyType = propertyType;
-         if (element != null)
-         {
-            overrideNamespace = element.namespace();
-            overrideName = element.name();
-            nillable = element.nillable();
-            required = element.required();
-            Class<?> elementType = element.type();
-            if (elementType != XmlElement.DEFAULT.class)
-               localPropertyType = propertyType.getTypeInfoFactory().getTypeInfo(elementType);
-         }
-         if (xmlNsPrefix != null)
-         {
-            overrideNamespace = schemaBinding.getNamespace(xmlNsPrefix.prefix());
-            if (overrideNamespace == null)
-            {
-               if (xmlNsPrefix.schemaTargetIfNotMapped())
-               {
-                  overrideNamespace = defaultNamespace;
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                  throw new IllegalStateException("Prefix '" + xmlNsPrefix.prefix()
-                        + "' is not mapped to any namespace!");
-               }
-            }
-         }
-         // Determine the name
-         QName qName = generateXmlName(property.getName(), elementForm, overrideNamespace, overrideName);
-         // Create the element
-         JBossXmlGroup jbossXmlGroup = null;
-         if (!propertyType.isPrimitive())
-            jbossXmlGroup = ((ClassInfo) propertyType).getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlGroup.class);
-         if (element == null && jbossXmlGroup != null)
-         {
-            if (trace)
-               log.trace("Processing group for property " + property.getName() + " in "
-                     + property.getBeanInfo().getName() + " " + jbossXmlGroup);
-            JBossXmlChild[] children = jbossXmlGroup.value();
-            if (children != null && children.length > 0)
-            {
-               TypeBinding elementTypeBinding = new TypeBinding();
-               elementTypeBinding.setSchemaBinding(schemaBinding);
-               elementTypeBinding.setHandler(BuilderParticleHandler.INSTANCE);
-               ElementBinding elementBinding = createElementBinding(localPropertyType, elementTypeBinding, qName, false);
-               // Bind it to the model
-               ParticleBinding particle = new ParticleBinding(elementBinding, 1, 1, false);
-               if (required == false)
-                  particle.setMinOccurs(0);
-               localModel.addParticle(particle);
-               // Can it take text?
-               JBossXmlGroupText groupText = ((ClassInfo) propertyType)
-                     .getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlGroupText.class);
-               if (groupText != null)
-               {
-                  CharactersHandler textHandler;
-                  if (groupText.wrapper() != Object.class)
-                  {
-                     BeanInfo wrapperInfo = JBossXBBuilder.configuration.getBeanInfo(groupText.wrapper());
-                     textHandler = new ValueHandler(property, wrapperInfo, groupText.property());
-                  }
-                  else
-                     textHandler = new ValueHandler(property);
-                  elementTypeBinding.setCharactersHandler(textHandler);
-               }
-               // Setup the child model
-               ChoiceBinding childModel = new ChoiceBinding(schemaBinding);
-               childModel.setHandler(BuilderParticleHandler.INSTANCE);
-               ParticleBinding particleBinding = new ParticleBinding(childModel);
-               particleBinding.setMinOccurs(0);
-               particleBinding.setMaxOccurs(1);
-               elementTypeBinding.setParticle(particleBinding);
-               for (JBossXmlChild child : children)
-               {
-                  QName childName = generateXmlName(child.name(), elementForm, child.namespace(), child.name());
-                  TypeInfo childType = JBossXBBuilder.configuration.getTypeInfo(child.type());
-                  TypeBinding childTypeBinding = resolveTypeBinding(childType);
-                  ElementBinding childBinding = createElementBinding(childType, childTypeBinding, childName, false);
-                  childBinding.setNillable(nillable);
-                  // Bind it to the model
-                  particle = new ParticleBinding(childBinding, child.minOccurs(), child.maxOccurs(), child.unbounded());
-                  particle.setMinOccurs(0);
-                  childModel.addParticle(particle);
-                  DefaultElementInterceptor interceptor = new PropertyInterceptor(property, propertyType);
-                  elementTypeBinding.pushInterceptor(childName, interceptor);
-                  if (trace)
-                     log.trace("Added interceptor " + childName + " for type=" + property.getBeanInfo().getName()
-                           + " property=" + property.getName() + " interceptor=" + interceptor);
-                  beanAdapterFactory.addProperty(qName, new NoopPropertyHandler(property, propertyType));
-                  JBossXmlGroupWildcard groupWildcard = ((ClassInfo) propertyType)
-                        .getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlGroupWildcard.class);
-                  if (groupWildcard != null)
-                  {
-                     ChildWildcardHandler groupWildcardHandler;
-                     if (groupWildcard.wrapper() != Object.class)
-                     {
-                        BeanInfo wrapperInfo = JBossXBBuilder.configuration.getBeanInfo(groupWildcard.wrapper());
-                        groupWildcardHandler = new ChildWildcardHandler(property, wrapperInfo, groupWildcard.property());
-                     }
-                     else
-                        groupWildcardHandler = new ChildWildcardHandler(property);
-                     WildcardBinding wildcard = new WildcardBinding(schemaBinding);
-                     if (groupWildcard.lax())
-                        wildcard.setProcessContents((short) 3); // Lax
-                     else
-                        wildcard.setProcessContents((short) 1); // Strict
-                     particleBinding = new ParticleBinding(wildcard);
-                     particleBinding.setMinOccurs(0);
-                     particleBinding.setMaxOccurs(1);
-                     childModel.addParticle(particleBinding);
-                     elementTypeBinding.getWildcard().setWildcardHandler(groupWildcardHandler);
-                  }
-               }
-            }
-         }
-         else
-         {
-            XBValueAdapter valueAdapter = null;
-            XmlJavaTypeAdapter xmlTypeAdapter = property.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlJavaTypeAdapter.class);
-            if (xmlTypeAdapter != null)
-            {
-               valueAdapter = new XBValueAdapter(xmlTypeAdapter.value(), propertyType.getTypeInfoFactory());
-               localPropertyType = valueAdapter.getAdaptedTypeInfo();
-            }
-            ModelGroupBinding targetGroup = localModel;
-            boolean isCol = false;
-            AbstractPropertyHandler propertyHandler = null;
-            // a collection may be bound as a value of a complex type
-            // and this is checked with the XmlType annotation
-            if (propertyType.isCollection()
-                  && ((ClassInfo) propertyType).getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlType.class) == null)
-            {
-               isCol = true;
-               propertyHandler = new CollectionPropertyHandler(property, propertyType);
-               ClassInfo typeArg = (ClassInfo) findComponentType(property);
-               //if (((ClassInfo) typeArg).getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlType.class) != null)
-               if (typeArg != null && typeArg.getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlModelGroup.class) == null)
-               {// it may be a model group in which case we don't want to change the type
-                  // TODO yes, this is another hack with collections
-                  JBossXmlChild xmlChild = ((ClassInfo) propertyType).getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlChild.class);
-                  if (xmlChild == null && localPropertyType.equals(propertyType))
-                  { // the localPropertyType was not overriden previously so use the collection parameter type
-                     localPropertyType = typeArg;
-                  }
-               }
-            }
-            // TODO this shouldn't be here (because localPropertyType should specify an item?)
-            // this is to support the Descriptions.class -> DescriptionsImpl.class
-            else if (localPropertyType.isCollection()
-                  && ((ClassInfo) localPropertyType).getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlType.class) == null)
-            {
-               Type parameterizedType;
-               if (valueAdapter != null)
-               {
-                  propertyHandler = new PropertyHandler(property, localPropertyType);
-                  parameterizedType = valueAdapter.getAdaptedType();
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                  propertyHandler = new CollectionPropertyHandler(property, localPropertyType);
-                  parameterizedType = localPropertyType.getType();
-               }
-               isCol = true;
-               localPropertyType = findActualType((ClassInfo) localPropertyType, parameterizedType,
-                     java.util.Collection.class, 0);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-               propertyHandler = new PropertyHandler(property, localPropertyType);
-            }
-            ParticleBinding particle;
-            // DOM elements are going to be treated as unresolved
-            // however having the property registered
-            if (!Element.class.getName().equals(propertyType.getName()))
-            {
-               TypeBinding elementTypeBinding = resolveTypeBinding(localPropertyType);
-               ElementBinding elementBinding = createElementBinding(localPropertyType, elementTypeBinding, qName, false);
-               elementBinding.setNillable(nillable);
-               elementBinding.setValueAdapter(valueAdapter);
-               // Bind it to the model
-               particle = new ParticleBinding(elementBinding, 1, 1, isCol);
-               if (required == false)
-                  particle.setMinOccurs(0);
-               targetGroup.addParticle(particle);
-            }
-            beanAdapterFactory.addProperty(qName, propertyHandler);
-            if (trace)
-               log.trace("Added property " + qName + " for type=" + property.getBeanInfo().getName() + " property="
-                     + property.getName() + " handler=" + propertyHandler);
-         }
-      }
-   }
-   /**
-    * Create an array
-    * 
-    * @param localModel the current model
-    * @return the new local model
-    */
-   private ModelGroupBinding createArray(ModelGroupBinding localModel)
-   {
-      SequenceBinding sequenceBinding = new SequenceBinding(schemaBinding);
-      sequenceBinding.setHandler(BuilderParticleHandler.INSTANCE);
-      ArraySequenceBinding arraySequenceBinding = new ArraySequenceBinding(schemaBinding);
-      arraySequenceBinding.setHandler(BuilderParticleHandler.INSTANCE);
-      ParticleBinding particle = new ParticleBinding(sequenceBinding);
-      particle.setMinOccurs(0);
-      particle.setMaxOccursUnbounded(true);
-      arraySequenceBinding.addParticle(particle);
-      particle = new ParticleBinding(arraySequenceBinding);
-      localModel.addParticle(particle);
-      System.out.println("added " + arraySequenceBinding + " to " + localModel);
-      return sequenceBinding;
-   }
-   /**
-    * Create a collection
-    * 
-    * @param localModel the current model
-    * @return the new local model
-    */
-   private ModelGroupBinding createCollection(ModelGroupBinding localModel)
-   {
-      SequenceBinding sequenceBinding = new SequenceBinding(schemaBinding);
-      sequenceBinding.setHandler(BuilderParticleHandler.INSTANCE);
-      ParticleBinding particle = new ParticleBinding(sequenceBinding);
-      particle.setMinOccurs(0);
-      particle.setMaxOccursUnbounded(true);
-      localModel.addParticle(particle);
-      return sequenceBinding;
-   }
-   /**
-    * Add a namespace to the schema
-    * 
-    * @param namespace the namespace
-    * @param erase whether to erase if there was only the default namespace
-    */
-   @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
-   private void addNamespace(String namespace, boolean erase)
-   {
-      Set<String> namespaces = schemaBinding.getNamespaces();
-      if (erase && namespaces.size() <= 1)
-         namespaces = new HashSet<String>(Collections.singleton(namespace));
-      namespaces.add(namespace);
-      schemaBinding.setNamespaces(namespaces);
-   }
-   /**
-    * Create a new xml name
-    * 
-    * @param typeInfo the type info
-    * @param form the namespace form
-    * @param namespace the override namespace
-    * @param name the override name
-    * @return the xml name
-    */
-   protected QName generateXmlName(TypeInfo typeInfo, XmlNsForm form, String namespace, String name)
-   {
-      return generateXmlName(typeInfo.getSimpleName(), form, namespace, name);
-   }
-   /**
-    * Create a new xml name
-    * 
-    * @param localName the raw local name
-    * @param form the namespace form
-    * @param namespace the override namespace
-    * @param name the override name
-    * @return the xml name
-    */
-   protected QName generateXmlName(String localName, XmlNsForm form, String namespace, String name)
-   {
-      String nsUri = XMLConstants.NULL_NS_URI;
-      if (form == XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED)
-         nsUri = defaultNamespace;
-      if (namespace != null && JBossXmlConstants.DEFAULT.equals(namespace) == false)
-         nsUri = namespace;
-      if (name != null && JBossXmlConstants.DEFAULT.equals(name) == false)
-         localName = name;
-      else
-         localName = JBossXBBuilder.generateXMLNameFromJavaName(localName, true, schemaBinding.isIgnoreLowLine());
-      return new QName(nsUri, localName);
-   }
-   private void push(TypeInfo typeInfo)
-   {
-      push(typeInfo, null);
-   }
-   private void push(TypeInfo typeInfo, String joinpoint)
-   {
-      locations.push(new Location(typeInfo, joinpoint));
-   }
-   private void pop()
-   {
-      locations.pop();
-   }
-   private RuntimeException rethrowWithLocation(Throwable t)
-   {
-      StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
-      message.append(t.getMessage());
-      message.append("\n");
-      while (locations.isEmpty() == false)
-      {
-         Location location = locations.pop();
-         location.append(message);
-         if (locations.isEmpty() == false)
-            message.append('\n');
-      }
-      throw new RuntimeException(message.toString(), t);
-   }
-   /** A location */
-   private class Location
-   {
-      /** The type info */
-      TypeInfo typeInfo;
-      /** The join point */
-      String joinpoint;
-      Location(TypeInfo typeInfo, String joinpoint)
-      {
-         this.typeInfo = typeInfo;
-         this.joinpoint = joinpoint;
-      }
-      public void append(StringBuilder builder)
-      {
-         builder.append("at ");
-         builder.append(typeInfo.getName());
-         if (joinpoint != null)
-            builder.append('.').append(joinpoint);
-      }
-   }
-   // the following is available in the latest org.jboss.reflect package
-   // but doesn't build at the moment...
