[jboss-svn-commits] JBL Code SVN: r22089 - labs/jbosstm/workspace/transactionalFileIO/trunk/src/org/jboss/jbossts/fileio/xalib/txfiles/locking.

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Fri Aug 29 09:00:30 EDT 2008

Author: ioannis.ganotis
Date: 2008-08-29 09:00:30 -0400 (Fri, 29 Aug 2008)
New Revision: 22089

Autoversioning commit:  a non-deltaV client made a change to

Deleted: labs/jbosstm/workspace/transactionalFileIO/trunk/src/org/jboss/jbossts/fileio/xalib/txfiles/locking/XALockManager.java
--- labs/jbosstm/workspace/transactionalFileIO/trunk/src/org/jboss/jbossts/fileio/xalib/txfiles/locking/XALockManager.java	2008-08-29 13:00:29 UTC (rev 22088)
+++ labs/jbosstm/workspace/transactionalFileIO/trunk/src/org/jboss/jbossts/fileio/xalib/txfiles/locking/XALockManager.java	2008-08-29 13:00:30 UTC (rev 22089)
@@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
- * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
- * Copyright 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors
- * as indicated by the @author tags.
- * See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a full listing
- * of individual contributors.
- * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
- * modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
- * of the GNU Lesser General Public License, v. 2.1.
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT A
- * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
- * PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License,
- * v.2.1 along with this distribution; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
- * MA  02110-1301, USA.
- *
- *  (C) 2008,
- *  @author Red Hat Middleware LLC.
- */
-package org.jboss.jbossts.fileio.xalib.txfiles.locking;
-import com.arjuna.ats.txoj.LockResult;
-import javax.transaction.xa.Xid;
-import java.io.*;
-import java.util.*;
-import org.jboss.jbossts.fileio.ObjectOutputStreamAppend;
-import org.jboss.jbossts.fileio.xalib.Globals;
- * This class is used to manage Locking on a {@link org.jboss.jbossts.fileio.xalib.txfiles.file.XAFile}. When methods
- * like read/write are invoked from within the <code>XAFile</code> class
- * locks are acquired automatically in read or write modes, respectively.
- * <p>
- * The class uses a list to maintain all the locks held by the VM. If
- * multiple VMs act on the same Transactional file simultaneously the
- * locks are kept in a file, so every VM is aware of which regions of the
- * file are locked. Processing a different <code>XAFile</code> will
- * produce another <em>lock file</em> containing the locked regions of
- * that Transactional file.
- * <p>
- * When a lock is acquired through the <code>tryLock</code> method, depending
- * on the outcome of the <code>manageLocks</code> a lock will either be
- * <em>GRANTED</em> or <em>REFUSED</em>. Internally, computations happen to
- * either add a new lock, update an existing one (by moving its bounds or
- * changing its access mode), or do nothing at all.
- *
- * @author Ioannis Ganotis
- * @version Jul 23, 2008
- */
-public class XALockManager implements Serializable
-  private String filename = Globals.LOCKS_FOLDER_PATH;
-  transient private LinkedList<XALock> heldLocks;
-  /**
-   * Constructor to create <code>XALockManager</code> objects. Using such
-   * an object <code>XAFile</code> can acquire read/write locks on specific
-   * regions of any Transactional file.
-   * <p>
-   * The constructor also invokes a method to get all the locks that have
-   * been held so far, before going any further.
-   *
-   * @param xaFilename the Transactional file on which to apply locks
-   */
-  public XALockManager(String xaFilename) {
-    filename += getProcessedName(xaFilename);
-    heldLocks = new LinkedList<XALock>();
-    try {
-      File f = new File(filename);
-      if (f.exists()) {
-        obtainHeldLocksWith(null);
-      }
-    } catch (IOException ioe) {
-      ioe.printStackTrace();
-    }
-  }
-  private String getProcessedName(String xaFilename) {
-    xaFilename = xaFilename.replace('/', '_');
-    xaFilename = xaFilename.replace('\\', '_');
-    return xaFilename.concat("_locks.log");
-  }
-  /**
-   * This method opens an existing <em>locks file</em> and retrieves its existing
-   * {@link XALock} objects. These objects now are kept in memory and can be used
-   * for further processing.
-   *
-   * @param xid the global Transaction id that was used when a lock was acquired.