-   private TypeInfo findComponentType(PropertyInfo prop)
-   {
-      return findActualType(prop, java.util.Collection.class, 0);
-   }
-   protected TypeInfo findComponentType(ClassInfo classInfo)
-   {
-      return findActualType(classInfo, classInfo.getType(), java.util.Collection.class, 0);
-   }
-   private TypeInfo findActualType(PropertyInfo property, Class reference, int parameter)
-   {
-      MethodInfo getter = property.getGetter();
-      if (getter == null)
-      {
-         throw new IllegalStateException("Expected a getter for " + property.getName() + " in " + property.getBeanInfo().getName());
-      }
-      Method m;
-      try
-      {
-         m = property.getBeanInfo().getClassInfo().getType().getMethod(getter.getName(), null);
-      }
-      catch (NoSuchMethodException e)
-      {
-         throw new IllegalStateException("Expected a getter for " + property.getName() + " in " + property.getBeanInfo().getName());
-      }
-      return findActualType((ClassInfo) property.getType(), m.getGenericReturnType(), reference, parameter);
-   }
-   protected TypeInfo findActualType(ClassInfo classInfo, Type genericType, Class reference, int parameter)
-   {
-      Type result = locateActualType(reference, parameter, classInfo.getType(), genericType);
-      if (result instanceof TypeVariable)
-      {
-         TypeVariable typeVariable = (TypeVariable) result;
-         result = typeVariable.getBounds()[0];
-      }
-      return classInfo.getTypeInfoFactory().getTypeInfo(result);
-   }
-   protected static Type locateActualType(Class reference, int parameter, Class clazz, Type type)
-   {
-      if (reference.equals(clazz))
-      {
-         if (type instanceof Class)
-         {
-            Class typeClass = (Class) type;
-            return typeClass.getTypeParameters()[parameter];
-         }
-         else
-         {
-            ParameterizedType parameterized = (ParameterizedType) type;
-            return parameterized.getActualTypeArguments()[parameter];
-         }
-      }
-      Type[] interfaces = clazz.getGenericInterfaces();
-      for (Type intf : interfaces)
-      {
-         Class interfaceClass;
-         if (intf instanceof Class)
-         {
-            interfaceClass = (Class) intf;
-         }
-         else if (intf instanceof ParameterizedType)
-         {
-            ParameterizedType interfaceType = (ParameterizedType) intf;
-            interfaceClass = (Class) interfaceType.getRawType();
-         }
-         else
-            throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected type " + intf.getClass());
-         Type result = null;
-         if (reference.isAssignableFrom(interfaceClass))
-         {
-            result = locateActualType(reference, parameter, interfaceClass, intf);
-            if (result instanceof TypeVariable)
-               result = getParameter(clazz, type, (TypeVariable) result);
-         }
-         if (result != null)
-            return result;
-      }
-      Class superClass = clazz.getSuperclass();
-      Type genericSuperClass = clazz.getGenericSuperclass();
-      Type result = locateActualType(reference, parameter, superClass, genericSuperClass);
-      if (result instanceof TypeVariable)
-         result = getParameter(clazz, type, (TypeVariable) result);
-      return result;
-   }
-   private static Type getParameter(Class clazz, Type type, TypeVariable variable)
-   {
-      TypeVariable[] variables = clazz.getTypeParameters();
-      for (int i = 0; i < variables.length; ++i)
-      {
-         if (variables[i].getName().equals(variable.getName()))
-         {
-            if (type instanceof ParameterizedType)
-            {
-               ParameterizedType parameterized = (ParameterizedType) type;
-               return parameterized.getActualTypeArguments()[i];
-            }
-            return variable;
-         }
-      }
-      // Not generic
-      return Object.class;
-   }
-   private static class XBValueAdapter implements ValueAdapter
-   {
-      private final XmlAdapter xmlAdapter;
-      private final TypeInfo adaptedTypeInfo;
-      private final Type adaptedType;
-      public XBValueAdapter(Class<? extends XmlAdapter> adapterImplClass, TypeInfoFactory factory)
-      {
-         try
-         {
-            this.xmlAdapter = adapterImplClass.newInstance();
-         }
-         catch (Exception e)
-         {
-            throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to create an instance of " + adapterImplClass.getName(), e);
-         }
-//         ClassInfo adapterImplInfo = (ClassInfo) factory.getTypeInfo(adapterImplClass);
-//         ClassInfo xmlAdapterInfo = adapterImplInfo.getGenericSuperclass();
-//         TypeInfo type = xmlAdapterInfo.getActualTypeArguments()[0];
-         adaptedType = ((ParameterizedType)adapterImplClass.getGenericSuperclass()).getActualTypeArguments()[0];
-         adaptedTypeInfo = factory.getTypeInfo(adaptedType);
-      }
-      public TypeInfo getAdaptedTypeInfo()
-      {
-         return adaptedTypeInfo;
-      }
-      public Type getAdaptedType()
-      {
-         return adaptedType;
-      }
-      public Object cast(Object o, Class c)
-      {
-         try
-         {
-            return xmlAdapter.unmarshal(o);
-         }
-         catch (Exception e)
-         {
-            throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to adapt value " + o + " to type " + c, e);
-         }
-      }
-   }

Copied: jbossxb/tags/2.0.0.CR5/src/main/java/org/jboss/xb/builder/JBossXBNoSchemaBuilder.java (from rev 2676, jbossxb/trunk/src/main/java/org/jboss/xb/builder/JBossXBNoSchemaBuilder.java)
--- jbossxb/tags/2.0.0.CR5/src/main/java/org/jboss/xb/builder/JBossXBNoSchemaBuilder.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ jbossxb/tags/2.0.0.CR5/src/main/java/org/jboss/xb/builder/JBossXBNoSchemaBuilder.java	2007-11-21 15:29:34 UTC (rev 2682)
@@ -0,0 +1,2045 @@
+ * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
+ * Copyright 2006, JBoss Inc., and individual contributors as indicated
+ * by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
+ * full listing of individual contributors.
+ *
+ * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
+ * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+ * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
+ */
+package org.jboss.xb.builder;
+import java.lang.reflect.Method;
+import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
+import java.lang.reflect.Type;
+import java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.Stack;
+import javax.xml.XMLConstants;
+import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessOrder;
+import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorOrder;
+import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAnyElement;
+import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAttribute;
+import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
+import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElementWrapper;
+import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElements;
+import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlEnum;
+import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlNsForm;
+import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;
+import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchema;
+import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlTransient;
+import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;
+import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlValue;
+import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlAdapter;
+import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter;
+import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
+import org.jboss.beans.info.spi.BeanInfo;
+import org.jboss.beans.info.spi.PropertyInfo;
+import org.jboss.joinpoint.plugins.Config;
+import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
+import org.jboss.reflect.plugins.introspection.ParameterizedClassInfo;
+import org.jboss.reflect.spi.ArrayInfo;
+import org.jboss.reflect.spi.ClassInfo;
+import org.jboss.reflect.spi.EnumInfo;
+import org.jboss.reflect.spi.MethodInfo;
+import org.jboss.reflect.spi.PackageInfo;
+import org.jboss.reflect.spi.TypeInfo;
+import org.jboss.reflect.spi.TypeInfoFactory;
+import org.jboss.xb.annotations.JBossXmlAdaptedType;
+import org.jboss.xb.annotations.JBossXmlAdaptedTypes;
+import org.jboss.xb.annotations.JBossXmlAttribute;
+import org.jboss.xb.annotations.JBossXmlChild;
+import org.jboss.xb.annotations.JBossXmlChildWildcard;
+import org.jboss.xb.annotations.JBossXmlChildren;
+import org.jboss.xb.annotations.JBossXmlCollection;
+import org.jboss.xb.annotations.JBossXmlConstants;
+import org.jboss.xb.annotations.JBossXmlGroup;
+import org.jboss.xb.annotations.JBossXmlGroupText;
+import org.jboss.xb.annotations.JBossXmlGroupWildcard;
+import org.jboss.xb.annotations.JBossXmlModelGroup;
+import org.jboss.xb.annotations.JBossXmlNoElements;
+import org.jboss.xb.annotations.JBossXmlNsPrefix;
+import org.jboss.xb.annotations.JBossXmlSchema;
+import org.jboss.xb.annotations.JBossXmlType;
+import org.jboss.xb.binding.SimpleTypeBindings;
+import org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.AllBinding;
+import org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.AttributeBinding;
+import org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.AttributeHandler;
+import org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.CharactersHandler;
+import org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.ChoiceBinding;
+import org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.DefaultElementHandler;
+import org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.DefaultElementInterceptor;
+import org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.ElementBinding;
+import org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.ModelGroupBinding;
+import org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.ParticleBinding;
+import org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.ParticleHandler;
+import org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.SchemaBinding;
+import org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.SequenceBinding;
+import org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.TypeBinding;
+import org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.ValueAdapter;
+import org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.WildcardBinding;
+import org.jboss.xb.builder.runtime.AbstractPropertyHandler;
+import org.jboss.xb.builder.runtime.ArraySequenceBinding;
+import org.jboss.xb.builder.runtime.BeanHandler;
+import org.jboss.xb.builder.runtime.BuilderParticleHandler;
+import org.jboss.xb.builder.runtime.BuilderSimpleParticleHandler;
+import org.jboss.xb.builder.runtime.ChildCollectionInterceptor;
+import org.jboss.xb.builder.runtime.ChildCollectionWildcardHandler;
+import org.jboss.xb.builder.runtime.ChildWildcardHandler;
+import org.jboss.xb.builder.runtime.CollectionPropertyHandler;
+import org.jboss.xb.builder.runtime.CollectionPropertyWildcardHandler;
+import org.jboss.xb.builder.runtime.DOMHandler;
+import org.jboss.xb.builder.runtime.EnumValueAdapter;
+import org.jboss.xb.builder.runtime.NoopPropertyHandler;
+import org.jboss.xb.builder.runtime.PropertyHandler;
+import org.jboss.xb.builder.runtime.PropertyInterceptor;
+import org.jboss.xb.builder.runtime.PropertyWildcardHandler;
+import org.jboss.xb.builder.runtime.ValueHandler;
+import org.jboss.xb.spi.BeanAdapterBuilder;
+import org.jboss.xb.spi.BeanAdapterFactory;
+import org.jboss.xb.spi.DefaultBeanAdapterBuilder;
+import org.w3c.dom.Element;
+ * JBossXBNoSchemaBuilder.
+ * 
+ * @author <a href="adrian at jboss.com">Adrian Brock</a>
+ * @version $Revision: 1.1 $
+ */
+public class JBossXBNoSchemaBuilder
+   /** The log */
+   private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(JBossXBBuilder.class);
+   /** Whether trace is enabled */
+   private boolean trace = log.isTraceEnabled();
+   /** The schema binding */
+   private SchemaBinding schemaBinding;
+   /** The root type */
+   private ClassInfo root;
+   /** The namespace */
+   private String defaultNamespace;
+   /** The attribute form */
+   private XmlNsForm attributeForm = XmlNsForm.UNSET;
+   /** The element form */
+   private XmlNsForm elementForm = XmlNsForm.UNSET;
+   /** A cache of types */
+   private Map<TypeInfo, TypeBinding> typeCache = new HashMap<TypeInfo, TypeBinding>();
+   /** A root elements we have processed */
+   private Map<TypeInfo, ElementBinding> rootCache = new HashMap<TypeInfo, ElementBinding>();
+   /** The current location */
+   private Stack<Location> locations = new Stack<Location>();
+   /**
+    * Create a new JBossXBNoSchemaBuilder.
+    * 
+    * @param root the root class info
+    * @throws IllegalArgumentException for a null root class info
+    */
+   public JBossXBNoSchemaBuilder(ClassInfo root)
+   {
+      if (root == null)
+         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null root");
+      this.root = root;
+   }
+   /**
+    * Build the schema
+    * 
+    * @return the schema
+    */
+   public SchemaBinding build()
+   {
+      initSchema();
+      createRootElements();
+      return schemaBinding;
+   }
+   /**
+    * Initialise the schema
+    */
+   protected void initSchema()
+   {
+      // Initialize the schema
+      schemaBinding = new SchemaBinding();
+      JBossXBBuilder.initSchema(schemaBinding, root);
+      if (trace)
+         log.trace("Building schema for " + root.getName() + " schemaBinding=" + schemaBinding);
+      // Remember the default namespace
+      if (defaultNamespace == null)
+      {
+         defaultNamespace = (String) schemaBinding.getNamespaces().iterator().next();
+      }
+      JBossXmlSchema jbossXmlSchema = root.getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlSchema.class);
+      if (jbossXmlSchema != null)
+      {
+         attributeForm = jbossXmlSchema.attributeFormDefault();
+         elementForm = jbossXmlSchema.elementFormDefault();
+      }
+      // Look for an annotation
+      PackageInfo packageInfo = root.getPackage();
+      if (packageInfo != null)
+      {
+         jbossXmlSchema = root.getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlSchema.class);
+         if (jbossXmlSchema != null)
+         {
+            if (attributeForm == XmlNsForm.UNSET)
+               attributeForm = jbossXmlSchema.attributeFormDefault();
+            if (elementForm == XmlNsForm.UNSET)
+               elementForm = jbossXmlSchema.elementFormDefault();
+         }
+         XmlSchema xmlSchema = packageInfo.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlSchema.class);
+         if (xmlSchema != null)
+         {
+            String namespace = xmlSchema.namespace();
+            if (JBossXmlConstants.DEFAULT.equals(xmlSchema) == false && XMLConstants.NULL_NS_URI.equals(defaultNamespace))
+            {
+               defaultNamespace = namespace;
+               addNamespace(defaultNamespace, true);
+            }
+            if (attributeForm == XmlNsForm.UNSET)
+               attributeForm = xmlSchema.attributeFormDefault();
+            if (elementForm == XmlNsForm.UNSET)
+               elementForm = xmlSchema.elementFormDefault();
+         }
+         // Check for adapted types
+         JBossXmlAdaptedTypes adaptedTypes = packageInfo.getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlAdaptedTypes.class);
+         if (adaptedTypes != null)
+         {
+            for (JBossXmlAdaptedType adaptedType : adaptedTypes.value())
+               generateAdaptedType(adaptedType);
+         }
+         JBossXmlAdaptedType adaptedType = packageInfo.getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlAdaptedType.class);
+         if (adaptedType != null)
+            generateAdaptedType(adaptedType);
+      }
+   }
+   /**
+    * Create the root elements
+    */
+   protected void createRootElements()
+   {
+      // Create the root element
+      createRootElementBinding(root);
+   }
+   /**
+    * Create a root element binding
+    * 
+    * @param typeInfo the type info
+    */
+   protected void createRootElementBinding(TypeInfo typeInfo)
+   {
+      // Already done/doing this
+      if (rootCache.containsKey(typeInfo))
+         return;
+      // Put a skeleton marker in the cache so we know not to redo it
+      rootCache.put(typeInfo, null);
+      // We force the element to be a root element
+      push(typeInfo);
+      try
+      {
+         createElementBinding(typeInfo, typeInfo.getSimpleName(), true);
+         pop();
+      }
+      catch (Exception e)
+      {
+         throw rethrowWithLocation(e);
+      }
+   }
+   /**
+    * Create an element binding
+    * 
+    * @param typeInfo the type info
+    * @param name the java element name
+    * @param root pass true to force a root element
+    * @return the element binding
+    */
+   private ElementBinding createElementBinding(TypeInfo typeInfo, String name, boolean root)
+   {
+      // Resolve the type
+      TypeBinding typeBinding = resolveTypeBinding(typeInfo);
+      // Create the element
+      return createElementBinding(typeInfo, typeBinding, name, root);
+   }
+   /**
+    * Create an element binding
+    * 
+    * @param typeInfo the type info
+    * @param typeBinding the type binding
+    * @param name the java element name
+    * @param root pass true to force a root element
+    * @return the element binding
+    */
+   private ElementBinding createElementBinding(TypeInfo typeInfo, TypeBinding typeBinding, String name, boolean root)
+   {
+      // Determine the parameters
+      String overrideNamespace = null;
+      String overrideName = null;
+      if (typeInfo instanceof ClassInfo)
+      {
+         ClassInfo classInfo = (ClassInfo) typeInfo;
+         XmlRootElement xmlRootElement = classInfo.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlRootElement.class);
+         if (xmlRootElement != null)
+         {
+            overrideNamespace = xmlRootElement.namespace();
+            overrideName = xmlRootElement.name();
+         }
+      }
+      // Create the binding
+      XmlNsForm form = elementForm;
+      if (root)
+         form = XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED;
+      QName qName = generateXmlName(name, form, overrideNamespace, overrideName);
+      return createElementBinding(typeInfo, typeBinding, qName, root);
+   }
+   /**
+    * Create an element binding
+    * 
+    * @param typeInfo the type info
+    * @param typeBinding the type binding
+    * @param qName the qualified name
+    * @param root pass true to force a root element
+    * @return the element binding
+    */
+   private ElementBinding createElementBinding(TypeInfo typeInfo, TypeBinding typeBinding, QName qName, boolean root)
+   {
+      if (trace)
+         log.trace("creating element " + qName + " with type " + typeInfo.getName());
+      if (typeInfo instanceof ClassInfo)
+      {
+         ClassInfo classInfo = (ClassInfo) typeInfo;
+         XmlRootElement xmlRootElement = classInfo.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlRootElement.class);
+         if (xmlRootElement != null)
+            root = true;
+      }
+      ElementBinding elementBinding = new ElementBinding(schemaBinding, qName, typeBinding);
+      if (trace)
+         log.trace("created  element " + qName + " element=" + elementBinding + " rootElement=" + root);
+      // If we are a root element bind it
+      if (root)
+      {
+         schemaBinding.addElement(elementBinding);
+         ParticleBinding particleBinding = schemaBinding.getElementParticle(qName);
+         particleBinding.setMinOccurs(1);
+         particleBinding.setMaxOccurs(1);
+         rootCache.put(typeInfo, elementBinding);
+      }
+      return elementBinding;
+   }
+   /**
+    * Process a type
+    * 
+    * @param typeInfo the type info
+    */
+   protected void process(TypeInfo typeInfo)
+   {
+      if (typeInfo.isPrimitive() == false && typeInfo.isEnum() && typeInfo.isAnnotation() && Object.class.getName().equals(typeInfo.getName()) == false)
+      {
+         ClassInfo classInfo = (ClassInfo) typeInfo;
+         // Create the type
+         resolveTypeBinding(typeInfo);
+         // Check wether we need to add it as a root element
+         if (rootCache.containsKey(typeInfo) == false)
+         {
+            XmlRootElement xmlRootElement = classInfo.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlRootElement.class);
+            if (xmlRootElement != null)
+               createRootElementBinding(typeInfo);
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   /**
+    * Resolve a type binding
+    *
+    * @param typeInfo the type info
+    * @return the type binding
+    */
+   @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+   protected TypeBinding resolveTypeBinding(TypeInfo typeInfo)
+   {
+      if (trace)
+         log.trace("resolving type " + typeInfo.getName());
+      // Look for a cached value
+      TypeBinding result = typeCache.get(typeInfo);
+      // No cached value
+      if (result == null)
+      {
+         // Generate it
+         result = generateTypeBinding(typeInfo);
+         // Cache it
+         typeCache.put(typeInfo, result);
+      }
+      if (trace)
+         log.trace("resolved  type " + typeInfo.getName() + " binding=" + result);
+      // Return the result 
+      return result;
+   }
+   /**
+    * Generate a type binding
+    * 
+    * @param typeInfo the type info
+    * @return the type binding
+    */
+   protected TypeBinding generateTypeBinding(TypeInfo typeInfo)
+   {
+      try
+      {
+         if (typeInfo.isEnum())
+            return generateEnum((EnumInfo) typeInfo);
+         if (typeInfo.isAnnotation())
+            return generateAnnotation((ClassInfo) typeInfo);
+         if (typeInfo.isArray())
+            return generateArray((ArrayInfo) typeInfo);
+         if (typeInfo.isCollection())
+            return generateCollection((ClassInfo) typeInfo);
+         if (typeInfo.isMap())
+            return generateMap((ClassInfo) typeInfo);
+         TypeBinding typeBinding = isSimpleType(typeInfo);
+         if (typeBinding != null)
+            return typeBinding;
+         return generateBean((ClassInfo) typeInfo);
+      }
+      finally
+      {
+         // Not a primitive type
+         if (typeInfo.isPrimitive() == false)
+         {
+            ClassInfo classInfo = (ClassInfo) typeInfo;
+            // Process our type args
+            TypeInfo[] typeArgs = classInfo.getActualTypeArguments();
+            if (typeArgs != null)
+            {
+               for (int i = 0; i < typeArgs.length; ++i)
+                  process(typeArgs[i]);
+            }
+            // Process the super class
+            ClassInfo superClass = classInfo.getGenericSuperclass();
+            if (superClass != null)
+               process(superClass);
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   /**
+    * Generate an enum type binding
+    * 
+    * @param typeInfo the type info
+    * @return the type binding
+    */
+   public TypeBinding generateEnum(EnumInfo typeInfo)
+   {
+      // Determine the parameters
+      String overrideNamespace = null;
+      String overrideName = null;
+      boolean root = false;
+      XmlType xmlType = typeInfo.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlType.class);
+      if (xmlType != null)
+      {
+         root = true;
+         overrideNamespace = xmlType.namespace();
+         overrideName = xmlType.name();
+      }
+      // Determine the enum type 
+      Class<?> xmlEnumValue = String.class;
+      XmlEnum xmlEnum = typeInfo.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlEnum.class);
+      if (xmlEnum != null)
+         xmlEnumValue = xmlEnum.value();
+      TypeInfo enumType = typeInfo.getTypeInfoFactory().getTypeInfo(xmlEnumValue);
+      // Resolve the enum type as the parent (must be simple)
+      TypeBinding parent = getSimpleType(enumType);
+      // Create the enum type
+      QName qName = null;
+      TypeBinding typeBinding = null;
+      if (root)
+      {
+         qName = generateXmlName(typeInfo, XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED, overrideNamespace, overrideName);
+         typeBinding = new TypeBinding(qName, parent);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         typeBinding = new TypeBinding(null, parent);
+      }
+      typeBinding.setValueAdapter(new EnumValueAdapter(qName, typeInfo, enumType));
+      if (trace)
+         log.trace("Created enum=" + typeInfo.getName() + " type=" + typeBinding + " rootType=" + root);
+      // Bind it as a global type
+      if (root)
+         schemaBinding.addType(typeBinding);
+      else
+         typeBinding.setSchemaBinding(schemaBinding);
+      return typeBinding;
+   }
+   /**
+    * Generate an adapted type
+    * 
+    * @param adaptedType the information about the adaption
+    * @return the type binding
+    */
+   public TypeBinding generateAdaptedType(JBossXmlAdaptedType adaptedType)
+   {
+      // Determine the parameters
+      String overrideNamespace = adaptedType.namespace();
+      String overrideName = adaptedType.name();
+      Class<?> type = adaptedType.type();
+      Class<? extends ValueAdapter> adapter = adaptedType.valueAdapter();
+      try
+      {
+         TypeInfo typeInfo = JBossXBBuilder.configuration.getTypeInfo(type);
+         BeanInfo adapterInfo = JBossXBBuilder.configuration.getBeanInfo(adapter);
+         ValueAdapter valueAdapter = (ValueAdapter) adapterInfo.newInstance();
+         QName qName = generateXmlName(typeInfo, XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED, overrideNamespace, overrideName);
+         TypeInfo parentType = typeInfo.getTypeInfoFactory().getTypeInfo(String.class);
+         TypeBinding parent = getSimpleType(parentType);
+         TypeBinding typeBinding = new TypeBinding(qName, parent);
+         typeBinding.setValueAdapter(valueAdapter);
+         if (trace)
+            log.trace("Created adapted type=" + typeInfo.getName() + " typeBinding=" + typeBinding + " adapter=" + adapter.getName());
+         typeCache.put(typeInfo, typeBinding);
+         schemaBinding.addType(typeBinding);
+         return typeBinding;
+      }
+      catch (Throwable t)
+      {
+         throw new RuntimeException("Unable to adapt type " + type.getName() + " with " + adapter.getName(), t);
+      }
+   }
+   /**
+    * Generate an annotation type binding
+    * 
+    * @param typeInfo the type info