-   *            if <code>xid</code> is <code>null</code> then all the locks that
-   *            are in a file will be returned.
-   * @return a list of {@link XALock} objects acquired by a Transaction with the
-   *         given <code>xid</code>. If <code>xid</code> is <code>null</code> then
-   *         all the locks that are stored in that file will be returned.
-   * @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs
-   */
-  public synchronized LinkedList<XALock> obtainHeldLocksWith(Xid xid) throws IOException {
-    File file = new File (filename);
-    if (file.exists()) {
-      FileInputStream fIn = new FileInputStream(filename);
-      ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(fIn);
-      boolean eof = false;
-      do {
-        try {
-          Object obj = in.readObject();
-          XALock xaLock = (XALock) obj;
-          if (xaLock.getXid() == xid || xid == null) {
-            insertLockAt(binarySearch(xaLock), xaLock);
-          }
-        } catch (EOFException eofe) {
-          eof = true;
-        } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
-          cnfe.printStackTrace();
-        }
-      } while (!eof);
-      in.close();
-      fIn.close();
-    }
-    return heldLocks;
-  }
-  /**
-   * The method is used to keep the memory locks synchronized
-   * with the ones that already exist in the file. Non existing
-   * ones will be just added to the <em>locks file</em>.
-   */
-  private synchronized void syncLocks() {
-    try {
-      FileOutputStream fOut = new FileOutputStream(filename);
-      ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(fOut);
-      for (XALock lock : heldLocks) {
-        out.writeObject(lock);
-      }
-      out.close();
-      fOut.close();
-    } catch (IOException ioe) {
-      ioe.printStackTrace();
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * This method tries to set a given <code>lock</code>. If the lock to
-   * be set is <code>null</code> the outcome is to <em>REFUSE</em> that
-   * lock. In other cases the lock is added, the <em>locks file</code>
-   * is synchronized, or both apply.
-   * @param lock the lock trying to set
-   * @return <code>LockResult.GRANTED</code> if the lock can be granted
-   *         or <code>LockResult.REFUSED</code> fail to grant the lock
-   *
-   * @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs while adding new locks
-   */
-  public synchronized int tryLock(XALock lock) throws IOException {
-    if (lock != null) {
-      int index = binarySearch(lock);
-      int vResult = manageLocks(index, lock);
-      if (vResult != Globals.REFUSE_LOCK) { // allowed to add the new lock
-        if (vResult == Globals.ADD_NEW_LOCK || vResult == Globals.MOVE_LOCK_BOUNDS) {
-          if (vResult == Globals.MOVE_LOCK_BOUNDS)
-                syncLocks();
-          insertLockAt(index, lock);
-          FileOutputStream fOut;
-          ObjectOutputStream out;
-          File lockFile = new File(filename);
-          if (lockFile.exists()) { // Append the file, write new locks at the end
-            fOut = new FileOutputStream(filename, true);
-            out = new ObjectOutputStreamAppend(fOut);
-          } else {
-            fOut = new FileOutputStream(filename);
-            out = new ObjectOutputStream(fOut);
-          }
-          out.writeObject(lock);
-          out.close();
-          fOut.close();
-        } else if (vResult == Globals.UPDATE_OLD_LOCK) {
-          syncLocks();
-        }
-        return LockResult.GRANTED;
-      }
-    }
-    return LockResult.REFUSED;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Searches the list of locks in memory to find at which index the
-   * <code>newLock</code> should be added. The list is sorted, so
-   * when finds the appropriate index, returns it.
-   *
-   * @param newLock the lock to add in the locks list
-   * @return an index at which the <code>newLock</code> is about to be added
-   */
-  private int binarySearch(XALock newLock) {  //todo fix comment
-    int mid;
-    int res = 0;
-    int low = 0;
-    int high = heldLocks.size() - 1;
-    while( low <= high )
-    {
-      mid = ( low + high ) / 2;
-      XALock curLock = heldLocks.get(mid);
-      int compRes = curLock.compareTo(newLock);
-      if( compRes > 0 ) {
-        low = mid + 1;
-        res = mid+1;
-      }
-      else if( compRes < 0 ) {