+    * @return the type binding
+    */
+   public TypeBinding generateAnnotation(ClassInfo typeInfo)
+   {
+      // TODO generateAnnotation
+      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("generateAnnotation");
+   }
+   /**
+    * Generate an array type binding
+    * 
+    * @param typeInfo the type info
+    * @return the type binding
+    */
+   public TypeBinding generateArray(ArrayInfo typeInfo)
+   {
+      return resolveTypeBinding(typeInfo.getComponentType());
+   }
+   /**
+    * Generate a collection type binding
+    * 
+    * @param typeInfo the type info
+    * @return the type binding
+    */
+   public TypeBinding generateCollection(ClassInfo typeInfo)
+   {
+      if (typeInfo instanceof ParameterizedClassInfo)
+      {
+         ParameterizedClassInfo parameterizedClassInfo = (ParameterizedClassInfo) typeInfo;
+         TypeInfo[] actualTypes = parameterizedClassInfo.getActualTypeArguments();
+         TypeInfo elementType = actualTypes[0];
+         return resolveTypeBinding(elementType);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         return generateBean(typeInfo);
+      }
+   }
+   /**
+    * Generate a map type binding
+    * 
+    * @param typeInfo the type info
+    * @return the type binding
+    */
+   public TypeBinding generateMap(ClassInfo typeInfo)
+   {
+      // TODO generateMap
+      return generateBean(typeInfo);
+   }
+   /**
+    * Check whether this is a simple type
+    * 
+    * @param typeInfo the type info
+    * @return the type binding if it is simple
+    */
+   public TypeBinding isSimpleType(TypeInfo typeInfo)
+   {
+      QName qName = SimpleTypeBindings.typeQName(typeInfo.getType());
+      if (qName == null)
+         return null;
+      TypeBinding result = schemaBinding.getType(qName);
+      if (result == null)
+         throw new IllegalStateException("SimpleType is not bound in the schema: " + qName + " for " + typeInfo.getName());
+      result.setHandler(BuilderSimpleParticleHandler.SIMPLE_INSTANCE);
+      return result;
+   }
+   /**
+    * Get the simple type
+    * 
+    * @param typeInfo the type info
+    * @return the type binding if it is simple
+    * @throws IllegalStateException if the type is not bound
+    */
+   public TypeBinding getSimpleType(TypeInfo typeInfo)
+   {
+      TypeBinding result = isSimpleType(typeInfo);
+      if (result == null)
+         throw new IllegalStateException(typeInfo.getName() + " does not map to a simple type.");
+      return result;
+   }
+   /**
+    * Generate a bean type binding
+    * 
+    * @param typeInfo the type info
+    * @return the type binding
+    */
+   public TypeBinding generateBean(ClassInfo typeInfo)
+   {
+      return generateBean(typeInfo, false);
+   }
+   /**
+    * Generate a bean type binding
+    * 
+    * @param typeInfo the type info
+    * @param root whether to force a root type
+    * @return the type binding
+    */
+   public TypeBinding generateBean(ClassInfo typeInfo, boolean root)
+   {
+      return generateType(typeInfo, root);
+   }
+   /**
+    * Generate a bean type binding
+    * 
+    * @param typeInfo the type info
+    * @param root whether to force a root type
+    * @return the type binding
+    */
+   public TypeBinding generateType(ClassInfo typeInfo, boolean root)
+   {
+      // Determine the paremeters
+      String overrideNamespace = null;
+      String overrideName = null;
+      ClassInfo factoryClassInfo = typeInfo;
+      String factoryMethod = null;
+      String[] propertyOrder = {""};
+      XmlAccessOrder accessOrder = XmlAccessOrder.UNDEFINED;
+      Class<? extends BeanAdapterBuilder> beanAdapterBuilderClass = DefaultBeanAdapterBuilder.class;
+      XmlType xmlType = typeInfo.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlType.class);
+      if (xmlType != null)
+      {
+         root = true;
+         overrideNamespace = xmlType.namespace();
+         overrideName = xmlType.name();
+         if (overrideName.length() == 0)
+            root = false;
+         Class<?> factoryClass = xmlType.factoryClass();
+         if (factoryClass != XmlType.DEFAULT.class)
+            factoryClassInfo = (ClassInfo) typeInfo.getTypeInfoFactory().getTypeInfo(factoryClass);
+         factoryMethod = xmlType.factoryMethod();
+         propertyOrder = xmlType.propOrder();
+      }
+      JBossXmlType jbossXmlType = typeInfo.getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlType.class);
+      if (jbossXmlType != null)
+      {
+         beanAdapterBuilderClass = jbossXmlType.beanAdapterBuilder();
+      }
+      // Determine the property access order
+      XmlAccessorOrder accessorOrder = typeInfo.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlAccessorOrder.class);
+      if (accessorOrder == null)
+      {
+         PackageInfo pkg = typeInfo.getPackage();
+         if (pkg != null)
+            accessorOrder = pkg.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlAccessorOrder.class);
+      }
+      if (accessorOrder != null)
+         accessOrder = accessorOrder.value();
+      // Create the binding
+      TypeBinding typeBinding = null;
+      if (root)
+      {
+         QName qName = generateXmlName(typeInfo, XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED, overrideNamespace, overrideName);
+         typeBinding = new TypeBinding(qName);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         typeBinding = new TypeBinding();
+      }
+      // Push into the cache early to avoid recursion
+      typeCache.put(typeInfo, typeBinding);
+      // Determine any factory method
+      MethodInfo factory = null;
+      if (factoryMethod != null && factoryMethod.length() > 0)
+         factory = Config.findMethodInfo(factoryClassInfo, factoryMethod, null, true, true);
+      // Create the handler
+      BeanInfo beanInfo = JBossXBBuilder.configuration.getBeanInfo(typeInfo);
+      BeanAdapterFactory beanAdapterFactory = null;
+      try
+      {
+         BeanInfo beanAdapterBuilderInfo = JBossXBBuilder.configuration.getBeanInfo(beanAdapterBuilderClass);
+         BeanAdapterBuilder beanAdapterBuilder = (BeanAdapterBuilder) beanAdapterBuilderInfo.newInstance();
+         beanAdapterFactory = beanAdapterBuilder.newFactory(beanInfo, factory);
+      }
+      catch (Throwable t)
+      {
+         throw new RuntimeException("Error creating BeanAdapterFactory for " + beanAdapterBuilderClass.getName(), t);
+      }
+      BeanHandler handler = new BeanHandler(beanInfo.getName(), beanAdapterFactory);
+      typeBinding.setHandler(handler);
+      if (trace)
+         log.trace("Created BeanHandler for type=" + beanInfo.getName() + " factory=" + factory);
+      // Look through the properties
+      JBossXmlNoElements jbossXmlNoElements = typeInfo.getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlNoElements.class);
+      boolean noElements = jbossXmlNoElements != null;
+      PropertyInfo valueProperty = null;
+      PropertyInfo wildcardProperty = null;
+      boolean allBinding = propertyOrder.length == 0;
+      boolean determinePropertyOrder = allBinding || (propertyOrder.length == 1 && propertyOrder[0].length() == 0);
+      ArrayList<String> propertyNames = new ArrayList<String>();
+      Set<PropertyInfo> properties = beanInfo.getProperties();
+      if (properties != null && properties.isEmpty() == false)
+      {
+         boolean seenXmlAnyElement = false;
+         for (PropertyInfo property : properties)
+         {
+            push(typeInfo, property.getName());
+            if (trace)
+               log.trace("Checking property " + property.getName() + " for " + beanInfo.getName() + " type=" + property.getType().getName());
+            // Is this the value property?
+            XmlValue xmlValue = property.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlValue.class);
+            if (xmlValue != null)
+            {
+               if (trace)
+                  log.trace("Seen @XmlValue for type=" + beanInfo.getName() + " property=" + property.getName());
+               if (valueProperty != null)
+                  throw new RuntimeException("@XmlValue seen on two properties: " + property.getName() + " and " + valueProperty.getName());
+               valueProperty = property;
+            }
+            // Is this the wildcard property?
+            XmlAnyElement xmlAnyElement = property.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlAnyElement.class);
+            if (xmlAnyElement != null)
+            {
+               if (trace)
+                  log.trace("Seen @XmlAnyElement for type=" + beanInfo.getName() + " property=" + property.getName());
+               if (wildcardProperty != null && seenXmlAnyElement)
+                  throw new RuntimeException("@XmlAnyElement seen on two properties: " + property.getName() + " and " + wildcardProperty.getName());
+               wildcardProperty = property;
+               seenXmlAnyElement = true;
+            }
+            else if (!seenXmlAnyElement && wildcardProperty == null && property.getType().getName().equals(org.w3c.dom.Element.class.getName()))
+            {
+               if (trace)
+                  log.trace("Using type=" + beanInfo.getName() + " property=" + property.getName() + " as the base wildcard");
+               if (wildcardProperty != null)
+                  throw new RuntimeException("@XmlAnyElement seen on two properties: " + property.getName() + " and " + wildcardProperty.getName());
+               wildcardProperty = property;
+            }
+            // Is this an attribute
+            XmlAttribute xmlAttribute = property.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlAttribute.class);
+            if (xmlAttribute != null)
+            {
+               JBossXmlAttribute jbossXmlAttribute = property.getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlAttribute.class);
+               // Determine the name
+               QName qName = generateXmlName(property.getName(), attributeForm, xmlAttribute.namespace(), xmlAttribute.name());
+               // Resolve the type
+               TypeInfo attributeTypeInfo = property.getType();
+               if (jbossXmlAttribute != null && jbossXmlAttribute.type() != Object.class)
+                  attributeTypeInfo = attributeTypeInfo.getTypeInfoFactory().getTypeInfo(jbossXmlAttribute.type());
+               TypeBinding attributeType = resolveTypeBinding(attributeTypeInfo);
+               // Create the attribute handler
+               AttributeHandler attributeHandler = new PropertyHandler(property, attributeTypeInfo);
+               // Create the attributre and bind it to the type
+               AttributeBinding attribute = new AttributeBinding(schemaBinding, qName, attributeType, attributeHandler);
+               attribute.setRequired(xmlAttribute.required());
+               typeBinding.addAttribute(attribute);
+               if (trace)
+                  log.trace("Bound attribute " + qName + " type=" + beanInfo.getName() + " property=" + property.getName() + " propertyType=" + attributeTypeInfo);
+            }
+            // Are we determining the property order?
+            if (determinePropertyOrder)
+            {
+               // Value property
+               if (xmlValue != null)
+               {
+                  if (trace)
+                     log.trace("Ignore not element @XmlValue for type=" + beanInfo.getName() + " property=" + property.getName());
+                  pop();
+                  continue;
+               }
+               // Wildcard property
+               if (xmlAnyElement != null)
+               {
+                  if (trace)
+                     log.trace("Ignore not element @XmlAnyElement for type=" + beanInfo.getName() + " property=" + property.getName());
+                  pop();
+                  continue;
+               }
+               // Ignore xml attribute
+               if (xmlAttribute != null)
+               {
+                  if (trace)
+                     log.trace("Ignore not element @XmlAttribute for type=" + beanInfo.getName() + " property=" + property.getName());
+                  pop();
+                  continue;
+               }
+               // Ignore xml tranient
+               XmlTransient xmlTransient = property.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlTransient.class);
+               if (xmlTransient != null)
+               {
+                  if (trace)
+                     log.trace("Ignore not element @XmlTransient for type=" + beanInfo.getName() + " property=" + property.getName());
+                  pop();
+                  continue;
+               }
+               // Ignore the class property
+               String name = property.getName();
+               if ("class".equals(name))
+               {
+                  pop();
+                  continue;
+               }
+               if (noElements)
+               {
+                  pop();
+                  continue;
+               }
+               if (trace)
+                  log.trace("Element for type=" + beanInfo.getName() + " property=" + property.getName());
+               propertyNames.add(property.getName());
+            }
+            pop();
+         }
+         // Apply any access order
+         if (determinePropertyOrder)
+         {
+            if (accessOrder == XmlAccessOrder.ALPHABETICAL)
+               Collections.sort(propertyNames);
+            propertyOrder = propertyNames.toArray(new String[propertyNames.size()]);
+         }
+      }
+      // No value property, see if we have a default one
+      //if (valueProperty == null)
+      //{
+      //   try
+      //   {
+      //      valueProperty = beanInfo.getProperty("value");
+      //   }
+      //   catch (Exception ignored)
+      //   {
+            // Nope.