-        high = mid - 1;
-        res = mid;
-      }
-      else
-        return mid;
-    }
-    return res;     // NOT_FOUND = -1
-  }
-  /**
-   * Inserts the given <code>newLock</code> at the specified <code>index</code>.
-   *
-   * @param index the index to add the new lock
-   * @param newLock the lock to be added
-   */
-  private void insertLockAt(int index, XALock newLock) {
-    if (index >= 0) {
-      heldLocks.add(index, newLock);
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * The method takes the given <code>xaLock</code> and checks any of its
-   * existing neighbours. If any of the neighbours deny to add the new lock,
-   * it will be <em>REFUSED</em> from being added. Other possible cases is
-   * to return <code>Globals.UPDATE_OLD_LOCK</code>, <code>Globals.MOVE_LOCK_BOUNDS</code>,
-   * or <code>Globals.ADD_NEW_LOCK</code>.
-   * <p>
-   * If one of the neighbours is <code>null</code> the result of the other neighbour is
-   * returned instead. if both of them are <code>null</code> the method returns
-   * <code>Globals.ADD_NEW_LOCK</code>, as this means there are no neighbours and as
-   * a result there are no conflicts, so the new lock can be added safely.
-   *
-   * @param it the index at which the lock will be added. Before adding the lock this index
-   *           points to the right neighbour, or to a <code>null</code> cell, if the
-   *           neighbour does not exist.
-   * @param xaLock the lock trying to add
-   * @return returns <code>Globals.ADD_NEW_LOCK</code>, <code>Globals.UPDATE_OLD_LOCK</code>,
-   *                 <code>Globals.MOVE_LOCK_BOUNDS</code>, or <code>Globals.REFUSE_LOCK</code>
-   *                 depending on the result of computations.
-   */
-  private int manageLocks(int it, XALock xaLock) {
-    if (xaLock.getXid() != null) {
-      XALock leftLock  = null;
-      XALock rightLock = null;
-      if (it > 0)
-        leftLock = heldLocks.get(it-1);
-      if (it < heldLocks.size())
-        rightLock = heldLocks.get(it);
-      if (leftLock != null && rightLock != null) {
-        int leftResult = xaLock.adjustWith(leftLock);
-        int rightResult = xaLock.adjustWith(rightLock);
-        if (leftResult == Globals.REFUSE_LOCK || rightResult == Globals.REFUSE_LOCK)
-          return Globals.REFUSE_LOCK;
-        else {
-          if (leftResult == Globals.MOVE_LOCK_BOUNDS || rightResult == Globals.MOVE_LOCK_BOUNDS) {
-            return Globals.MOVE_LOCK_BOUNDS;
-          } else if (leftResult == Globals.UPDATE_OLD_LOCK || rightResult == Globals.UPDATE_OLD_LOCK) {
-            return Globals.UPDATE_OLD_LOCK;
-          } else if (leftResult == Globals.ADD_NEW_LOCK || rightResult == Globals.ADD_NEW_LOCK) {
-            return Globals.ADD_NEW_LOCK;
-          }
-        }
-      } else
-      {
-        if (leftLock == null && rightLock == null) {
-          return Globals.ADD_NEW_LOCK;
-        } else if (leftLock == null) {
-          return xaLock.adjustWith(rightLock);
-        } else {
-          return xaLock.adjustWith(leftLock);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return Globals.REFUSE_LOCK;
-  }
-  /**
-   * This method releases all the locks that have been held by
-   * a Transaction with the given <code>xid</code>.
-   * <p>
-   * The method removes existing locks from the memory and then
-   * synchronizes the <em>locks file</em>.
-   *
-   * @param xid the global Transaction id which was used for
-   *            the locks trying to release
-   */
-  public void releaseLocks(Xid xid) {
-    XALock[] locks = new XALock[heldLocks.size()];
-    heldLocks.toArray(locks);
-    for (XALock lock : locks) {
-      if (lock.getXid() == xid) {
-        heldLocks.remove(lock);
-      }
-    }
-    syncLocks();
-//    System.out.println("--- Locks participating in transaction with xid=" + xid +
-//        " have been released!");
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns a list with all the held locks.
-   * @return a list with all the held locks
-   */
-  public LinkedList<XALock> getHeldLocks() {
-    return heldLocks;
-  }
-  /**
-   * This method deletes the <em>locks file</em> and
-   * is called by the <code>XAFile#close</code>, as it
-   * is no more needed.
-   */
-  public void deleteFile() {
-    File f = new File(filename);
-    if (f.exists())
-      f.delete();
-  }

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