+      //   }
+      //}
+      // Bind the value
+      if (valueProperty != null)
+      {
+         CharactersHandler charactersHandler = new ValueHandler(valueProperty);
+         typeBinding.setSimpleType(charactersHandler);
+      }
+      else if (trace)
+         log.trace("No value for type=" + beanInfo.getName());
+      if (trace)
+         log.trace("PropertyOrder " + Arrays.asList(propertyOrder) + " for type=" + beanInfo.getName());
+      // Determine the model
+      // TODO simple types/content when no properties other than @XmlValue and @XmlAttribute
+      typeBinding.setSimple(false);
+      ModelGroupBinding model = null;
+      if (allBinding)
+      {
+         if (trace)
+            log.trace("AllBinding for type=" + beanInfo.getName());
+         model = new AllBinding(schemaBinding);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         if (trace)
+            log.trace("SequenceBinding for type=" + beanInfo.getName());
+         model = new SequenceBinding(schemaBinding);
+      }
+      model.setHandler(BuilderParticleHandler.INSTANCE);
+      ParticleBinding typeParticle = new ParticleBinding(model);
+      typeParticle.setMinOccurs(1);
+      typeParticle.setMaxOccurs(1);
+      typeBinding.setParticle(typeParticle);
+      if (typeInfo.isCollection())
+      {
+         TypeInfo memberBaseType = findComponentType(typeInfo);
+         JBossXmlModelGroup xmlModelGroup = ((ClassInfo) memberBaseType)
+               .getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlModelGroup.class);
+         if (xmlModelGroup != null && xmlModelGroup.particles().length > 0)
+         {
+            if (trace)
+               log.trace("Item base type for " + typeInfo.getName() + " is " + memberBaseType.getName()
+                     + " and bound to repeatable choice");
+            // it's choice by default based on the idea that the
+            // type parameter is a base class for items
+            ModelGroupBinding choiceGroup = null;
+            QName choiceName = null;
+            if(!JBossXmlConstants.DEFAULT.equals(xmlModelGroup.name()))
+            {
+               choiceName = new QName(defaultNamespace, xmlModelGroup.name());
+               choiceGroup = schemaBinding.getGroup(choiceName);
+            }
+            if(choiceGroup == null)
+            {
+               choiceGroup = new ChoiceBinding(schemaBinding);
+               choiceGroup.setHandler(BuilderParticleHandler.INSTANCE);
+               if (choiceName != null)
+               {
+                  choiceGroup.setQName(choiceName);
+                  schemaBinding.addGroup(choiceGroup.getQName(), choiceGroup);
+               }
+               ParticleBinding choiceParticle = new ParticleBinding(choiceGroup, 0, 1, true);
+               model.addParticle(choiceParticle);
+               for (JBossXmlModelGroup.Particle member : xmlModelGroup.particles())
+               {
+                  XmlElement element = member.element();
+                  QName memberQName = generateXmlName(element.name(), XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED, element.namespace(), null);
+                  TypeInfo memberTypeInfo = typeInfo.getTypeInfoFactory().getTypeInfo(member.type());
+                  boolean isCol = false;
+                  if (memberTypeInfo.isCollection())
+                  {
+                     memberTypeInfo = findComponentType((ClassInfo) memberTypeInfo);
+                     isCol = true;
+                  }
+                  TypeBinding memberTypeBinding = resolveTypeBinding(memberTypeInfo);
+                  ElementBinding memberElement = createElementBinding(memberTypeInfo, memberTypeBinding, memberQName, false);
+                  memberElement.setNillable(true);
+                  ParticleBinding memberParticle = new ParticleBinding(memberElement, 0, 1, isCol);
+                  choiceGroup.addParticle(memberParticle);
+                  typeBinding.pushInterceptor(memberQName, ChildCollectionInterceptor.SINGLETON);
+               }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               ParticleBinding choiceParticle = new ParticleBinding(choiceGroup, 0, 1, true);
+               model.addParticle(choiceParticle);
+            }
+            if (trace)
+               log.trace("choices for " + typeBinding.getQName() + ": " + choiceGroup.getParticles());
+         }
+      }
+      // Determine the wildcard handler
+      AbstractPropertyHandler wildcardHandler = null;
+      if (wildcardProperty != null)
+      {
+         TypeInfo wildcardType = wildcardProperty.getType();
+         if (wildcardType.isCollection())
+            wildcardHandler = new CollectionPropertyWildcardHandler(wildcardProperty, wildcardType);
+         else
+            wildcardHandler = new PropertyWildcardHandler(wildcardProperty, wildcardType);
+      }
+      // Look through the properties
+      for (String name : propertyOrder)
+      {
+         // Setup the error stack
+         push(typeInfo, name);
+         // Get the property
+         PropertyInfo property = beanInfo.getProperty(name);
+         bindProperty(property, typeBinding, model, beanAdapterFactory, propertyOrder);
+         pop();
+      }
+      // Bind the children
+      JBossXmlChild[] children = null;
+      JBossXmlChildren jbossXmlChildren = typeInfo.getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlChildren.class);
+      if (jbossXmlChildren != null)
+         children = jbossXmlChildren.value();
+      else
+      {
+         JBossXmlChild jbossXmlChild = typeInfo.getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlChild.class);
+         if (jbossXmlChild != null)
+            children = new JBossXmlChild[] { jbossXmlChild };
+      }
+      if (children != null && children.length > 0)
+      {
+         for (JBossXmlChild child : children)
+         {
+            QName qName = generateXmlName(child.name(), elementForm, child.namespace(), child.name());
+            TypeInfo childType = JBossXBBuilder.configuration.getTypeInfo(child.type());
+            TypeBinding elementTypeBinding = resolveTypeBinding(childType);
+            ElementBinding elementBinding = createElementBinding(childType, elementTypeBinding, qName, false);
+            // Bind it to the model
+            ParticleBinding particle = new ParticleBinding(elementBinding, child.minOccurs(), child.maxOccurs(), child.unbounded());
+            model.addParticle(particle);
+            DefaultElementInterceptor interceptor = null;
+            if (typeInfo.isCollection())
+               interceptor = ChildCollectionInterceptor.SINGLETON;
+            else
+            {
+               // Expect a type with a value property to accept the child value
+               PropertyInfo property = beanInfo.getProperty("value");
+               if (property == null)
+                  throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Expected a value property for non-collection type with JBossXmlChildren");
+               TypeInfo propertyType = property.getType();
+               interceptor = new PropertyInterceptor(property, propertyType);
+            }
+            typeBinding.pushInterceptor(qName, interceptor);
+            if (trace)
+               log.trace("Added interceptor " + qName + " for type=" + childType + " interceptor=" + interceptor);
+         }
+      }
+      // Bind the wildcard
+      if (wildcardProperty != null)
+      {
+         if (trace)
+            log.trace("Processing WildcardProperty for type=" + beanInfo.getName() + " property=" + wildcardProperty.getName());
+         ModelGroupBinding localModel = model;
+         TypeInfo wildcardType = wildcardProperty.getType();
+         TypeInfo type = wildcardType;
+         // Setup any new model and determine the wildcard type
+         if (wildcardType.isArray())
+         {
+            localModel = createArray(localModel);
+            type = ((ArrayInfo) wildcardType).getComponentType();
+            if (trace)
+               log.trace("Wildcard " + wildcardProperty.getName() + " is an array of type " + type.getName());
+         }
+         else if (wildcardType.isCollection())
+         {
+            localModel = createCollection(localModel);
+            type = findComponentType(wildcardProperty);
+            if (trace)
+               log.trace("Wildcard " + wildcardProperty.getName() + " is a collection of type " + type.getName());
+         }
+         XmlAnyElement xmlAnyElement = wildcardProperty.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlAnyElement.class);
+         boolean isLax = xmlAnyElement == null ? true : xmlAnyElement.lax();
+         WildcardBinding wildcard = new WildcardBinding(schemaBinding);
+         if (isLax)
+            wildcard.setProcessContents((short) 3); // Lax
+         else
+            wildcard.setProcessContents((short) 1); // Strict
+         // Dom element?
+         if (Element.class.getName().equals(type.getName()))
+         {
+            wildcard.setUnresolvedElementHandler(DOMHandler.INSTANCE);
+            wildcard.setUnresolvedCharactersHandler(DOMHandler.INSTANCE);
+         }
+         // Bind the particle to the model
+         ParticleBinding particleBinding = new ParticleBinding(wildcard);
+         particleBinding.setMinOccurs(0);
+         particleBinding.setMaxOccurs(1);
+         localModel.addParticle(particleBinding);
+         typeBinding.getWildcard().setWildcardHandler((ParticleHandler) wildcardHandler);
+         beanAdapterFactory.setWildcardHandler(wildcardHandler);
+      }
+      JBossXmlChildWildcard childWildcard = typeInfo.getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlChildWildcard.class);
+      if (childWildcard != null)
+      {
+         if (beanAdapterFactory.getWildcardHandler() != null)
+            throw new RuntimeException("Cannot have both @JBossXmlChildWildcard and @XmlAnyElement");
+         ParticleHandler childWildcardHandler = null;
+         if (typeInfo.isCollection())
+         {
+            if (childWildcard.wrapper() != Object.class)
+            {
+               BeanInfo wrapperInfo = JBossXBBuilder.configuration.getBeanInfo(childWildcard.wrapper());
+               childWildcardHandler = new ChildCollectionWildcardHandler(wrapperInfo, childWildcard.property());
+            }
+            else
+               childWildcardHandler = ChildCollectionWildcardHandler.SINGLETON;
+         }
+         else
+            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("TODO");
+         WildcardBinding wildcard = new WildcardBinding(schemaBinding);
+         if (childWildcard.lax())
+            wildcard.setProcessContents((short) 3); // Lax
+         else
+            wildcard.setProcessContents((short) 1); // Strict
+         ParticleBinding particleBinding = new ParticleBinding(wildcard);
+         particleBinding.setMinOccurs(0);
+         particleBinding.setMaxOccurs(1);
+         model.addParticle(particleBinding);
+         typeBinding.getWildcard().setWildcardHandler(childWildcardHandler);
+      }
+      if (trace)
+         log.trace("Created type=" + typeInfo.getName() + " typeBinding=" + typeBinding + " rootType=" + root);
+      // Register as root if required
+      if (root)
+         schemaBinding.addType(typeBinding);
+      else
+         typeBinding.setSchemaBinding(schemaBinding);
+      return typeBinding;
+   }
+   private void bindProperty(PropertyInfo property, TypeBinding typeBinding, ModelGroupBinding model,
+         BeanAdapterFactory beanAdapterFactory, String[] propertyOrder)
+   {
+      TypeInfo propertyType = property.getType();
+      if (trace)
+         log.trace("Processing type=" + property.getBeanInfo().getName() + " property=" + property.getName());
+      // This is illegal
+      XmlTransient xmlTransient = property.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlTransient.class);
+      if (xmlTransient != null && propertyOrder != null)
+         throw new RuntimeException("Property " + property.getName() + " in property order "
+               + Arrays.asList(propertyOrder) + " is marked @XmlTransient");
+      // The current model
+      ModelGroupBinding localModel = model;
+      // Setup any new model
+      if (propertyType.isArray())
+      {
+         if (trace)
+            log.trace("Property " + property.getName() + " is an array");
+         localModel = createArray(localModel);
+      }
+      else if (propertyType.isCollection())
+      {
+         if (trace)
+            log.trace("Property " + property.getName() + " is a collection");
+         localModel = createCollection(localModel);
+         JBossXmlCollection xmlCol = property.getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlCollection.class);
+         if (xmlCol != null)
+         {
+            // this is the type that should be analyzed
+            propertyType = propertyType.getTypeInfoFactory().getTypeInfo(xmlCol.type());
+         }
+      }
+      // Is this property bound to a model group
+      else if (!property.getType().isPrimitive())
+      {
+         ClassInfo propClassInfo = (ClassInfo) property.getType();
+         // TODO XmlElement on this property?..
+         XmlElement propXmlElement = property.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlElement.class);
+         if (propXmlElement != null)
+         {
+            propClassInfo = (ClassInfo) propClassInfo.getTypeInfoFactory().getTypeInfo(propXmlElement.type());
+         }
+         JBossXmlModelGroup xmlModelGroup = propClassInfo.getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlModelGroup.class);
+         if (xmlModelGroup != null && xmlModelGroup.particles().length == 0)
+         {
+            if (trace)
+               log.trace("Property " + property.getName() + " is bound to " + xmlModelGroup.kind());
+            ModelGroupBinding propertyGroup = null;
+            QName groupName = null;
+            if (!JBossXmlConstants.DEFAULT.equals(xmlModelGroup.name()))
+               groupName = new QName(xmlModelGroup.name());
+            if (groupName != null)
+               propertyGroup = schemaBinding.getGroup(groupName);
+            if (propertyGroup == null)
+            {
+               if (xmlModelGroup.kind().equals(JBossXmlConstants.MODEL_GROUP_SEQUENCE))
+               {
+                  propertyGroup = new SequenceBinding(schemaBinding);
+               }
+               else if (xmlModelGroup.kind().equals(JBossXmlConstants.MODEL_GROUP_CHOICE))
+               {
+                  propertyGroup = new ChoiceBinding(schemaBinding);
+               }
+               else if (xmlModelGroup.kind().equals(JBossXmlConstants.MODEL_GROUP_ALL))
+               {
+                  propertyGroup = new AllBinding(schemaBinding);
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                  throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected JBossXmlModelGroup.kind=" + xmlModelGroup.kind());
+               }
+               if (groupName != null)
+               {
+                  // TODO what if it doesn't have a name? should an artificial one be created?
+                  propertyGroup.setQName(groupName);
+                  schemaBinding.addGroup(propertyGroup.getQName(), propertyGroup);
+               }
+               propertyGroup.setSkip(Boolean.FALSE);
+               // handler for the model group members
+               BeanInfo propBeanInfo = JBossXBBuilder.configuration.getBeanInfo(propClassInfo);
+               BeanAdapterFactory propBeanAdapterFactory = null;
+               try
+               {
+                  // TODO this has to use its own adapter class and the factory method
+                  BeanInfo propBeanAdapterBuilderInfo = JBossXBBuilder.configuration
+                        .getBeanInfo(DefaultBeanAdapterBuilder.class);
+                  BeanAdapterBuilder propBeanAdapterBuilder = (BeanAdapterBuilder) propBeanAdapterBuilderInfo
+                        .newInstance();
+                  propBeanAdapterFactory = propBeanAdapterBuilder.newFactory(propBeanInfo, null);
+               }
+               catch (Throwable t)
+               {
+                  throw new RuntimeException("Error creating BeanAdapterFactory for "
+                        + DefaultBeanAdapterBuilder.class.getName(), t);
+               }
+               BeanHandler propHandler = new BeanHandler(propBeanInfo.getName(), propBeanAdapterFactory);
+               propertyGroup.setHandler(propHandler);
+               String[] memberOrder = xmlModelGroup.propOrder();
+               if (memberOrder.length == 0 || memberOrder[0].length() == 0)
+               {
+                  List<String> propNames = new ArrayList<String>();
+                  for (PropertyInfo prop : propBeanInfo.getProperties())
+                  {
+                     propNames.add(prop.getName());
+                  }
+                  memberOrder = propNames.toArray(new String[propNames.size()]);
+               }
+               if (trace)
+                  log.trace("Property order for " + xmlModelGroup.kind() + " property " + property.getName() + ": "
+                        + Arrays.asList(memberOrder));
+               // bind model group members
+               for (String memberPropName : memberOrder)
+               {
+                  if ("class".equals(memberPropName))
+                  {
+                     continue;
+                  }
+                  PropertyInfo memberProp = propBeanInfo.getProperty(memberPropName);
+                  TypeInfo memberTypeInfo = memberProp.getType();
+                  String memberNamespace = null;
+                  JBossXmlNsPrefix nsPrefix = memberProp.getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlNsPrefix.class);
+                  if (nsPrefix != null)
+                  {
+                     memberNamespace = schemaBinding.getNamespace(nsPrefix.prefix());
+                     if (memberNamespace == null && nsPrefix.schemaTargetIfNotMapped())
+                     {
+                        throw new IllegalStateException("Prefix '" + nsPrefix.prefix()
+                              + "' is not mapped to any namespace!");
+                     }
+                  }
+                  String memberName = null;
+                  XmlElement memberXmlElement = memberProp.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlElement.class);
+                  if (memberXmlElement != null)
+                  {
+                     if (!XmlElement.DEFAULT.class.equals(memberXmlElement.type()))
+                     {
+                        memberTypeInfo = memberTypeInfo.getTypeInfoFactory().getTypeInfo(memberXmlElement.type());
+                     }
+                     if (memberNamespace == null)
+                        memberNamespace = memberXmlElement.namespace();
+                     memberName = memberXmlElement.name();
+                  }
+                  if (memberNamespace == null)
+                  {
+                     memberNamespace = defaultNamespace;
+                  }
+                  boolean isCol = false;
+                  AbstractPropertyHandler memberPropertyHandler = null;
+                  if (memberProp.getType().isCollection())
+                  {
+                     memberPropertyHandler = new CollectionPropertyHandler(memberProp, memberProp.getType());
+                     isCol = true;
+                     // if memberXmlElement is present then the collection item type is set explicitly
+                     if (memberXmlElement == null || XmlElement.DEFAULT.class.equals(memberXmlElement.type()))
+                     {
+                        JBossXmlCollection jbossXmlCollection = memberProp
+                              .getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlCollection.class);
+                        if (jbossXmlCollection != null)
+                        {
+                           memberTypeInfo = memberTypeInfo.getTypeInfoFactory().getTypeInfo(jbossXmlCollection.type());
+                        }
+                        memberTypeInfo = findComponentType((ClassInfo) memberTypeInfo);
+                     }
+                  }
+                  // if it is bound with XmlElement.type to a collection
+                  else if (memberTypeInfo.isCollection())
+                  {
+                     memberPropertyHandler = new CollectionPropertyHandler(memberProp, memberTypeInfo);
+                     isCol = true;
+                     memberTypeInfo = findComponentType((ClassInfo) memberTypeInfo);
+                  }
+                  else
+                  {
+                     memberPropertyHandler = new PropertyHandler(memberProp, memberTypeInfo);
+                  }
+                  QName memberQName = generateXmlName(memberProp.getName(), elementForm, memberNamespace, memberName);
+                  propBeanAdapterFactory.addProperty(memberQName, memberPropertyHandler);
+                  XBValueAdapter valueAdapter = null;
+                  XmlJavaTypeAdapter xmlTypeAdapter = memberProp.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlJavaTypeAdapter.class);
+                  if (xmlTypeAdapter != null)
+                  {
+                     valueAdapter = new XBValueAdapter(xmlTypeAdapter.value(), memberTypeInfo.getTypeInfoFactory());
+                     memberTypeInfo = valueAdapter.getAdaptedTypeInfo();
+                  }
+                  TypeBinding memberTypeBinding = resolveTypeBinding(memberTypeInfo);
+                  ElementBinding memberElement = createElementBinding(memberTypeInfo, memberTypeBinding, memberQName,
+                        false);
+                  memberElement.setNillable(true);
+                  memberElement.setValueAdapter(valueAdapter);
+                  ParticleBinding memberParticle = new ParticleBinding(memberElement, 0, 1, isCol);
+                  propertyGroup.addParticle(memberParticle);
+                  if (trace)
+                     log.trace("added " + memberParticle + " to " + xmlModelGroup.kind() + ", property "
+                           + property.getName());
+               }
+            }
+            model.addParticle(new ParticleBinding(propertyGroup));
+            // model group value handler based on the model group name
+            // TODO what if it doesn't have a name?
+            AbstractPropertyHandler propertyHandler = null;
+            if (propertyType.isCollection())
+               propertyHandler = new CollectionPropertyHandler(property, propClassInfo);
+            else
+            {
+               propertyHandler = new PropertyHandler(property, propClassInfo);
+            }
+            beanAdapterFactory.addProperty(propertyGroup.getQName(), propertyHandler);
+            return;
+         }
+      }
+      // So this is element(s)
+      XmlElement[] elements = null;
+      XmlElement xmlElement = property.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlElement.class);
+      if (xmlElement != null)
+      {
+         // A single element annotated
+         elements = new XmlElement[]
+         {xmlElement};
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         // Mutlple elements
+         XmlElements xmlElements = property.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlElements.class);
+         if (xmlElements != null)
+            elements = xmlElements.value();
+      }
+      // A single element not annotated
+      if (elements == null || elements.length == 0)
+         elements = new XmlElement[1];
+      // for now support just one JBossXmlNsPrefix
+      JBossXmlNsPrefix xmlNsPrefix = property.getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlNsPrefix.class);
+      // support for @XmlElementWrapper
+      // the wrapping element is ignored in this case
+      XmlElementWrapper xmlWrapper = property.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlElementWrapper.class);
+      if (xmlWrapper != null)
+      {
+         String wrapperNamespace = xmlWrapper.namespace();
+         String wrapperName = xmlWrapper.name();
+         boolean wrapperNillable = xmlWrapper.nillable();
+         QName wrapperQName = generateXmlName(property.getName(), elementForm, wrapperNamespace, wrapperName);
+         TypeBinding wrapperType = new TypeBinding();
+         SequenceBinding seq = new SequenceBinding(schemaBinding);
+         seq.setHandler(BuilderParticleHandler.INSTANCE);
+         ParticleBinding particle = new ParticleBinding(seq);
+         wrapperType.setParticle(particle);
+         wrapperType.setHandler(new DefaultElementHandler());
+         ElementBinding wrapperElement = createElementBinding(propertyType, wrapperType, wrapperQName, false);
+         wrapperElement.setNillable(wrapperNillable);
+         wrapperElement.setSkip(Boolean.TRUE);
+         particle = new ParticleBinding(wrapperElement, 1, 1, false);
+         localModel.addParticle(particle);
+         localModel = seq;
+         if (trace)
+            log.trace("Added property " + wrapperQName + " for type=" + property.getBeanInfo().getName() + " property="
+                  + property.getName() + " as a wrapper element");
+      }
+      // Setup a choice
+      if (elements.length > 1)
+      {
+         ChoiceBinding choice = new ChoiceBinding(schemaBinding);
+         choice.setHandler(BuilderParticleHandler.INSTANCE);
+         ParticleBinding particleBinding = new ParticleBinding(choice);
+         particleBinding.setMinOccurs(0);
+         particleBinding.setMaxOccurs(1);
+         localModel.addParticle(particleBinding);
+         localModel = choice;
+         if (trace)
+            log.trace("XmlElements seen adding choice for type=" + property.getBeanInfo().getName() + " property="
+                  + property.getName());
+      }
+      for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i)
+      {
+         XmlElement element = elements[i];
+         if (trace)
+            log.trace("Processing " + element + " for type=" + property.getBeanInfo().getName() + " property="
+                  + property.getName());
+         // Determine the parameters
+         String overrideNamespace = null;
+         String overrideName = null;
+         boolean nillable = false;
+         boolean required = false;
+         TypeInfo localPropertyType = propertyType;
+         if (element != null)
+         {
+            overrideNamespace = element.namespace();
+            overrideName = element.name();
+            nillable = element.nillable();
+            required = element.required();
+            Class<?> elementType = element.type();
+            if (elementType != XmlElement.DEFAULT.class)
+               localPropertyType = propertyType.getTypeInfoFactory().getTypeInfo(elementType);
+         }
+         if (xmlNsPrefix != null)
+         {
+            overrideNamespace = schemaBinding.getNamespace(xmlNsPrefix.prefix());
+            if (overrideNamespace == null)
+            {
+               if (xmlNsPrefix.schemaTargetIfNotMapped())
+               {
+                  overrideNamespace = defaultNamespace;
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                  throw new IllegalStateException("Prefix '" + xmlNsPrefix.prefix()
+                        + "' is not mapped to any namespace!");
+               }
+            }
+         }
+         // Determine the name
+         QName qName = generateXmlName(property.getName(), elementForm, overrideNamespace, overrideName);
+         // Create the element
+         JBossXmlGroup jbossXmlGroup = null;
+         if (!propertyType.isPrimitive())
+            jbossXmlGroup = ((ClassInfo) propertyType).getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlGroup.class);
+         if (element == null && jbossXmlGroup != null)
+         {
+            if (trace)
+               log.trace("Processing group for property " + property.getName() + " in "
+                     + property.getBeanInfo().getName() + " " + jbossXmlGroup);
+            JBossXmlChild[] children = jbossXmlGroup.value();
+            if (children != null && children.length > 0)
+            {
+               TypeBinding elementTypeBinding = new TypeBinding();
+               elementTypeBinding.setSchemaBinding(schemaBinding);
+               elementTypeBinding.setHandler(BuilderParticleHandler.INSTANCE);
+               ElementBinding elementBinding = createElementBinding(localPropertyType, elementTypeBinding, qName, false);
+               // Bind it to the model
+               ParticleBinding particle = new ParticleBinding(elementBinding, 1, 1, false);
+               if (required == false)
+                  particle.setMinOccurs(0);
+               localModel.addParticle(particle);
+               // Can it take text?
+               JBossXmlGroupText groupText = ((ClassInfo) propertyType)
+                     .getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlGroupText.class);
+               if (groupText != null)
+               {
+                  CharactersHandler textHandler;
+                  if (groupText.wrapper() != Object.class)
+                  {
+                     BeanInfo wrapperInfo = JBossXBBuilder.configuration.getBeanInfo(groupText.wrapper());
+                     textHandler = new ValueHandler(property, wrapperInfo, groupText.property());
+                  }
+                  else
+                     textHandler = new ValueHandler(property);
+                  elementTypeBinding.setSimpleType(textHandler);
+               }
+               // Setup the child model
+               ChoiceBinding childModel = new ChoiceBinding(schemaBinding);
+               childModel.setHandler(BuilderParticleHandler.INSTANCE);
+               ParticleBinding particleBinding = new ParticleBinding(childModel);
+               particleBinding.setMinOccurs(0);
+               particleBinding.setMaxOccurs(1);
+               elementTypeBinding.setParticle(particleBinding);
+               for (JBossXmlChild child : children)
+               {
+                  QName childName = generateXmlName(child.name(), elementForm, child.namespace(), child.name());
+                  TypeInfo childType = JBossXBBuilder.configuration.getTypeInfo(child.type());
+                  TypeBinding childTypeBinding = resolveTypeBinding(childType);
+                  ElementBinding childBinding = createElementBinding(childType, childTypeBinding, childName, false);
+                  childBinding.setNillable(nillable);
+                  // Bind it to the model
+                  particle = new ParticleBinding(childBinding, child.minOccurs(), child.maxOccurs(), child.unbounded());
+                  particle.setMinOccurs(0);
+                  childModel.addParticle(particle);
+                  DefaultElementInterceptor interceptor = new PropertyInterceptor(property, propertyType);
+                  elementTypeBinding.pushInterceptor(childName, interceptor);
+                  if (trace)
+                     log.trace("Added interceptor " + childName + " for type=" + property.getBeanInfo().getName()
+                           + " property=" + property.getName() + " interceptor=" + interceptor);
+                  beanAdapterFactory.addProperty(qName, new NoopPropertyHandler(property, propertyType));
+                  JBossXmlGroupWildcard groupWildcard = ((ClassInfo) propertyType)
+                        .getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlGroupWildcard.class);
+                  if (groupWildcard != null)
+                  {
+                     ChildWildcardHandler groupWildcardHandler;
+                     if (groupWildcard.wrapper() != Object.class)
+                     {
+                        BeanInfo wrapperInfo = JBossXBBuilder.configuration.getBeanInfo(groupWildcard.wrapper());
+                        groupWildcardHandler = new ChildWildcardHandler(property, wrapperInfo, groupWildcard.property());
+                     }
+                     else
+                        groupWildcardHandler = new ChildWildcardHandler(property);
+                     WildcardBinding wildcard = new WildcardBinding(schemaBinding);
+                     if (groupWildcard.lax())
+                        wildcard.setProcessContents((short) 3); // Lax
+                     else
+                        wildcard.setProcessContents((short) 1); // Strict
+                     particleBinding = new ParticleBinding(wildcard);
+                     particleBinding.setMinOccurs(0);
+                     particleBinding.setMaxOccurs(1);
+                     childModel.addParticle(particleBinding);
+                     elementTypeBinding.getWildcard().setWildcardHandler(groupWildcardHandler);
+                  }
+               }
+            }
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            XBValueAdapter valueAdapter = null;
+            XmlJavaTypeAdapter xmlTypeAdapter = property.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlJavaTypeAdapter.class);
+            if (xmlTypeAdapter != null)
+            {
+               valueAdapter = new XBValueAdapter(xmlTypeAdapter.value(), propertyType.getTypeInfoFactory());
+               localPropertyType = valueAdapter.getAdaptedTypeInfo();
+            }
+            ModelGroupBinding targetGroup = localModel;
+            boolean isCol = false;
+            AbstractPropertyHandler propertyHandler = null;
+            // a collection may be bound as a value of a complex type
+            // and this is checked with the XmlType annotation
+            if (propertyType.isCollection()
+                  && ((ClassInfo) propertyType).getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlType.class) == null)
+            {
+               isCol = true;
+               propertyHandler = new CollectionPropertyHandler(property, propertyType);
+               ClassInfo typeArg = (ClassInfo) findComponentType(property);
+               //if (((ClassInfo) typeArg).getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlType.class) != null)
+               if (typeArg != null && typeArg.getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlModelGroup.class) == null)
+               {// it may be a model group in which case we don't want to change the type
+                  // TODO yes, this is another hack with collections
+                  JBossXmlChild xmlChild = ((ClassInfo) propertyType).getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlChild.class);
+                  if (xmlChild == null && localPropertyType.equals(propertyType))
+                  { // the localPropertyType was not overriden previously so use the collection parameter type
+                     localPropertyType = typeArg;
+                  }
+               }
+            }
+            // TODO this shouldn't be here (because localPropertyType should specify an item?)
+            // this is to support the Descriptions.class -> DescriptionsImpl.class
+            else if (localPropertyType.isCollection()
+                  && ((ClassInfo) localPropertyType).getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlType.class) == null)
+            {
+               Type parameterizedType;
+               if (valueAdapter != null)
+               {
+                  propertyHandler = new PropertyHandler(property, localPropertyType);
+                  parameterizedType = valueAdapter.getAdaptedType();
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                  propertyHandler = new CollectionPropertyHandler(property, localPropertyType);
+                  parameterizedType = localPropertyType.getType();
+               }
+               isCol = true;
+               localPropertyType = findActualType((ClassInfo) localPropertyType, parameterizedType,
+                     java.util.Collection.class, 0);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               propertyHandler = new PropertyHandler(property, localPropertyType);
+            }
+            ParticleBinding particle;
+            // DOM elements are going to be treated as unresolved
+            // however having the property registered
+            if (!Element.class.getName().equals(propertyType.getName()))
+            {
+               TypeBinding elementTypeBinding = resolveTypeBinding(localPropertyType);
+               ElementBinding elementBinding = createElementBinding(localPropertyType, elementTypeBinding, qName, false);
+               elementBinding.setNillable(nillable);
+               elementBinding.setValueAdapter(valueAdapter);
+               // Bind it to the model
+               particle = new ParticleBinding(elementBinding, 1, 1, isCol);
+               if (required == false)
+                  particle.setMinOccurs(0);
+               targetGroup.addParticle(particle);
+            }
+            beanAdapterFactory.addProperty(qName, propertyHandler);
+            if (trace)
+               log.trace("Added property " + qName + " for type=" + property.getBeanInfo().getName() + " property="
+                     + property.getName() + " handler=" + propertyHandler);
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   /**
+    * Create an array
+    * 
+    * @param localModel the current model
+    * @return the new local model
+    */
+   private ModelGroupBinding createArray(ModelGroupBinding localModel)
+   {
+      SequenceBinding sequenceBinding = new SequenceBinding(schemaBinding);
+      sequenceBinding.setHandler(BuilderParticleHandler.INSTANCE);
+      ArraySequenceBinding arraySequenceBinding = new ArraySequenceBinding(schemaBinding);
+      arraySequenceBinding.setHandler(BuilderParticleHandler.INSTANCE);
+      ParticleBinding particle = new ParticleBinding(sequenceBinding);
+      particle.setMinOccurs(0);
+      particle.setMaxOccursUnbounded(true);
+      arraySequenceBinding.addParticle(particle);
+      particle = new ParticleBinding(arraySequenceBinding);
+      localModel.addParticle(particle);
+      return sequenceBinding;
+   }
+   /**
+    * Create a collection
+    * 
+    * @param localModel the current model
+    * @return the new local model
+    */
+   private ModelGroupBinding createCollection(ModelGroupBinding localModel)
+   {
+      SequenceBinding sequenceBinding = new SequenceBinding(schemaBinding);
+      sequenceBinding.setHandler(BuilderParticleHandler.INSTANCE);
+      ParticleBinding particle = new ParticleBinding(sequenceBinding);
+      particle.setMinOccurs(0);
+      particle.setMaxOccursUnbounded(true);
+      localModel.addParticle(particle);
+      return sequenceBinding;
+   }
+   /**
+    * Add a namespace to the schema
+    * 
+    * @param namespace the namespace
+    * @param erase whether to erase if there was only the default namespace
+    */
+   @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+   private void addNamespace(String namespace, boolean erase)
+   {
+      Set<String> namespaces = schemaBinding.getNamespaces();
+      if (erase && namespaces.size() <= 1)
+         namespaces = new HashSet<String>(Collections.singleton(namespace));
+      namespaces.add(namespace);
+      schemaBinding.setNamespaces(namespaces);
+   }
+   /**
+    * Create a new xml name
+    * 
+    * @param typeInfo the type info
+    * @param form the namespace form
+    * @param namespace the override namespace
+    * @param name the override name
+    * @return the xml name
+    */
+   protected QName generateXmlName(TypeInfo typeInfo, XmlNsForm form, String namespace, String name)
+   {
+      return generateXmlName(typeInfo.getSimpleName(), form, namespace, name);
+   }
+   /**
+    * Create a new xml name
+    * 
+    * @param localName the raw local name
+    * @param form the namespace form
+    * @param namespace the override namespace
+    * @param name the override name
+    * @return the xml name
+    */
+   protected QName generateXmlName(String localName, XmlNsForm form, String namespace, String name)
+   {
+      String nsUri = XMLConstants.NULL_NS_URI;
+      if (form == XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED)
+         nsUri = defaultNamespace;
+      if (namespace != null && JBossXmlConstants.DEFAULT.equals(namespace) == false)
+         nsUri = namespace;
+      if (name != null && JBossXmlConstants.DEFAULT.equals(name) == false)
+         localName = name;
+      else
+         localName = JBossXBBuilder.generateXMLNameFromJavaName(localName, true, schemaBinding.isIgnoreLowLine());
+      return new QName(nsUri, localName);
+   }
+   private void push(TypeInfo typeInfo)
+   {
+      push(typeInfo, null);
+   }
+   private void push(TypeInfo typeInfo, String joinpoint)
+   {
+      locations.push(new Location(typeInfo, joinpoint));
+   }
+   private void pop()
+   {
+      locations.pop();
+   }
+   private RuntimeException rethrowWithLocation(Throwable t)
+   {
+      StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
+      message.append(t.getMessage());
+      message.append("\n");
+      while (locations.isEmpty() == false)
+      {
+         Location location = locations.pop();
+         location.append(message);
+         if (locations.isEmpty() == false)
+            message.append('\n');
+      }
+      throw new RuntimeException(message.toString(), t);
+   }
+   /** A location */
+   private class Location
+   {
+      /** The type info */
+      TypeInfo typeInfo;
+      /** The join point */
+      String joinpoint;
+      Location(TypeInfo typeInfo, String joinpoint)
+      {
+         this.typeInfo = typeInfo;
+         this.joinpoint = joinpoint;
+      }
+      public void append(StringBuilder builder)
+      {
+         builder.append("at ");
+         builder.append(typeInfo.getName());
+         if (joinpoint != null)
+            builder.append('.').append(joinpoint);
+      }
+   }
+   // the following is available in the latest org.jboss.reflect package
+   // but doesn't build at the moment...
+   private TypeInfo findComponentType(PropertyInfo prop)
+   {
+      return findActualType(prop, java.util.Collection.class, 0);
+   }
+   protected TypeInfo findComponentType(ClassInfo classInfo)
+   {
+      return findActualType(classInfo, classInfo.getType(), java.util.Collection.class, 0);
+   }
+   private TypeInfo findActualType(PropertyInfo property, Class reference, int parameter)
+   {
+      MethodInfo getter = property.getGetter();
+      if (getter == null)
+      {
+         throw new IllegalStateException("Expected a getter for " + property.getName() + " in " + property.getBeanInfo().getName());
+      }
+      Method m;
+      try
+      {
+         m = property.getBeanInfo().getClassInfo().getType().getMethod(getter.getName(), null);
+      }
+      catch (NoSuchMethodException e)
+      {
+         throw new IllegalStateException("Expected a getter for " + property.getName() + " in " + property.getBeanInfo().getName());
+      }
+      return findActualType((ClassInfo) property.getType(), m.getGenericReturnType(), reference, parameter);
+   }
+   protected TypeInfo findActualType(ClassInfo classInfo, Type genericType, Class reference, int parameter)
+   {
+      Type result = locateActualType(reference, parameter, classInfo.getType(), genericType);
+      if (result instanceof TypeVariable)
+      {
+         TypeVariable typeVariable = (TypeVariable) result;
+         result = typeVariable.getBounds()[0];
+      }
+      return classInfo.getTypeInfoFactory().getTypeInfo(result);
+   }
+   protected static Type locateActualType(Class reference, int parameter, Class clazz, Type type)
+   {
+      if (reference.equals(clazz))
+      {
+         if (type instanceof Class)
+         {
+            Class typeClass = (Class) type;
+            return typeClass.getTypeParameters()[parameter];
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            ParameterizedType parameterized = (ParameterizedType) type;
+            return parameterized.getActualTypeArguments()[parameter];
+         }
+      }
+      Type[] interfaces = clazz.getGenericInterfaces();
+      for (Type intf : interfaces)
+      {
+         Class interfaceClass;
+         if (intf instanceof Class)
+         {
+            interfaceClass = (Class) intf;
+         }
+         else if (intf instanceof ParameterizedType)
+         {
+            ParameterizedType interfaceType = (ParameterizedType) intf;
+            interfaceClass = (Class) interfaceType.getRawType();
+         }
+         else
+            throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected type " + intf.getClass());
+         Type result = null;
+         if (reference.isAssignableFrom(interfaceClass))
+         {
+            result = locateActualType(reference, parameter, interfaceClass, intf);
+            if (result instanceof TypeVariable)
+               result = getParameter(clazz, type, (TypeVariable) result);
+         }
+         if (result != null)
+            return result;
+      }
+      Class superClass = clazz.getSuperclass();
+      Type genericSuperClass = clazz.getGenericSuperclass();
+      Type result = locateActualType(reference, parameter, superClass, genericSuperClass);
+      if (result instanceof TypeVariable)
+         result = getParameter(clazz, type, (TypeVariable) result);
+      return result;
+   }
+   private static Type getParameter(Class clazz, Type type, TypeVariable variable)
+   {
+      TypeVariable[] variables = clazz.getTypeParameters();
+      for (int i = 0; i < variables.length; ++i)
+      {
+         if (variables[i].getName().equals(variable.getName()))
+         {
+            if (type instanceof ParameterizedType)
+            {
+               ParameterizedType parameterized = (ParameterizedType) type;
+               return parameterized.getActualTypeArguments()[i];
+            }
+            return variable;
+         }
+      }
+      // Not generic
+      return Object.class;
+   }
+   private static class XBValueAdapter implements ValueAdapter
+   {
+      private final XmlAdapter xmlAdapter;
+      private final TypeInfo adaptedTypeInfo;
+      private final Type adaptedType;
+      public XBValueAdapter(Class<? extends XmlAdapter> adapterImplClass, TypeInfoFactory factory)
+      {
+         try
+         {
+            this.xmlAdapter = adapterImplClass.newInstance();
+         }
+         catch (Exception e)
+         {
+            throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to create an instance of " + adapterImplClass.getName(), e);
+         }
+//         ClassInfo adapterImplInfo = (ClassInfo) factory.getTypeInfo(adapterImplClass);
+//         ClassInfo xmlAdapterInfo = adapterImplInfo.getGenericSuperclass();
+//         TypeInfo type = xmlAdapterInfo.getActualTypeArguments()[0];
+         adaptedType = ((ParameterizedType)adapterImplClass.getGenericSuperclass()).getActualTypeArguments()[0];
+         adaptedTypeInfo = factory.getTypeInfo(adaptedType);
+      }
+      public TypeInfo getAdaptedTypeInfo()
+      {
+         return adaptedTypeInfo;
+      }
+      public Type getAdaptedType()
+      {
+         return adaptedType;
+      }
+      public Object cast(Object o, Class c)
+      {
+         try
+         {
+            return xmlAdapter.unmarshal(o);
+         }
+         catch (Exception e)
+         {
+            throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to adapt value " + o + " to type " + c, e);
+         }
+      }
+   }

Deleted: jbossxb/tags/2.0.0.CR5/src/test/java/org/jboss/test/xb/builder/object/type/value/test/AbstractValueTest.java
--- jbossxb/trunk/src/test/java/org/jboss/test/xb/builder/object/type/value/test/AbstractValueTest.java	2007-11-12 16:11:21 UTC (rev 2674)
+++ jbossxb/tags/2.0.0.CR5/src/test/java/org/jboss/test/xb/builder/object/type/value/test/AbstractValueTest.java	2007-11-21 15:29:34 UTC (rev 2682)
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
-* Copyright 2006, JBoss Inc., and individual contributors as indicated
-* by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
-* full listing of individual contributors.
-* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
-* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
-* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-* Lesser General Public License for more details.
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-* License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
-* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-* 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
-package org.jboss.test.xb.builder.object.type.value.test;
-import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
-import org.jboss.test.xb.builder.AbstractBuilderTest;
-import org.jboss.test.xb.builder.object.type.value.support.SimpleValue;
-import org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.ElementBinding;
-import org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.SchemaBinding;
-import org.jboss.xb.builder.JBossXBBuilder;
- * AllUnitTestCase.
- *
- * @param <T> the simple value type
- * @author <a href="adrian at jboss.com">Adrian Brock</a>
- * @version $Revision: 1.1 $
- */
-public abstract class AbstractValueTest<T extends SimpleValue> extends AbstractBuilderTest
-   /** The root class */
-   private Class<T> root;
-   /** The expected value */
-   private Object expected;
-   public AbstractValueTest(String name, Class<T> root, Object expected)
-   {
-      super(name);
-      this.root = root;
-      this.expected = expected;
-   }
-   public void testUnmarshal() throws Exception
-   {
-      T result = unmarshalObject(root);
-      Object actual = result.getValue();
-      assertEquals(expected, actual);
-   }
-   public void testValueBinding() throws Exception
-   {
-      SchemaBinding schemaBinding = JBossXBBuilder.build(root);
-      assertNotNull(schemaBinding);
-      ElementBinding element = schemaBinding.getElement(new QName("integer-value"));
-      assertNotNull(element);
-      assertNotNull(element.getType().getSimpleType());
-   }

Copied: jbossxb/tags/2.0.0.CR5/src/test/java/org/jboss/test/xb/builder/object/type/value/test/AbstractValueTest.java (from rev 2680, jbossxb/trunk/src/test/java/org/jboss/test/xb/builder/object/type/value/test/AbstractValueTest.java)
--- jbossxb/tags/2.0.0.CR5/src/test/java/org/jboss/test/xb/builder/object/type/value/test/AbstractValueTest.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ jbossxb/tags/2.0.0.CR5/src/test/java/org/jboss/test/xb/builder/object/type/value/test/AbstractValueTest.java	2007-11-21 15:29:34 UTC (rev 2682)
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
+* Copyright 2006, JBoss Inc., and individual contributors as indicated
+* by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
+* full listing of individual contributors.
+* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
+* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+* License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
+* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+* 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
+package org.jboss.test.xb.builder.object.type.value.test;
+import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
+import org.jboss.test.xb.builder.AbstractBuilderTest;
+import org.jboss.test.xb.builder.object.type.value.support.SimpleValue;
+import org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.ElementBinding;
+import org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.SchemaBinding;
+import org.jboss.xb.builder.JBossXBBuilder;
+ * AllUnitTestCase.
+ *
+ * @param <T> the simple value type
+ * @author <a href="adrian at jboss.com">Adrian Brock</a>
+ * @version $Revision: 1.1 $
+ */
+public abstract class AbstractValueTest<T extends SimpleValue> extends AbstractBuilderTest
+   /** The root class */
+   private Class<T> root;
+   /** The expected value */
+   private Object expected;
+   private String valueElement;
+   public AbstractValueTest(String name, Class<T> root, Object expected, String valueElement)
+   {
+      super(name);
+      this.root = root;
+      this.expected = expected;
+      this.valueElement = valueElement;
+   }
+   public void testUnmarshal() throws Exception
+   {
+      T result = unmarshalObject(root);
+      Object actual = result.getValue();
+      assertEquals(expected, actual);
+   }
+   public void testValueBinding() throws Exception
+   {
+      SchemaBinding schemaBinding = JBossXBBuilder.build(root);
+      assertNotNull(schemaBinding);
+      ElementBinding element = schemaBinding.getElement(new QName(valueElement));
+      assertNotNull(element);
+      assertNotNull(element.getType().getSimpleType());
+   }

Deleted: jbossxb/tags/2.0.0.CR5/src/test/java/org/jboss/test/xb/builder/object/type/value/test/IntegerUnitTestCase.java
--- jbossxb/trunk/src/test/java/org/jboss/test/xb/builder/object/type/value/test/IntegerUnitTestCase.java	2007-11-12 16:11:21 UTC (rev 2674)
+++ jbossxb/tags/2.0.0.CR5/src/test/java/org/jboss/test/xb/builder/object/type/value/test/IntegerUnitTestCase.java	2007-11-21 15:29:34 UTC (rev 2682)
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
-* Copyright 2006, JBoss Inc., and individual contributors as indicated
-* by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
-* full listing of individual contributors.
-* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
-* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
-* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-* Lesser General Public License for more details.
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-* License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
-* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-* 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
-package org.jboss.test.xb.builder.object.type.value.test;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.jboss.test.xb.builder.object.type.value.support.IntegerValue;
- * IntegerUnitTestCase.
- * 
- * @author <a href="adrian at jboss.com">Adrian Brock</a>
- * @version $Revision: 1.1 $
- */
-public class IntegerUnitTestCase extends AbstractValueTest<IntegerValue>
-   public static Test suite()
-   {
-      return suite(IntegerUnitTestCase.class);
-   }
-   public IntegerUnitTestCase(String name)
-   {
-      super(name, IntegerValue.class, new Integer(4));
-   }

Copied: jbossxb/tags/2.0.0.CR5/src/test/java/org/jboss/test/xb/builder/object/type/value/test/IntegerUnitTestCase.java (from rev 2680, jbossxb/trunk/src/test/java/org/jboss/test/xb/builder/object/type/value/test/IntegerUnitTestCase.java)
--- jbossxb/tags/2.0.0.CR5/src/test/java/org/jboss/test/xb/builder/object/type/value/test/IntegerUnitTestCase.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ jbossxb/tags/2.0.0.CR5/src/test/java/org/jboss/test/xb/builder/object/type/value/test/IntegerUnitTestCase.java	2007-11-21 15:29:34 UTC (rev 2682)
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
+* Copyright 2006, JBoss Inc., and individual contributors as indicated
+* by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
+* full listing of individual contributors.
+* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
+* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+* License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
+* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+* 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
+package org.jboss.test.xb.builder.object.type.value.test;
+import junit.framework.Test;
+import org.jboss.test.xb.builder.object.type.value.support.IntegerValue;
+ * IntegerUnitTestCase.
+ * 
+ * @author <a href="adrian at jboss.com">Adrian Brock</a>
+ * @version $Revision: 1.1 $
+ */
+public class IntegerUnitTestCase extends AbstractValueTest<IntegerValue>
+   public static Test suite()
+   {
+      return suite(IntegerUnitTestCase.class);
+   }
+   public IntegerUnitTestCase(String name)
+   {
+      super(name, IntegerValue.class, new Integer(4), "integer-value");
+   }

Deleted: jbossxb/tags/2.0.0.CR5/src/test/java/org/jboss/test/xb/builder/object/type/value/test/StringUnitTestCase.java
--- jbossxb/trunk/src/test/java/org/jboss/test/xb/builder/object/type/value/test/StringUnitTestCase.java	2007-11-12 16:11:21 UTC (rev 2674)
+++ jbossxb/tags/2.0.0.CR5/src/test/java/org/jboss/test/xb/builder/object/type/value/test/StringUnitTestCase.java	2007-11-21 15:29:34 UTC (rev 2682)
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
-* Copyright 2006, JBoss Inc., and individual contributors as indicated
-* by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
-* full listing of individual contributors.
-* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
-* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
-* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-* Lesser General Public License for more details.
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-* License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
-* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-* 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
-package org.jboss.test.xb.builder.object.type.value.test;
-import org.jboss.test.xb.builder.object.type.value.support.StringValue;
-import junit.framework.Test;
- * StringUnitTestCase.
- * 
- * @author <a href="adrian at jboss.com">Adrian Brock</a>
- * @version $Revision: 1.1 $
- */
-public class StringUnitTestCase extends AbstractValueTest<StringValue>
-   public static Test suite()
-   {
-      return suite(StringUnitTestCase.class);
-   }
-   public StringUnitTestCase(String name)
-   {
-      super(name, StringValue.class, "Hello");
-   }

Copied: jbossxb/tags/2.0.0.CR5/src/test/java/org/jboss/test/xb/builder/object/type/value/test/StringUnitTestCase.java (from rev 2680, jbossxb/trunk/src/test/java/org/jboss/test/xb/builder/object/type/value/test/StringUnitTestCase.java)
--- jbossxb/tags/2.0.0.CR5/src/test/java/org/jboss/test/xb/builder/object/type/value/test/StringUnitTestCase.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ jbossxb/tags/2.0.0.CR5/src/test/java/org/jboss/test/xb/builder/object/type/value/test/StringUnitTestCase.java	2007-11-21 15:29:34 UTC (rev 2682)
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
+* Copyright 2006, JBoss Inc., and individual contributors as indicated
+* by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
+* full listing of individual contributors.
+* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
+* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+* License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
+* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+* 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
+package org.jboss.test.xb.builder.object.type.value.test;
+import org.jboss.test.xb.builder.object.type.value.support.StringValue;
+import junit.framework.Test;
+ * StringUnitTestCase.
+ * 
+ * @author <a href="adrian at jboss.com">Adrian Brock</a>
+ * @version $Revision: 1.1 $
+ */
+public class StringUnitTestCase extends AbstractValueTest<StringValue>
+   public static Test suite()
+   {
+      return suite(StringUnitTestCase.class);
+   }
+   public StringUnitTestCase(String name)
+   {
+      super(name, StringValue.class, "Hello", "string-value");
+   }

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